United States
December 8, 2009 8:08pm CST
When people say "Happy Holidays" they're taking Christ out of Christmas. The same thing goes for x-mas. They are substituting Christ. Now many people say that they have to say " Happy Holidays" because they have to be politicly correct. But if they truly cared to say Christmas they would just say it. It's a FREE ( emphasis on the free) country. In the constitution it says we have the right to FREE speech. But ever since ( now this gets political) the senate and the presidency became democratic they are making the schools say " Happy Holidays." Now you know about the democratics being " scientific" and " going green" while us republicans want to put God back in our schools. So now every Christmas you hear people saying " Merry Christmas" a lot less. And it's not just the schools. It's work places as well. The truth is: DEMOCRATICS: don't follow the constitution; REPUBLICANS: FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION!!!!! So what is really right to say this Christmas. "Happy Holidays" or " MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!" ( I mean no offense to democratics and I am not showing favoritism. ( ok just a little) )
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12 responses
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
I am from the Philippines, so I think I am not concerned with the political affiliations of the United States. But as a Christian country, our Churches definetely emphasizes that what we are celebrating during this holiday season is the birth of Jesus Christ, so it would be unfair to our Lords' part of not giving him credits during this season. I do agree to you that we have to say 'Merry Christmas' and not just 'happy holidays'.
• United States
10 Dec 09
totally. We should never say happy holidays. It is an offense to christians to take CHRIST out of CHRISTmas.
• United States
9 Dec 09
Any job I've worked in the past whether it be retail or a grocery store we've been told we have to say Happy Holidays because not everyone celebrates Christmas, which I can respect. I understand the whole political point your making but I can see why many people just stick with Happy Holidays now a days. I still do it, probably from being told at jobs in the past we couldn't say Merry Christmas, but it is a major pet peeve of mine when people put X-Mas and don't just write out Christmas, it doesn't take that long to write out the whole word, honestly.
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• United States
10 Dec 09
well you see your opinion about the holidays is yours. But people write x-mas because they are purposefully trying to take out Christ from christmas. And it has been going on for so long sometimes people don't even know they are doing it. And I don't agree with happy holidays because again it offends me. Taking CHRIST out of CHRISTmas.
• Lithuania
9 Dec 09
I don't want to disappoint you, but Christmas has nothing to do with Christ. Christians hijacked this pagan tradition in hopes that it would help attracting pagans to their faith. This whole "war on christmas" bullcrap makes me laugh every time. People wish happy holidays because it is politic thing to say: 1. It is a generic greeting which applies to all and not just one group of people. 2. In this universe Christmas is still considered a holiday, so it is accurate greeting too. Personally I couldn't care less about how people are greeting me, there are way bigger religious problems than this, so if you want you can wish me whatever you want. Just please stop pretending evil atheist are here to take down your precious holidays, that can't be further from the truth.
• Lithuania
10 Dec 09
Very true, I celebrate Christmas even though I am atheist, I separate it from religious practices and just celebrate the spirit of good will. And anyone should consider that the holidays period is different for everyone, everyone celebrate it differently, so the best greeting is to greet happy holidays, because you never know whether person is celebrating Christmas or winter solstice.
@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I kind of think a holiday is what you make of it. You are very right that Christmas was definitely not a Christian holiday at first. Did they even call it Christmas? I don't know. It's kind of like Halloween. Some people think it is a holiday to worship the devil. I think it is what we make of it. To me it's just a holiday for kids to dress up and get candy. Just as Christmas to me is celebrating Christ's birthday.
• United States
10 Dec 09
Yes and you know a lot of christians don't really care whether your atheist or not. But you see we celebrate christmas of Christ's birth. And nothing will change that. No matter what day it is we will celebrate christ. ( I have no problems with atheists. I have a lot of friends who are atheists.)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Dec 09
happy holidays is for those that are not Christian. It is still a holiday. If you are christian then by all means say Merry Christmas. Some Christians actually do have a problem with those that aren't Christian celebrating Christmas because it is a religious holiday. Still whether religious or not ...people do celebrate the day. You can't please everyone. It's just a word and if you don't care about being politically correct then just ignore it. It's not like it is a law or anything. No one is saying you HAVE to say Happy Holiday. it's really not or should not be such a big deal to anyone.
@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
9 Dec 09
You said in response to my own response that they don't want to exclude anyone else. How does celebrating Christmas exclude anyone? They can celebrate other holidays and religious days too, they don't have to take Christmas out, just include other things. They can say happy holidays, I just don't see why merry Christmas is a big deal. I think the reason it is an issue to some is that we are seeing more and more rights about religious freedom go by the wayside. And that isn't just bad for Christians, it is bad for people as a whole. That's just my view. I appreciate your view on it as well. I always want to hear what others have to say.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Dec 09
Happy Holiday includes everyone...not just Christians. As you can see from the response above....some Christians really do take offense to others celebrating Christmas just for the gifts etc and not caring about the real meaning. I know the real meaning and was raised on it. For us it is not all about the gifts even tho we no longer practice the religion. It is a time for sharing and getting together with family etc.
• United States
10 Dec 09
Christians are just fine with people who are not christian celebrating christmas. But when those who are not christian only see the Christmas as a day of gifts then that's what pisses us off sometimes. There is a meaning to christmas and a reason for it and everyone knows it. Even if you are not christian.
