people suck!
By minx267
@minx267 (15527)
Hartford, Connecticut
December 8, 2009 3:23am CST
I am just experimenting to see how many people agree with me. And How many find this statement offensive.
I personally am a person. But that doesn't mean I have to like other people does it?
Ok, Specifically I mean MOST people suck. There are a few persons that I actually enjoy spending time with.
But, I talk to people (on the phone) all night long for my job. And after 11 years I think I have a broad opinion to base this statement on. There is a really low percentage of people that are nice, friendly, NORMAL.
Everyone who knows me knows that I am an animal person and I really enjoy their companionship over many people.
I have a pet peeve.. it is stupid people. Not people who have learning disabilites.
But people that don't even try to better themselves, don't try to learn to improve upon what they know. People that give up and say they can't do it when they never even bothered knowing what IT was.
So I'm just curious who agrees with me? Or are there more People lovers in mylot..
Sorry if I offend any People... this is just my opinion.
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30 responses

@abeja_reina_1989 (347)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I think too many people are given things by their parents and don't know how to work and don't understand simple things, like money. They take things for granted, and then look down upon those who have less than they do.
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@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I think its time to make a change in the people who you associate with. The type of person you speak of is a common thing ,but there are two good ones that are normal for every one you dislike. We must except the good with the bad at times as no one is perfect.I meet many nice people who have problems that ,I must except or there would be no one in my life. Its not offensive that you say this ,I find it rather sad that you feel this way .You are missing out on the good things ,It may be time to look at yourself when you find no one is pleasing to you. Good Luck
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
9 Dec 09
You have misread, I do not associate with these people. I am forced to speak with these people for my job or see them when I am out and about.
I have Plenty of very good friends. Friends I have had for 10,12, 21 and 30 years. I even accept their faults I know everyone has them.
It is the stupid, and mean and ignorant people that I think suck. and yes there are normal ones too- but the percentage are heavy on the side of the "sucky" people.
I am not missing out on any good things - I have good friend, good family and i have my "children" of cats and dogs. I Have a full-time JOB, A house, A car, and all my friends that live in this little box we calla computer- what more do I need?
I don't need to associate with idiots to make my life full. I don't need the stress. Thanks for your response!
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
8 Dec 09
Your statement doesn't offend me exactly but it makes me somewhat sad because what you say amounts to:
1) People suck (in your opinion) because that is your preconceived opinion of them when you have contact with them. You would be very surprised how sensitive most people are, even on the phone or in Internet chat, to someone's initial attitude.
2) With your declared opinion, you are obviously in the wrong job. If I were your employer, I would be very concerned that my customers were not getting the best service/support from you as they might. I have some years' experience myself (more than you) of telephone support and of working on support desks and I have known and observed plenty of people who do this kind of work. The ones who succeed (and have a significantly lower proportion of 'sucky' customers) are those who approach the job with the attitude that people have value and that nobody is really stupid.
Yes, nearly everyone whose job is to deal with the public can be heard to sound off about stupidity. The difference, I find, is that the positive people will complain about individuals as being exceptions to the rule, while the negative ones tend to generalise and see every dissatisfied customer as just another proof that 'people suck'.
You have two options, really:
1) Change your job to one which requires less involvement with the public
2) Take a lesson from your own experience and try to improve your own attitude towards people.
It's up to you to say which would be the most positive course of action but I guarantee that, if you make an effort to approach people as if they were 'nice, friendly, and normal', you will find that a much higher percentage actually are!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
8 Dec 09
I love your response. I really do.. I do have a problem..
1) I have been doing my job for 11 years..
2) My job is what helped make me this way.
I was never as cynical of peoples humanity before starting here.
Unfortunately I can't think of a job where I would have less contact with people.
I work 3rd shift and answer phones - I don't have to see people (well maybe a total of 5 or 6 as we switch shifts.
The phones are slow at night.. which is why I am on MyLot right now.
And I actually like my job.. I just don't care for some of the idiots that call me.
sorry if idiots is harsh- but I got stories...
I do try to be nice- but often (too often) it just makes me fell like an A$$ for trying. Because these people yell and swear and accuse me of all kinds of things. Even after I explain I don't actually work for the company they are calling for - I am just answering there phones and taking message to pass along..
I am not saying everyone is like this but if I had to give percentages, I'd say
40% Suck.. mean- not nice
15% Idiots
30% normal or somewhat normal. certainly not mean. your average caller
15% Nice I really enjoy talking to them.
The are not overwhelmingly negative. But then the people Ideal with in real life. Neighbors, coworkers, people I meat in the store. They just up those negative percentages..
I would just rather deal with animals they are so NOT EVIL. Even if a dog comes after you.. it usually has a reason and it's probably your fault.
My fathers German Shepherd hated me - I never held it against her because I made the mistake of looking her in the eye one time- she took it as a challenge. I shouldn't have done it.. I learned a lot from that lesson.
I just can't understand people. And you know what sometimes I don't want to.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
8 Dec 09
To be honest, my response was a little negative in its approach (possibly because I have not done support work for a bit but also because a written response to a 'customer service problem' is slightly different to the way one approaches it on the phone). Had I applied the principles I was taught, I would first have tried to calm your anger somewhat by agreeing with you (or, rather, by mostly listening and saying very little!), then I would have encouraged you to explore your reasons for being angry. This gives most people time to collect their thoughts (something very few people do before calling Customer Services!) and to present one with problems which may or may not have a solution. In the majority of cases, it is the customer themselves who can actually suggest a reasonable solution.
You should learn not to take personal offence when people bluster on the phone at you. Yes, their language can often be highly personal but they aren't thinking of you as a person but as 'the company' and it never enters their head that you don't have the same involvement or authority as the MD or CEO! They are simply venting.
Telephone support can be very wearing and trying and you'll hear rants about the stupidity of customers in every staff room from even the best but most of the difficulty can be avoided by being calm and receptive and by not taking things personally.
When I meet a little yappy dog or a nervous cat or horse, I usually stand still, make encouraging noises and wait for them to calm down a little before reaching my hand out to pet them. People, especially angry ones, are very much the same, really. You probably have colleagues who seem to always get the 'nice' ones or just generally are good at their job. Ask them the same question as you have asked here and I think you'll find that they will agree with you with some reservations and may even say something similar to what I have said.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
8 Dec 09
I'd like to ask you something. When you look in the mirror in the morning (well, you work nights, so your 'morning' may be different), who do you see there? Do you see someone who is a friend who you can smile at (and who smiles back), even laugh a little at (funny ... they generally seem to share the joke!)?
When you are out shopping, how ready is your smile? Give it a trial one day: even if you don't feel like it, go out with your head high and shoulders back and a smile on your face (it may feel more like a forced grin to you, but no matter). Count how many nice people you meet that day ... is it perhaps a little more than normal? Maybe not statistically significant but everyone I know who has tried it admits to having a 'better day' ... and very often wonder why!!!! 

@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
9 Dec 09
Lol. Oh , Yes Stupid Breeders are the majority. *see page 1's discussion with owlwings" for my stupid breeder of the year award.
And I am curious myself How they all end up running our country when they cant even spell, speak or comprehend. Are we sure these guys had schooling?
@abeja_reina_1989 (347)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Sounds like so many of the people I used to work with. That's why working online is great, because you deal with those you want to lol.

@celticeagle (172005)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Dec 09
I feel exactly the same as you do. I feel that most all people suck, don't hang with very many people, I don't enjoy spending time with very many people and there is a very low percentage of people who are nice and normal. I don't go out much do to social anxieties and panic attacks. I lothe being in crowds.

@celticeagle (172005)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Dec 09
Then why waste your time making 'nice,nice' with people and waste your time. You are only on this planet for so long and why put up with people that aren't worth the trouble. I would treat them politely but not overly friendly and I wouldn't spend alot of time with them. Time alone doing something useful or with family or good friends sounds alot better than playing 'nice,nice' with a bunch of scanks! Just my opinion!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
9 Dec 09
I hear you. And I know where you are coming from. I don't have the social anxieties - much. :) But I have a handful of good friends and that's it. I really don't need anymore. And I am tired of making nice nice with idiots when I see no future in it.
My be to them that makes me one of the bad people - I don't know.. It sucks to get older and get so jaded an cynical. But I don't want to go back to young, naive and trusting- so on I go. And just stay away from the people that suck As much as I can.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
9 Dec 09
Well I have to say that since both my daughters deal with customers on an everyday basis for their jobs they will definitely agree with you. I know my oldest daughter has the same petpeeve she can't stand stupidity at all. As for my younger daughter she works for a call center and the questions that people ask are really so unbelievable. You just can't understand how people could really be that dumb. One example is a lady didn't know the difference between Caucasian and Ethnic. The other example is this lady placed an order and charged on her credit card. Then called up weeks later when she received a bill for it. Claiming she paid for it already why is she getting a bill for it. Can you imagine? The stories I have heard from my daughters yes there are alot of stupid people in the world and they seem to prefer to stay that way for some reason, I guess.

