part-time jobs

Sri Lanka
December 10, 2009 3:24am CST
Many students in todays western world take-part it part-time jobs, while studing at school or otherwise. this is mainldue to financial difficulties, want to earn quick money, to fund trips camps etc. but what goes unnoticed is that these students sometimes over-work them selves. How ever in the asian society espicially south asian, it is lessfrequent to see school goers working part-time, and it is seen thatthe educational results states have been seen increesing in these countries, while reducing in europian countries. I am a Sri Lanken and i am the only person i know who has done a part time job while going to school. and i feel it is hard keeping up with studies while doing a part- time job. So dear Reader Please tell me what u think, i am thinking of doing another part-time job, and i also could use an openion on this.
4 responses
• United States
15 Dec 09
Although I think it is easier to focus on studying when a student doesn't have to have a job too, tuition at most colleges is very high and most students wouldn't be able to afford it without having a part-time job. Wouldn't it be nice if college was free?
• Sri Lanka
16 Dec 09
it is in Sri Lanka
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
16 Dec 09
I have had full time and part times while wasn't easy to find time to study. I am currently looking for a part time job within my study field, to no avail. I am a little leary anyhow for I have clinicals and labs to do and I know I will be busy with textbook work for we will do much hands on in class. I also have a son to look after and household so I would consider and make sure you have the time to study and pass your classes before you put more on your plate.
@Lenvor (63)
• India
10 Dec 09
If the part time jobs are somewhat related to what we study or our career goals, then it might actually aid or help in increasing our confidence in future. Especially when the time comes for looking for jobs, at that time having a work experience in similar filed will greatly increase our position compared to other job seekers. Of course if the part time job is not related to our career, it would just a waste of time and energy.
• China
10 Dec 09
Dear friend In my view,having a part-time job is a practice for one to have more society experience for his future.I never have a part-job.Having part-jobs obviously can have an impact on your study.So if you want to take one,you'd better think of it twice.Or maybe you will regret.