Abortion- whose choice is it?
By ladybuggy21
@ladybuggy21 (63)
United States
December 11, 2009 9:13pm CST
Now many of you are probably tired of the topic abortion. But I'm not. It's a topic that needs to be settled with. Here's my opinion. Abortion is just wrong. A lot of you think that it's the mother's choice..... then boy are you off target. A baby is a person like you and me and if they are a person...... then that person gets to have choices..... especially about whether they should live or not. A lot of people say that the baby is not a baby but a "fetus". And you know what, you just called an innocent child an "it". Would you go up to a five year old and say " Hello it. How are you it. Oh wait I don't care about you. You're an it." No you wouldn't because a five year old is a person. So why isn't a baby ,inside a womb, a person. Now I understand that a teenage girl gets pregnant and she is scared I would be too. But why can't she just have the baby and give the baby up for adoption is she doesn't want the baby. Or why can't she be courageous and keep the baby herself. Now there is a book that I love that interpret just for this. " Horton Hears a Who" When it says " A person is a person no matter how small." Doesn't that go for babies too. A wise person once said " It's the small thing that make up the big things." So true. And I just heard about the eight month abortion. Now you people must be insane to want to get an abortion when your a freaking eight months pregnant. Now who is not calling the baby a baby. an abortion of any kind is murder! That's why people call the baby a "fetus" instead of a baby. Because once they call the baby a baby it will be all the harder to get an abortion because now you are thinking you are murdering an innocent child. Which you are! Murder is murder no matter the reason, the circumstances( unless in defense), or the person (a baby). So if you are thinking about an abortion just remember " A person is a person, no matter how small."
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7 responses
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
12 Dec 09
While I think that you have some valid points, I don't believe that a fetus is actually considered a person until a certain stage of development. However having said that I am FOR abortion. I know that there are going to be a lot of people out there who think I am a monster for saying so but I'll explain myself in a sec. First I have known a few victims of rape and they unfortunately became pregnant because of the act. Now I don't know about you, but I think that when something like this happens, the last thing the victim wants is to be reminded of it, every minute of every day,. I think that if they kept that child, they would always have ill feelings towards it even though it isn't the child's fault. Now I also know that there are a lot of people out there who are not in the position to have children and for them the thought of giving up a child for adoption is too much,. I know that I personally could never do it. I think that there are certain situations which make abortion the only option that a mother has, and I know that doesn't sound like a fair thing to say but unfortunately life isn't always fair. I think that it is a mother's right to decide what to do about her body, and I think that people who judge shouldn't because you have no idea what you would do, even if you think you are sure, unless you are actually in that position. I also think that people who make others feel badly about their decision are bullies and only want to see people do things that THEY feel is right. Let me ask you this: If you had a daughter who was raped and resulted in a pregnancy, would you make her have the child just to make yourself feel better at night? i know I personally wouldn't and that I would be supportive of my daughter and her choice. I also think that you aren't murdering an innocent child as you call it, the child isn't developed and has no real thoughts or feelings on life because they have not actually lived. I think that you need to do a little more soul searching before you go casting stones.
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@ladybuggy21 (63)
• United States
12 Dec 09
I am not casting stones. And you know what it is not the mother's choice. Yes it is her choice about her OWN body. But not the baby's.No matter what stage the baby is in the baby is still a baby. And the baby will always have thoughts and a heart. My cousin is pregnant and let me tell you not too far along and boy is that baby smart. She waves, yawns, open and closes her eyes, and when they did the ultrasound she pushed back against the little thing they push on the mother's stomach. And you know what if I was raped and was pregnant you know how HAPPY I would be. Not because I was raped but because now I have a little miracle in my life that would help me forget the horrible part of being raped. Children are little miracles that don't just happen. And when you murder that miracle you just let one of the lights f your life slip by. My other cousin can't get pregnant and you know how much she would love to have a baby. You know that right now she would slap you for even agreeing with abortion. If you agree with abortion it's just like sneaking into someone's home and murdering they're new born. Now who is casting stones.
@MJay101 (710)
12 Dec 09
Hooray: I get to be Mr Unpopular again!
I think abortion is the choice of the parent(s), but ultimately, the mother. I absolutely support a woman's right to have an abortion. I favour the old Soviet system, which, to my knowledge, has never been surpassed in terms of the outlook it once embodied.
However, I am much more in favour of education and prevention - both of which, incidentally, organised religion is very slow to promote (indeed, has actively protested).
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
12 Dec 09
The fetus is not a baby until it can breathe on its own. So, fetus is the proper term.
@ladybuggy21 (63)
• United States
12 Dec 09
You are an insane person. It is only the mother's choice when it is HER OWN BODY. But once the baby is conceived then that is a whole different body that is not hers to control.
@ladybuggy21 (63)
• United States
12 Dec 09
You are calling a baby an "it" Well you know what I will call you an it and lets see how you feel. " Hello it" Doesn't feel good. Well you are calling a person an it so STOP.!!

