Owwwie!!! I hurt my arm, and I've so MISSED YOU ALL!!

United States
December 8, 2009 6:13pm CST
Warning!! Long post aka ( short novel) to follow here: (G)!! I'M BACK!![u][/u] Oh My Lordy me, it feels like its been YEARS since I was here hanging out with my friends and I really really have missed you all so much!! I tell you what if strange things can happen to ones body it would be mine!! I was super busy preparing for Thanksgiving all the baking and cooking that goes on you know and oh BTW...HAPPY THANKSGIVING DEAR FRIENDS!![u][/u] Anyway Long story short ( sorta) I hurt my stupid left arm while out at Walmart shopping of all things I was putting into my cart a stupid mini-blind ( nothing heavy) now just your regular type mini blinds for my windows and there was this loud POP in my left arm/wrist area mostly and it was such a sharp vicious nasty pain I nearly pee'd my pants no joke and was trying to not tear up there in the aisle. Good God I thought I had broken my wrist or some silly bone in that area I honestly could not move the darn thing you know how you can move your wrist one way and then the opposite side? I could only do it the one way and it just looked all crooked and cock_eyed ...and HURT let me tell you that thing was just killing me, it was all I could do to get myself checked out, load the stupid car and then unload the crap once I got home. I didn't have to have a cast on my arm ( thank Goodness) but they had me wear this long brace that almost goes down to your elbow, they remind me of the braces one wears when dealing with carpel tunnel. I was able to take the brace off you know for bathing and so on and I had that thing wrapped up daily with my pain patches ( LIDODERM ) PAIN PATCHES, I get 90 of them each month Thankfully...and Thank God Medicare pays for them I'd never be able to afford those high dollar things but they are truly a blessing as I use them all over my body; I go back to the doctor this Friday but the arm is doing much better now, it hurt me so badly that you would have thought I had fallen on it, but nope that's not what happened to me, just the motion of putting a stupid item in my shopping cart..crazy huh? Like I said if the weird and bizarre is gonna happen to anyone its gonna be me...(sigh)! {{{Jerzgirl}}, it was soooo nice to talk to you, Monday I really did enjoy our visit, it hurt like hell holding the phone but it was worth the pain..LOL! {{huge hugs to ya}}! So what have I missed out on all these many past weeks? ROTFL! Sorry I haven't been on here but there is NO WAY I was gonna attempt to type using only one hand, I would have lost what's left of my tiny mind...LOL!! So many things I've wanted to talk about and share with you guys,all this time I will try and do my best to go back and find some of your alls postings ok? Just give me some time to do it, OH AND THE BEST NEWS I HAVE IS...NO MORE STINKIN DIAL UP !!!!!! [b]WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/b][u][/u] MY Cable Co. FINALLY got my section of town finished to where I could hook up to their Cable high speed service, (its cheaper than silly AT&T's DSL)!! So now I have my basic cable, my cable high speed internet and I've also switched my phone service with them, Three things are with them now...so far so good too!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE, the Fast Connection OMG!! It was so nice to call netzero and cancel that RETARDED, AWFUL STINKY, DIAL UP!! YES YES YES!!! GOODBYE! HOPE TO NEVER USE YOU AGAIN IN MY LIFETIME!! BLEH!! OK I guess that's about it for me...sorry for the long post, You'd not believe the mistakes I've made either trying to get back in the practice of typing...ROTFL!! OMG!! It's so nice to be back !!
