When does your "going out clothes" become "yard clothes"

@ronnyb (6113)
December 7, 2009 12:20pm CST
Now most persons have "going out clothes",clothes that wear when you are going out separate from clothes that you wear in your yard,"yard clothes".Sometimes however your "going out clothes" gets incorporated in the "yard clothes" section,when does this happen for you.Is it when you are tired of wearing them ,or do they have to be damaged or is it when its out of style. I would love for you to tell if and when your "dressing " clothes become home clothes and any stories would be invaluable as well.Thanks in advance
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24 responses
• United States
7 Dec 09
I don't have a yard but I do have staying in clothes and going out clothes. My going out clotes become staying in clothes when they get either too big or too worn for me to wear out and feel comfortable.
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@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
8 Dec 09
For me, my going out cloth is much more than the staying in clothes. And what I do is I seldom buy stay at home clothes. When my going out cloth is too old or out of fashion, then they will become home wear. so I don't shop for staying in clothes that much.
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• United States
8 Dec 09
My dress clothes become yard/work around the house clothes once they are damaged. They can have a stain or be worn out at that point they become the clothes that you don't care how dirty they get. I even have a shirt that is my painting and dying shirt for when I color my hair. No sense in ruining a good one. Once I can no longer use them to wear, depending if cotton or not and condition I may even cut them up and use as car rags. Firm believer in recycling here. waste not want not
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@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
8 Dec 09
I usually wear sarongs. Most i would wear anywhere i need to go. I have some really extra nice one that i wear on special occasions. They are ones with sequences or some that are made of silk. I never get tired of them.
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
8 Dec 09
I almost forgot to mention my reggae sarongs for going to concerts. Sometimes i will wear them at other times.
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
my "going out" clothes becomes my "yard clothes" when they get too faded or uncomfortable to use as going out clothes.
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• United States
18 Jan 10
I usually keep nice clothes for at least a year before they are my "yard" clothes.
@poingly (605)
• United States
8 Dec 09
I almost have no clothes that I wear around the house that I don't wear going out! Maybe this is because I don't have a yard! I don't think I have ever made a distinction, though maybe I am just a scrub?
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
8 Dec 09
My going out clothes become yard clothes when they become faded. I also make the yard clothes when they get holes in them or become worn thin or stained also. I make them yard clothes if I buy new ones also to replace them.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
15 Dec 09
I find that i have dress up clothes, work clothes, and at home clothes. My dressup clothing never becomes work or at home clothing they are too dressy even if stained or ripped to be comfy in on a regular basis. Work clothes become home clothes when they get too stained or ripped to be out in public...so long as they are comfy enough to do yard work in or bum around the house.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
8 Dec 09
I do convert going out garments into stay at home outfits when they are old, faded or stained but I have gone out and bought clothes for staying in consisting mainly of t shirts and track pants; the reason I did that is so that I have something decent to wear to take my little one to school and still wear around the house when I get home. Some of my stay at home combinations are pretty bad and my daughter would be embarrassed if I wore them to take her to school which is a shame because my holey track pants are the most comfortable!
@Khushi309 (139)
• India
8 Dec 09
my going-out clothes become home-clothes either after i have worn them a fair few times, or when they are dulled a bit, or when i get tired of wearing them. depends on the fabric and also the style... sometimes it also happens that my yard-clothes, if they were in the closet for a long time, and i see them after a big break and i feel, 'hey i like this'... then that becomes a part of my going-out clothes too, but its rare...
• India
28 Dec 09
Hello my friend ronnyb Ji, My cloths would be worn by me till they good look of me . In case of my hubby, he will use till lasts. Still, he is wearing a pant, stitched some 20 yrs back. He never puts them into yard. He lovesthem so long they can be made use of them. Wishing you a very happy Chrismas and New Year-2010. May God bless You and have a great time.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
8 Dec 09
hi there, i do that when they get old, my jeans some of them i have used so much that they get worn out a little, well most of the those old going out clothes which fade with usage, such clothes i wear in my home.. well it's festive season why not buy some new ones and hehe declare some of the older ones as yard clothes LOL.
@rleankus (113)
• India
8 Dec 09
There is no definite time when my going out clothes becomes my Yard clothes.I dont buy yard clothes.when the going out clothes go out of fashion or when they become to comfortable that I don't feel like taking them off when I come back from outside they become my yard clothes.
@jaya999 (23)
• India
8 Dec 09
Hello Ronny. Yes its easy to keep your "going out clothes" and "yard clothes" seperate. What i do is when i get new clothes i keep the similar but old ones as YARD. sometimes you buy something, you wear that, people comment on you saying it does not suit you, or the colour does'nt suit your skin, ofcourse you will not wear that again & again, this goes to YARD now. This is when i mix my NEW colther with the home or YARD clothes. I am too excited to try new colours & styles but somethimes they dont suit you, or you parents or friends dont like them here they go again to "YARD CLOTHES". That is my way of keeping them seperate.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
7 Dec 09
Hi, ronnyb. When I am at home I will wear old clothes that look suitable to wear. When I am out in the yard, I will wear old clothes again. I won't wear my good clothes out the door. I would not want them to get dirty or damaged. And when I am at home cooking or cleaning, I will not wear good clothes either. All my good clothes are for wearing out only. Now I may have a pair of pants that I will wear around the house and out just as long as the pants are in good condition. I used to stay with my husband's cousin and she used to come home from work cooking in her clothes that she wore from work. I can't see how she can do this. I would be concerned about my clothes getting grease or food on them.
• China
8 Dec 09
Hi, that's an interesting discussion Many of my going out clothes become my yard colthes, when I got a new clothe, I love it so much, but when after a year, it wasn't new anymore, and it out of style, I don't like it any more, so it will become a yard clothe, sometimes the clothe is not very good quality, so the color is not as good as when I got it, it would become my yard colthes.
• United States
8 Dec 09
Lately, the line between my "going out clothes" and my "yard/staying in clothes" is becoming more and more blurry. I haven't shopped for clothes in forever! Since I usually demote my clothes when they become impossibly stained, torn, or otherwise worn-out, the number of items I can wear out in public is quickly dwindling! Luckily, I'm not out in public very often, about 4 days a week, so I only really need a few changes of decent-looking clothes. Not-so-luckily, I noticed about a week ago that I'm down to three pairs of pants in good enough shape to wear in public, so it is time to go shopping. :( I should get my first MyLot payout this month, so guess where it's probably going!
@jndlponti (2402)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
Hi ronnyb... yes I do have separate "going out clothes" and the clotes that I would wear if I am just at home. But if that going out clothes started to fade its color or it has a little damage or it became too big or too small for me already that is the time I consider it as one of that clothes that I would just wear at home. If they are those clothes that could not be worn on a regular day I will give it to somebody else who could use it.
@snafushe (791)
• Canada
8 Dec 09
I can't say many of my going out clothes become yard clothes as their usually made out fabric not warm enough to be worn outside and just not the kind of material no matter how worse for wear is going to do for yard work. Sometimes though I will end up wearing a pair of jeans I used to love for nights out or a sweater, it's usually when there all faded, ripped, stretched, stained, etc.. I usually have a bag of casual clothes for yard work though.
• China
8 Dec 09
the oid clothes? i know i am super poor i cherish my clothes i actually didn't some clothes