Friends become lovers

@bhawanee (174)
December 10, 2009 11:50am CST
Is it true that a girl and a boy being good friends fall in love in future.
6 responses
• India
19 Dec 09
yes it can be as they know each other very well and the understand each other well... they start to know each other in such a way that they start to add feeling for each other and fall in love... the love is true and friend relationship true...
• Taiwan
11 Dec 09
hmm, not always, because sometimes they will be happier and more comfortable each other just being friend
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
11 Dec 09
It depends but there's a big chance that they will because over time they will discover their likes and dislikes, they're common interests and be more comfortable with each other. If you have those three, you only need physical attraction to complete the menu for a perfect relationship. I think those who started as friends and eventually become lovers tend to last long since what they have is a love based on friendship and not just on physical attraction. Over time physical attraction diminishes and if your union in based on it, love itself diminishes as well. Where as if you are friends, the couple will still enjoy each other's company and contented just being with each other even if they're gray and old.
@nautilus33 (1827)
10 Dec 09
Hi! Maybe yes, but not in all cases. Sometimes they still be just good friends
• Philippines
11 Dec 09
not all the time, because some people would really limit themselves. A girl for instance look at this boy only as a friend, and even this boy would push through... there is no way in the world that the girl would change her mind..
@fsll518 (304)
• China
11 Dec 09
It is just not that definite. 1, They need to be mature enough to make rational decision. 2, If they are still young, they must be ready for the changes of themselves and each other. People can change with their age. 3, They need to have mutual understanding about a happy relationship. All in all, there can be lots of uncertainty, but if they work on the same direction, then the sparks will happen some day between them :)