Yes We can...get along
By JodiLynn
@JodiLynn (1417)
United States
December 13, 2009 3:14pm CST
We discuss ad nauseum the conflict between the republicans and democrats or as we call them here Liberals loonies & the religious right... so can we for once apply this to our REAL WORLD lives?
Let me explain.... I am a (bad) democrat.
My wonderful most amazing sister is a republican. I love her. I don't agree with her politics, but I would die for her in a heartbeat. My Mom is also a Dem, we agree on most issues, but not all. I still love her. and the same about dying for her. My brother is a super genius lost in his new religion (Catholicism) ergo his politics changed too (to republican). I love him, would take a bullet for him too. My Brother in law is a loud mouth drunk red neck horses assh republican. I'd step over him if he were dying and keep on walking. But we play nice at family gatherings, we get along.
My two best friends are also republicans. Neither is religious (at all), neither tries to bully their views onto me. We discuss stuff like the friends we are, agreeing and sometimes disagreeing over various issues.
We respect one another.
(except for the BIL, I don't respect him at all, but I respect my sister enough to not indulge his hateful antics).
Is there any room at the Lot for this kind of respect? Could it ever really happen?
Are your family & friends a diverse group that somehow manages to come together joyfully & peacefully like mine do?
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10 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
13 Dec 09
Good god woman, your RUINING the politics section with this nonicitefull, peacefull, nonconfrontational nonsense!
You know me, I am almost never nasty.....almost anyways. It takes a lot for me to dislike a person, what ever their views. If someone can respectfully express themselves and debate in a decent manner, I'm pretty easy. I am howver what I describe as a very spirited and demanding debator, and I think sometimes that gets taken as me attacking someone. Those who know me well enough know better though.
Besides, when your always right like me, people just resent it 

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@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
14 Dec 09

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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
14 Dec 09
No I aint!
are too.....
I will be an inciter in my next post to make amends...hows that?
Ok, I expect nothing less than the utomost nasty partisan language in the next one.
I will not be peaceful (it's bedtime and I'm on chantix, wild dreams friend, puts tripping to shame most nights, I mean, what I believe a trip to be like)
Valarian works pretty good for that too.....unless you smoke pot on the same night as you take the valarian, in which case the pot eliminates dreaming (most times)
We all aggressively want to be heard above the cacophony of party line mantras. No one listens, we preach to our own choirs mostly.
When I am trying to sound a warning about something especialy. I don't alarm often, but I like to think when I am sounding one, it's pretty legitimate and well founded.
Love the last line...we must compliment one another in every post, even when disagreeing, as a new mylotion law....I can think of some I'd be hard pressed to compliment under any circumstance (LOL), unless they were baking tasty things in addition to posting:)
*obligitory compliment included as last line:
your pretty hot for a stick drawing.

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
13 Dec 09
Could it happen? Probably not. As one of MyLot's political "bullies"
, I've come to realize that hot button issues always stir up emotions. Where emotions are involved, confrontation is not far behind.
I do make my best effort to remain civil in discussions, but some people just make it hard. I do, on the other hand, make the most effort when it comes to generalizations. I facepalm whenever a user uses a person's political affiliations and leanings in an argument as if it somehow discredits their argument. Or when users lump people together in one group as if everyone who leans left or right, democrat or conservative, christian or atheist have the same opinions as the rest of their "group". It just isn't so. I hate generalizations, and I feel we'd have a little less confrontation if everyone dropped the "looney left"/"religious right" labels.
However, we'll never have a forum in which people are always civil. There will be the polite few, who contribute to a discussion positively in almost every aspect, and there will be those like to bare their teeth and get ugly with anyone who disagrees. When people who have firm but opposing beliefs butt heads over something, sparks will most likely fly. That's just how it goes in the game of politics, both in real life and on MyLot.
Though honestly, if everyone just made a little bit of effort (even if they slip up at times), politics might not be such a scary place to the rest of the MyLot forums.

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@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
14 Dec 09
You've nailed it. It is the American political passion that stirs us to such immature levels of aggression, like name calling. Some posters, from both sides of the isle, are absolutely RABID in virtually all of their posts. or is that just my perception?
Did you see my reply to X? I say as a new rule of the Lot, we all have to say something NICE about the O.P. or the replier we are replying to. Will make it so much harder to argue that way!

