My First Paycheck

@etongong (164)
December 9, 2009 10:04am CST
How young are you when you received your first paycheck? How was the feeling? How did you spend your first paycheck? Did you celebrate it with friends? Did you keep and deposit it in a bank? Well, mine I got it when I was still in college at age 18. It's not much lol, just a couple of bucks at that time. Since I am still in school, I spent it with my classmates. It was nice though to receive your first hard earn, decent work and honest job paycheck.
2 responses
@evydabest (197)
• Malta
9 Dec 09
alienware - This is the alienware brand logo, as you can see it is very graphical and it explains it statistics regarding its Alien reference.
I got my first paycheck when i was 16, working on a summer job. I had just finished my exams, and was directly intrested in making some cash so i can save up to buy a vehicle. I was quite pleased receiving that paycheck, i didn't receive it through the post, but i had received it directly from my boss's had. He saw me shaking excitment, however all he said was "here" and afterwords "well done" It was a 40 euro check. I was working, like probably most 1st timers, a shift as a waiter at a local club. I think i was underpaid, but cash is cash, and i enjoyed receiving it.
@etongong (164)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
40euros thats pretty good already, compared to my couple of dollars lol. As long as its a decent job, there's no shame in doing it. Since it's your first, well sooner it will much more than that, and who knows you already bought yourself a vehicle? :D
@hatimyal (1516)
• India
9 Dec 09
i was 16 year old wen i recieved my first, i worked at frnds cafe and earned around 40$ or say indian 2000... it was really nice feeling wen you recieve the money and gave it to my mom. it was quite a nice feeling . Regards
@etongong (164)
• Philippines
9 Dec 09
$40.00 wow that's great. That's really cool and much much cooler when you gave it to your mom. I just wonder what your mom could have thought when you gave it her? Was she happy or sad?