so this is known as missing someone

@adz333 (176)
December 7, 2009 1:22am CST
I think I did a grave mistake in my life.I fell in love with my friend who i used to trust so much,belive so much,told her all my feelings and dreams and she did reiprocate.I thought it will never happen with us.but I dont know how I fell in love wit her.But it did happen.I kepy it inside me for a long ime and when I thought i couldn't take it anymore.I told her my feelings.I knew the risk I was taking.But I did tell her about it.But everything went bad after that she rejected but not whole heartdly.she did it for her family.But after that we haven't been able to talk properly and I really do miss her .But it's this bloody ego that we have.We haven't met sine then.I want her in my life.I really do.Please please please someone help.I can't take the pain.
3 responses
• China
8 Dec 09
there is a song so called the no u these days,i feel the loneliness.the miss someone is a sick,you must learn to deal with it,such as to play basketball ,sing a active song i hope that u will be well,my friend
@adz333 (176)
• India
9 Dec 09
Ya,am doing all I can to keep her out of my mind.Playing games,going out with other friends and anything and everything.Well am recovering thanks to you guys in mylot.I should have posted this discussion earlier.Keep posting.Happy mylotting Between what was the title of the song.:P
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Dec 09
Yes, you can take the pain. Shove it aside like a bad cut and go on with your life, that's what we have to do. Tell her you are sorry and want to be friends if you can't be happy without her, then pretend you never said that. But I think you need to get out and meet more women because there is someone out there, somewhere, who is right for you. If this woman rejects you because of her family, she doesn't feel for you in a way you deserve for a mate. Her feelings for you are shoved behind those for her family and other friends, you come last in her heart. Is this what you want? I think not. She does not deserve your love so go find someone else. It's not easy and sure, it is painful, but you needed this to take your focus off someone that isn't worthy of you.
@adz333 (176)
• India
8 Dec 09
Hi,can I know your real name,because that was amazing.It was really good and made me really feel good.But I would like to say something.She ain't that bad as you thing.I was there on her priority list,before her family and other friends.But then few months ago her father passed away and from then on everything went bad.She was really miserable and her mom too.Her mom had to take care of the family all alone and the real problem is she is Christian and am Hindu.Her mother won't accept anyone for her other that a pure Christian.In India,particularly the place where I stay,we give our parents much control of our life.It's like to a sin to go against the will of our parents.So she had to do it. But again that was really good piece of advice.Well let me search for someone who doesnt have any problem with me.:)..Thanks again.Keep posting.
• China
8 Dec 09
Hi, adz333 Sorry about that. That's really bad feeling, I know she means a lot to you, and she is very important to you, I think you can tell her your feelings, and tell her how important is she in your life, and tell her the pain you are take now, if she really care about you, she can understand you, and don't want to hurt you, and lose you. Emotion is really complicated.