who's shoulder could you count on to cry on??

United States
December 13, 2009 4:45pm CST
I think that there really is no one's shoulder you could count on to cry on.Well actually there are two people in the whole world you could count on to cry and those two people are:YOU AND GOD.Those are the only people you can count on for sure cause your friend or mom or dad or sis or bro are not always gonna be there when you are in trouble but you can always count on yourself and god no one else can you trust. What do you all think about this??
7 responses
@mycjane (31)
• Philippines
14 Dec 09
well yeah its true... I agree with what you said. You can always count on our Lord, He will never abandon you.. But literally speaking, you can't cry on His shoulders, literally speaking you cannot embrace Him when you need someone to be there physically..right? so literally and worldly speaking,human as i am.. When I'm down and troubled, I always lean on my best friends shoulder to cry on... She's always been there for me especially because we live in the same house.. But God? that's no question..every time I'm down, He is the first one I turn to, He is the first to know my problems..
• United States
15 Dec 09
Okay it may be true but I don't think you should really get your hopes up about your friends because they may be gone at one point and you won't be used to the idea of comforting yourself and you won't be able to comfort yourself!!!
• Philippines
15 Dec 09
im not saying that im all hoping for my bestfriend to be there for me all the time, as in all the time.. there are limitations of course.. she has her on life to live on and mine too.. what im saying here is that when I need someone to be there for me physically, she's always there.. and like I said, ever time I'm down, God is the first one I turn to, He is the first to know my problems..that's no question. Human as we are, and you can't deny it..you also need someone physically, you will be longing for someone to lean on to when you have a problem, someone you can share your anger, pain and all..right? But there are times that I don't want anybody, I just want me..
@ruchimom (280)
• Australia
23 Dec 09
Hi I think I dont have anyone's shoulder to cry on. I will have only God to talk to and share my thoughts I dont want to involve my husband and kids and make the sitaution bad at home.There are lots of time when I feel down and only God can comfort me and noone else.
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
There is no argument about going to our dear Lord's rescue whenever we have problems. But sometimes, as we are only human beings, we still want to be comforted by someone we trust, hear those comforting words direct from his/her mouth - that you are not alone in that certain situation and that he/she understood how you feel. But wait...please don't ever cry on someone else husband or wife's shoulder even if he or she is your friend. You might cause trouble.
@ankush19 (154)
• India
14 Dec 09
i agree with your statement.. there is always you..you cant alwaz count on people for a shoulder to cry on.. u have be more independent..even ur family members are not gonna with you everytime.. u have to be more strong and make urself more confident in order to face such situations..
• India
29 Jan 10
When I was single, I used to depend on only God and myself, just like you. However, I have been married for the last 10 years and am so happy that I can depend on my husband for moral, emotional, physical support.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
31 Aug 10
Well its always a true friend at distress is the real one to lean on!
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
For me, I don't think so, because I consider my family as shoulder that I could count on to cry on. Yes, we can always turn to God to make us stronger in times of difficulties but in my experience my family is always there for me to lessen my boarden. They maybe not always at my side but everytime I need them they will see to it that they are with me,and it helps me to overcome any problem and make me realize that I am not alone.
@felliana (114)
• Philippines
14 Dec 09
i agree with you, it's God, always, never failed...'though there was my mom too, when she was alive yet, she never failed to, she's always there, always have a shoulder for me to cry on, oh, i miss her so much! now, i have few great friends too, and ofcourse, my family!",) happy lotters!