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10 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
9 Dec 09
Well Jan it is very good to see you back, I was wondering what had happened to you and I certainly missed you Now with the fastest Internet I hope that I will be seeing more of you lol It is good to see you back and I certainly missed you to
3 people like this
• United States
11 Dec 09
Hi Gabs: I've missed you too!! Oh what a cute cute cute cute picture you have now for your Christmas avatar...AAWWWWW!!!! so cute!! Yep! I'm back! slowly trying to get my hand/arm flexed to get back to typing here for some reason my fingers are just going every which way on the keyboard..LOL! Guess my brain isn't working that great then either to communicate with my hands! Always good to hear from you too! Been thinking about you and so many other dear friends on here; {{huge hugs to ya}}}
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
12 Dec 09
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. This is a very cute picture. Kathy.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Hey jan! And a very big WELCOME BACK GIRLFRIEND! It is so great to see ya again! So sorry to hear of the mishap with your arm! I dislocated my shoulder and broke it so I do know of the terrible pain that comes with it! I hope you are now feeling much better! I am also very accident prone so I can understand how these weird things can "just happen"! Please try to be more careful! We have missed you lots! I hope you were able to enjoy your Thanksgiving! Mine was just ok! It was just me, my boyfriend and one of my crazy girlfriend's who didn't have anywhere else to go! No big deal! I am having some problems with my SSD! They are making me pay $447 for Medicaid! You just wouldn't believe the crap they are putting me through and I can't even see my regular doctors anymore because they don't take straight Medicaid! And they have the nerve to make me pay for it from the little pissy money that they are giving me! I don't understand this but that is how NY Law deals with SSD! I would have been better off with SSI, but since I had the nerve to WORK in my lifetime I am now being punished for it! So things are not going well for me and I have been beyond stressed out trying to find a way to get things straightened out! So life is not going well here either! I hope you will get better soon! Hugs, Opal
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Hey Les, Would it help to speak to a Legal Aide Lawyer? I know they have saved me in more ways than I can remember. This SS system will do anything to keep you from what is yours and the new Healthcare system if it passes will kill us all. A lawyer knows all the loop holes. I'll keep you in my prayers Sweetie. Big Hug Leenie
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Dec 09
HI {{Sweetheart}}: How are you? Well that was stupid of me to ask that after reading your post WTF is going on in your state??? OMG!! I need to get dressed to head outside into the frozen world but as soon as I get home later, gonna try to go acqua size too at the YMCA, I will be back to post more; It's so freakin cold out I don't don't don't want to go out but MUST get to the farm and then to the Y..... I'll be back.......
• United States
9 Dec 09
{{Opal darlin}}, I agree with Leenie; contact a lawyer that's insane that they are making you pay that much for medicaid..WTF??? something is very "off" there I'd say there's no way I could pay that amount either I'd have to either MOVE from that state or just die... Who the hell can pay that much or more, Medicaid is to help out those of us not make money from us....that's just so backwards to me; I'm sitting here just shaking my head, I think you are being robbed dear lady I just never heard of such a thing; Do keep me posted on what's going on ok?? I'm so very very sorry you are having to deal with this sort of mess, its just not right, not right at all; Love & hugs to you dear friend I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that this mess gets straightened out for you one way or another; Good Grief!
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Welcome back darlin. I feel for you, I once was in a cast for over 5 months, right arm. I'm right handed to boot. Didn't break any bones, dislocated my right wrist, had surgery...the whole nine yards. I hope it continues to get better. WoooooooHooooooo, congrats, WTG on getting back your high speed, hot damm.....Great news. I haven't had time to be on mylot since last month, I have been living on ebay, tis the season. Today has sort of been a slow day, was able to catch my breath a little bit. I even got some much needed work done around here, I am so far behind. Take care and its really nice seeing you.
2 people like this
• United States
9 Dec 09
Hi ya {{Polly~Doodle}}, Missed you too!! I know what that's like to wear a cast for months on end when I was in the 4th grade I fell and had three bones sticking out of my wrist...damn scary and it was on my right arm and I too am right handed I had that cast on a good six months and it was during the spring/summer and HOT HOT HOT, AND ITCHY miserable!! I don't ever want to experience that again, no thanks!! YEAH BABY!! I'm lovin my High speed again it was torture too having it back and NOT being able to sit here and test it out...dang it!! But I'm slowly making up for lost time now; I know you've been mega busy via ebay ( you lucky devil you ) you are doing an AWESOME Job on there, I'm soooo jealous, Green with Envy! LOL! I had to give it up for this years sales while I still had @@##$%!! sh!tty dial up, trying to log on and be on Sh!tbay and the site to post products was just a NIGHTMARE! I was getting knocked offline right and left and cussing like crazy; and then I got injured...etc..etc..etc....now that I'm better , and have my high speed its just really almost too late to sell anything ya know? But you are kicking a$$ and I applaud you!! But betweeen sh!tbay fee's and paypal's are you making any money?? I guess you are, I hope you are at least; Its good that you are getting the sales you are especially in this hard economy. take care now and hope to talk to you soon; gotta head out to the farm here in a few minutes and its so blasted cold I need to wrap up good....I am NOT looking forward to stepping outside I'm just not! I detest winter weather with every fiber of my being...(G)! I really do!