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Dec 09
When I first joined myLot and started getting into political discussions I was totally taken aback by how serious and personal some here take this stuff! I've said before here that I grew up in a household where politics was the normal mealtime conversation topic and also what was discussed for hours on end by my parents and various friends and relatives who would come to visit. I started participating myself in these discussions probably by the age of 12 or 13 and I knew what I was talking about because I paid attention and I read a lot about it. There were often disagreements, sometimes rather heated ones, but they were always civil and respectful and everyone always ended up as friends once the conversation was over. Through the years at the different places I worked and at many social events it was the same thing. It's always been possible to have a discussion with a group of people with many different views on different issues and many of us didn't mind stating our views quite clearly but it didn't get so nasty and insulting.
It's one thing for a Democrat or a liberal (just as an example) to tell a conservative or a Republican that he or she disagrees with their ideology but quite another to insult them for opinions. I've always known in the past that if someone said they didn't like or support a politician that I did like or support that their criticism of that politician wasn't directed at me personally. I'd never before heard of people insulting others over who they like or don't like!
I sure WISH we could get along!!
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
14 Dec 09
annie, I haven't been in the political section of a forum, or a politicaly oriented forum yet that wasn't just like this. It's pretty universal unless you have an entire forum dedicated to members who are all the same orientation and pretty much just spend most times making nasty comments about the other side and patting each other on the back. Been that way since I have been online (almost 25 years)
*obligitory last line as compliment:
your cat looks like a libertarian.....
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@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
14 Dec 09
see the above posts about anonymity on the net.
My kids have all been brought up with dinner conversations like you had. We taught them to value ALL information, not just that which you agree with, and to question EVERYTHING and EVERYONE (in politics). My youngest took a leap in 08 and worked on a campaign. I was extremely proud of her, and how she handled herself (at 16) when making cold calls prior to the elections. She came away from the whole thing with a new perception of the political arena without bitterness, for which I am glad.
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@poingly (605)
• United States
14 Dec 09
I argue just as passionately in real life as I do on the net. I think what is also missing on the internet is that face to face interaction that helps you read a person. You might be disagreeing with them, but you can see in their eyes that they are still your friend.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
14 Dec 09
My family as well as my husband's family are all over the political spectrum but we manage to have very civil discussions in this area...mostly because we care about each other and calling any one of us some of the names that are batted around here just about guarantees that someone is going to get a bloody nose.
I would love it if the folks here showed the same respect we reserve for family and friends but the nature of the interntet, with it's anonymity and lack of personal responsibility, makes that unlikely.

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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
13 Dec 09
Hi Jodi, well I have to say in real life I've never come across such carry on's over political issues as I've seen here in Mylot. Such as myself who are neither American nor republican or democrat but definitely find it easier to identify who is who by their labels of loonie left or extremists are amazed that there seems to be no middle ground. Disagree with one point of view and one is immediately anti American and a bleeding heart liberal or madly in love with George Bush.
I have to say that the political interest section in mylot certainly gives rise to the sanity of some Americans who really appear blind to the bigger picture. It seems impossible to keep either religion or patriotism out of the picture. What a waste.
People fight vehemently over politics here in the cafenions but they don't reduce to name calling and malicious accusations.
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@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
14 Dec 09
lost my dang post.... starts over....
IMO, Americans very rarely look at the larger picture, because it's hard to give a hoot about anyone but number 1 (themselves & immediate family). What kills me is the indignant retorts when they are called out as ignorant WORLD citizens. As though what happens beyond our borders is of ZERO consequence to us, personally.
I've only ever seen stuff like this in film noir type flicks...only they were Russians smoking heavily and drinking vodka...

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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
14 Dec 09
What on earth are you doing in politics fjaril, its full of hysterical extremists here, won't suit your laid back style at all.
Actually I got the Paris one from an American programme I saw 'Americans are stupid' where they were interviewing people on the street about basic world georgraphy.
@Revan2009 (469)
13 Dec 09
I'm always a nice person and I agree with you. I don't understand why there must be so many angry and disrespectful people on myLot, I mean whatever their issues are, they certainly cannot be solved on here.
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@Revan2009 (469)
14 Dec 09
But nothing good will happen by "venting" in such a way... in fact people will do the total opposite they will lose more support than they will gain. I don't know anyone that listens when they're being bullied online. A lot can be accomplished if the tone of the post is respectful as opposed to a creating a feeling of annoyance or anger. If the wording of the OP is overly disrespectful, sterotyping, generalizing, racist, ignorant and/or simple trolling then we should just report and ignore them.
@eddify (412)
• Pakistan
15 Dec 09
Yes it happens in my family too, like my father is on the other side and all his family on one side, But when they are together a fight goes on and on. Taking in to consideration they are all too well knitted and very close to eachother but when it comes to politics all of them go crazy I am not sure why? But my maternal grand ma says if u want to see someones' real family and know about them all either u bring them in to politics or acting and all the world will be going nuts the press will bring all ill and what not
@MJay101 (710)
13 Dec 09
My parents are boring and middle class, hence they probably vote Lib Dem (I'm from the UK, and my parents won't tell me who they voted for). My brother is an idiot and is taken in by Nu Labour. My other brother is far more enlightened and votes Green...
My other half has voted Communist and Green.
I'd take a bullet for any of them, but I'd take a whole clip for my other half! 

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