@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
12 Dec 09
When I had an ultrasound examination during my pregnancy there was me thinking little baby is adorable and the lady wrote 'a single live fetus'. That sort of language is not endearing like 'puppy' or 'kitten' are. I like your words "A person is a person however small". I am pro-life and I wouldn't ever have an abortion. A baby in his or her mother's womb wants to live. I believe that life begins at conception. Growth in the first three months is rapid. The baby has a heart that begins to beat and the limbs are formed. The baby is almost fully formed by week 12 in pregnancy. I have seen tiny premature babies and they were born too early. It is terrible that the abortion time limit is 24 weeks pregnancy in my home country. I was shocked when they offered me an abortion at 36 weeks pregnancy. They found out that my son has spina bifida and hydrocephalus. He is now a happy little two and a half year old boy. My baby girl is 5 months old. It is the mother's choice that her baby gets murdered. I think she should adopt her baby if she doesn't want him or her. I wish adoption because more popular and abortions became much less in number. For example I saw the 98% of abortions are for social or economical reasons. Just 2% of abortions are because the mother's life is in danger or the baby will be severely disabled. My disabled child is lovely. I feel sorry for ladies that got pregnant by a rapist. If the only abortions happen because the mother's life is in danger it would be much better.

@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
14 Dec 09
I am so sorry to hear what happened to your mother. She so wanted to keep her second pregnancy but the cancer perhaps made her lose her baby. That was incredibly sad. I wouldn't ever have an abortion. I would choose to die if my baby could be saved.

@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
16 Dec 09
As far as I understood, you receive a stipend for being a foster parent. What are the requirements? A clean, safe, child-friendly atmosphere?
@ladybuggy21 (63)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Hey watch it. Don't you think I have tried. But I can't. I am not some rich person who can be a foster parent to 23 kids. No I am a person whose family can just make corners meet. There are so many children I would love to be a foster parent for.

@umabharti (3972)
• India
12 Dec 09
claps to u,and i appreciate ur opinion .Abortion is just killing nothing else more.Anything done against nature causes imbalance.It is a living being inside the womb of a mother.And from the time of conceiving its already having life in it.so if a mother can really feel then from the starting she can feel each and every response from her womb.she can feel the child in her womb.Abortion is sin.
@sparksssss (478)
• Philippines
26 Dec 09
yeah we all know that abortion is a murder. but i have two closest friends who did that! and guess what, this year only!! they are my friends since high school in a Christian school. aw gosh take note we graduated from a Christian school.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
27 Dec 09
Being such friends that they confided in you that they had abortions, did they tell you their reasoning?
@xizhilang (106)
• China
12 Dec 09
Abortion is a sin.Even the baby has the right to live happily.Just you say"A person is a person,no matter how small."Maybe everyone should realize it and do our best to avoid it.