9/11/2001, during this day what do you remember? and what were you doing?
By Fulltank
@Fulltank (2882)
December 8, 2009 11:31pm CST
I knew most of us would never forget this tragic day our our history. And I also knew that most of us never forget what was that were doing before we receive the bad news. I guess I have to start with myself.
"I was working on my previous job when a co-worker's cell phone got a text message on it. He just told me that the world trade center was bomb (that was his first impression about the incident though). At first I felt shocked and immediately thought that that would be very impossible. Then another text came to his cellphone and tells me that a plane crashed at the world trade center. And the news spread like fire over the work, so a one worker had switch his cellphone to radio and there it is on the headlines to almost all radio stations."
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16 responses
@theonehush (959)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
hey man.. you know what?? this is quite hilarious.. 9-11-01 i was celebrating my birthday with a few friends.. lol.. and its not that i celebrated on that day but it really is my birthday.. lol.. the funny thing was, we were out partying, one of my friends' mom texted him that the world trade center was bombed something like that.. and he told us.. and we just laughed all thinking that he was drunk and he kept repeating it until we went home 4am in the morning of september 12.. and much to our surprise, he was telling the truth when we watched the news the next day.. lol.. 

@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Im not a sir, and you put the laughing symbols at the end, you just were not very tactful in your response
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Oh im shaking in my boots because you are being oh so macho, grow up and realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion without having to resort to immature, and so overused, terms of "dont get in ma face" crap.....and you say that Im the one that is less smart? Please grow up.....
@theonehush (959)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
what part of "im just laughing at my friend" did you not understand?? are you dumb or something?? or are you just this type of person who loves to get their a*s up into others' business.. of course the world mourned that day.. do you really think that i would laugh in a matter like that?? dont be silly.. and if you're smart enough analyze everything first before you react.. alright?? im not usually the one to react to people who get to my face but then you're pushing it.. the discussion said DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID 9/11.. so yeah i just answered it... the discussion never said ARE YOU SAD BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED.. i just posted what i did.. and i found that day funny.. NOT BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR COUNTRY.. sorry to have offended you.. but i got offended myself.. you need to clear things up before you get on other peoples face and start to piss them off.. dont just start other topics to insult other people if you dont agree with them.. better yet you just keep your mouth shut so that there will be nothing more to say.. i said nothing wrong.. so if you're that smart you could have ANALYZED everything first before you started blabbing.. 

@ravi_s2025 (510)
• India
9 Dec 09
i thought that i would get 1 day holiday for my school but it didnt happen.:(

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
9 Dec 09
Spicysweetie. I am 110% madly in love with you after this!
Don't file suit on me with myLot. Just telling the truth!!!
***bows to the sweetie one***
Other random dude: wise up 

@ravi_s2025 (510)
• India
17 Dec 09
hey spicy i was just 12 years old at the time of 9/11 attack.At that time i didnt even know what terrorism is.When i heard the news ,the first thing that went through my mind was " will i get day off today?".I studied in a very strict school where teachers were very rude.So i just wanted to escape from there for one day at least.Please dont think that i am a meanie.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
10 Dec 09
It isnt often that I can remember exactly what I was doing on a specific day. However I do on this day. Im a SAHM and I was watching the clock as I had to go get our son off the bus from kindergarten. I remember standing there with the TV on watching Matt Laurer(sp?), folding clothes and then all of a sudden they had on how the WTC was hit. At first it was thought to be an accident. I was watching still in shock when I saw the other plane go around the back and then it hit. I was in such shock!
I remember it being time to go get my son and yet I didnt want to leave the TV but I had too. I really dont even remember the walk to get him. I do remember the walk back as I just wanted to get home as I just didnt feel good. We got home and I got him a snack and I sat in front of the TV almost all day. Listening and yes crying.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
9 Dec 09
I will never forget where I was because I was one of the thousands in the WTC when the planes hit. I was in the south tower on the 91st floor when the north tower was hit first. When the second plane flew into my building I had only reached the 86th floor. Yes, I'm very lucky to be alive but I also lost very dear friends, 13 in all. When I think about that day its still very fresh in my mind and I truly can't believe what I saw and experienced. It was for sure the worse day of my life so far.

@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
10 Dec 09
Funny I live my life quite diffently then I was. I moved to New Mexico and can't find work and it can be very depressing at times. My life would be so different if 9/11 had never happen. However, I have to live each day the best I can and hope and pray something great will happen soon to make me happy once again.

