If you were in my situation???I need help!!!
By happy2512
@happy2512 (1266)
December 7, 2009 9:40pm CST
I am married now for 6 years. I am the bread winner for 3 years. My husband is 7 years older than me. Years pass by that I have notice he is only busy with his personal satisfaction & very generous to his friends. But when time comes I needed money for a very valid reason he always have a lot of question why I needed the money etc. etc. But I am the one who is responsible for buying the needs of my toddler, our basic needs. What action will you do if you were in my situation? Need help here... Please share your thoughts. Thanks for your time & Happy my lotting!
18 responses
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
Sorry to say this but your husband is 7 years older than you yet he is acting like an irresponsible spoiled brat... Why would he questions you think where in fact you are working and buying all the things needed in your home. He should be the one providing that in the first place!!!
I know how hard to live with a man like that… he must grow up and know his priorities… He is more concern on what others might think about him that is why he is always generous to his friends… He is so conceited!!!
You must talk to him regarding this issue. Don’t allow him to continuously do this to you and your kids… This must end. What he is doing is completely wrong! He is destroying your marriage slowly and surely.
I hope that your husband will be man enough to talk to you and fix this problem…

@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
I hope so too. I hope that he realize that very soon... His family left him already for being like that, I hope he changes before he loses everything...
Don't be too harsh on yourself. You deserve to be happy. Give him ultimatom... Tell him what you feel about him and his behavior... Keep the communication line open. Good luck and have a happy life!!!!

@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
Yes you are definitely right he is a spoile brat who always gets what he wants when he is still a bachelor, irresponsible & always depend on his parents but unfortunately he is abandoned by his family because of his behavior. I just wish I could hold on a little longer into this relationship we had expecting that he will change for the good of the family. Thanks!...

@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
Wow... Your husband questions you about money when you are the one putting food on the table? I hope I am not that harsh and I don't mean anything bad about your husband but he has no right to question you about money. Does he have a job? If not then the more reason he has no right to question you.
I am the type of person who likes to set things straight the fast way with ultimatum. I don't like looking as if I'm begging just to be heard. If I am in your situation I would have to leave my husband for a while to let him feel and realize what he lacks when you I'm not around especially that I am the one working to feed the family. If you can talk about it then please do so cause marriage is still important. And hopefully he will change.
Hope that helps. Ciao!

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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
10 Dec 09
Your husband was abandoned by his family? That only proves that he has real issues and that something isn't good about him. Maybe his family already got tired of him because he is not changing.
And I think because of this, the more likely you should try to make him realize that he needs to change. He's not getting any younger. Sooner or later your family will grow bigger. I know it is hard to leave him even for a while but you are also tolerating him and you are not teaching him to change.
I am not suggesting for you to leave him for good. Maybe just for a week or a month the most would be enough for him to realize the situation. Let him learn the meaning of having a family and responsibilities. Maybe you could stay with your parents for a while.
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@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
13 Dec 09
How can I make him understand even if he refuse to listen & understand its a pity that he is acting that way.
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
I was thinking about what you rtried to point out but how can I afford to leave him whe he is already abandoned by his family. Yes I almost lost hope for him to change but I still wait for miracles to happen.

