Harry Reid: If you oppose this bill you support slavery and segregation
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
December 7, 2009 6:48pm CST
Harry Reid continues the trend of democrats demonizing anyone who opposes their 2000+ page piece of garbage that masquerades as a healthcare bill. He's saying that Republicans are behaving exactly the same way as people who supported slavery, opposed women's suffrage, and opposed the Civil Rights act of 1957.
The most amusing part is that DEMOCRATS supported slavery and opposed both women's suffrage and the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Republicans were the ones who ended slavery and have been fighting for equal right throughout all these issues. It's a pity Sen. Reid is too stupid to realize that his party has been on the wrong side of history, and he's just continuing the trend.
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11 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Dec 09
When they run out of valid points in an argument, they can only resort to accusation and insult. The left has done this over and over during the debate on health care reform. They've insulted the grassroots protesters at Town Halls, the Tea Party movement and they will insult anyone who opposes them or asks the tough questions.
Reid isn't going to win friends and influence people with this inflammatory rhetoric because too many of the American people also oppose this government health care plan and he is insulting every single one of them, not just those who are Republican.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
8 Dec 09
The leftist democrats have very little desire or ability to have an intellectual debate. They do not like to be bothered with the facts. Rather they determine the desired outcome, and then create (fabricate if necessary) message points that support that outcome. Once the message points are established, they get all their people (including most media) to just keep repeating them.
The party that is forever trying to label Christian standards as 'hate speech' and 'hate crime' are themselves immersed in hateful speech and strategy every day.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
8 Dec 09
Wow, my collection is really starting to add up. I was going to post a discusion on this one, but ya beat me to it. So herre we are at a nother great moment in congressional facepalm history. I think I am going to start a special interest section for this, it has grown and becomming frequent enough to get it's own section, so I am creating one. Be sure to look for it shortly.
As to this specific event. Reid is desperate. He is watching this whole bill crash in flames and he is desperate. Anyone who thinks congress is interested in "fixxing healthcare" is deluding themselves. this isn't at all about fixxing healthcare, it's about controlling people and consolidating and growing government control and power over us. don't fall for it people, don't fall for it.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
8 Dec 09
Taskr36 -
You are certainly correct! The norm for democrats is to attack anyone who disagrees with their leftist agenda. The Progressives are on a fast track to tear down the USA. Although the democrats have duped many minorities into thinking their only hope is in the democrats, the democrats are forever playing them like fools and manipulating others with the race card.
My next comment is going to hurt, but it is no worse than what Dirty Harry is saying:
If in fact voting down this socialized government monopoly on health care is equivalent to supporting slavery; then I guess slavery is coming back. Most of the efforts by Obama Hussein and his cronies have been unethical, inexcusable and anti-American. Impeach Obama and tear these people down!
@poingly (605)
• United States
8 Dec 09
The norm is actually for ANYONE to attack someone who disagrees with their agenda. You are manipulating a simple fact of life to your advantage and then present it as an argument against a particular side. This is a flaw in your logic. Though that doesn't make Reid's logic correct though--it just makes yours wrong. Just sayin'.
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
8 Dec 09
I keep reading these things on both sides of the fence that have nothing to do with the bill. Like the others who compare the bill to Nazi Germany policies. These kinds of things add nothing to the debate. It's just bickering.
At the time of the Civil War, most southerners were Democrats. And yes, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican who was very much against slavery, which was why he joined the party. This was the environment in 1860.
I could find no support for women's suffrage from neither Democrats nor Republicans. That credit goes to the Progressive/Bull Moose party.
As for civil rights, here's one link with lots of comments:
Other sites are taking too long to load for me to judge them since it is now late at night. Maybe I'll try tomorrow.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Dec 09
Well the site you linked to is a liberal blog which just tries to make republicans look bad. It's no surprise that they'd go to such lengths to take credit away from the republicans who spearheaded civil rights. Also, it specifically focuses on the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts in the 60's, while completely ignored the Civil Rights Act of 1957 which started it and was heavily opposed by democrats.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
8 Dec 09
He is counting on the fact that most americans do not remember history. It was the DEMOCRATS that were FOR slavery. THey were against women's sufferage big time and the Civil Rights Act of 1957. All those things were done dispite them...not because of them.
But he figures if he repeats those lies often enough poeple will believe it is true.
It makes me laugh. But hten I know better and know the real history of both parties.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Dec 09
The reform party screwed up by getting into social issues. The big appeal of Perot and the reform party was that they focused on the economy and getting the government on the right track fiscally and constitutionally. When they nominated Buchanan in 2000 they lost that as Buchanan campaigns largely on Christian values. Then they did a full 180 by nominating Nader in 2004.
It's a bit depressing since, if you look at their official website, they still list the platform that Perot campaigned on. Their candidates just don't seem to embrace it.
