Have the rules changed?

@ersmommy1 (12588)
United States
December 7, 2009 3:33pm CST
It used to be that when you reached a "certain age" a woman usually cut her hair much shorter. Now that doesn't seem to be the case. Now it may be that a different style is worn. But long is still a preference. At what age do you think short is a good idea?
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6 responses
• United States
8 Dec 09
I believe that long hair in a young woman signifies health. Long flowing hair can also catch a man's eye. Hair is often styled and implies a woman who takes pride in her appearance. All these signs seems to be indicators for attracting and securing a love-interest because many of the signs which seem 'attractive' to men are also indicators of fertility and health. (Like curves.) When a woman has married and has children of her own, she will have her hair pulled more often. She has less time in the morning to devote to grooming or styling. As such, the hair becomes more of a burden and less of a necessary task. It becomes, therefore, less important to be maintained in a "long" style. When one makes the transition from long to short hair would probably be a matter of personal taste. I would expect women who have nannies and maids to keep their hair long for a longer period of time.
• India
8 Dec 09
Why does an older woman need to cut her hair short. Strange rule.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
8 Dec 09
I think most older women still keep their hair short, but it's not as unusual to see one with long hair any more. I have long hair (I'm "elderly"!) but keep it back in a pony tail or a bun most of the time. I've seen older women with long hair that looks good and some that don't, but in the end, it doesn't matter what looks good to me or you, what matters is how comfortable a woman is with her hair, either long or short.
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
7 Dec 09
I don't think many people follow that idea these days. I think it all depends on what looks good on you and what you feel comfortable with. I like mine above the shoulders these days. Mostly because I can just wash and go. I used to always have long hair but put it up most of the time...so I just cut it short. I've grown it out many times but usually chop it all off in the summer. I think that when you can no longer take care of your own hair then short is best. It makes it easier on the person that helps care for you. Other than that...anything goes. Blessed be, Mari
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
8 Dec 09
I have had my hair short for a few years now but I am trying to let it grow back out again. I think if I ever start to gray though, I will keep it cut short all of the time. I think it would look better short if graying.
@RyanneD (186)
• United States
7 Dec 09
I don't think it matters what your age is. I think it just depends on what works best for you. Some face shapes look best when the hair is cut shorter while others look best with longer hair. Also, I think it depends on how much time you have to maintain a hair style. There are some longer hair styles that are "wash and wear", meaning you can just get out of the shower and let it air dry and you're ready to go. There are also shorter hair styles like that. I've actually never heard that once you reach a certain age you're more likely to get your hair cut shorter. I'm 24 right now and my hair is a little shorter than shoulder length. Shorter hair just works for me. It looks healthier when it's shorter and it's easier to care for. Do what works for you! :-)