Could you write more than 900 articles?

United States
December 11, 2009 3:21pm CST
Someone (she shall remain nameless, but her last article was on getting engaged on Christmas) has written more than 900 articles for Associated Content! Can you match that record? Top it? I was astounded when I just happened to notice the number of articles this star has produced. Where does she get the time? The energy? The motivation? I am happy when I get one article posted daily. How about you?
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26 responses
• United States
11 Dec 09
Different people are able to write different amounts. The challenge is to sit down and write it. Even writing one article a day can get you to 900 articles in under 3 years. Some of these writers have been writing for longer than that. Unlike here, the articles you write on Associated Content keep earning page views if people keep seeing it. So, the articles keep making money for you, even 3 years later.
3 people like this
• United States
12 Dec 09
Yes, you make a good point! I am looking at the number and being overwhelmed in admiration, and you are making me see that I could accomplish that myself if I would just buckle down and write. My own personal goal is to increase my page views and number of articles in the new year. It's really a challenge for me to start writing. Once I get the article under way, I can do ok. However, I do everything to procrastinate before I start.
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• United States
13 Dec 09
MommaJ, I am definitely working on improving my output for the new year! I have been trying all year just to get to 300 articles on Helium for the extra star. Current count: 282.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
12 Dec 09
LOL. I am actually the same way. I go to the refrigerator, don't see anything I want. I sit down in front of the computer. I have to have water, so I get back up. I get the water and sit again just to find that wasn't enough water. Back for more water. Sit down. OH NO. Now I have to go to the bathroom. LOL Anything, you just need a little kick in the rump. I know you can do it. I am making about $45 in page views the past couple of months. The reason is from all the seasonal articles I wrote last year. LOL Wish I had more time this year to do that. Could you imagine the pv money. I know there are a lot more people on there that are doing a lot better than me on pv payments. Anything, I bet if you set a goal for yourself you could start writing a couple of articles a day. That other person wouldn't be able to compete with your writings. Good luck.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
12 Dec 09
I joined Associatyed Content a long time ago, but for some reason never participated in it. I think I thauight the pay was too low for the amount of work. Or maybe it was that Australians couldnt participate? I cant quite remember. Do you mind telling me if the pay is okay for articles submitted on AC? Also do you know if Aussies can submit articles and be paid? That person who submitted 900 articles has done an amazing job.
3 people like this
• United States
12 Dec 09
Yes, Zed is right. I would assume that Australians can participate, but with only being paid for page views (not upfront payments like writers in the US), it may not be the most worthwile writing site for you. Still, I do a lot of re-posting there. In other words, posting articles I have written somewhere else just for the page views. You might consider that.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
12 Dec 09
Yoiu are right. I checked myself. Australians dont get paid for articles, only for page views which Im not interested in.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 Dec 09
You can be paid for page views.. roughly 1000 impressions equate to $1.50 in earnings. You can always read in AC's' FAQ for more..
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Dec 09
LOL--900 articles? That's all? One of my favorites over at AC has written even more than that--she's been a member for about three years and has to date over..get this 3,000 articles with AC---she's a practicing doctor (so you might know whom I'm talking about) her articles naturally are medically related and she often posts at least five articles a DAY. So yes I often wonder where the heck she gets her energy. Like you I feel "lucky" if I post one article a day, though I have to admit haven't posted anything for awhile...been having a real writer's slump...
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• United States
12 Dec 09
I know whom you are referring to. I've never actually read her stuff (the doctor), but it always makes me wonder why she devotes her time to AC? I would think that she is way, way too busy to find time to write there, and particularly so much! Go figure. Me, I've got plenty of time, and I can't even get one article a day up. Well, it'll be different next year. (Wink, wink) Sorry about your own slump, I am in a perpetual one. I am a terrible procrastinator. Once I actually start writing, I can usually finish. It's the beginning that drives me nuts and makes me run the other direction every time!
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@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
12 Dec 09
well that is really good to write that much. i plan to write as many as i can but i don't have much knowledge. i have started to write in bukisa. i think that AC is quite strict in grammar. and so i may not have my articles get published on that one. so i will just stick with bukisa. and so i started only this week. and i am finding it really fun to talk about topics that i am already familiar with. i will just put into writing some of the knowledge that i gained through the years i have been online. hope to reach thousands articles soon too.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
12 Dec 09
I know who you are talking about, the dr is really good and I don't know how she can have the time to write that much. She's an inspiration. She can write so many articles and still have a career.
