Jesus claimed to Be God in the Bible
By badfish
@badfish (208)
United States
December 13, 2009 2:20am CST
John 8:58 "I AM"
John 5:17-18 "My Father worketh Hitherto, and I work. Therefore the Jews sought that much more to Kill him, because not only did he break the sabbath, but also said that God was his father, making himself equal with God." (Jesus distinctly uses My Father and not Our Father Jesus puts his activities on Par with God and thus justifies healing on the sabbath.
Jews did not refer to God as My Father He made a claim the Jews could not misinterpret when he called God his Father.
John 10:30 "I and My Father are one, and the jews took up stones again to stone him, Jesus answered them, Many good works I have shewed from my father, for which of those works do ye stone me? For a good work we stone ye not, but for blasphemy and because thou being a man maketh thyself God."
Jesus recieved worship as God and accepted it:
Matthew 8:2
John 9:35-39
Matthew 14:33
Matthew 21:15,16 "Hosanna to the Son of David" in praise to Jesus Hosanna is used as a cry of adoration
Thomas called him God John 20:27-29
Peter would not be worshiped because he was just a man not like Jesus; Acts 10:25,26
Angels would not be worshiped Rev 19:10
Jesus is worshipped by angels Heb 1:6
Jesus addressed in Prayer Acts 7:59
Jesus forgave sins Mark 2:5 and Luke 7:48 By Jewish Law only God Could Forgive sins.
In Matthew 12: Jesus claims he is the Lord of the sabbath
In Matthew 23:37 Jesus speaks as though he has personally observed the whole history of Jerusalem
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus states, "everyone who hears these words of mine..."
Not the Words of God or the Torah.
Jesus Is the Savior and in Hosea 13:4 it is written that their is No savior But God.
He Used I AM "YHWH" in John 8:24, 8:28, 8:58.
Revelation 1:8 Called the Almighty,
Called Mighty God and everlasting Father in Isaiah 9:6
Mat 21:15 "Out of the Mouth of infants and nursing babes God hast prepared praise for himself"
But the praises were directed at Jesus. So the praises Jesus recieved were Praising God
In John 14:6 Jesus did not claim to be teaching the truth to Man but that he was the truth.
In Isaiah 42:8, God said. "I AM the Lord, that is my name; I will not give my glory to another." But in John 17:5 Jesus prayed"And Now Glorify Thou Me together with thyself Father with the Glory which I ever had with thee before the world was."
The Fact is, the Old Testament suggests a Plurality of Personalities in One God from the very begining Gen 1:26 "Let Us Make Man in Our Image"
Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear,O Israel The Lord is our God, The Lord is One! The Hebrew word used here for One is echod, meaning a Composite unity. The same word used in the union of Man and Wife.
Psalm 2:12 comands that Messiah be Worshipped.
In Zechariah 12:10, God says, "They will look on me whom they have peirced." Jesus was Peirced but yet God says it is him
6 responses
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
14 Dec 09
Badfish, I just want to commend you for this post. There are scores, if not over 100 passages and verses that indicate the deity of Jesus Christ. Some of the most striking ones to me is the direct links to Him as YHWH. Your first reference, John 8:58 is directly associated with the visit of the Judge of all the earth to Abraham. These verses show us that God personally intervened in the distress of mankind to rescue man from his sin. God bless you Badfish.
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@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
15 Dec 09
god personally intervened so what r u saying that your bible is telling u all that god as feeling and is constantly watching us,see i knew it your bible is a dictator,u all can not see it because u r all in the box it is the ones whom have stepped out can see whats happening,
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
14 Dec 09
Just because somebody claimed to be God does not mean he is God. Anybody can claim anything, that does not mean what they claim is right.
Bible or any other text is unreliable. you cannot know the truth through faith in nay text because a text is bound to be misinterpreted over the centuries. And we do not know what Jesus really meant. He could have spoken in riddles.
To know the truth, one has to experiment. The best experiment is meditation. Meditation is nota belief or faith. Meditation is an experiemnnt. Once you go deeper and deeper into meditation, you realise the truth about yourself. Once you realise who you truly are, you will alos know that God as portrayed in Bible is mythological.
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
15 Dec 09
badfish, if it is possible for you to get hold of the Biblical authors, then please do so and I will interrogate them.
Truth is far greater than what can be written in a book. If somebody feels that bible is reliable, i have no freedom with that. As for me, I rely on my wisdom and that wisdom tells me that the Bible is unreliable.
As for contradictions in Bible, is it my job to point out them to you or is it your job to find them out yourself.
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
15 Dec 09
A mustake I made.
I wrote 'U ahve no freedom with that'.
Actually 'I have no problem with that
@badfish (208)
• United States
15 Dec 09
I agree with you on the first sentence,
The Bible is Reliable? Prove that its not? where is the evidence of these so-called Contradictions?
How do you Know the Bible was rewritten?
Science is experimentation & observation. You cannot observe History or experiment with it. The book is the wriiten record.