@scottcoleson (579)
• Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
9 Dec 09
I was a freshman at Gardner-Webb University and was in Chemistry when the first plane hit (but I didn't know it at the time). I was on my way to our convocation when a friend of mine told me what had happened. Our convocation was canceled that morning and we all went back to our dorm to watch the news and we saw the second plane hit the tower. It was horrible and I was so blown away that someone would do that! I was furious and sad at the same time. I think I experienced every emotion possible that day.
@Qtpienyouri (35)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I can remember this as if it was yesterday. I was working at a nursing home and one of the patients was hollering" Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor." He was screaming so loud that we went in his room and low and behold it was on the news. At that point my phone was vibrating. I was confused and didnt understand what was going on. I looked at my phone and there was a text from my brother who was in the service to be aware of everything around me and turn on the news.They showed the plane going into the building and i thought. Maybe just maybe that the plane had just crashed from some sort of malifunction or something. I was wrong of course, and the rest is History. I will never forget that day. I still get weak in the knees when i hear 9/11. My heart goes out to the family of those lost in this horrible event.
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
I have watched a documentary film about the people who volunteer during that fateful day. Many of them are now suffering from health problems brought by that incident. And the worst part is that, many of them cannot afford the medical expenses due to the fact that the health care program of US sucks. (you know what i mean!) Damn those people who are called heroes that day don't deserve to be treated this way.
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I had stayed home from school because I didn't feel good, but when I got up and told my mom that i didnt feel well, she told me about how a plane had crashed into the world trade center in new york, the shock in her face really woke me up and I started to watch the news with her, and then the second plane hit......I just remember being so confused, and just so shocked and my mother being shocked, watching the nbc coverage of it, because i remember it was Matt Laur's voice, and later, the tower collapsed....and I was only 14 at the time, and just horrified at the thought of people being trapped in that, it all reminded me of the oklahoma city bombing at the time, it was all just so overwhelming, and just so so so sad.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
11 Dec 09
I remember it very well. 9/11 is my birthday. I remember I was just coming down the stairs for the day when I got a call from my husband. He told me that I should turn on the TV, and then he hung up. So I turned on the TV just as the second plane hit the tower. Then the captial building was hit and then when I heard that another plane went down that looked like it was heading for the White House I immediately freaked, my husband worked in Chicago at the time and his building was right next to the Sears Tower (Now the Willis tower), I thought if they were striking large buildings in big cities or well know landmarks that my husbands life was in danger, I was freaking out for 2 hours before he finally called me and told me that they had been evacuated and Chicago was a crazy mess and everyone was rushing to get out of the city and he was waiting it all out at a co-workers apartment that was a decent enough distance from the Sears tower. It was so terrifying then after I knew he was safe it was just sad. My husband and my mom and my kids took me out to dinner for my birthday, most of the restauarants were closed. Olive Garden was opened though. Nobody ate, I did not want to be out but they told me it was still my birthday and I should still celebrate that but I was too depressed to even think about celebrating. I took the whole thing really hard and was really bothered by it and depressed about it. I remember feeling like many people did that our world and our lives were no longer the same and the world was no longer safe. I feared for my children and I was sad for them because they had to grow up in a world like this.
@DarthJustice (2014)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I was fifteen years old at the time. I was in my second year of high school and, more specifically, I was sitting in my English 2 class. I remember after my class ended, I encountered my best friend in the hallway on the second floor. We got to talking. I can't remember what he said but it led me to saying how "at least I'm not the maniacs who crashed the plane into the World Trade Centers."
At the time, he actually had not heard about what had just happened. He always mentioned how he had no idea what I was talking about at the time. It wasn't until he went to his second class that he found out.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I was crashed out in my futon with the day off work.
The radio woke me up early, I got ready to go out on the tap lines, but the van never showed. So I was definitely more than happy to get back in bed. I turned it on 99.3 (The Fox rocks!!), cut the volume down some, and dozed off to Foghat's Slow Ride.
Next thing I know, I was awake and listening to news about a plane crashing into a building. The guys on 993 Fox are definitely jokers. I didn't know what was up. But I do know this: The radio has never woke me up before. When I'm out, I'm out. So maybe that part of the brain that's still conscious to your surroundings screamed "HOLY S%&^!" and woke me up. I don't know.
I wish it would have been a joke.
A lot of pain and anguish after that. And it might not be so hip these days in Progressiveville to care that much about something "American," but I thought I would crawl on the floor and die. I was scared, confused, angry, sad -- I felt violated and like my entire life was about to come undone. All my little safties and things taken for granted felt like they were suddenly false -- and they were.
And I didn't even lose anyone close to me in these brutal strings of attacks that morning. I can only imagine what others felt and are still feelilng. And I know I might be getting off topic a bit, but this is the reason I wholeheartedly believe it's still of extreme importance to fight terrorism by any means necessary. This is why I balk at the idea of prosecuting waterboarders and gut-punchers.
Anyway... I think it's a day none of us will forget, shouldn't forget, and a day that we hope never has a repeat.

@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
I was on night shift when my boss called us to check if everything is OK. And she told us about the sad news. I was shocked when i finally watched the news and saw the towers collapsing. I can hardly believe what i saw. It's just like watching an action movie but i had goosebumps considering that you can see people falling from the buildings until the tower itself collapsed. I just can't believe how america have fallen victim to terrorism at that magnitude.
@rosgill (45)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I was at work that day and as it happened my co workers started talking about it. I work for a hotel reservations and a customer told me she saw the plane go by and passengers looking down at her before it hit the Pentagon. We were all crying and kept watch of the news. It was a very sad day.
@mahagge04 (4)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I was in school. I was walking through the lunch room with a group of fellow students heading toward class. I remember that suddenly every t.v. in the school came on with the report that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. We were rushed into our classrooms. I remember watching the second plane hit. Everyone was crying even the teachers. That day will stay with me forever.
@saritharani1236 (6)
• Singapore
10 Dec 09
That tragic day I never forget.Whenever I see a movie which comes across the topic retaled to 9/11 I'll remember the day. On that day I was in the movie hall watching movie with my friends for the first time. That was my B.tech 1st year days and was with my new friends. When I came back to home my mom was telling to my dad that some planes went into the builds. But we thought she saw some movie scene. But when we switched on the TV and when we saw the news we were wordless standing like statues.
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
9 Dec 09
when that incident took place we were at our neighbour daughters birthday party and iat that time i was doing my schooling(tenth standard) and i never knew that there was some thing like a world trade center but when i have seen in the news i felt really bad about the people who lost their lives in that attack and poor thing is the same birthday girl who was 2 yr then(now 9yrs)would come to me with chocolates in her hands and first i remember is about that blast and feel sorry for all those who lost their lives.gud day.
@prodigaljuneau (27)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
i remember that incident..that time i was in my work in saudi arabia then my co-worker call me and then i saw the 911 attack..im so sad..im just thinking why some people do that..they are not afraid to the consequences they are doing? i really can't work that time