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I'm in northern Ohio and its flippin cold...We have high winds, gust 50 and 60 mph, with wind chills way below 0 degress, bbrrrrrrrrr. I am so looking forward to spring. I don't even remember having summer, where did it go. As for ebay the fees are killing me, so far my fees for just this month are over $500, I haven't had time to sit down and figure out how much I have made. So far I am making enough to buy the house apes a Christmas present. The last couple of days I have had some customer complaints, mostly though people are happy. I've been working hard, the next couple of weeks are going to be nuts. People expect you to be able to work miracles. They order one day and want to know if you can have it in California the next day. Maybe thats what I get with the name of grammasmagic, they think I can work magic, hehe. I gotta check in at Ebay, take care, stay warm and welcome back. xoxoxo
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Dec 09
Hey Toots!! I read your post, then had a "heart attack", when I read what your sh!tbay fee's were; I WISH I COULD TYPE OUT IN REALLY REALLY LARGE LETTERS HERE... [b]OH MY GGGGGAAAWWWWWWWWWWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b] $500.00 IN FEEEEEEE'SSSSSSSSS???????????????????????????????????????????? THUD!!!! Wow!!! Well you must be doing something right, Yikes!!! Everyday when I log on to see if by some miracle my crap has sold I have a whole 4 items, then I see how your feedback number has jumped up higher and higher and higher meaning sale, sale , and yet more sales for you... YA BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!! [/u][u] Yeah I'm still green with envy...but happy for ya...but damn that green monkey, GET OFF of me will ya?? LOL!!! you are a selling machine woman...a selling machine!!! so you bought the house apes a gift huh? ROTFL!! Well I hope they appreciate it!! its so good to be back on here, and I've missed giving you "crap" er..."Grief"...um and other stuff... take care now you selling machine you, and spread some of that "magic" my way will ya? hehee!!
@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Sounds very similar to what happened to my knee this summer. Doctor basically said it just had a catch in it. Gave me pills. I got relief when I did some trips to the chiropractor.
@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
10 Dec 09
My knee is better, I have concluded I need bunion surgery. I have to go out to take care of the people who depend on me. I will even be working some extra shifts, cause I do not have staff. I think we got around six inches, not much rain under it here. Lots of wind the last twenty four hours.
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• United States
9 Dec 09
HI ya Gerty!!! Oh Ouch a knee injury, those are wretched!!! Is your knee better now? Oh I practically live at my chiropractor...LOL! I have three that I use all the time; PRAISE BE for MY CHIROPRACTOR'S...(g)!! My poor ribs have been popped so many times since 1996 they are like rubberbands now I can pop them out of place by sneezing, coughing, or even blowing a fart...ROTFL! Sad but true!!! Isn't this windy weather WRETCHED??? OMG! Did you get a lot of snow? I've not idea what we had maybe an inch but the wind is just driving it all around and its been spitting snow off and on today but the winds and cold air is just so hard to breathe outside; You be careful now if you go out, with all the rain there is plenty of ice under that snow to slip on now; {{hugs}} to you....
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Dec 09
Hi Gerty; Oh Ouch! You say you also need bunion surgery too? That's what happens when we are on concrete floors for hours on end, day after day? Well when it comes time to do that I hope it all goes well for you; 6 inches huh? BLEH!! I'm glad we didn't get that here, thank Goodness! I just am NOT a winter-weather type person at all....HATE IT!! Take care and be careful on that slippery stuff, ours finally melted off today and should be in the 40's this weekend...YEAH BABY...A HEATWAVE! LOL!
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I've been worrying about you Dreamweaver! You've been on my mind a LOT, and now I know why. Your injury to your wrist doesn't sound crazy at all. But of course I am a klutz myself. I ruined my right wrist, hand and arm at work opening a security strap on a tape (okay that was 1982..when they still had cassette tapes, 8 tracks and even records. CD's were just coming out at that time.). I tore the nerves and tendons in my wrist and arm and apparently jerked back from the pain and ruptured the c6 and c7 disks in my neck. It took them an hour and a half to get me off the sales floor and I finally took myself to the doctor three days later. If I had been taken immediately to medical help I wouldn't have had so much permanent damage to the right hand,wrist and arm. Do me a huge favor and take it very very easy on your arm, wrist and hand. It is surprising how much more damage you can do to yourself by using it too soon. I am still debating getting satellite internet. I am getting very tired of dial up and not having the use of the phone while I am on line. Unfortunately I love my ISP and have been with them since around 1987, it makes it very hard to change because of the wonderful customer service they give. But where I live I get only 20k down load because we don't have the high speed phone lines and it will be a very long time before they get it clear out here where I live. Take care of you, love & hugs and get well when your supposed to!!! Don't be as stupid as I am and force yourself to do things ahead of time.
