Have you had any snow yet where you live?

@FlaKNMB (831)
United States
November 14, 2006 10:31pm CST
I live in Florida, so I haven't but I'm wondering how many people have already had snow this winter?
4 people like this
45 responses
• United States
16 Nov 06
We've had a very light dusting down where I am. We've had some good snow falls in the mountains though.
• United States
16 Nov 06
I live in the Northern part of Idaho in Coeur d'Alene. Down here we can get snow as early as Halloween. Usually it can start snowing down here at a regular basis by December, but not always.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
16 Nov 06
May I ask where you live? Does it usually snow by Thanksgiving?
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
17 Nov 06
That sounds beautiful - and COLD! I hope you enjoy your beautiful winter.
• United States
18 Nov 06
I'm in Central Texas, IF we do get any snow it probally won't be until late December or January..
• United States
18 Nov 06
Well, it doesn't snow much down here. Every once and a while we get some, then when we do it never last very long...
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Would it be unusual for you to get snow?
@Artsimba (1334)
• United States
17 Nov 06
No, not yet.
@Artsimba (1334)
• United States
17 Nov 06
Are you kidding. New England has never had a winter without snow. At least I don't think so. Thanks for asking, anyway.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
17 Nov 06
Do you live in a state that gets a lot of cold weather and snow?
@VKXY62 (1605)
• Australia
15 Nov 06
I live in Australia, near Melbourne, and summer is coming, today we have had rain and hail with lots of strong winds.
@VKXY62 (1605)
• Australia
17 Nov 06
Hi again, a few hours after I made that post, I was chatting on the radio and heard from others that it had been snowing, in Ballarat to the west and on the Dandenong ranges to the east. Quite unusual for this time of year. Brrrrrr. I live near a place called Werribee, in between Melbourne and Geelong in Victoria.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
16 Nov 06
I'm new to this site and didn't realize there were so many people from all over the world on here. Sounds like quite a storm you had.
@777tash (125)
• Australia
16 Nov 06
Well I live in Australia, near Sydney, and we have only a couple of weeks till summer, but would you believe that an area called the Blue Mountains, 1 hr south of sydney, got snow yesterday!!!!!! The weather is so weird here, last week was so hot that we had the air conditioner on, and this week I have the heater on!
@777tash (125)
• Australia
17 Nov 06
Well, today it is hot again, and will be for the next few days. The snow won't last long now! LOL
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
17 Nov 06
Ozone Hole Map - This picture of the hole in the ozone layer was taken September 10, 2000.
Oh, my goodness, that is odd! Unfortunately, I think odd weather will become the norm as we deplete the ozone layer.
@drimitz (20)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I'd be happy to have snow but sadly to say we only get snow once every three years here. Maybe we will get lucky this year.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
16 Nov 06
Where is it that you live? We haven't had snow since 1976, so I think every three years is terrific!
• United States
16 Nov 06
Not in my area of Arizona. But, a couple hours away it snows. I miss snow, I love it.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
17 Nov 06
No..not yet. I am not looking forward to seeing snow this year....
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
With a name like icequeen, that surprises me.
@isasice (2015)
• Iceland
17 Nov 06
Yes, I live in Iceland so maybe it's not surprising that we have snow. There isn't much snow in Reykjavik, the capital city where I live but some parts of Iceland are covered in snow. It's been very cold here lately and we have had some really bad storms but most of them were rain storms. Even though everyone thinks Iceland is always very cold, I have never experienced anything as cold as Massachusetts and Ohio in the winter. The awerage temerature in New York is lower than Reykjavik but our winters are longer and it never gets really warm in the summe. The first time I went to Florida it snowed in Orlando, that was in either January or February 1989. I never expected snow in Florida but I guess anything can happen lol.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Thanks for your wonderful, educational answer. I am surprised to learn that there is anyplace in Iceland where there isn't a lot of snow, and that you found Massachusetts and Ohio to be so cold. I'm from Florida and can tell you it was very unusual to see snow here! It snowed in Miami in 1976 but that was quite newsworthy. It probably hasn't snowed in Orlando since you saw it.
@madhavi123 (2550)
• United States
17 Nov 06
not yet in our place .We liv ein NewYork.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Is Flushing near NYC?
• United States
18 Nov 06
not yet
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Do you get snow very often in Tallahassee? Are you a permanent resident or going to FSU?
@sujatha1 (289)
• India
17 Nov 06
I am from INDIA. So no chance of snow here.I didnt get such an opportunity to enjoy the snow.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Maybe one day you'll get a chance to see it.
• United States
17 Nov 06
I live in Michigan and we get some snow last night
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Neat! Quite a few of my Internet friends live in Michigan. I'll have to check with them and see if they all got snow, too.
@jjn1983 (1353)
• United States
18 Nov 06
no snow here in arizona.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Do you get snow in Arizona?
@amy0214 (1513)
• United States
18 Nov 06
nope i am in florida too
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
What part of Florida?
@242238 (500)
• China
17 Nov 06
Hope it comes this afternoon.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Is there any chance of that happening in China?
@sandie61 (2359)
• United States
17 Nov 06
we haven`t had any snow this year yet. today it was 72 degrees. we live in New Jersey.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
Wow, is that unusually warm for NJ this time of year?
@luskas (3428)
• Portugal
17 Nov 06
As far as i remember it snows in Lisbon once in around 8-10 years... I saw it 2 years ago so i´m not expecting it so soon
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
That's interesting. Thanks for educating me.
@rocknroll (1535)
• India
17 Nov 06
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
No chance of snow in India, huh?
@Cabrea (14)
• United States
17 Nov 06
I live in south central South Dakota and yes we have had snow 3 times already. It was so cold the last few days, I had to scrape the ice off my car windows to go to work. The windshield wipers were frozen to the window-it was not nice! Right now there is snow on the ground. Today got pretty warm but still didn't melt all the snow. I hate it! Actually, I don't hate the snow it is the COLD that I hate. I must be getting old.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
I would love to see snow, but I don't think I'd like to live in it.
@crofter9 (150)
17 Nov 06
Hi I'm in the North of Scotland (UK) and we have had snow three times this year so far. It has been very strange to have snow for a couple of days then warm sunshine and the leaves are still on the trees although they are turning brown now. I guess that's global warming for you.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
18 Nov 06
It's kind of scary, isn't it?