Khuay's bathtub antics

@Loverbear (4918)
United States
December 9, 2009 3:02am CST
A couple of weeks ago I bought myself a wandering Jew plant. I knew I needed to repot it, but couldn't find a pot for it that I liked. Well a few days ago I found one and brought it home and put it in the bottom of my bath tub to remind me that I do need to repot the plant. Khuay has had to have seen the pot in the tub many times during the past few weeks, as I keep their water dish in the tub so that the water stays cool for them. This morning I was on the toilet when Khuay came sailing in. (He doesn't walk anywhere too often) He jumped towards the tub and spotted the pot... at that same instant I shuffled my foot which made some noise...he jumped from that and with both his front and hind paws on the very edge of the tub he managed to do a back flip, landing with his head towards the tub. Then when he saw my foot he jumped again, doing a 180 so that he was facing the door...and he raced from the bathroom and ran smack into his brother, Willy. About that time Abby (the pit/lab mix) came staggering out of the bedroom, waking up from her snooze. She managed to scare the wits out of Khuay, who when he saw Abby, jumped straight up and over Abby racing for the sanctuary of the hiding space under my bed. It's been a day for the cats having the living daylights frightened out of them...Between Willy being frightened by "A Christmas Carol" and Khuay, the fright level hit better than a 10! Have your cat's been having a frightening day?
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4 responses
• United States
9 Dec 09
ROTFLMBFFAO!!!!![u][/u] OMG!! woman you are killing me here I have tears rolling down my face from laughing so hard....Now this is what I'm talking about Good God I've missed reading the shenanigans of your kitty's and dog; HAR-DE-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!![u][/u] Since I got my Christmas tree up a few weeks ago and then finally got it decorated my cats have been having a field day with the ornaments all the lower branches I make sure have the ornaments that won't break when they hit this blasted concrete floor, every night sometimes before I go to bed they are at the tree, but mostly its when I go to bed, its not long before I hear them hitting the floor then being batted around like a big old soccer ball...LOLOLOL! Crazy cats and each day I have to pick up several of the ornaments and place them back on my tree... what a funny story here..Thanks LoverBear... I needed a good laugh today! Give all your babies a big old hug from me will ya? And be sure to tell them that my animals are being bad here with my tree & ornaments!
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I don't know what it is with cats and Christmas trees... I had crawled into bed last night, absolutely beat, when I heard a huge crash. I raced for the family room and there on the floor was the Christmas tree with Willy (of all cats) under it, peeking out in awe. He has developed a fascination with the needles on fake trees and boughs...he will pull on them like they are a tail. So, I figure that he got a hold of the tip of one of the branches and pulled it on himself. I set the tree back up and went back to bed, leaving a stack of "unbreakable" ornaments on the table. I woke up this morning to the sound of a huge crash in the family room. I jumped out of bed (as fast as an old lady with a total knee replacement and a fractured back can jump....) and raced for the family room. There was the tree on the floor, toppled, with Willy under it peeking out in awe. Fortunately when I got the tree as a gift from the neighbor, I decided to get clear acrylic ornaments for it, so when the tree is toppled they don't break. Now all I have to do is figure out how to weight down the tree so Willy won't keep pulling it over on top of himself! Oh, then this morning I hauled in the desk drawers from the desk that I bought at the Goodwill outlet store. I had found a hard rock Maple desk with seven drawers there. I went in and asked the price and about dislocated my arm grabbing my debit card!!!!! The desk was built in the 50's or 60's (it has the key construction on the drawers rather than having the pieces stapled together) and is as heavy as a truck. I hauled in the drawers (my BF is going to help me with the desk part because it's so heavy) and of course there were cats checking the drawers out. Khuay went up and was sniffing one...and it wiggled. He jumped sideways into one of the deeper drawers (file drawers) and it swayed which made him jump again. The drawer started to fall forward, and fell over Khuay trapping him inside the drawer. I about peed myself laughing so hard!!! I lifted the drawer and Khuay shot out like a rocket. He is currently laying across my wrists as I am trying to type. I wonder if he will get on the desk and crawl in the drawers after I get it in the house.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I forgot to add that I got the desk for $10!!! I have priced desks in the antique stores that aren't half as nice as this one and they sell for over $700! Talk about scoring...I was and am a very happy camper. I had given my other desk to my best friend and had been looking for one since without too much luck. My friend was with me when I found it and she was sooooooooooooo jealous!