@poingly (605)
• United States
8 Dec 09
The Reform Party had drastically different views from 1996 to 2004, are we really expected to believe that Republicans and Democrats have remained constant for over 100 years? As much as you may not like it, both parties are relatively centered, and that center always moves a little bit to the left over time.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
8 Dec 09
The fact I was making was that Reid and others are trying to change history. Neither party believes in slavery anymore. Neither party is against women's sufferage or civil rights. NOW.
But Reid and others make it sound like it was the democratic party that was against those things back then and fought to change it. Which is either one of two things....a right out lie or he does not know his history.
I will go with the right out lie.
And saything that if you don't support this bill than you believe in slavery or are against women's right or civil rights is stupid and completely wrong.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
8 Dec 09
Reid is just a typical Liberal and a steaming pile of dog-dirt who should be kicked at every opportunity.... just like the rest of the Liberals.
Anyone who has been keeping track of this bogus healthcare reform knows that it will do nothing to make health insurance cheaper or improve the quality of healthcare in America... in fact it will have the opposite effect.
The Socialist democrats have been trying to get government healthcare passed for 60+ years, and the reason is to control everyone, and not because they want to make healthcare better.
It is all about power and control... which is what socialism is all about.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
8 Dec 09
What we're witnessing now with both politicians and seemingly unmoved masses marching in step with their demands may seem like a sudden and blatant smack in the face to America and its history and defnitely its future. A lot of us non-progressive-thinking individuals cannot believe the arrogance and ignorance and selective context and gross misrepresentation coming from the left. But it's been YEARS in the making. We all know this. Even the diehard leftists know this -- and they love every second of it.
When Reid opens his trap and blurts out something like this, the wheels get to turning in my head and I can just picture the decades it has taken to completely blind the American public from not only the truth, but even the passion of wanting to know the truth! We're a people far too willing to believe the hyperbole, by and large, simply because we've been taught that this is what to believe.
The liberals completely misrepresent their position in America. Speaking of politicians and the like only, it's amazing that they can so easily blame a "side" and get away with it. And Reid's not an idiot for saying this. He knows the truth. Hell, he was alive as it was going down. His aim--and it's not that "hidden" conspiracy; it's an upfront tactic--is simply to misdirect with these bold accusations that, try as we might to insist people learn the truth, most will take at face value, point and say, "That's right, righties! You're all redneck racists!"
It's as scary as it is brilliant, really. By turning minorities into victims and placating and patronizing and treating them as basically unworthy Americans, the uber-left has been able to put every non-white, non-Christian cause under its wing and create a movement by frustrating some and making others feel guilty.
They take away truth from the public and replace it with watered-down fiction. They take away personal responsibility and replace it with "atta boy" pats on the back and tales of how it isn't the fault of the person but that of the system. They've decidedly convinced people, beyond all reason, that they need government to do for them because they cannot do for themselves.
And this is what we're left with. All the people in America that are about REAL equality--which is, like it or not, lefties, about personal responsibility and succeeding on your merit--are marginalized and given fictional roles to play. And the more regular people try to fight back, the tighter the choker gets.
The left has run wild with PC culture and invented new standards of judgment and new versions of history solely for this purpose. They've been decades winning the hearts and minds of the same people they don't think matter past being able to cast a vote.
Everything they adopt to fight for is about the politicians playing Superman and the public playing Lois Lane. Global warming, healthcare, immigration, minorities, etc. And in order to do it effectively (not help, but say they will... eventually), everyone else has to be those three weird villains in the black suits from II.
They NEED a separate country to gain power, so it doesn't surprise me in the least that Reid spews this sort of nonsense. They consistently make enemies out of opposition. It's what sells tickets in liberal land. And if ANYONE should dare fight back, they get it twice as hard.
The truth will never work. Once the country's out of victimizers, it's out of victims. And after Lois is out of harm's way from the bad guys, there's no reason to vote for a liberal.
Okay. Long rant over. Couldn't sleep so I rambled on about nothing for 10 minutes! 

@millertime (1394)
• United States
8 Dec 09
Taskr, you said it. When I saw the topic of this discussion I came here to say exactly what you said. Reid obviously doesn't know much about history. He's just hurling insults and it's absolutely disgusting. He's just a despicable human being. I think he knows he has no chance at re-election so he's just letting fly with whatever he can think of. It shows how desperate they are getting to try and drum up support for this hideous bill. Oh, how we need to get these lunatics out of office...
@scottcoleson (579)
• Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
8 Dec 09
I was blown away when I read this on a news website yesterday and it just proved to me that Harry Reid and the others who support this overstuffed healthcare bill are desperate and will try anything to take the attention off of their incompetence and really care nothing about the people they were elected to represent! My opinion is that IF this bill is finally passed, against the wishes of the majority of Americans I might add, there will be a massive uprising of the people on this great country against those politicians who chose to pad their own resumes and pockets with complete disregard of the wishes of the people when it comes time to vote in the next election. Since when did this country stop being a country of the people, for the people, and by the people?