@StarBright (2798)
• United States
8 Dec 09
Sounds like you need to have a talk and work out a budget. If each of you has money, then it seems that each of you should contribute to the household needs according to what you earn. Allow for the bills and divide what is left over so both of you can enjoy something extra. That way, if he wants to enjoy something with his friends you will not resent his doing so. You will also be able to do some things for yourself and you will not have to explain every penny you spend.
For major purchases, then the two of you should decide together on whether or not you will get it and how you will pay for it. You may even decide on what constitutes a major purchase. It may be as little as $100 or it may be more, depending on how much money you earn and what you can afford.
I suggest you prepare a list of all expenditures along with both your incomes before you have the discussion with him. That way you will be prepared for any arguments he presents. Good luck and God Bless.
@slaveofsensation (348)
• United States
8 Dec 09
I agree just sit down and let him know you are making a buget for the benefit of the whole family and just communicate with your partner. Sit down and work it out and it should be fair.
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@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
Thanks for your opinion I will take time to do it soon enough.
@chenxiaoyue_713 (2165)
• China
8 Dec 09
I can't believe you as a woman, have been the bread winner for as long as 3 years. What's your husband doing? It's more natural that husbands should be the bread winner in families instead of wives. It seems your husband contributes nothing. If it is, then how can he behave so generously to his friends? He is using your money to entertain his friends. That's something unforgivable. As you are the one supporting your family, you have every right to dispose the money the way you like. I suggest you to talk with your husband and tell him honestly about what you think of him. If he refuses to do something useful to the family, then I think you should consider about divorce.
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@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
I will look for a very perfect timing to talk to him. Thanks for yor idea & for your time in sharing your opinion.
@poingly (605)
• United States
8 Dec 09
Agreed that if you are earning the money, you can spend it as you wish--though both of you should be taking care of things like, um, your baby! That's just a given. There is nothing natural about husbands being the breadwinner. In fact, in this economy, more men seem to be losing their jobs and throwing that traditional gender role thing into question.
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@Khushi309 (139)
• India
8 Dec 09
i dont think making a budget would do it, you need to realise one thing, that something is very wrong in this relationship here. your husband needs to realise that he cannot live on his wife's money, where is his integrity? is he physically disabled? mentally challenged? if not, nothing gives him the excuse to sit at home or party with friends when you are rushing to make ends meet. ok the situation might not be that bad, but come on, why are you tolerating this? tell him to help around the house, find a job, earn some money too... or give him a pocket money, no excuses, and never give any extra money for anything... if he insists, ask him the same lots of questions that he asks you when you ask for money... and why are you giving your salary in his hands, may i ask? keep it with you. a wife handles the budget of a household, does the shopping, etc... best of luck in anything you decide to do...
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
Sometimes I pity myself looking back at what happened with my life why I deserve this kind of relationship. But how can you make a person understand when he refuse to understand what I am trying to point out which is for the good of the family? I just tried to hold on while I still can but I wish its not too late for me to move on whenever I already make up my mind & decide to move on alone. Thanks!
@selvamr (26)
• India
8 Dec 09
hi happy2512, i understand your problem. first of all i want to know that, is your husband question you all time in all other activities or only questioning when you ask money. you have to find reason from your husband that why is doing like this?
reply me and i will next advice to you. bye
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@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
He will only question me everytime I ask for money not in all activities I have.
@sincere4frdship (2228)
• India
8 Dec 09
Well, I read you and came to think about your situation . You need help ... but which type of help you are asking from us ?
This un-satisfaction of yours can be solved from personal talk of yours or some person related to yours in your real life ... virtually we can't help you ...
In this situation you can talk to your husband and that's all everybody will say to you ...and you know better what you have talk and how ...because he is your husband ...and you can't express of your understanding through some words ...
So take a deep breath and decide to talk seriously ... think what are the things are bothering you ...and short that out with talk with him ...
Thanks ... :)

@sincere4frdship (2228)
• India
9 Dec 09
You can't get inside any body and let then understand what you think in your way. But you can explain and I believe some person use emotional blackmailing also to let it make happen ...in relation .
what is wrong and right ...we all are having our own idea . so why don't you try for your own way ...for the last time to take some another decision ...
Thanks ... :)
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
Thanks for your time & opinion but I just have another question from you how can you make the person understand your point IF he REFUSE to understand?

