Do you think children feel distressed when their parents argue?
By bellacola
@bellacola (12)
December 9, 2009 11:01pm CST
Once I thought parents' arguments/conflicts might produce negative effects and make their children feel sad, yet it is not absolutly right. I saw a piece of news yesterday. One study has found that it might be good for children to see parents' arguments if the arguments are solved in right ways. The children might learn positive experiences from their parents. Also, they are happy to see the contradictions are solved.
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19 responses
@elisse27 (181)
• Philippines
10 Dec 09
you should argue not in front of your children because this might affect thier beliefs in solving problems especially when there is physical involve when you fight..
This might give them trauma.. you should talk inside the bedroom and do not talk at the top of your voice so that they would not hear you.
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
11 Dec 09
It is no good to argue in front of the kids, be it a big fight or just small arguement. Some parents might not able to control their temper and lost of control in front the kids. No good at all to let the kids see the problems of the parents, especially small toddler.
@blackflorinel (474)
• Romania
10 Dec 09
i think that children feel very bad when their parents argue i know becouse when i was a child i started to cry when thei argue and i feel so bad, i thought that thei are going to devorce so ai alwais go to mom after and askt here that do io not love daddy ? :( and she always sad but of course i love your daddy :D and after i feelth so good :D
@QuiteFrankly (2)
10 Dec 09
Whenever my parents fought i always felt sad because i didnt want them to break up
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
11 Dec 09
From experience, I would have to say yes. Before my parents got divorced, I was a toddler and they were always yelling at each other. It's really true that in some cases children will be happier if their parents are happily divorced rather than unhappily married. If for no other reason than to save their eardrums. It also eliminates a lot of bad energy in the house. I'm not saying not to work on it or to give up on your marriage after your first fight but if it's going on day after day just give it up and move on. It's not fair to your kids, your spouse, or yourself.
@letssstalk (285)
• India
10 Dec 09
Yes! Its true, parents conflicts effects on their childern beacuse i am one of them.from childhood i saw conflits between my parents,whenever my father abusing my mom i feel very very very bad,I felt too much helpless and alone, infact so may time i decide to run away from all but only for the sake of mom i dont take any wrong step.
Not all childerns are lucky whom parents arguments are solved in right way. the problem between my parents solve only when they decide to live seperate.
Still I remeber all that horiable nights and days.
@bellacola (12)
• China
13 Dec 09
Well, I had the same experiences as yours in childhood. My parents usually had conflicts at night for three years. Consequently, they separated. Sometimes, I think this way is the best way.
@mistlady (114)
• India
18 Dec 09
Arguments may be healthy but not always. The very word argument conveys a negative idea. Besides it is not always possible to have a control over the time period of the argument or the extent. At sometimes without our knowledge an argument may become very heated. Arguments may be good for the children of they are solved in the right ways, but it is not always possible. I feel that the best thing would be to avoid arguments in front of the children and to have a discussion if the situation demands without stretching it into an argument.
@palkmae (29)
• Japan
18 Jun 10
I remember when I was a child, my parents would always fight. I would feel so sad and angry at the same time, that I just end up crying. There was this time also when I was out of our house sweeping the leaves, when my parents started fighting. It was so terrible that I was crying while sweeping. Then my dad moved out of the house. I guess the effect it had on me was that I wouldnt even engage anyone in an argument, including my husband. If I do, I just end up crying out of anger.
I dont think it ever is really good for parents to fight in front of their children judging from my experience. My mom said that my grandparents never fought in front of them and would do so in the bedroom. I would have preferred to have grown in an environment that way.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
11 Dec 09
I guess it entirely depends on the level of argument. An out of control; argument, where shouting, name calling and even physical violence occurs is not good for children no matter what the circumstances.
My ex husband would loose his temper and get quite out of control. This really affected my daughter negatively. Thios year she was diagnosed with stress and depression because of it.
I guess a couple who have a reasoned argument, may be role modelling to their kids how to act when you do disagree.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
11 Dec 09
I do not know if it applies to all children. In my case, I find it better not to argue with my wife when our child is around. They usually feel sad and sometimes they cry. Though if the matter is resolved, then that could perhaps teach the child a lesson and it might be good. But still, I and my wife as much as possible never argue in front of our child. Its much more healthy for the child emotionally.

@joyfulpraise (46)
• United States
11 Dec 09
I believe they are distressed because I have seen it. I believe that children watch our every move. They want to know how the arguments will affect them, is it about them ,and will they get grounded or punnished for something. I have seen children that are really scared by the way their parents act. They will get enough of experience soon enough and I think people should keep their adult stuff private discussion or arguments for later. Show children that you love them cause that is what they want... loving parents !