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@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
11 Dec 09
900. SHe must be doing it full time. I would write articles if I thought that I could really make money. I don't like the ones were popularity and ratings by yahoos who can't read influence payments.
2 people like this
• United States
12 Dec 09
On the Associated Content site, you can leave comments or give it a thumb's up, but it is not like Helium, where people give your article a ranking. I hate that aspect of Helium myself. AC depends more on outside viewing, although it helps to have friends reading your articles, of course, because you are paid for page views. Without readers, no one can really do well on a writing site online.
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• Israel
13 Dec 09
I dislike places were ratings are based on popularity and how many friends you have instead of purely on ability. Were popularity ratings and not page views influence pay, it really sucks.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
12 Dec 09
I agree with cat lady. I don't like helium the way people are supposed to rate others. Do you have any luck with that? I like how it is at ac though. You know I am one of their biggest fans. LOL
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@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
11 Dec 09
Wow, 900 articles, my guess is that she has been there awhile. I have been there not too long, but have like around 30 articles. She must also have good topics to write about. That is good, hopefully I can be that dedicated, although, I only write like 1 article a day and maybe 2 articles.
• United States
13 Dec 09
Yes, we can work on a New Year's writing and motivation plan together! All I want from Santa is some inspiration!
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
12 Dec 09
I can't wait. I want to start reading at least two articles a day from you. Maybe if we could all motivate each other somehow it will help our output.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
14 Dec 09
Don't ask scheng for any of her writing ghosts. The ones she gave me aren't doing a very good job. LOL
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• Pamplona, Spain
11 Dec 09
AnythingArt, 900 articles is a lot yes. But I live in Spain and I think Associated Content only accept or really accept People from America or so I have read in other places. I hope they might change their mind. Good luck to you anyway.
• United States
11 Dec 09
I know they accept contributers from outside of the United States but I don't know if they accept contributers from Spain. It could be worth reading their terms of service and finding out. They pay through paypal so it is more likely that they would allow contributers from other countries that they trusted. I would imagine Spain would be among them. It is worth checking out.
4 people like this
• United States
12 Dec 09
I know that they have writers from the UK, so I am assuming that they take writers from Spain, but you would have to email them and check. People writing from outside the United States, however, only make money from page views, no upfront payment of articles. There is another site, Bukisa, that is more international in orientation. You might want to check that site as well.
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• Pamplona, Spain
12 Dec 09
Hi anythingart, I´ve got back to you a bit later than I wanted to but thank you so much for the information. I appreciate their Rules it looks very much like it is through page views that you might get paid. I have looked at Bhukisa also. Again Art thanks for your information.
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
11 Dec 09
Wow! 900 articles! How long has she been writing for them? I am like you and am happy when I get one a day done. Lately I haven't been even writing one a day. :)
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• United States
12 Dec 09
I think it took her a couple of years, but I am still impressed when I compare it with my own output. I hope to write more next year, and need to work out a plan. As an earlier poster noted, even if you just write one article a day, in 3 years, you would have 900 articles. It still seems like a mountain of writing to me, but I guess the trick is not to look at it like that!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Dec 09
I haven't been writing much either cwilson..I don't know about you but I've been going through a real writer's slump and it ticks me off..LOL
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
12 Dec 09
I think you just have to set your mind to doing something and doing it. I am going through a not writing spell too. Mine lasted a couple of months now. LOL This is a bad time of year for me. For some reason everything is happening at once here. I was supposed to be writing now while my kids are quiet, but instead I was fooling around on mylot. LOL
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
12 Dec 09
900 articles and I'm sure counting..that's just so awesome. I think AC might be the only site she's writing for, and hence, having the dedication for it. That's just so cool, isn't it.. to have a library of articles that continue to earn money for her. She must be earning some good page views money, I'm sure.
2 people like this
• United States
12 Dec 09
Yes, I find it very inspirational and hope to improve on my own numbers next year. I think that's a good New Year's resolution. The residual income is great because you are making your articles work for you long after you finished writing them, and never have to do another thing to them once they are completed. If only writing were easy....
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 Dec 09
Thank you ladies. If only writing could be so easy as answering posts like in mylot, then it can be done super fast, lol. But of course, it's not as easy as that, I'd expected much. $30 per month for a residual income is also not bad at all. Anything extra is good and cool. So articles are continuing to churn out page views earnings no matter the period and that's really awesome..