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
Hi there, quite true my friend that nowadays people usually replaced the greeting of "Merry Christmas" to either "happy holidays" or "Merry X-mas". I think people must realized the true meaning and essence of Christmas, why it is celebrated and who is the One we Honor in this celebration. Christ believer celebrate Christmas Time to honor and glorify the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. But to those who is not a believer, they sometimes don't celebrate at all or they just celebrate it as it is just some of those holiday season to enjoy. In my opinion, those who use "Merry Christmas" has a more deeper meaning with Christmas Time than to those who uses "merry x-mas" and "happy holidays".
• United States
9 Dec 09
Totally! The noble and the brave say Merry Christmas but the cowards say " Happy Holidays". Tell me are you a christian?
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Dec 09
No I am not a Christian and not a coward either.
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
Hi sid, so do you celebrate Christmas Season or not?... If not its fine not to tell Merry Christmas, yes you are not a coward because you have your own belief. Our friend ladybug is only referring the word "coward" to those Christ believer who uses the word "happy holidays" or "merry x-mas" because they are afraid to show the world what they believe in. But if you do celebrate then what makes you celebrate Christ birth?...
@pillow08 (97)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
I would prefer "Merry Christmas" being a Christian, myself. However, we have to accept the fact that people have to be "politically correct" so as not to offend any body. Although, obviously a lot of businessmen takes advantage of this Season (including St. Valentine's Day, etc) to make more money and create more business. That's why they prefer "Happy Holidays" instead. On a brighter note, at least even non-Christians celebrate Christmas, may be Christians can start sharing God's words and make people remember the significance of the season...?
• United States
9 Dec 09
true true but Why can't they just say happy Hanukkah etc. Instead of happy holidays because now they offend us Christians.
• United States
10 Dec 09
Yes but it's a lot better to isolate then to take away the truth from christmas. When saying happy holidays they take away christ from christmas. Trying to make the holiday seem less religious.
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
Perhaps, because when you say "Hanukkah", it's Jewish. It isolates Christian's Christmas. Thus, saying "Happy Holiday" is more appropriate for believers (from whichever Religion or belief) and non-believers (pagans) alike.
@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
10 Dec 09
politics aside, i agree we must keep the Christ in Christmas. when i say happy holidays i don't mean any disrespect for our Lord. It is because happy holidays means both Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, thus i say happy holidays. i agree however we should never take the Christ out of Christmas!
• United States
12 Dec 09
Well if you mean merry Christmas and happy new year say " I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year." , " merry christmas and a happy new year."
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
Merry Christmas, But X-mas, is actually the unusual bu common thing when writing it down. Maybe X means "trans" which means to change or transform. Christmas transforms the world into a greater society. Very Truly Yours,
• United States
10 Dec 09
no. i believe that people at first were writing it that way to take Christ out of christmas. But it had been going on for so long that they did not realize they were doing that.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I don't want to get involved in a political discussion either, but I can say that I do indeed say Merry Christmas to everyone that I meet during the holidays. If, in the event that I am corrected by someone that does not celebrate Christmas then I will correct myself and tell them Happy (insert correct holiday here). I am not registered one way or the other politically because there are things that I like and dislike about both and would rather call myself an independent because of this.
• United States
12 Dec 09
I see your point of view.
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
Hi. I never used "Merry X-mas" to greet my loved ones and other people. I always write or text in full the greetings "Merry Christmas." Here in our country, "Happy Holidays" is used to bid goodbye to colleagues or classmates during the Christmas and New Year vacation. Since the vacation covers both Christmas and New Year, we often use "Happy Holidays" to cover both holiday celebration. But we greet "Merry Christmas" or "Happy New Year" for specific dates/holidays of the year.
• United States
10 Dec 09
well for greetings like that that bid farewell do what the song says. " I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."
• United States
10 Dec 09
I agree that people are trying to take Christ out of Christmas. My daughter is three this year and she is really beginning to understand Santa Clause. She knows that he is bringing her presents this year. She also loves Jesus. She talks about Him and God all the time. She also talks to Him. I have tried to help her understand that Christmas is about Jesus' birthday. I work for a company who says Happy Holidays. That is how they are required to greet customers and answer the phones. Just last year we were still allowed to say Merry Christmas. Many of the employees continue to say Merry Christmas this year. I know that some customers get very offended when we say Happy Holidays. I say Merry Christmas. Even people who do not celebrate Christmas still smile at least.
• United States
12 Dec 09
I agree it so true that even if you don't celebrate christmas you can get offended by saying happy holidays.
• United States
12 Dec 09
I wouldn't write it down party lines as the reason why the change is occurring - but people on both sides are too concerned about what will offend the other person. It comes down to politicians - on both sides. They want to earn as many votes as they possibly can - so they will say whatever the heck it takes to get those votes. If it means they can capture an atheist vote here and there because of it then they'll do it. What I am pissed about as far as happy holidays go is that it is all centered on getting rid of Christ because it's supposedly politically incorrect - well if they're going to do that they should get rid of the holiday. It is a CHRISTIAN holiday to celebrate Christ's birth and it has been twisted and changed to fit what people want it to be.
• United States
12 Dec 09
So true. If they wanted everything to be politicly correct then a hell of a lot would be different in America.