Life on the moon?

United States
December 9, 2009 10:52pm CST
If you could have the opportunity to live on the moon would you go for it? Or are you content with life on the earth?
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4 responses
• India
10 Dec 09
I will certainly not leave my beloved Earth and go to live on the moon.One would have to wear spacesuits there and hop about instead of walking, I would be way out of my depth.This Green Planet of ours is beautiful and attractive enough for me to forgo the lures of a lunar existence.
• United States
16 Dec 09
I bet the moon has it's beauty as well. What if life had started on the moon? do you think you would want to try to live on the earth or would you have the same opinions of the moon that you now have of the earth?
@msq516 (61)
• China
10 Dec 09
i won't go to live on the moon though the earth is seriously polluted at present. there is no water, no oxygen , no gravity and all other things life need. perhaps when people can go to live on the moon, all these problems have been settled but i still won't live there because all those things that i rely on are man-made.
• United States
16 Dec 09
I think they just discovered what they think is frozen water on the moon. or is that mars? I don't know for sure but I thought I heard something about that. So if they found a way to make life on the moon the same as life on earth would you rather live on the moon or on earth?
@danilliam (278)
• Philippines
10 Dec 09
yes.i love the moon.i will try to live there if it is possible.but only for a few months.hehehe that is because we have home here on earth and my family and friends are here on earth.the things that i like are here on earth.i think it good to have a long vacation on the moon when i tired of the life here on earth.but i always go back to earth because i am born here and everything i know and learn is from the earth.=)
• United Kingdom
10 Dec 09
Yes, I think I would love to experience that although I wouldn't want to live there permanently! There's no atmosphere and it would be dark all the time and I'm pretty sure that depression would set in pretty quickly! I think it would be nice for a short break though away from planet Earth! We will have to think about moving out into the solar system at some point as the Earth, as sad as it is, will not be here forever! I love space and I pay attention to what is going on in terms of space technology and what the scientists are getting up to and so forth. I suppose Mars is on the agenda in terms of getting the first human being there! Andrew