When was the last time you were happy?

December 9, 2009 1:47am CST
The last time I was happy was last Saturday because I went to attend my grad school class. I just love learning new things and get to know new people. What about you, when was the last time that you were truly happy? Happiness is a choice, and you, and only you can make yourself happy.
8 responses
• China
16 Dec 09
Ah the last time I was happy was last Saturday afternoon.My friends and I went to a beautiful hot spring and we rest comfortably,then we swim together and played games,finally we ate some delicious food!
@Orea15 (281)
• United States
14 Dec 09
I try to find things to be happy about every day. It is a conscious choice. It helps keep me on an even keel and in a reasonably good place mentally. I try to keep my focus on the positive and not let my thoughts linger on the bad stuff we all come across. Most of the time it works.
• United Arab Emirates
9 Dec 09
Hi, Last time i was happy yesterday. I was spending time with my kids and husband. We all were happy infact for little jocks created by my kids. Thanks to God for making my every day happier with my family.
@acer5540 (354)
• China
9 Dec 09
The last time i'm happy was yesterday morning. yesterday morning,when i said to my husband,"i will not have breakfast at home tomorrow morning because i always late these days." my husband suddenly replied me:" It is a happiness thing to eat together every morning" I never thought he will say like that, but it sounds good. So i determined to get up a little earlier,and have a breakfast with him.Though it is so difficult a thing for me to get up early in these cold winter days .But i will try~
@mistlady (114)
• India
9 Dec 09
The last time that I was happy was when recently I bought a birthday gift for my mother. Also I was very happy yesterday when I went to the library and issued a new book, bought chocolates from 'Toccata' and had a nice quiet evening at 'barista', sipping my cold coffee and munching on my smoked chicken sandwich,and after that the chocolates. It was very relaxing, listening to the music and spending time windowshopping yesterday. I came home a little late but very satisfied with life, and I often go on these trips to unwind and relax sometimes with friends but mostly alone.These are moments of happiness to live and to cherish!!
• India
11 Dec 09
Last time when i was happy, it was my daughters sports day.I saw her dancing with her peers.It was nice feeling to see her adjusting with others and that also without her mothers support.It was her first function in school.I was quite happy.
• United States
9 Dec 09
Today has been a day that I have been truly happy because my shingles have not been hurting me at all. This whole thing was only supposed to last 7 days at the absolute worst, thats what the doctor said, but today was day 8 and I woke up with my shingle dry and sore, and it was sore to walk around because it is on my leg, but thankfully later in the day, the soreness subsided, and this has been the longest in 8 days that I have not been in any pain or discomfort, so I am truly happy now and for today.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Dec 09
July 2000 and April 2006, as these were the time my kids were born. But, for selfish reasons, the time I was truly happy was December 1987! I was young, and naive, and really happy. It was the day where I felt I was finally accepted by society. I still have vivid memories of the exact moment!