Tiger Woods! Addiction or Just Man Behaving Badly??

@artistry (4151)
United States
December 8, 2009 4:15pm CST
Do you think Tiger has an addiction, now that news reports claim that there may have been 6 to 10 women involved in affairs with him, maybe up to 20? Or is it just a case of very bad behavior on his part?
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10 responses
• United States
9 Dec 09
Well to be honest, I just am so sick of hearing about Tiger Woods, i get that the golden boy turned out to be just a sleezebag, and that shocks people, but still.....NO it is not addiction, if so then tons upon tons of basketball players, including the beloved Michael Jordan (who supposedly had a woman in almost every city) would be considered addicts. I think it is wrong to paint him as the victim, he is simply a spoiled rich guy who cheated on his wife, and got caught. He is a jerk, not a victim.
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
9 Dec 09
....Hi spicysweetie21, It does get old, Tiger, Tiger Tiger, but he is the number 1 golfer and when he or anyone in is his position does something stupid, it will make the news. I have to agree with you, but for a different reason. I think Tiger's escapades may be a little too short, by that I mean the time span, to call it addiction, I do think Michael, who is a good friend of Tigers is addicted if he was on the prowl like that for so long, and I also heard he is addicted to gambling. I also think that Tiger may stop this running from flower to flower now that he has been exposed, he may lose his wife, since the word is that she moved out, or they could get back together, so that she gets the fifty-five million for staying a certain number of years. Victim, I don't think so, maybe by choice but he's doing something that he really should have done at a younger age, but his dad kept him very busy with his golf clubs. Take care and thanks for your reply.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
Tiger basically has everything. he has fame and fortune. With that so much money, i think it's hard to avoid vices like women, because if you are as rich and famous as tiger women practically drop their panties in front of you. And Tiger, is just after all a human being. With his fortune there's technically nothing Tiger can't buy, women would even give it to him for free except his privacy.
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
9 Dec 09
...Hi ybong007, You are totally correct, look at the groups of women who throw themselves at rock stars and other famous men of all stripes. I was watching a documentary on the Beatles not too long ago, and I don't think I ever heard this before, but I was surprised to learn that there were many, many women who have bore children by the men, who have never let the public know that their child was fathered by one of the Beatles and may never tell. To be in the public spotlight is very stressful, and you don't lose your human nature because you are famous. Discretion could be the better part of valor though, as they say. They also say walk a mile in my shoes. Take care, thanks for your comments.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Dec 09
You know what? i still believe in Tier Woods: Nice guy. I remember an interview done with him several years ago as he showed reporters some of his beautiful home. He was saying he didn't feel a need to be married and was really too focused on his sport. In other words he was just fine NOT being married. I think that was his first, big mistake...marrying Elin. I think his failing is that he is soft. I think he was conned and pressured into marriage and I think he was conned and pressured into his affairs. Some women grow up from little girls determined to marry (or nail) a rich guy. Married or not, he really didn't stand a chance with those women throwing themselves at him. So I think that ios his crime. He is too soft and cannot say no to women, lately, women who should be leaving him alone anyway. So no, I don't think he's addicted or behaving badly. Foolishly, yes. He is letting these women use him.
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
25 Dec 09
...Hi Ms Tickle, I have been reviewing my discussions and find that I did not respond to you on Tiger. I apologize. I think you are correct in your assessment. I also think that Tiger's father had tremendous influence over him and Tiger wanted above all to please him, as he adored his father in my opinion. His dad had said the same thing basically as Tiger did, that any woman would interfere in his game. If as you say he would have stayed single, no children, and all this came out, they would label him a playboy and maybe move on, but with the wife, the children and the car accident, it turned into a circus. He'll get through it, they will beg him to come back to the golf course. Golf loses 50% of its revenue when he is not playing. Life goes on, he is human. He was named Athletebof the Decade, even after all this came out. Also Sportsman of the Year, for the tenth year in a row. Tiger will be okay. Won't be looked at the same way. But that won't stop his checks. Take it easy. Happy holidays.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I don't know. I just feel bad for his family that it all so public. The media makes such a big deal out of what should be a personal matter and the people eat it up like vultures. He is a person just like anyone else only richer but that shouldn't matter.
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
9 Dec 09
.....Hi sid, Hope you are doing well. I like Tiger, but this is the price you pay when you are in the public eye. Your life is sometimes an open book, and they have to take that into consideration or suffer the consequences. I feel very sorry for the children, they are caught up in a mess. The media loves this, big story and people love to read gossip and the beat goes on. He is after all, as you point out, a human, but we build people up and are shocked, shocked to find that they can make a mistake. Take care. Thanks for responding.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I guess it is the price you pay for being famous. It's too bad really.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
11 Dec 09
...Hi sid, It is very sad, and bad. The number of women keeps growing, it is up to twelve now. Tiger's attorney's are said to be blocking you know what kind of pictures from being released in England. They say they don't exist but they are blocking them in case they do exist. He just went a bit crazy, I would like to know why none of his friends didn't tell him to cool it, I am sure someone knew. Even if he corrects his behavior, he will never be looked at again the same way. Take care.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
8 Dec 09
Well, addiction or not, it's bad behavior. I rarely feel bad about people who struggle with addictions because even though it's.. ADDICTIVE, it's something that we CHOOSE not to get help for, and CHOOSE to continue doing. You would think that Tiger, being that he's a multi-kagillionaire (lol) would be able to afford to get psychiatric help for that. But yeah, I think that having an affair with TWENTY different women is probably not just Tiger being a "player" - it sounds much more serious and maybe psychological at that.