2 people like this
• United States
9 Dec 09
HEY {{{LOVERBEAR}}} {{missed you too}} I'm dying to know and to try to catch up on your posts, your crazy cats and anything else that might have been going on with you the last many many weeks; I bet you have some good stories right? Isn't it crazy how fast we can hurt ourselves just by doing the most simple tasks? I swear the older I get the worse it gets too; OUCH AND A BIG OLD OWWWIEEE! AFter reading your post here...good grief! I had to wait a couple days too before I could get the first X-ray on it; I had to make sure my SPEND DOWN for the month had gotten turned in; and it happened on a friday too, That sort of sh!t for me always happens when you can't get to your regular doctor or you have to wait it out for some bullsh!t reason like stupid spend down for the month; AAARgghhh!!!!!! Oh Loverbear, if you can get/and pay for the Satellite internet I say DO IT...A friend of mine that lives out in the country has that, and its super fast and as far as I know she's not ever had any problems; Try to do it when they have a special or no INSTALLATION FEE'S YA KNOW? that saves you lots of money too; I hope for your sake you get it, IT'S SUPER AMAZING!!! DIAL UP SUCKS!! I'm trying to be careful with my arm/wrist a neighborhood boy who is either 10 or 11 years old has helped me out a lot with the heavy stuff like lifting my dog food bags for me from the car, bringing them in, the big bags of cat litter, and he's helped me out with the changing of the cat litter boxes, which he hates...ha! TOO BAD! no, he's a good kid and I've rewarded him a lot with some movies of mine and different things for him and his family they basically have NOTHING!! you know? So sad really another woman gave them their old artificial Christmas tree for him and his sister which was great, they also helped me out with mine to get it set up and decorated they've been waiting all friggin summer to do this...crazy kids!! But yeah I'm trying to "baby it" trust me it lets me know when I'm doing too much trust me; Love and hugs to you, I can't wait to catch up with you and your furbabies!
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Hey Jan!!! I'm so happy to see you back!! A lot of friends have gone off to FB if you know what I mean. But there is no forum there and I don't see the draw. Anyway, I've missed you and sorry to hear about your wrist. Did I miss it or did you say exactly what the injury was? Well, lot's of happenings on my end. Hubby and I are in foreclosure. We have maybe 30 days left before we're out of here. He still hasn't found a job.(2 1/2 yrs.) Don't have a clue where we are going to live. Praying that the answer will come soon. Welcome back. Big Hugs Leenie
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
10 Dec 09
Wow Jan, I'm happy to hear about your living situation. It sounds like a wonderful deal. I'm sure you had to go through hell before this place. I was given a number for United Way and my hubby went and they basically said we didn't qualify. We are trying to live on my SSD of $802.00 a month. Dennis was cut off of unemployment in Sept. They finally allowed another extension so in a couple of weeks he start receiving that again. I'll have to keep looking for some kind of help. It's so good to have you back. Big Hugs Leenie
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Dec 09
Hi Leenie: {{huge hugs to you}}, I don't know how you are making it just on your income, good grief!! if I didn't have my car payment of $200.00 a month plus insurance for it, gas etc..etc..etc... I'd be in a lot better shape but Lord knows I need my car but it seems like I've been paying on it for a lifetime LOL! I hope something works out for you two, I know how stressful all of this can be on a person and those of us with so many other health issues its really hard on us. I just want to hit the doctors that always tell you, STAY AWAY FROM STRESS!!! YEAH RIGHT! Get the f____K real man! Stress in some form is everywhere; Would you believe that last night I hurt my right hand, the fingers, knuckles, slammed into the friggin frackin thing on the door as you come in...OMG! OUCH OUCH OUCH!! And get this minutes after that when I went back outside to retrieve my dog I hit the LEFT HAND in that same spot...I am black and blue on both hands...unbelievable! When I had my doctor's appointment today he asked what the heck happened to you?? I just said DON'T ASK....JUST DON'T EVEN ASK ME!!! WHAT A BLUNDER-BUTT I AM!!! Well Leenie~darlin I wish I had some answers for you, for you and your hubby. I really wish I did; I pray something good will come your way; love & hugs to you; I'll be thinking of ya!!