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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
9 Dec 09
Exactly! And yes I CAN believe! I deal with it everyday.
The majority of people out there that don't deal with these people everyday are oblivious to the fact that these people are out there and walking among us!
LOL. You probably would have been that way if your daughters hadn't come home with so many stories too.
SO people can defend them and make up excuses for them all they want- they don't hear what I hear on a daily basis..
I have been lucky- tonight has mostly been a good night.. But then I still have a couple hours left to my shift. ;-)
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Dec 09
The kind of People that you are on about I agree they suck
There is no need for People to not help themselves and just give up that is not Life
I don't mind People Company as long as they are as you say Normal lol and not the kind of People that just pretend to be stupid when really they can do a lot more for themselves
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
8 Dec 09
Cool , someone sees it my way..
I thought I would get more people lovers yelling at me quite honestly..
Do you know I had this little sticker to put on my car that said "ALL PEOPLE SUCK"
my father saw it and being a devoted Catholic proceeded to give me a sermon (he was good at that) On why I shouldn't say that. and blah blah blah.. I stopped listening..
I know, What I know.. and it is that not ALL people are good just because they are human.. I think my dogs are smarter than some of the people I have to deal with on a day to day basis. And I certainly prefer talking to them (my dogs that is). lol
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@abeja_reina_1989 (347)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I would pick animals over people like that any day :) Animals don't do things just to be mean or cruel. They don't talk behind your back and rub things in your face. They just live each day and give us their unconditional love
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I do not take any kind of offense to what you have said here. alot of people in this world do suck. They are so unfriendly and some of them are very unkind to other people. It is hard to find good people in this world today.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I am not offended by your statement, but I do disagree with it. I have found that there are some places, though, where the people are less nice and less friendly than others. So I have moved a few times and changed jobs and that sort of thing. There is a saying which I cannot quite remember right now about our need to surround ourselves with the kind of people we wish to become. Anybody know how that one goes?

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Dec 09
hi minx well as a senior citizen living,at least for now, in a retirement center, and having watched a number of care givers here,I would want to amend that to just some people suck. most of the people who work here are just a as loving and kind and sweet as anyone could ever want. after all taking care of about ninety odd people with all sorts of disabilities and some who are minus a few synapses in their brains is hard physical and mental work both. so kudos to those who have patience and never snap at people whom I would snap at myself. I am 83 so have had a lot of years to watch people and yes some people will really get to me, the whiners, and complainers, and the lazy who are healthy but just do not want to move their butts and work. Also those who should be so thankful they have really good jobs, nice homes, and loving families, yet are surly and cranky and put other down.they just do not even see how much they are blessed. So its with me some people suck, most do not. he he he.

@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
10 Dec 09
Well, that's good I am glad that you have had better experiences than I.
And honestly, I would hope that people in the caregiver field would be kind, gentle and loving. Or they are in the wrong line of work. :)
I give them many Kudos too as I know I could not do that job.
I know some people just like you described, never happy with the good thing life HAS given them always want more. Grumble, grumble, grumble.
Thank you for your response. Good day to you!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Hey minx! I hate to say it, but I tend to agree with you! I am responding
from email so I have no idea how many people agree or disagree! I tend
to feel the same way and have a low tolerance most of the time too for
stupid people! I have a feeling we might not be too popular admitting
this, but I am also being honest! I much prefer being around animals
too! I also don't mean to be offensive, but I just find people to
be rude, annoying and in most cases irritating! I know that this
probably sounds terrible, but I have put up with some much stuff
for so many years, especially in the places I have worked too!
I was abused at my jobs and they were high pressured environments and
I had to deal with it even though it made me physcially sick! I
have friends, who I am very close to so I don't stay away from all
people, but my preference is to be with animals!
@abeja_reina_1989 (347)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I always got pushed around when I was working, because I look very young and no one would take me seriously. It's so frustrating. What's up with all the gossip that people spread while working too? It's so dumb. I would rather work online like I am now, than have to deal with those people again lol.

@srganesh (6339)
• India
9 Dec 09
No!I am not a people lover.I want to move deeply with a handful of people who can understand in and out of me.Generalized people talking may be time passing or businesslike which I strongly believe.I can't mingle with all people at the start and believe they are too good to open heart.
@srganesh (6339)
• India
9 Dec 09
minx!I think,most of us live that way.Nobody can love all the people despite their quality and behavior pattern.There are leaders who can amaze the mass and they can make that mass to follow their ideas.They develop that charisma and use it accordingly.But they too will love to be left alone to remain in peace.LOL!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
14 Dec 09
I agree, my husband and I call the people that aren't really what they seem to be plastic people. What I mean by this is that they are all fake, they aren't at all the kind of person that you think that they are. These are the people that will lie to your face to make themselves look better. They are just fake in general. Now, I wouldn't agree with you if people really were what they seemed to be on the surface.
@DenverLC (1143)
• Philippines
8 Dec 09
No problem with me about the term. Yes we all suck, our thumb when we were still babies, suck lolipops, suck our straws while having a fruit, water or any liquid drinks, and whatever comes to your mind that can be sucked..isn't it funny good sucking? What's wrong with it? Lets suck it up...
@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
8 Dec 09
I am definitely not a people person. I have dogs and cats that I love so much, and sometimes I think that they are better than some people out there. Not to say animals are better than EVERYONE, but in a good amount of cases it is so true.
I kinda hate to say it, but I kinda do lose more faith in humanity over time. I like and respect individuals, people who think for themselves and do what they want to do (as long as it's not hurting someone else). I actually feel sorry for people who don't have a mind of their own, that have to look to other people for their thoughts, opinions, interests, etc. And of course I don't like mean people, or people who won't listen to other people's point of view without jumping down their throats. There are people, mostly online, who I am very close to--but I do tend to gravitate towards people who share similar interests, because those are the people I can relate most to, and those are the people who understand me, and that is how I try to avoid the annoying people. 