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
12 Dec 09
Hi zed, I think she has said she averages about $30+ a month in page views. She writes for other sites as well. Some of the sites she just reposts her articles from AC. She is making money this holiday season from articles she wrote last year for the holidays. She is still writing. She just hasn't been writing as much from what I have seen.
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@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
12 Dec 09
i will make it a goal also to write that many articles in a short time as possible. but i think i will need to write 3 articles each day to have that many articles in less than a year. i have only about 4 articles for this week. not that many.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Dec 09
I am a slow writer myself. It's not the actual writing that takes me so long, usually it is the research ahead of time. Still, it all hampers my progress in publishing them. I am trying to come up with a new plan for the New Year.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Dec 09
I don't know about AC, but heilum has a bunch of empty titles for "Things to do in XYZ town, US in Winter" and every other season and during the holidays and so forth. I saw your museum review, maybe there are other attractions you can write about in your home town. There are plenty of ideas you can get just looking around at home.
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@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
15 Dec 09
i don't have account in AC and helium. only in bukisa. with 4 articles already. and in triond, one article. is triond a good site.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
21 Dec 09
haha, are you talking about that nameless cavewoman? She's really one weird writer, manages to write 800 articles without knowing anything about seo. Plus crawling her way from Clout 1 to Clout 9, before she starts to learn about seo. I think she got motivation from all those hungry ghosts who always beg for food oh. She needs to write an awful lot of articles to feed them!
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
22 Dec 09
hmmm, that's actually very easy, just ask the ghosts to haunt you in the dreams. Ask them to give you nightmares, such as seeing all the tortures, hearing all the screams, so that you have to wake up and write articles. Maybe can ask them to spank you from head to toe, so that you are painful all over and can't sleep anymore. After you finish ten articles per day, then they will let you sleep oh. At this rate, you will write 3650 articles per year, and your cave will be full of shining golden coins from writing.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
22 Dec 09
mmmmmmm. Pretty. I already feel sore in the morning. Maybe that is why? Hope they stop soon. I have too much to do to write right now. LOL
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Ghosts eat sooooo much! They better start doing their job and either inspire writing or write for me. LOL I did make it to clout 10 before the end of the year.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
12 Dec 09
LOL. I think I know who you are talking about. You know there are a lot more people on there that writes more than she does, but I think she would be extremely flattered that you even took the time to notice. If I were to guess, I would bet she has a lot to complain about that gives her writing ideas. LOL Maybe she lives in a cave and doesn't have anyone to talk to but the bear that hibernates once a year. HEHEHE. I love your writing on AC and you and Scheng have such great book reviews. I don't know how you have time. It takes me forever to do anything that requires me to sit down and concentrate. I am like a procrastinator or worse. Sometimes I think I have ADHD or something because even my writing is all over the place and I have to go back and put the paragraphs in order. That is a good advantage to writing by hand first though. LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Dec 09
You should be proud of your accomplishment! You are really an inspiration! As you can see from the comments here, people are impressed; I was too when I saw how many articles you had. You have given me a goal to strive toward. I am not sure what year I will get to 900, but it's all about writing one article at a time, time after time. Where is Scheng? I was waiting for her sassy comments about this post! You've gotten off way too easy this time around!
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
15 Dec 09
I must admit I was surprised at all the positive comments because there are so many people doing so much better on AC than I am. Some of them have such high page views. I have gotten off way too easy in this discussion. I have wondered where scheng was for a couple of days. I miss her funny comments on my articles. After reading her comments I have to laugh.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Oh, that writer! She is kind of obsessive compulsive you know! (heh heh) And she is VERY STUBBORN so once she makes up her mind that she has to write or die it all just comes flowing out. I am sure it helps that she has VERY flexible work hours.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
14 Dec 09
My question is, how long did it take her? During the week I can crank out 2 to 3 a day as long as I have the time available. That is what I love about helium titles. Some of those articles only take me an hour, two tops. I realized after Mr. Tim said he had a goal of 60 per month that if you look at it as a 30 day period, that is only two articles per day. If I did 2-3 each day (Mon-Thurs) that's almost 50 so if I really pushed and wrote every single day I could see doing 100 per month, which would yield 900 after 9 months. However, I am sometimes lucky to crank out one per day! I think I have done two so far this month.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Dec 09
This is MommaJ...are you surprised? I was reading an article of hers on AC, and just happened to glance at her number of articles! I tried not to name her because I wasn't sure if she would get mad, but since she hasn't and since she has made plenty of comments on this post, I think I can safely let the cat out of the bag. She wrote 900+ over two years. I just can't match that consistency, myself. I am lucky to get one article a day written. I have some new writing goals for the New Year, but it will be interesting just to see if I can increase my article numbers over the next year. I feel like the turtle, except in this case, slow and not so steady is not winning any races!