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• United States
9 Dec 09
I can understand how that analysis would be totally true, for a normal person, but athletes and celebrities travel all over the country, sometimes the world. Basketball players frequently sleep with tons of women, I really think it is more of a case of overinflated ego more than anything.
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
9 Dec 09
.....Hi maezee, I am not making excuses for Tiger, but I tend to think all the practicing and training to win, the stress and all the women he became exposed to when he became the number one player, affected his psyche and he just took advantage of his position in life. If he had stayed single, people would look at him as just a playboy, but you are supposed to honor your marriage vows and he didn't, making him look like a jerk and worse. I think he went wild after such a strict constraint placed on him by his father to be the top golfer and not to have much to do with women while striving for golf's number 1 position. Tough for the kids. Thanks for your comment.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
25 Dec 09
...Hi there spicysweetie, I have to apologize for not responding to you as I completely overlooked you the first time around. I am very sorry. Tiger has as you indicate, some kind of problem, in my estimation. It's way beyond having a dalliance with a woman or two, when you have as many encounters as he is said to have had. He needs a couch and a good therapist. I think as you say it's part ego, but I also think that he really did not want to be thought of as goody two shoes and this is rebellion. He had to know what the people would think of him, once this all came out. I feel sorry for his family especially the kids, and all of the other children who looked up to him. Take care. Happy holidays.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
11 Dec 09
He has made it looks like many mistakes but that is still his business and his wife not everyone else. He did show bad behavior but the media does not need to keep looking for more and more information let him and his wife deal with this problem. I real do not care how many women Tiger has been with or how long it has been going on.
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@max1950 (2306)
• United States
8 Dec 09
i could care less about wood or what he does,thats his life, but, the way i see it is people like woods are surrounded by beautiful women all day that throw themselves at him, i for 1 know that wouldn't work for me, id fall and screw things up. men who have a great life and are millionaire's should let their upper head do the thinking not their lower and when they get caught man up and admit they screwed up, if their wife keeps them fine but if not, your fault, pay her and dont whine about it. come clean and pay the consequences
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@artistry (4151)
• United States
9 Dec 09
....Hi max1050, Said like an honest man. My thought is that Tiger was so controlled by his dad learning to play golf, that when he should have been sowing his wild oats as they say, he was hitting gold balls. His dad once said I think, that woman or a wife for Tiger would lower his golf prowess or something like that. So he wanted to please his dad and once he got let out of the stable, even though married, he ran like a wild horse. Women can get their way if the man does not walk away and the temptation is usually stronger than the discipline, especially with the rich and powerful. Thanks for your comment.
@Annmarks (39)
8 Dec 09
He could well have an addiction to women, so, many men do, not all of them are in the public eye, these are the ones we hear about, unless, its someone, we know. Whatever, the truth needs to come out into the open, as, its looking like he attacked his girlfriend/wife, that is not on. I, cannot, beleive, what I have been hearing about him is made up, a story, has to come from some where, only, time will tell here, who, is truthful..
@artistry (4151)
• United States
9 Dec 09
...Hi Annmarks, I think he should have stayed single until he got rid of the pent up testosterone in his system. His dad wanted him to to the best in golf, he wanted to please his dad. But in the meantime, he was not dating and dabbling like any young man usually does. Then he got married, bad idea, he should have played around more and then maybe all this would not have burst out like a busted dam or something. You can't keep all that energy and what not bottled up and not expect some kind of collision. I feel sorry for the kids. I don't think he hit his wife or anything like that, I think that's why he left the house so he wouldn't hit her. Thanks for your response.
• United Kingdom
10 Dec 09
I always thought of him being at the top of his game as it were and he was up until now! It's a real shame that he had done what he has as his life has significantly become more difficult as a result. I don't know the facts regarding whether it's an addiction or not but I do know that he's been a bad boy and he's hurt a lot of people most importantly, his wife and children. I really hope that he manages to sort things out but I really do feel sorry for his wife and children. Andrew
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@MJay101 (710)
13 Dec 09
I think Tiger has assumed that because he's very wealthy and successful, he's able to behave however he likes. Whilst I'm not sure how accurate the media reports of his "infidelity" are, I guess there's some truth in the rumours. My reaction is: what a c*nt! But that just makes him like most men...
@artistry (4151)
• United States
18 Dec 09
......Hi MJay101, Thanks for your response. First of all can a man be called that name? My take on this, for one thing is what a shipwreck. There have been reports of sixteeen women, I seriously think it was not about the mechanics of between the sheets, it seems more like a self destructive attitude. He will never be looked at the same again, and I also feel, deep down, he abhorred the goody two shoes reputation. As long as he wins, he'll make the money. The wife is going to file for divorce reportedly, and the Rachael person and Tiger are communicating, so she may be the next partner. I think he will take another wife wife to prove that he can be faithful. But he needs to stay single and have deep therapy sessions to get his head together (no intentional play on words there). It was as you suggest, an air of arrogance as well. Take care.