• United States
10 Dec 09
For parents to disagree in front of children I believe is one thing. the minor little spats. They do learn how to problem solve and that even the happiest people who love each other don't always agree.
Now far as fighting the type where people are throwing things calling each other names or slamming things, No child needs to be exposed to that. It does cause hurt,and confusion. It has also been known to teach children to behave in that manner as adults in relationships because they think that its normal. So yes it can be beneficial but when parents are so mad they know its gonna be a foul arguement better off taking a walk, to blow some steam off.
@TickleMeBreathless (590)
• United States
11 Dec 09
Yes, but if the arguments aren't solved correctly, or solved at all, the children will obviously suffer negative effects. My parents argued all the time when I was a child, and it constantly made me bitter. I snapped back at both of them [especially my mom, who was normally the victim of the arguments. When she tried to solve it calmly my dad would blow up at her.] and didn't care about anything. I didn't try in school, therefore got horrible C, D, and F grades.
Now that my parents are divorcing [process is still ongoing] and I'm older, I see how horrible I could be. I realized I don't ever want that for my own children, to have to cry every night because they're upset, some nights knowing it's because their parents argue so often and some nights not knowing why. I treat my mother a lot nicer now, not to mention I have more respect for her [most of the time, she can get on my nerves quite a bit] . My father is a different story.
What if the child was like me, yet didn't grow up to see how they could make it better for their children? What if they got such bad grades they dropped out of school, couldn't find a job, was bumming of anyone they could, and never truly grew up? I'm not saying this happens to EVERY child, but there's always a possibility it COULD. Yes, I agree that if children see their parent's arguments solved in a calm way it could benefit them somewhat. But I firmly believe you should NEVER argue in front of your children. It isn't fair to the children, no matter how young they are.
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I definitely think children are affected by their parents fighting.
When I was a kid my parenst fought all the time, and the household atmosphere was always really chaotic- they got divorced when I was 11. I remember feeling really helpless and scared then, and I think it really affected the way I grew up and how I view things in life.
I can't say that its good for kids to see their parents argue and resolve, cause my parents never came to agreements. ~
@snafushe (791)
• Canada
11 Dec 09
I hated seeing my parents argue when I was younger, so yes I do think children feel stressed out when they see their parents fight. I hate the sound of their voices cutting into each other, and I hated the fact that I felt like I was the reason they were arguing. Whenever a child sees their parents fighting they usually link it to getting a divorce etc, which is really scary for a kid.
@roger_nautilus (335)
• Philippines
11 Dec 09
The outcome would be positive if the argument is resolved, but if ever the two would end up more argument then it would definiely affect the children in a negative manner.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I have seen many fights/arguements with my mother and her boyfriends, today I am the same way and I do not like it. I don't like my son watching me and his father argue in yelling matches. I like the families that take their frustrations into other rooms, work them out or compromise and "talk" not argue, yell or scream especially in front of the children. What the children will see, what they hear they will grow up and do the same. If they can resolve calmly, quietly and compromise in a good manner that is good.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
10 Dec 09
it depends how bad the parnets actully get, if they can talk it out without yelling and stuff then it can be a postive thing but if its yelling and the parnets might throw things, or abuse one another then no
@froggieslover (3069)
• United States
10 Dec 09
I don't know if I can fully believe that. I think there are much better ways to teach your children how to solve problems in a positive experience. My husband and I dang near never argue but there has been a time or two where we have been playing around and raised our voices and my daughter will get upset and to me I couldn't imagine how upset she would get if we were to get in an arguement for real and often for that matter. I think that seeing fighting in your life makes yourself think it is okay and it gets passed down...I want my children to see that love between their father and I and know that it can happen and I also want them to see happiness and be happy not have to see arguing and fighting.
@invisiblelady (1655)
• Philippines
10 Dec 09
As a daughter, I must say and admit that I really got affected when my parents fall into an argument. It doesn't feel so good. It hurts when you saw them fighting over a simple matter.
But then again, it's just but normal. I believe that children must, once in a while, see their parents argue over some matters. This will help them realize that a relationship isn't always about happiness. There will also be a time that you have to fight and argue over some matters. You can't go on the same road every time. Sometimes, one will want to go to the left while the other want to pursue the right way...
@chriszh22 (432)
• China
10 Dec 09
Yes I think what the TV said is right. The fact is the family war usually ends up with nothing but querral and fight! Few young parents could solve the argument in peace, most of them just release the work pressure, money pressure and other pressures through argument. So for the sake of the child, pls calm down first.