Hidden Motives behind Population Control
By levite
@levite (1062)
December 11, 2009 2:29am CST
An organized threat to Christian families and the Third World countries - Many Christians and people from so-called Third World countries seem to be unaware about the motives behind the de-population activities in their own countries. In our country, the Philippines, there has been much debate about this and the Church is against it. In an article I found in our daily newspaper, I found some valuable info I would like to share with you regarding the motives behind population control or "population management" (as the proponents call it).
Among the cited insidious motives are:
1. Humanism and Secular Humanism - Man is the center of the universe and he alone determines his own destiny. Reason is the highest guide and brightest light, faith is relative and all in the mind. If there were a God, He does not intervene in human affairs anyway, so let's be practical. We are free to do only as our reason tells us. There is no authority in matters of faith and morals that is higher than human reason. Religion is relative. Empirical science and technology are the most reliable ways to truth.
2. Malthusianism - There will not be enough food for the growing number of people because food increases arithmetically while population increases geometrically. Population growth will lead to unrest and violence; thus doomsday is coming soon.
3. Eugenics -Good Birth- The human race needs to be improved, not just through natural selection, but by concrete means of human intervention to hasten the process. The superior strains should be promoted, the inferior and unfit should not be allowed to multiply. Human breeding. Selection and genetic engineering must be used maximally to develop a superior human stock.
4. Racism (a thing of the past(?)) and Racial Discrimination - "Our" ethnic stock is superior to all others. The others are inferior. We should not only avoid helping inferior races, we should limit them by passivity to their problems and, if possible, even taking active measures to hasten their extermination.
5. Geo-Political Superiority - "Our" national security is threatened by the population growth of other nations. We have to reduce the populations of these countries which are growing fast and are most populous.
6. Radical Environmentalism - Nature is greater than mankind, and mankind is destroying it. We need to reduce the number of people for the good of the good of the planet and for biodiversity. People are expendable, nature is God.
What can you say about these? Maybe they are already starting it through their "War against Terrorism" to reduce the population of Muslims. What can you say about "new" diseases that are spreading like "sars," H1-N1 viruses, killing many people in the third world. I don't say all these viruses are manufactured by the "people" behind population control, it maybe or may not be, but it could be. And don't forget nations with legalized abortion killing innocent babies by millions around the world.
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3 responses
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Dec 09
Here is another sections of the hidden motives behind population control. Children are a curse not a blessing and those with large families are dirt poor and a dreg on society. also in the Western World, many have one or two children because they are told that because the children do not work like the children on the third world, that their one or two children are equal to the five or six as poor family in Asia or Africa have. Another one is that we gave to get a degree in college or make enough money to afford a family. That leads to that people in Asia and AFrica love their children more. I also think that these assumptions do lead to the desire to limit the population in third world countries, because if Westerners are told that our children are less desirable, many of them will feel "why should the people in Asia and Africa have five or more children while we are only allowed one or two?
I am convinced that if there was not the idea that western children are a dreg on society instead of being blessings like those in the third world, there would not be this push to get people in the third world to limit and to abort their children.
@levite (1062)
• Philippines
13 Dec 09
It's sad that proponents of population control have deceived first world countries that their children are just dregs to society instead of blessings. The proponents are really afraid that "their" ethnic stock are threatened by population growth of the third world that's why they are pushing this to our poor people in the third world. They even told us that we are just "squatters" in our own country.
. How could native inhabitants be "squatters" in their own land. The "squatters" are the aliens not the inhabitants
. See how they "brainwash" poor people in the third world.

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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Dec 09
But you have to ask why this has started, not that the people of the Western or more advanced Europe and north American stock say that the poor in the third world, i.e. Africa and Asia are a dreg to society. If you look back there is a reason and it starts before people much as Margaret Sanger who advocated reducing the population of the Negroes and Colored peoples, or Hitler who wanted a Master Race.
It started with an assumption that the people who are white are all wealthy and do not love their children, and that the people who are colored, brown, or black are poor and love their children and want to have more of them. There are of course, take offs - that poor white people love their children and have more of them, and that rich black or brown people do not love their children and have less of them and are interested in greed.
Yet then the assumptions goes that the poor white people with large families are imitating those good colored (to make it easier) people with large families and the rich colored people are acting like those horrible rich white folk.
The simple solution to this is to make it acceptable to have large families non racial or ethnc so that if your German American neighbor has five children, you say how wonderful just as if that African American neighbor who also has five children.
I bet as soon as that happens and if it increases, then there will be no demand of the uN to reduce the population of Africans and Asians because that envy that started it would have been eliminated.
So you are blaming the whites for the horrible conditions in Asia and Africa and the desire to reduce their population as we have been told to reduce ours, but I am showing a reason for why this is happening.
@levite (1062)
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
I'm not blaming Western people but there is these few individuals who esteem themselves highly regardless of the consequences of their ideas and actions. These few people exist in all nations because they have more than enough of money, power and fame, their minds become corrupt with all kinds of evil including greed and pride. The people you mentioned Hitler and Sanger were both into occult (they worshipped the devil), it's not surprising they thought of all inhumane and evil ideas regarding different kinds of people.
Racial discrimination won't stop until man begins to humble himself and acknowledge there is a God who created him in His own image and likeness. And that through Christ all people become one. As it is written, there is neither Greek nor Jew (or whites,browns or negroes), nor slaves or free, nor rich or poor, man or woman, for we are all one in Christ Jesus.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Jan 10
I do think abortion is a beginning and form of it, and I know the u n is in support of eugenics and doesn't care a hole lot about geno cides.. but most of the conspiracy I think is made up of spiritual forces (so far)..
@Starflames (261)
• United States
13 Dec 09
Where did this list originate from? What country?
I think that those behind population control have actually been at it for a while now.
All the exotic diseases that are surfacing now and have surfaced recently, are lab manufactured - or man-made. The main goal behind them is to reduce the population by eliminating the undesirables.
I read somewhere's- or perhaps saw a report on TV, that the H1-N1 virus, was a blend of three strains of flu: The Asian Flu, Swine Flu and Bird Flu.
According to this report, it would be impossible for this cocktail of flu's to have fused together on their own and become one super-strain virus, unless it was lab-engineered and genetically manipulated.
It said that it was impossible on their own for the Swine Flu to jump species with the Bird Flu and vice-versa, and fuse into one new super-strain. And then for this new strain to jump species again and fuse with a human strain, namely the Asian Flu, and become the new strain we now know as the "H1-N1" virus.
This scientist went on record as saying that the H1-N1 Virus had to have been genetically engineered in a lab and then released into an undesirable, general population of the world.
Problem is, that it has now spread world-wide. I think that the Aids-Virus was also unleashed in an undesired population of the world, but rapidly spread world-wide. That one too, had been lab engineered.