Much like court documents record the history of a trial.
you cannot experiment with that either.
if you want to show that it is unreliable use Historical evidence, legal testimonies, archeaology, Manuscript evidence, Internal and or external bibliagraphical evidence.
or the credibility of the witnesses testimonies.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
13 Dec 09
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
35If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
36Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
14 Dec 09
Instead of assuming you know so much about my beliefs and my knowledge of the scriptures, why don't you give a break down of the things I have pointed out.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
17 Dec 09
I can do you one better since John 10:33 does nothing to support your claim so go all the way back to John 10:30 I and my father are one, I have already broke this down and told you the "one" he was talking about is unity of spirit just like he prayed for the disciples in John 17:21. Nothing was conveniently left out in fact I quoted more than you did. You seem to have an attitude with anyone who doesn't agree with your interpretations of the scriptures.
@badfish (208)
• United States
17 Dec 09
Well Even if you remove John 17:21 away which I think can be taken either way depending on the context. there are still the other flat out claims. Mark 10:18 does not state that Jesus is not God. God is Good the Man called Jesus Good, he asked him Why, Other places He was Called God Plainly and Jesus did not rebuke them. Mark 10:18 is not Plain.
I think the other verses that you are refering to about Jesus are actually centering on Jesus Humanity, which he was a Man and God, and Also did things Like Pray for Our example .
?? What do you think? Evan?
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
14 Dec 09
What did Jesus himself say and what did John say?
John 10:36 (New International Version)
36what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, 'I am God's Son'?
John 20:31 (New International Version)
31But these are written that you may[a] believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
We all have two fathers as Jesus had two fathers, one on earth and one in heaven. A father and son can never be equal and a son would never think he is greater than his father.
Jesus was no different:
John 14:28 (New International Version)
28"You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
22 Dec 09
Could you just give me one verse where Jesus claims to be God! Just one verse please?
Because I could not find one but everywhere he claims to be God's son. There is a big difference between being God and being His Son.
I have a father and I'm his son. We are two different people. My father is responsible for giving me life but I have not given him life. Since my father is human then I am also a human. We have the same nature. I have the same nature as my father but we are not the same person. We are two different persons and have two different minds.
Yahweh is not only the Father of Jesus but also the God of Jesus.
2 Corinthians 11:31 (King James Version)
31The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lie not.
Jesus has a God and Father!
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
14 Dec 09
Greetings 1hopefulman. What you are seeing here in the verses you cite is what is the necessary subordination of the Son to the Father--necessary not for the Son, but for human salvation. We are actually seeing two aspects of Christ in John. Badfish has listed some great verses that clearly show His deity. The verses you cite, which are great, show His humanity.
Philippians 2:6-11 might clear some of this up for you. You will see in verse 6 that Christ had the "form" of God. There are like 5 or 6 words in the Greek that the Holy Spirit could have chosen for Paul to use, but of all of them He chose morphe, which indicates the actual nature of the thing it is associated with. Only a real flower can have he morphe of a flower. You can check this out if you can get a copy of Thayer's Greek Lexicon. But reading the rest we see Christ, for the sake of our salvation, chose not to "operate" -- if I might say it that way -- as God, but as you or I are supposed to. The Father directed Him by the Holy Spirit to do certain things and He obeyed.
This is one reason why Christ says the Father was greater than Him. He was obeying by the Holy Spirit, as a true Christian should.
When someone commits to Christ, He enters in and all the works of Christ are resident within that person. We have to cooperate then with the very life of Christ within us.
The terms Father - Son were necessary so we would understand what our relationship with God should be. With Christ within us we are enable to obey as He would.
Please also see the wording of this verse: Romans 8:14. I can't paste it here because I am new. But do read it in the KJV if you can. NIV is deficient in some areas.
Also, check out Hebrews 2. The word "perfect" there means complete.
I hope this helps. May God bless you for your honest inquiry.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
15 Dec 09
listen i don't care how much verses u go for your bible was rewritten by business men not men of god jesus was of the spiritual path and no spiritualist whom have reached such heights would say or do such a thing none,i can defend that to the highest why cause i am a spiritualist in training also so i know that he would not say that,nor make such a claim,u r reading books i am in training,we are not of ego nor desires of anything,jesus never even wanted no throne on earth for it was already in the heavens,he is no fool he would never do such a thing the bible was rewritten to enable business in the west and control your minds,
@badfish (208)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Your Claim that it was rewritten is unfounded and unprovable simply because it is false.
to Know it was rewritten we must have an original to compare it too. either way
How is it that you Know what Jesus wanted or meant? is it that is what is written in the Bible? but you don't even trust it so where is the basis?
Or are you picking and choosing what you want to believe? and how do you know what is accurate or not?
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@blestrella (176)
• Philippines
13 Dec 09
I firmly believe in everything written in the Bible because all of these are inspired by the Holy Spirit. I believe in Jesus as God and I believe in the Holy Trinity. The many verses written affirm to this. Thank you for gathering the relevant verses together.
@badfish (208)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Far to many people have uncritically accepted the claims of Skeptics that the Bible is full of Contradictions, Errors, or conflicts, and thus it must be unreliable. The vast majority of these claims result from 3 factors
1 - Hasty or casual examination of the text.
2 - Faulty assumptions and methods
3 - selective uses of the Data
Careful examination reveals that there is no contradictions nor errors.
@badfish (208)
• United States
17 Dec 09
Sorry Islander but I do Not see a contradiction? Not trying to sound "condesending" But Im just a simple man can you just say what it is.
what exactly is contradicting? It seems to me that verse 4 in the 2nd chapter that it is a recounting of what occured. It does not seem to state the days to asign any order to them IE like in chapter 1 where it states day one this day 2 that....