beauty or brain?

December 11, 2009 12:39am CST
If a genie would approach you and offers to give you only one wish. Which would you choose---to become beautiful or to become intelligent?
6 responses
• China
11 Dec 09
i will choose the intelligent if i meet the chance because the face can be changed by face-lifting in korea,but the brain can not become more intelligent by some technology
@werdan88 (272)
• Philippines
11 Dec 09
I already have the brains! :) so I guess would rather choose beauty. Though I'm not ugly. SO i choose to truly beautiful! :) Then, I would be beauty and brains! Yehey! :)
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
11 Dec 09
I would take the brains over beauty any day. Beauty fades intelligence stays with you usually. Intelligence will take you further then beauty because beauty doesn't stay forever. Plus who would want to get thru life on beauty alone. That would be a very shallow person and I wouldn't want that at all.
@mtvmtv (600)
• India
11 Dec 09
Hi friend, Most common answer that is a copy book type will be intelligent.Everybody will post it.And yes what will you prefer?I think the same.Why?Because answer lies inside. Well,secondly genie would not approach me.I am sure for that because it hasn't been happened to me till today.And perhaps if it will occur i will ask for more legit programs on internet. Nice time
• India
11 Dec 09
I would certainly want to be intelligent and be able to influence people. Everything will follow.Beauty is short lived and cannot be eternal.A brilliant person is revered by humanity forever.There is no comparison between brains and beauty- brains will always win the contest hands down.
• Philippines
11 Dec 09
wel, I guess I'll choose intelligence. We all have different concepts about beauty, ether they have beautful face or sexy; but, once we say tha this dude has a brain well it only means one thing, it's something more useful than being sexy or beautiful.