Question for Christians - what would you do?
By Opalina143
@opalina143 (1240)
Morristown, New Jersey
December 14, 2009 7:01pm CST
I have an scenario for you, and I am really curious to read your answers.
You are hired by a high school to debate an atheist. This atheist is a well known speaker. She argues against Christianity at schools and clubs. She has swayed hundreds or thousands of people away from Christianity by her arguments and talented way of speaking. You debate her, and find out that twenty people in the audience decide to leave Christianity because of her arguments.
Later, you are sitting waiting for a bus with her. The bus station is deserted. She tells you that her goal in life is to convert Christians away from their faith. She is eating lunch as she talks.
Then, suddenly, she gasps and grabs her throat. She is choking. She can't breathe, and she will be dead in four to five minutes if no one helps her. There is no one around, and the nearest ambulance services if twenty minutes away.
If you let her choke and die, no one will ever blame you, really- you can just say you didn't know what to do. But you can save her life by dong the Heimlich maneuver. However, if you do, there is the chance that she will spend the rest of her life working against God.
What do you do? Do you sit there and let her choke to death, or do you save her?
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28 responses
@puppynut (370)
• New Zealand
15 Dec 09
Hardcase scenario, and well written. You save her. The reason being that you don't know how God will use it. She may have a revelation and change her whole life to working for God. Also People that are swayed away from christianity are fighting their own battle and having their own reltionship with God. Prayer is the mightiest weapon in this circumstance. I would pray for her message to fall flat, I would prayer for Christians to be stirred to greater christianity because of her attempts, and I would pray for her salvation and realisation of who God is. Imagine her speaking for Him!!
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Without hesitation I would attempt to save the lady's life. It could very well turn about she might then listen to me or another Christian and, above all, listen to the Holy Spirit of God, and commit to Christ. In regard to her surviving and continuing to send people to help I would say the lost are bound for hell already (check in the are of John 3:15-19) and as elsewhere stated they have judged themselves unworthy of eternal life. For Christians to listen to her then turn away from Christ, I would have to think that in all probability such were just Christian in name only, for a true Christian has Christ within and communes with their Lord. (note-however I do feel the Scriptures indicate we can lose our salvation through disbelief). Most folk truly dedicated to Christ what to grow deep roots in Him, so the words of an atheist though backed by the spirit of satan will be warded off by the Spirit of Christ in that person. (note-as a former satanist I do not wish to capitalize the name of satan. While in his almost immediate realm I would refuse to capitalize God, unless required by my school.)
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
16 Dec 09
debating on religion is a never ending battle of reasoning, never accept a challenge to debate a religion if you are not well versed with the bible and a public speaker or else it is you who will choke. The outcome will surely encourage others to transfer religion due to our lack of knowledge.
On the other hand, constant communication thru meditation can improve our relationship with him and wisdom can be achieved but still He may not help us in time of debate. The opportunity of the atheist choking was excellent to help her revived to life, thats how God respond to show what a christian should be which mean that work is better than words. Even if we knew the bible so well but we dont do it in practice, it is only a word and its worthless. Have a good day.

@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
16 Dec 09
I think there may be some truth to that, after all, I have seen many debates and participated in a few of them, but I have never seen anyone actually converted, or deconverted. But who knows. A lot of people would feel that debating is a waste of time, but doing the right thing is the best way to gain converts to the Christian faith.

@mkings (289)
• Germany
15 Dec 09
Hello Opalina143
This is very challenging because if you do not save her live your conscience will jugde you.But if you save her life you may be afraid that she will keep driving people alway from God.This is just like the stroy of Saul in the bible I am sure you know it.I will save her live since it was not by chance that you were at the bus stop with her and nobody around but He that is God was there.So I will save her live that is my answer
@poingly (605)
• United States
15 Dec 09
I think every single one of my Christian friends would save the atheist. One the other hand, if the situations were reversed, I think every single one of my atheist friends would save the Christian!
Isn't that just what decent human beings do?
@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
15 Dec 09
I would hope so. I would always hope that compassion for others and human kindness would win out over everything else. The dilamna for Christians (I am not one) is that they would really believe she is doing harm. I wanted to know if Christians would love the individual like Christ would, more than simply worrying about doing "God's will" in general.
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@poingly (605)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Well, the situation is almost a retelling of the Good Samaritan story from the Christian Bible. I think what's lost on a lot of people about that story these days is that in Jesus's time Jews and Samaritans hated each other, but I think that is a very important part of the story.

@poingly (605)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Maybe this scenario should be rephrased:
Let's say we are at that same debate and there are two Christians and an atheist on the panel. They're eating sandwiches when one of the Christians starts to choke. The other Christian does nothing, fearing that giving the Heimlich Maneuver might break a rib and a possible resulting lawsuit. The atheist not only gives the Heimlich Maneuver, but also makes sure they get to the hospital okay and even pay the bills.
Who would you say is the neighbor of the person who choked?
You get where I am going with this, I'm sure.
@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
16 Dec 09
Yes, but according to Christian teachings, the atheiest still goes to hell, right? Even if he saves the guy's life and does all that. Because no matter how good they are, atheists don't go to heaven- and no matter how bad they are, (within reason) Christians do. SO good atheists go to hell and bad christians go to heaven.
That is why I am not now nor ever will be a Christian.
@mycjane (31)
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
i totally disagree with you opalina...
you don't know that..
you don't know what a person is really...because even if that christian is good (in your eyes) maybe in God's eyes he isn't... We don't know anything at all about people..What we know are the things we see..but what about the things we don't? only God knows you can't really say,tell or even think that because you see that someone is good goes to heaven.. you don't see what's in his heart..
And you don't go to heaven just by doing one good thing... what makes you go to heaven is to believe in the Almighty..and follow His will.. Not all good Christians (in the eyes of man) goes to heaven.. same as to anybody in the world.. even atheist.. atheist have a chance to go to heaven..if he changes his way and maybe one day realize and believe in God.
but you can't really say, who goes to heaven and who goes to hell.. only God knows..
@livewyre (2450)
22 Feb 10
I can't believe anyone in their right mind would let another person die in front of them whatever they believe.
For a Christian point of view, I am sure most Christians would see this as an opportunity from God to demonstrate love to someone who has declared themselves an enemy.
God loves this woman as much as He loves you or I.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
23 Feb 10
I'm an Atheist, and if I was in the same situation, where more of the people in the group hearing the debate turned towards Christianity rather then atheism, and the Christian girl started to choke heavily, I would give her the heimlich, too. It's the worst thing in the world to just let someone die when you can really do something to help them out. I wouldn't even be thinking about their religion or anything, it just comes right down to the fact that we're both human, and I can help them.
@TickleMeBreathless (590)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Being Agnostic, I personally am not a Christian, but my cousin who is here with me is, so I'm typing what she's saying:
I would! I may not like what she does with her life, but how would you live with the fact that you let a person die simply because of that fact? God wouldn't be happy, and in the end neither would you. Sure, you might have saved some people from being converted away from Christianity, but in the end you did the wrong thing, and there will always be someone trying to take people away from Christianity.
Besides, could you live with yourself if you knew you let someone die all because of that?
@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
16 Dec 09
I agree. I think that I could never live with myself if I let a person die like that. Even though I am not a Christian. What I wanted to know was whether some people would put their faith and Christina doctrine over simply doing the right thing. I am happy though, with the answers I have gotten.
@tenacity1 (8)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Matthew 7:12 says, "So in EVERYTHING, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."
Romans 12:19 says, "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord."
Matthew 5:44 says, "But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,"
@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
16 Dec 09
Great bible verses, really those get to the heart of the matter. I am glad you posted them, for the education of other Christians as well as non-Christians like me, because you reminded me what Christianity really teaches, and why it is such a good faith to have, if you truly follow it and are not always judging other people!
@emashford (2)
15 Dec 09
Hmmm... whereas you may feel that you'd be doing God a service by stopping someone who is pulling people away from Christanity, I'm sure that the Knights of the Crusades thought that they were doing good when they killed thousands of people who had a different faith.
I would think that God would want you to save her, no matter what she does. After all, God is forgiving. I'm sure that God would not judge someone harshly based on whether or not they congregated in a large stone building every Sunday to worship him or not, but on their merits as a person. In my opinion, God would want us to be good people more than dutiful Christians.
Futher, by saving this Girl, one would be giving her a chance to redeem herself, a life is many things, but it is not to be wasted. There are many Christians who are themselves converted atheists.
Lastly, more than anything it depends on your concience. Could you live with yourself, knowing that you allowed another person to die, no matter what the reason. If God is an all-powerful cosmic super-being, why would it matter to him if we worship him or not.
All in all, I would save the girl. It's just the gentlemanly thing to do, lol.
@920212 (577)
• Malaysia
26 Feb 10
i will help her because god had tell in bible love your neighbor, maybe she can against christian because she not saw the proof of christian life. after she has been saved i will show her the proof of miracle of god example i have video that lame people began to walk,those who were suffered with various disease example as aids, tumor, cancer,tb, those possesed by demon has been delivered, i have millions of people all around the world to witness the miracle of god and many more and i can proof that in christian life we can proof that our god is living god whenever we call him he will answer us.
@dolphinlady128 (72)
• Australia
28 Feb 10
Save her. At least definitely do my hardest to save her (I have no idea on first aid, or what to do much when people are choking, but we can all try :)
The thing is, what kind of Catholic am I if I let someone die in front of my eyes without trying to save them ? As a Catholic I was taught to always help others, to love others, and as Jesus said, especially those who have hurt you or who are your enemies.
It is not my right to decide on whether she should live or not. I will help her, and if she decided to use the rest of her lives to work against GOD it is her lost I would say. The God that I believe in is the most powerful being, what can a mere human do against Him ? Im not saying that God will take her life right then and there (Im not God I dont know what He will think), but all Im saying is that God has unlimited ways to touch people's hearts. And I believe God will works miracle also on this lady.
Of course I would be very sad for those people that decided to leave Christianity because of hearing her talk, but all I can do for them is pray and may God open up their hearts :)
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
28 Feb 10
As an atheist, she was hitherto doing what she ought to do; drawing away Christians from Christianity. Now it is my turn to do as Christian what I ought to do. As Christian, I am not supposed to keep the count of who goes to heaven or who goes to hell. As Christian, I am expected not only to be a follower of Christ but I also should be a kindly and a humane person. I will go out, help her and save her life.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
22 Feb 10
You save her life. That will start her thinking that fighting God is wrong. Those who left were of the type where the seed fell on the wayside type, so God did not enter their hearts. God wants true conversions, not pretend ones. Also perhaps what was happening to her was a warning by God and HE was using you to lead her on the road to salvation.
She might work against God, but she will fail. No one has ever succeeded in besting God. HE created them. And you only have to wait. When Christ comes, she will be burning up for eternity if she does not change. And eternity is forever.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
16 Feb 10
I would do all I could to try to save her life. Who knows, if the fact that I tried to save her life might not help her to see that real Christians are different and that she might not change her attitude later? Look what happened to the apostle Paul.
Besides I don't think atheism is that strong that it can persuade many people to stop believing in God. Look at what happened to Albania. It declared itself the first atheistic country. But many years later Christianity is triumphing. Similar things have happened in the former communistic soviet block.
God will win out in the end!
@rainie30 (146)
• United States
28 Dec 09
Anyone who says they would let her die isn't a Christian. Christians know it is not our job to judge. Perhaps by saving her, that would be the act that would have her re-evaluate everything about her life, to rethink her views on Jesus. Even if it isn't, it is not our place to play God. I saw where someone already explained about Paul, so I won't get into that again, but it's the best answer to this question.
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
16 Dec 09
To save a life is to give a life. You know you are going to get alot of weird answers for this but I am going to give you the one that I feel is right! You save her. By you saving her she is going to know why. That is when you can express the wonderful things you know about Jesus Christ. You are right know one on earth will know what you did not do to help her but you forgot one thing.... God will know. Although he may be sympathetic in your decision for the reasons you just stated he will not justify you in your decision. I would rather run a rat race with her then be a disappointment to GOD. How many people to come across each day,not atheist, that do not teach or believe the same way you do? I imagine alot. Everyday we are put in positions that test or faith. This would be one of them. Look Baptist do not believe like Catholics, Methodists do not believe like Penecostal, Christian Church does not believe like Church of God. We run into these obstacles everyday.
@ruchimom (280)
• Australia
16 Dec 09
I will help her no matter whatever feelings she has
I am sure when she gains consciousness she will understand the presence of God
I just can't let a person die because of whatever moral values she has
She has her ethics and I have mine
I am sure if i dont save her I will be repenting all my life
Hope this helps!!!