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Alright Canellita! Get on the ball. You can't win another Helium contest if you aren't writing to them. This is December and I bet you have all kinds of interesting things going on to write about. Anything, I don't get mad about much. LOL I bet you can easily write a few articles. Honestly, my writing over this year has slacked off quite a bit because of the unforeseen variables that keep popping up. Last year I easily wrote 3 to 4 articles a day in Nov. and Dec.(inspiration was I needed money. LOL) This year I haven't been doing as much, but I would like to get back into the swing of things. I could still really use the money, but the kids keep getting sick, I am taking them to different appointments, and then there are just things that have to be done. LOL Sounds like an excuse to me.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Woman what are you talking about? When did I win the first helium contest? You had better stop eating that cave dirt! School is out Friday and I am trying to do one more holiday sale. After that I am done until January and can write until my fingers drop off. Just you wait, the new year just may bring that pretty blue bonus star!
• Malaysia
14 Dec 09
Wow! Even though I am not a member of Associated Content because of the fact that residents of my country are not eligible, I think, but somehow this effort really amazes me. That's quite a lot and does she get good ratings as well? I do write stories, but so far I only managed to write about four stories with 400 words in one day.
• United States
15 Dec 09
Yes, she writes about interesting topics, particularly raising kids, decorating, those kinds of topics. Stories take longer to write than articles, so you really shouldn't compare. I write both, and I think it takes much, much longer to write fiction than nonfiction articles like on AC. Good luck with your writing!
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
14 Dec 09
She doesn't write stories, but she does write articles. They don't have a "rating" system on AC. She does pretty well on page views. You would have to read her articles to determine for yourself.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Dec 09
I thought you could still post stuff for page views on AC if you were outside the U.S. Are there restrictions for certain countries?
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
15 Dec 09
I'm sure she already been referred to as a professional writer with all that numerous articles published in AC. And I'm sure that the person had been at AC for several years now. Mine was at 240 articles and haven't been posting new ones there yet. But I'm hoping to double that article in the first quarter of 2010. And hopefully make it even more after that. Its that its harder to find a new topic now than when I was still starting.
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• United States
16 Dec 09
I think 240 is a pretty great number for AC, but that's just me. At least I know I would be happy to have that number. I know what you mean about finding new topics. Then AC puts out all these Call for Content requests (with no upfront payments), so that if anyone comes up with a new topic, they have already suggested it. They are tricky that way!
• United States
20 Dec 09
MommaJ, you have all the tricks down. I think you have an inside line with Associated Content. Someone there really likes you...or maybe they really need parenting articles. Maybe I need to rent some kids??
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
21 Dec 09
HA! I wish. We have our issues. I do let them know what I think sometimes. LOL My payment will reflect it. It goes down accordingly. LOL
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@beekay (421)
• India
12 Dec 09
My God... 900 Articles in a single day. I hardly manage to write 9 articles per day. Thats the max i think. I thinks it's quite impossible for me atleast to write such huge numbers. I am still feeling very strange while thinking about that. What a dedication she had, otherwise no one could even imagine for the same. But again it's very good that there are people who are so dedicated to their works. I think she could even a lot more here in posting the same articles.
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• United States
12 Dec 09
I don't think they were written in a single day, but probably over a couple of years. Still, think of writing a minimum of 400 words on 900 different topics. It still blows your mind! Or at least mine!
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
18 Feb 10
I am just re-reading this discussion and the thought of the cavewoman doing all that in one day sends hilarious images to mind of superspeedy typing!
@kelly10 (678)
25 Dec 09
I would not have enough ideas to write 900 articles. I am a member of the reveiw site Dooyoo and I am really struggling to reach 100 articles. Sometimes I cannot come up with a single idea in a month, regardless of whether I have the time to actually sit down and type everything out. How long has this person been a member of Associated Content? I guess that it must be for a number of years to produce that amount. I'd love to be able to produce more work myself as it obviously would mean more money. How do they do it?
