A regulatory coup has taken place right under your noses
By xfahctor
@xfahctor (14118)
Lancaster, New Hampshire
December 8, 2009 2:37pm CST
Yesterday, while everyone was focused on the healthcare circus, Reid's stupidity, the amanda Knox Verdict and tiger woods, a coup took place. Two years ago, I uttered a warning to people that at the time I myself wasn't totaly convinced I was right about. Well, I was right.
I hate being right.
I hate even more that I get called a conspiricy theorist or paranoid when I give such warnings. I don't make predictions often and I don't make them lightly. this warning too though, will in all likelyhood be mocked or ignored. thats fine. My only wish is that "FOOLS! I told you all so!" be inscribed on my tombstone when i am finaly laid to rest.
As to what I am talking about. The EPA yesterday declared Co2 and I believe 4 other gases to be dangerous green house gases and hazardous to humans. Now, this may sound on the surface to be mere stupidity and trivialty. but it is far more. It was a sinister, long planned and clever power grab by the federal government.
In 2001, the supreme court ruled in Massachusetts v. EPA, that the EPA had the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions if EPA determines they cause or contribute to air pollution that may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare.
In july of 2008, the following advance notice apeared on the EPA website
all documentation pretinent to this can be found on the link I just gave. this is more than just the EPA doing "feel-goody", monumentaly stupid regulating, it was a power grab unprecidented since T.A.R.P. ave unprecidented authority to the treasury departmment and the federal reserve.
I would suggest everyone take some serious time and study all the relevent documents and understand how signifigant this is and the changes it may be bringing to our way of life and our individual and economic liberty.
fools! I told you all this would happen!
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5 responses
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Very good post and you are absolutely right. It is nothing but a political power grab. Other pollutants that are regulated by EPA are supported by sound science showing that they need to be controlled. However, this notion of calling CO2 dangerous is just stupid. There is no science, but all politics and leftist agenda.
And for all the liberal democrats who are buying into the anti-business aspect of this decision, you might want to consider that the cost of complying with idiotic EPA regulations will be passed on to the consumer.
Obama Hussein doesn't say it, but this ruling has the potential to cancel any effort he makes towards reducing unemployment. EPA's attempt to act on this will likely end up in court for interpretation.
Have a great day.

@djbtol (5493)
• United States
10 Dec 09
As far as left/right being inaccurate and incomplete - not always. Certainly in recent times when many Republicans became RINO's (republican in name only) because they wanted to cozy up to the democrats, and many of the other Republicans acted weak and shy - afraid to speak out against the democrats, it starts to look like they are all democrats.
I am not sure what will change the path of congress, but I do know this. The heart and soul beliefs of the democrats all point in the wrong direction to make this a strong nation. On the other hand, many of the core beliefs of the Republicans (especially those of a conservative persuasion) are at least pointed in the right direction.
The question is who has the guts to stand up for truth and be vocal about it? Kind of like asking which scientists are willing to tell the truth about global warming, even if it cost them financially?
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
10 Dec 09
Let me explain it this way. When we look at matters of government in terms of right vs left, we are missing the larger picture. Step back a few steps and the differences between right and left disapear in the larger scale of libertarian vs authoritarian. All we change when we continually decide our vote based on right or left, is either a liberal authritarian government, or a conservative authoritarian government, it's still an authoritarian government. We don't really have two parties in this country, we have one party with a left and a right faction.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 Dec 09
This goes far deeper than a leftist agenda issue. The ruling that paved the way for this was almost 3 years ago. The document I linked to was put out by bush's EPA. The problems we are facing are not a matter of right vs left, it is a matter of an over reaching government vs the people. I have learned over the last severall years that left/right is an inacurate and incomplete paradigm.
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• United States
9 Dec 09
Amazing they did it again. Keep everyone Entertained (please tiger Woods, and Reid's) and not focused and the real issues.
I swear I'm really starting to believe that government organizations (And their secret societies) all sit in a cave somewhere and come up with this stuff and as soon as they can get every ones attention focused else where they make their move.
• United States
9 Dec 09
Thomas Jefferson and the rest of our founding fathers have got to be rolling in their graves. What have we the people let our government do