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
10 Dec 09
O M G! yes!!! The roomie wanted to have all the cats out of her bedroom while she's out at her folks after surgery - so she can come home to a clean bed. This morning we chased/threw 4 cats out and THOUGHT we had them all... Of course not... And not just ANY cat ~~~ one of the feral tabbies!!! Well, she was crying, she'd been in there ALL DAY after all, no food, no water, no sibs... But would she come out when we opened the door? Of COURSE NOT!!! So I finally figured out where the little darling was hiding and got her out of there, so she goes under the chest - chase her out of there, back into the closet, go after her there and she goes to the very TOP of the closet Have the other roomie get the broom and "sweep" her off the shelf. Meanwhile, the other cats are being kept out by valiant efforts of the other roomie and she sees the open door and goes out!!! HURRAY!!! So, I put the room BACK together and we shut it up. Poor baby is probably traumatized for life - well, for the week anyway!
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
10 Dec 09
Yeah, I know, but we aren't going to open it again until the roomie comes home - keep it clean after all... but I will be going in there to check her computer and stuff...
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
10 Dec 09
You have just given the definition of "herding cats"! I use that phrase often when I am frustrated at trying to get through crowds of humans. I got home tonight, and had put some food out in the outside freezer and was coming in when Dinglebeary escaped onto the screened patio. I was a bit pi$$ed as it's too cold for an inside cat to be out on the patio (UHHH it's about 17 degrees outside when we are normally around 50 this time of year) and secondly I am not too sure that I figured out where he had gotten out the time before. Also I wasn't real happy at freezing my fanny off while trying to get the little idiot back in the house...I grabbed the flashlight anyhow and went looking. He was under the queen sized bed I have stored out there. I tried coaxing him out, and of course he acted like he never saw me before in his kitty life. So, at that point, my BF came in the house, so I enlisted his help. I got the dust mop and we went out on the patio and I worked the cat out with the mop. I figured he would see the mop and run, but he allowed himself to be eased out with the mop. I grabbed him by the scruff and handed my BF the mop and hauled the little ingrate into the house again. That was all I needed was to have a sick cat on my hands...or a kitty sickle... Of course Willy and Khuay were at the door, if Dinglebeary gets to go outside we get to too. My BF gave them what for and they went into the bedroom rather dejectedly. Your baby probably won't be traumatized for too long, especially if the door to the room mates room is opened again..."hot dog, someplace that I'm not supposed to be!!! Time to take advantage!!!" And then it's round up time again. (I can visualize the whole procedure of rounding up the cat and getting her out of the room. It gives a laugh to a tired person. (I had one of those days with seeing doctors, paying bills and dealing with crabby people. Plus I ran way late for my class and managed to miss it because he let them out early. I did get to talk with the teacher for about half an hour...he has a great sense of humor.)
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• United States
9 Dec 09
Yesterday I was steam cleaning my carpets and had to empty the water and left the hose pipe and such in the hallway where one of our kittens decided it would be a great idea to climb on. He wasn't very happy when I turned the cleaner back on because it was super loud and was standing on top of it. Our kittens also like to climb the banister and they don't much like it if they fall off. I think the other funny thing is when cats try to use the box at the same time and don't realize there's someone already occupying the box it usually scares both of them.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
9 Dec 09
I love cats sooo much because they are so expressive in their reactions! I can just see the kitten when you turned on the is like a cartoon cat that is scared- all four feet spread out, the eyes bulging out of its head and the fur all standing on end. I bought a huge under the bed tote to make a litter box out of. With four cats it would be like having twelve kids and one bathroom. The huge box has made it much nicer for the cats, and of course I use scoopable litter. I wouldn't be without any of my animals...Willy, Khuay's brother, is sleeping beside me as I am writing this. I woke up this morning with three of the four cats sleeping with me, cuddled close so that I would stay warm. It's like they are my care givers! Hug your furry buddies for all of my crew and myself.
• United States
10 Dec 09
They are very loved and hugged. Little spoiled brats they are.
• Canada
10 Dec 09
You got lucky with all the jumping because that's hilarious when they do that lol. My cat's havn't had the "zooms" yet today. They usually get that way in the evening. Cheers!
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I like the way you refer to their jumps as "zooms", if you don't mind I am going to start using that. It was hilarious this morning, I bought a new used desk and had hauled the drawers in and set them on end on the floor. Khuay walked up to them and sniffed them, well one of them wiggled and Khuay jumped. He jumped into one of the "file" drawers of the desk and it fell over with him trapped inside. Talk about crying!!! I thought I was going to wet myself I laughed at him so hard! I was really lucky yesterday, I went to our local Goodwill thrift shop outlet store and sitting outside was a beautiful hard rock maple desk. It's a seven drawer desk that was built in the late 1950's early 60's. The drawers are tongue and groove construction and has the pen slot in the center drawer. It is heavier than a truck it's so well built. I about killed my self whipping out my debit card when the cashier stated that it was only $10!