• United States
9 Dec 09
HI ya {{ Leenie~darlin}}: I'm happy to be back too! I have a FB account but you know I've not been on it for months I'd have to dig through my notebooks here to even try to figure out my login/password...LOL! I like myspace too but while suffering through dial up the last several months I could not log onto it without getting knocked offline; Tis very very frustrating and this site too would just drag and drag and then kick me offline..UGH! SOOOO nice to be back with a high speed connection now...OMG!! I LOVE IT!! OH Dearest Leenie, I'm so very sorry to hear you are in foreclosure, so many good people are having to deal with this, it breaks my heart to hear about this; I don't know what to tell you either have you tried contacting your local housing authority type place there?? That's what I have, its what I had to do when I had to sell my mobile home three years ago, I didn't own the land it had sat on for like 15-19 years I lived there for almost 10 years...(sigh)! I miss that place too anyway I had to move into units provided by the Housing Authority its all I could afford being on disability pay and so on; IT SUCKS!! But the place I am living in now is way way way better than the sh!thole I was living in for 2 years, OMG ! IT WAS HORRIBLE!!! You might try checking into something like that they base the rent on what you are earning and it sounds like you might benefit from that I mean with your Hubby not being able to find work and all, and you being on disability you know? I truly am sorry to hear of this, I've lived in a lot of places since I first moved out when I was 21 but nothing ever takes the place of my home where I grew up out on my Dad's farm you know? Thankfully even though his health is bad he is still able to live out on the farm and I am able to be there daily you know? I dread the day something happens to him because I know as sure as I am sitting here my a$$wipe of a brother will sell the place before his body gets cold... he's such a jerk!! Well darlin keep me posted on your situation and check around your area if you can with the housing , or section 8...its all very different I guess from State to state but basically the same I guess? My rent is $149.00 I have a 2 bedroom I qualify for the 2 bedroom because of me being on oxygen, and truthfully I need to space for all my crap...LOL!! This unit has a nice storage shed out back too which is a true blessing! They pay my water and trash too; thats nice and I like that when stuff breaks I don't have to worry about it or fix it you know? They also provide in each unit washer and dryer hookups which is awesome as I'd never be able to drag my laundry around you know? That would just kill me! With my neck and back injuries I just could not do it but I guess I would if I had too! take care dear lady I will be thinking about you;
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Hope your arm heals up soon. Glad you can make it back to MyLot and enjoy the community of friends. And DSL too! I also have AT&T DSL and have been pleased with the service and dependability.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Dec 09
Hi there djbtol: Thanks for stopping by; (G)!! Yes I've really missed this place so many wonderful dear friends on here; Mylot is just an awesome place!! Glad to hear that you too have high speed internet, there's just nothing like it and I pray I never have to have stupid dial up service again; take care and I'm sure I'll be seeing you around again;
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Glad your back! It sounds like you really have had a time. Glad things are getting better for you.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Dec 09
Hi there Thouroughrob: Thank you!! I'm way behind on what's going on with your family and situation and so many other dear friends on here; I'll never catch up! I hope things are better for you, I'll have to scroll back and try to catch up!! Yes thankfully my stupid arm/wrist is much better at least I can sit here for a little while now and type some; take care now!
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
12 Dec 09
well, I've tried to keep things updated here, so I guess you have seen what's been going on the last 4 days for me sorry you hurt your wrist, sounds like what happens to my body! and I can't even use those pain patches - talk about doing weird things to my bod!
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
13 Dec 09
Oh, sweetheart! I've missed you! Sorry to hear about your arm. What a shame. Remember the last time you hurt yourself and I also posted to you about the time that I fell on both of my arms? We all do stuff like that so don't feel bad. I just hope it heals soon because it is such a nuisance (to say the least) to hurt any part of the body, especially as you get older. Hey, girl! I posted a discussion and I would love to get a comment from you! Your input would be great! Thanks, Jan and God bless you! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija