long list of children's presents to buy!

December 13, 2009 10:09pm CST
I just did a count, and goodness! I have tons of children's presents to buy! I bought 4 last week, and have 11 to go! The thing about christmas is that, once you have a child, most people will buy presents for your child. then even if you try to minimise commercialising the season, you have to buy presents for their children! last year, my daughter was barely born so we hadn't been inducted into this crazy world of children's christmas gifts. this year, we have to Be Prepared! otherwise it's not nice to receive so many presents and not have come with any for the other kids at the family and church friend gatherings. did you realise this 'custom' with a shock too? do you buy presents for children even if you don't buy them for anyone else at the party?
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11 responses
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
14 Dec 09
Tell me about it! We did a bit of shopping yesterday for all the kids we know, and kids our kids play with. man! It was a long list. We just bought cheap gifts, as the more the kids the harder it was for the wallet. Thank goodness for Target and Wal-Mart!
1 person likes this
• Singapore
14 Dec 09
thanks! could you share what types of items you bought? could do with more ideas...
• Singapore
15 Dec 09
intresting, I've not heard of NERF. kids seem to be very into Barney, but i don't like Barney so not getting any barney things.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
14 Dec 09
We have boys, so most of their friends are also boys. We bought some NERF toys at Target and Wal-Mart. They seem to be the hot items in the stores. The kids were all around them. We only bought the $10 ones.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
15 Dec 09
My husband and I don't yet have children but we have a niece and nephew. I haven't bought presents for them every year, but now that I met my husaband we've started to buy presents for them more. This Christmas probably not though.
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• Singapore
15 Dec 09
it's just some unwritten rule eh? :)
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
20 Dec 09
Yea... Adults... Nah they don't NEED a gift. Children. It's just so enjoyable to see their faces..
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
14 Dec 09
It is such a coincidence. A friend just told me she used to buy 15 presents for her nieces and nephews and it is a headache because all the family gather together for the annual Christmas party. She cannot buy the same gifts or the kids will boo at her. I am not sure if yours is the same situation. For me, I would be fair to all. All the 15 kids will get the same present - no chance for them to compare and that's is one problem solved - jealousy among kids. What a great idea!!!
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• Singapore
15 Dec 09
well if they are different ages then the same gift might not be appropriate...
@benallos (88)
• Philippines
15 Dec 09
You are right. Right now me and my wife will go shopping for presents. There are lots of them that are asking for gifts this Christmas not only my kids but also my nephews and nieces. And also for the exchange gifts of my kids at school, during Christmas parties, etc and etc. Whew, this is Christmas ... :)
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• Singapore
15 Dec 09
it shouldn't be this way, i keep telling myself, but somehow it has become a 'nice' part of christmas.
• China
15 Dec 09
well. that's sweet and when those children growing up they will remember the favourist chrismas present they ever got that's from you and i'd like also to give those relative's children or friend's children some present to let them feel been loved and happy.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
15 Dec 09
that's true!
@hoodwinks (157)
• United States
15 Dec 09
yeah my wife does the shopping for the kids and told me she got like over 300 dollars worth of toys. we are not rich at all but we make the best of it for the kids they deserve it. plus cheery kids make good times and life more lovable.
• Singapore
15 Dec 09
that's very generous!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
14 Dec 09
Yep. I always bought my child presents even if we did not plan on buying any for the adults. Children love gifts at Christmastime. They like to have lots of toys to open and play with.
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• Singapore
15 Dec 09
it's just become an indispensible part of Christmas!
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
22 Dec 09
Yeah... xiong rite? Having a kid already have so much expenses. Now you have to worry about getting the rest of the kids whose parents gave your kid presents too eh? That is why, I find this custom of exchanging gifts so cumbersome! Why can't they dispense with it, and just enjoy the party for what it is! A gather of friends and family to catch up with each other!
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
16 Dec 09
lol =D U are lucky this is only christmas.. Wait till chinese new year comes along, and u will know what's headache.. hehe ^_^ With kids and children, it's inevitable to buy more gifts for the gift exchange.. It's like a formality and fun for the kids, while it's a form of gathering for adults to catch up ^_^ As long as it's gifts, they will still be very much excited, and wont care about what's in it.. haha =D
@maezee (41988)
• United States
14 Dec 09
As a kid, I used to LOVE opening presents. The more, the merrier! It was the sole reason why I LOVED Christmas (besides sledding..Which was pretty much a staple of my childhood, too!). I loved unwrapping them, writing Santa letters, and so on..When you're a kid - Christmas is MAGICAL! Luckily I only have one kid to shop for this year (as I do most years) - and that's my little sister, who is 7, and also loves Christmas (who doesn't - at 7?!). I'm trying to prioritize her as much as I can though, as far as my Christmas shopping goes - not to spoil her, but just to try to make her Christmas as exciting and magical as they used to be for me! . I have noticed, though, that with my parents for example - they're suckered into buying other people presents because THOSE people bought THEM presents. That's kind of how it works. This is slightly irrelevant, but a few of my co-workers decided THEY were buying me presents (and the unwritten law is that if THEY buy you presents, you MUST by them some, too!) and I didn't intend on exchanging with them. Oh well, I guess.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
14 Dec 09
that's nice that you are doing so much for your little sister! I'm sure she adores you. well, next year those colleagues will wisen up and you won't get presents from them. :)
• Philippines
15 Dec 09
yeah squaretile, you are right. however on my case, my daughter is into grade school already and know what? she has a list of her teachers she said she is grateful of that she wanted to give something for this season, so being an obedient mother, i submit myself to her wish list. on my godchildren, i prepared books for them. because i believe that they can have a gift of a lifetime knowledge thru books, so i decided to give them books this Christmas instead of toys..
• Singapore
15 Dec 09
that's very sweet of her. perhaps you could get her to make something. teachers love handmade things. and it will be more effort on her part instead of just spending your money. :)