
piano - this is my favorite of my instruments :) whats yours?
United States
December 14, 2009 10:35pm CST
so do you play any instruments? if so what? do you write your own songs? if you have any i can hear, send them to me:) i always love hearing something new!
3 responses
• United States
15 Dec 09
I'm a drummer, but unfortunately I don't have a band right now. I love writing my own stuff, it's really fun to try and come up with new and original/ interesting beats and fills. I also really like covering my favorite songs. I've been trying to figure out a way to record my drums so I can post some videos on youtube. Once I figure that out I'll give you the links if you want. I mostly play rock/ pop-punk. Cheers!
• United States
18 Dec 09
yea, i'd love a link, once you get it posted. yea, i love the drums, thet're the foundation of the band. with out the drums, you have no beat, no way to keep time. yea, i've been trying to find a band too, but i've had no luck so far. i really like to write my own songs too, usually i play all the instruments for it, but i'm not particulary that good at the drums, but i can come up with a beat for just about anything and i can play them, but im no expert. but once you posted some videos i'd love to watch!
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
15 Dec 09
I used to play guitar before and I also had one guitar but it's already worn out and no use anymore. I plan to buy one new guitar but since I'm so busy working online I ave to postponed buying one. I think that if I buy one how am I able to use it when all my time is spent on internet. I also composed some songs but it's not that beautiful though...just for fun.
• United States
17 Dec 09
lol well thats good. you said you work online? with what? and yes, somtimes i compose for fun, just to get a kick.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Dec 09
Hello. No, I don't play any musical instruments. But, I like listening to all kinds of musical instruments, because I like orchestral music. I was so empressed and enjoyed the orchestra so much when I was there at the Vienna Philamonic Orchestra. That was a grand orchestra, one of the best in the world I would say., the music hall was huge and the sound effects were really grand.