What is the best way to study Japanese?

December 8, 2009 10:08pm CST
Konnichiwa! Hello! I might leave for Japan next year. I need all the help that I can get. I would like to ask for the best way to study Japanese. Where should I begin? Should I start with just knowing basic expressions? Should I incorporate this with writing the Hiragana, Katakana? When should I begin learning to writing Kanji? When is the best time to take the JLPT? Please help. Tasukete kudasai, onegaishimasu!
8 responses
• United States
13 Dec 09
I was in Japan for Monbukagausho scholarship program and it has 6 months intensive japanese course. Although studying Japanese seriously is one of the best ways but you need to find every oppurtunity to speak Japanese and practice your speaking skills. It also depend as what purpose you wanted to learn the language, is it for personal reasons only, for work for survival or for studies. If you are really serious try rosettastone. Ja. gambatte kudasai!
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
Wow that is so sweet! How was your study there? Where in Japan did you study and what school? I also saw that program in the website of the Japanese embassy here. I applied for the Jepepa program which sends healthcare workers to Japan. I hope that I get the e-mail that I made the list! Arigatou gozaimasu! Gambarimasu! Mata ne!
• United States
9 Jan 10
I was in Hiroshima university for 6 months intensive japanese language course but my main program was an In-Service Training for teachers catergory for 18 months. The language program was part of the scholarsip, I moved to Shimane University for my major feild of study. When I was accepted, I was still in the Philippines working. Good for you. I hope you will make it. Please don't forget to tell us in this post for your progress. I am very excited for you.....
@Chiniona (327)
• China
11 Dec 09
Ha! I also want to go to Japen! I'm learning Japenese now!
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
That is so cool! I applied for the Jepepa program and I am just praying that I make it. I really would like to go to Japan and experience new things! Good luck on your studies too!
@Chiniona (327)
• China
17 Jan 10
Thank you! Good luck with you too!
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
I think you need to start with the basics. If you have extra cash and time, I suggest you enroll yourself in a Japanese speaking class to be able to learn the grammar and other necessary vocabulary you need to communicate. It is also best to surround yourself with Japanese speaking people so you are forced to speak the language and try even harder to learn it. Have a small Japanese-English dictionary with you just in case you find yourself lost in translation. You have to remember, learning takes time. With adequate determination and interest, you will be able to speak the language fluently and it might surprise you how fast your brain works! Have fun and enjoy Japan!
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
Thanks for your suggestion. I really appreciate it. I plan to enroll next month. I am really interested to learn Japanese so though it will take time, I know that I can make it.
@much2say (57376)
• Los Angeles, California
16 Feb 10
Konnichiwa! Are you planning to live in Japan or just visit there? I'd say it all depends on what your intentions are when you're there. For a quick start, you can always find basic expressions online for free . . . I'd say knowing how to converse can be much more beneficial than learning how to read or write. If you wanted to learn to read and write, generally they start you at katakana and then to hiragana then onto kanji . . . but if you're only visiting, perhaps a good way to learn is to look up "signs" that are in Japan - that way you know some of the "applications" of Japanese. Once you know katakana and hiragana well, reading children's books (particularly the ones you already know) that are in Japanese helps alot as it's "simple". And as others have said, taking a class would be ideal . . . the teachers can always help and correct you - and learning with other students is more motivating. Gambare!
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
I believe there are many different ways of learning Japanese language. Well primarily, you have to start learning from the very basics. I forgot which among those characters is the easiest to learn but I suggest, you have to do one step at a time. Don't be in hurry when it comes to learning because if you do, you'll never be successful. I think it would be better if you'll enroll in a Japanese school where you have have professional teachers who can help you learn to speak and understand Japanese language. Aside from that, you can also buy Japanese-English translation book so you can read it during your downtime. I hope it will help you with this thing.
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
Thank you for your suggestion. I got confused because some would recommend taking up Kanji at a later time. Some even suggest to take it up while learning the vocabulary. I plan to take the Japanese class soon too. There is a class in the University where I am currently taking my Masters. Have a great day!
@frosty89 (75)
• Japan
30 Jan 10
Hi. I am a Malaysia foreign student in Nagano, Japan. To learn japanese, there is no other ways better than watching Japan dramas or animations. Start out with subtitles. But if you are really serious to get into local Universities, you will need a good grip of Japanese. Since you are a beginner, you should take around a week to remember all the Hiraganas and Katakanas. Then, start out with simple Japanese grammar. You should find the new Level 4 JLPT books useful. Then while studying about the grammars, you must also focus on your kanji. Kanji is the most important part of this language. If you know (read,understand) kanji, you will be able to understand most part of japanese text books. Don't rush your kanjis, start by learning JLPT level 5 kanji. I learn japanese from scratch 3 years ago ( my 1st year was all about japanese language) and it will be hard for the 1st year but once you know the grammar and few useful phrases, you can most japanese.
• Australia
21 Jan 10
Im learning japanese by watching videos online. I tried several ways in learning japanese such as reading, listening and watching, but I think watching is more efficient and will be less boring. Learning how to write will be easier if u practice everyday. However if you like japanese, all ways from reading watching writing and listening will be really efficient. Boku mo nihongo o benkyou shimasu. Nihongo wa totemo omoshiroi desu yo!
@keinah2 (301)
• Philippines
27 Jan 10
You should begin with the basics first. I learned how to read and write japanese through anime. At first I read reeeallllly slow. But I practiced my reading through the mangas my cousin gave me. You should start learning katakana first, then hiragana, and then kanji. Kanji has 5 levels. I know how to read level 1 and 4 only and i'm still trying to learn. The best time to take JLPT is after you learn all of this...kini shinaide and ganbatte ne~~