• United States
30 Dec 09
She writes mostly about raising kids and decorating your house, really things that most people could write about (well, except me, who has no kids). I think the key is to look at what's in the news, what people are talking about, what is happening in your own life. Or, if you are like me, write about what you enjoy (for me, it's art, travel, and books). I can't keep up with the rate of 3 per day, but many people seem to do it easily. Good luck in your writing. What do you mostly write about?
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
26 Dec 09
If you scroll through the first couple pages of this discussion you'll see the answers to your questions about the writer in question. You can get to 900 articles in about a year's time if you average 3 per day. Try doing book reviews since you already write critically.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
6 Jan 10
Hey, I don't have kids either but I know enough about them to write articles! Did you ever babysit? Do you have siblings? Did you have parents?
• Pamplona, Spain
17 Dec 09
Hiya TheCatLady, Yes I really don´t care much for these popularity business either because I´m in a certain thing where you write and make pages and some of the best written pages have the worst ratings I think it´s really unfair in a way. It´s like putting a blob of paint on a Canvas and saying this is Art get´s rave reviews and another paints a beautiful painting and zero, nothing, it does´nt get a mention.
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• United States
20 Dec 09
I think the best thing to do is try and compete with yourself. You know in your own mind when you have finished a great article or written a certain number of words. Too much reliance on the outside world would mean that many of the world's classic novels ever got written. All those authors suffered so much rejection before someone took their books. Or like Van Gogh, who never sold a painting in his life, except to his own brother.
• United States
30 Dec 09
That's good. I am not saying we don't enjoy praise for our writing when it comes along, or that we don't enjoy getting paid for our writing too. It's just that the core reason to write must come from within. It's a field with a lot of rejection. It seems like this year I wrote more than ever, and was rejected more than ever. It's hard to keep a balance sometimes. Recently, I've gotten a lot of nice comments, which makes it all worthwhile, but you got to be able to weather the ups and downs of writing. Do you have new writing goals for 2010?
• Pamplona, Spain
21 Dec 09
Hiya Anythingart, I don´t rely on the outside world for that I only need myself but what I see I use for inspiration that´s it.
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• United States
12 Dec 09
No way. How long has this person been writing for Associated Content? I am lucky if I get 2 articles written a week. I am very thorough with my articles and take the time to write coherent and what I feel to be interesting information. Does this person write good articles or do they just jot something down and send it in without thinking about providing useful information to the readers? If they have received upfront payment for all these articles then they have probably made some good money from AC.
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• United States
15 Dec 09
Don't be discouraged. I am coming full circle on this post. I am like you, only posting a couple of articles a week, but I am going to try harder in the New Year. Not sure what year it will be when I reach 900, but it's a good goal to aim for. She is not the only one who has that many articles on AC either!
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
12 Dec 09
I know she has made upfronts for most of the articles, so I guess they are reader worthy. LOL She has said at one point she was writing four articles a day for five days while her kids were at school. She has been a member of AC since Feb 15, 2008. A lot of other people write more articles than she does. They send in about 10 articles a day. I don't know how anyone can do that. It's crazy. I guess they just stay focused and keep on writing. I wish to write more articles like they do.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Dec 09
I wonder if those people who write ten articles per day have sofware that helps them to generate these articles. There are all kinds of writing tools out there. I wish I could crank out 5 a day for even just four days a week and 1 or 2 a day on the weekends. 5 a day for 6 days would be 120 in just 4 weeks! That would probably boost my passive helium income to over $20 a month!
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@yyzaxt (10)
• China
12 Dec 09
it's so amazing! haha.. she must crazy about written and write articles every day and night.. i hate writing too much things.. i couldn't do one thing again and again... maybe i could write only a few articles..
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• United States
12 Dec 09
I think it's the sign of a true writer that she can accomplish so much! I aspire to do that myself some day, but I am hopelessly lazy about it.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Hmmm, you're right about the crazy part! And stubborn too! (she knows I love her)
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• Philippines
30 Dec 09
It's a lot of hard work but it's not impossible. I myself had written 300 plus news clips for Digital Journal some 150 sports content for various websites and about 90 articles for Bukisa in a year alone.
• United States
20 Jan 10
I think that sports must be a great topic to write about (if you like it) because there is always something going on with teams, players, games. And people really like to read about sports as well. Good choice!