@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
9 Dec 09
Thius is not good. As it is a warning that your husbanmd is self centred, and doesnt value you as a partner with whom he can share everything.
I say this, as I recently separated from my husband of 6 years.
One of our issues as well was money.
Perhaps you can ask your husband to have a proper talk where you can share your feelings about how he is treating you regarding money.
If that doesnt work, can you try marriage counselling?
Im sorry to hear this, but if his behaviour continues I would be looking at different options.
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
10 Dec 09
Thanks for sharing your thoughts I will think about what you shared.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
8 Dec 09
hi, there are several things you can do here... First you have to talk to your husband about what the income and the expenses you have in the household. Second, you need to save up some for yourself for future need. And the third, you have to have some income to support your family as well, not just depend on your husband.
My situations is a little different. My husband used to make a lot of money and all his income will go to me. I take control everything in the house, even his spend period. well, I also work and have two children. I do this cuz he is a big spender... I have to know how much he has, if he has a lot of money then he will spend them all without thinking. Just yesterday he has more than $500 in his pocket... well, I asked him to give $400 back to me and I also told him not to spend too much cuz we need money for future needs. He didn't get mad at me and agreed to me back. I take control on financial as well... but if my husband needs them for a good reason, then I will give with no question ask. as he already knew before he asks for it then he will tell why he needs it for.
Like I told you, you should save some for yourself and your baby. just keep some small amount everyday or week and it will add up someday.
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@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
You are very fortunate enough that your husband understand your point. But for me he refuse to understand whatever I am trying to point out even if it is for the good of the family. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@thanusha85 (532)
• Malaysia
8 Dec 09
I am not married but I suggest you to have a talk with your husband. If I were in your shoes, that what I would exactly do. Maybe he is curious of what you are doing and the reason you need money. So its best to say it to him. :)
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@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
I've been so open to him lately with our finances & expenses but their are times that I need to borrow money from friends in order to make both ends meet but unfortunately sometimes I was not able to payback to them right away & I only wish I can make him understand.
@rebornhunter25 (113)
• United States
8 Dec 09
well for starters, hes prolly asking all those questions because he doesnt trust you, if you cant communicate with your husband then you need to get a divorce because he obviously doesnt care about you as much as his friends or personal satisfaction. You should come first because youve been supporting his dumb butt, truthfully age doesnt matter maturity and responsiblity are whats important and it seems he lacks it.
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
Yes you are definetly right about him but unfortunately even if I almost lost hope I am still trying to hold on to the relationship waiting for him to change for the better of the family. I also hope that its worth the waiting & waisting time. I just wish I will not regret in the end.
@soledadclickz (1106)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
Hi. If I were in your situation, I would request for an open discussion with my husband - and it is a must. I am not the martyr type of person. Definitely, I would not tolerate such behavior. As a couple, my husband and I should share on everything - fruits of our labors and all home expenses. If I am the higher earner between the two of us, I would be very willing to give bigger contribution to our expenditures. That's because I love him and our family. All I would want is that we bring our income into a common fund, budget such fund by agreeing on its uses and purposes, and keep track of its actual disbursements against budget.
I hope you could resolve your problem soon. Have a blessed day.
@RevampSkunk (107)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I would at least ask why is he being so generous to his friends and not to you. You and your child are his top priority, or it should be.
@guoba2055436 (15)
• China
8 Dec 09
i believe your father was a love child ,and his gentle good to talk if you talk about his reason for your ex if you take the kids back home a month would be like you ,he should have
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@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
8 Dec 09
You should strictly communicate to him that marriage is a partnership, not a solo song and it is high time he share the household responsibilities along with you. If he is someone who's given to softening down, you may also try some sentiment in your approach and make it clear to him as to how it's getting increasingly tough for you keeping the family boat afloat singlehandedly. Talk it over till you come to a decision that can help you sail with balance.
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
Okay I will try that approach I hope this time I can make him understand...
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Dec 09
happy you should not have to ask your husband for money, thats really mean of him. sit down and work out checking accounts for you and for him and one for both of you as a joint account to pay the bills, allthe bills. that is what my husband and I did and it works too, as you both have personal money that does not need to be discussed with each other, then the household money which perhaps one of you will be the primary bookkeeper of this.
this way he does not have to account to you what he spends out of his account nor you to him for your own personal account. think about it , this may help.
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
That's a very good idea that you share I will try it right away. Thanks!
@tamra87 (15)
• United States
9 Dec 09
well i think you should have atalk with him about how what children and basic needs for family comes first. make a list of what and howmuch money on expences and what paycheck you send the money out on. if you have any play money as what i call it. money to do what ever you want. make sure you have money set back for a rainy day fund. or emergncy cash. and if he wants to spend his play money on his friends and his things then so be it. b ut you should have play money as well and if he doesnt liek that idea then since you make the money set boundrys with it if that dont work then make an account with only your name and put his play money in the account that has both or his name . anyone who acts like that really is only out for him self and either needs to go to marraige cousling or personal cause its not heathy for a family or for the children involved. My first marraige i worked hard to pay for what we need and want and we have a beautiful daughter but he want to spend our money even food money for me and baby on anything else but us and he was taken care of but not us and thats not a good husband/ father. now i have a good husband who helps and we talk about anything before we buy even a small items as renting a movie. we talk everything over to make sure we both agree caz its not haft his and haft mine its 100 % of both and we decide on everything and we have our lil play money
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
You are so bless for having a very good husband now. I will try your alternative so that it will work on me. Thanks for sharing your idea.
@Rose_Ellen (50)
• United States
9 Dec 09
All healthy relationships require clear communication. If you are the bread winner then you are the one with the money so I do not understand why you do not have control of the money in the first place. You and your husband need to have a discussion about finances and budgeting. The whole family needs to be on board with the financial plans. Do not get defensive at your husbands questions. Simply answer them. Expect him to answer any questions you have about money as well. Most importantly, keep lines of communication open.
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
That's the only problem I have because he keeps on making an excuse everytime I want to talk to him about finances.
Thanks for sharing your ideas.