Tiger Woods

@allknowing (134106)
December 11, 2009 8:15am CST
I was wondering whether this question should come under sports or relationships but since relationship here is at stake I chose relationships. Was there no via media for them to have the cake and eat it to. Why choose between their marriage and Golf. Why not have both? Was the wife fair?
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1 response
• United States
11 Dec 09
I don't think it was an issue of marriage or golf. I think it was a matter of marriage or learning to control himself when he was out of town on golfing trips. Tiger has made some very irresonsible choices while touring the golf circuit by picking up girls in many of the towns along the trail. I feel what his wife was trying to tell him is that if he is going to continue to keep his habits while out golfing then she will not be waiting for him when he returns. Tiger's wife has every right to be angry with the choices that he made. I do not know many women that would even consider giving a man a second chance if they found out that their man had previously had 10 or more mistress while married.
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• United States
14 Dec 09
I could be wrong, but I'd be hard pressed to believe with millions if not billions of dollars waiting in the midst, there isn't a woman you DON'T know that would put up with whatever Tiger had to dish out if she had that coming to her. Yeah, she could get a lot of money if she divorced him right now, but think how much more she's going to get if she continues to be his wife. I guarantee she's thought it, hell...is probably thinking that right now! Neither of these people married the other because they were in love with one another. She married him for money, maybe status or opportunity too (she was a nanny right?), and he married her so he'd have a highly attractive woman he could come home to and please him at his beck and call, which he'd most certainly be entitled to, given her 'allowance.' I in no way shape or form, agree with this line of thinking, nor do I know for sure if that's the motives behind this marriage...but given the information that's recently come to light, would you put it past them?