@lizbenetua (637)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
No problem, minx267. Basically, I am a people person. But other times, I encounter people who rub me the wrong way and I get irritated sometimes, especially if it's when they don't have any consideration over their actions. An example is someone who cuts you in a line when you are ahead of the line. Or someone who shoves you aside when riding a public transportation. It can't be avoided that people will beg to differ and stick to their own opinion of things. People have quirks, biases, beliefs yet these are the very things that make people people. We can't all be the same. We have different personalities.
In Florence Littauer's book on Personalities Plus, she mentions the basic temperaments of man which are sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic. You see sanguines in perky people. Melancholics are the artists, writers, poets and those who are detail conscious. Cholerics are the extremely bossy person who thinks they are always right, and when in the wrong, they will not admit they are wrong. Phlegmatics are those cool, calm and collected people. They make the best mediators.
@gx7001lm (63)
• Malaysia
9 Dec 09
everyone is unique. different people have different character. so you may like those character and i believe that others would not like some of your character. i am not flaming you just to let you know that everyone is different. there is no two man having the same character and mentality. so i could see that you are to mix with certain people and not everyone, well it is the same for everyone. not all is an animal people like you so be proud of it! hope you don't feel offend.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
9 Dec 09
I don't feel offended. And I don't mind peoples differences. But it is the character of the Mean, rotten, Stupid people I am not liking. Those people just do things to make others lives miserable and they are not having fun unless they see someone else suffer. That is the kind of character I don't like.
And I find that MOST People have a lot of that type of character in them.
not ALL people some people are very nice. I may not know them or have anything in common with them But I can see they are genuinely nice.
It is just my opinion- one that it seems a lot of people seem to share. So I guess I have more in common with a lot more people than I thought. lol
@mistlady (114)
• India
9 Dec 09
I agree with you that not all people in our life are nice and happy to be with. Leave alone friends, even some of the family near or distant, are sometimes irritating. I just talked to someone yesterday on the phone and he couldn't stop putting on an attitude. I dislike it when people put on attitudes and airs. I was polite to him, but I've decided avoid speaking to him in the future. Such incidents definitely make us feel that 'people suck' if that's the way to put it. Most people are too preoccupied with their own selfish motives and their image of selfimportance to have a normal relationship or conversation with you. Some people are even overbearing! In such situations it is difficult to assess whether to be polite with them or to confront them. I, however try my best to be polite and ignore such people and avoid them because a direct response to such people brings negative reactions. I like to be with people whith whom I can be myself without any issues or hangups. As a result I also have very few close friends whom I enjoy interracting with
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
9 Dec 09
Yes, you are absolutely correct. There are many people who put on airs and think they are better than everyone else.. I do not care for people like that.
I too, have just a handful of Good friends that I share my life with.
I don't see anything wrong with that- and the best thing to do is ignore those types of people - I agree.
@RebeLotter (253)
9 Dec 09
there is no doubt about it i mean why do you have to apologize when it is very true and when you tell it to their faces, they will just get mad at you. there are more lovers and less haters.
@abeja_reina_1989 (347)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I know what you mean. I have caught myself saying "people suck" many, many times in my life. However, I tend to believe that most people are good, and don't suck, at least not completely. I think a lot of people are so consumed in their own lives, that they can forget about others. (Even I've done it) And, as far as the people who don't try to learn and better themselves, I know what you mean. It's sad seeing people fail. I don't think that makes them suck though. I know I'm going to succeed and whether or not they do has nothing to do with me :) I really enjoy helping people though, so I try to bring everyone up.
Hope that made sense lol!!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
9 Dec 09
Yep- you are one of the good people.. One of the suckers.. lol just kidding
that still has faith in humanity. that's not a bad thing we all need to surrond ourselves with uplifting people like you..
I guess the thing is I see the glass as half empty or that most people suck.
And you see the glass as half full are that most people are good.
you may be in a better area. But my percentages in this area of the world I am in are a little higher on the sucky side I think..
And I think that is true of everywhere. I had a log discussion on page 1 with Owlwings and he was very optimistic too- then we realized that he lives in a small village in England AND I a capital city in the US. Well you can't do with my people what you can do with his people.
the discussion was interesting..check it out. :)
Thanks for the response..
keep up the GOOD work.