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Oh give me a break you tin-foil hat wearing, Chuck Baldwin voting, 2nd Amendment supporting, right wing nut!
That said you hardly have to say "I told you so" to me. I saw this coming. A friend posted it on facebook the other day and I'll tell you the same thing I told her.
These environmentalist freaks are complete morons. These are those tree hugging types and yet they are now declaring CO2 a hazardous gas. So I guess they want all these trees and plants to DIE since they NEED CO2 to exist, and through that they produce oxygen, which WE need to exist. The utter stupidity of these people is almost incomprehensible.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Dec 09
"The next "crisis" to be pushed is going to be an oxygen shortagein the atmosphere"
That's more of a resurgence of the oxygen shortage they cried about in the 90s. As someone just mentioned in this thread, they're crying about the ozone layer again. Ozone IS oxygen and oxygen is produced by the plants the need CO2. I think they're trying to use public policy to create problems so they'll have something to fix.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 Dec 09
aaaah....thats better. Thanks task ol boy...this discusion was really unbalanced and lacking in proponent's responses, lol. Though, I ususaly take silence to mean they don't support something and are just too embarrased to say something and admit they made a mistake in who they support in government.
Now, another prediction...PAY ATTENTION FOLKS....
The next "crisis" to be pushed is going to be an oxygen shortage in the atmosphere.....yep you heard it here first. Watch for this one, comming soon to a green alarmist near you.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
8 Dec 09
I understand the concept behind green house gases, but really - sometimes I think these people go overboard. EPA decisions like these don't just hurt the rich fat cats, either. My father is the sole proprietor of air conditioning contracting business (he makes maybe $10,000 a year after taxes and expenses), and every time the EPA deems the chemicals he uses in the units as "too harmful", he's got to go out and spend more money on the new "safe chemicals", knowing full well they're going to deem those as harmful later down the road.
Between the unbelievable taxes and ever-changing regulations, he's probably going to have to close the business down. It's more hassle than it's worth for him, and the financial gain seems to grow smaller every year.
All our government ever does these days is grab up as much power as they can.

@djbtol (5493)
• United States
9 Dec 09
The Montreal Protocol is what prompted the US EPA to regulate ozone depleting substances (that is what your father is dealing with in the refrigerants they use). The Montreal Protocol is considered a global success because all UN countries have now signed on. That is 196 countries. Many say it is this kind of success they want from Kyoto and Copenhagen.
But we must be careful to understand what was successful - getting everyone to sign on so we could save mankind on the planet. Meanwhile the amazing ozone hole (an area having reduced amounts of ozone) over the Antarctic, allowing for normal variability, has not gotten any smaller. So our understanding is not complete, and this may have been the first global environmental scam.
Green house gas warming is the current scam and it is huge. Hopefully Climategate will result in at least a few public hangings (figuratively speaking, of course).
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 Dec 09
Oh my god, they are still pushing the ozone layer crap? That hole has been closing and opening seasonaly for years. They came to the conclusion a while ago that it was a natural occurence. I thought I heard Al Gore going on about this the other day, but I was in another room so I didn't catch most of it, I guess I did hear him correctly.
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@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
8 Dec 09
I agree that this is a power grab, a smart one too. It's just one more way to regulate us. It keeps ignorant people beholden to the government. Just another way to keep those us under the government thumb. When are people going to wake up and understand that the government is not doing you a favor they are manipulating you in order to hold the power and thus control the nation.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 Dec 09
As if this weren't bad enough. A whitehouse official has now apparently come out and basicly threatened the economy if congress doesn't play ball and pass cap and trade. they basicly said that if congress doesn't act, the EPA would have to act in a way that wouldn't be friendly to business or the economy....now, call me what you will, but that sounds an awefull lot like blackmail.
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