Nosey people

@bdugas (3578)
United States
December 15, 2009 7:42am CST
In all the time that I have been on the internet and it has been 10 years at least, I used to just read email and play a few games, maybe look up topics I was interested in. Then I started joining groups that play cards and sites like Facebook and Myspace, and this one, MYLOT, and there seems to be on each site someone that thinks they run the site, that you do things their way or they gonna report you. I am so sick of this crap on all these sites and people sticking their nose into others lives. Do any of these people have a life outside the internet. What is it about people that think they have the right to dig into others personal life and to post whatever they find on stupid websites with references to go to that site to see. People need to keep their noses in their own affairs and leave the rest alone whether it be on here myspace, facebook or any other site such as yahoo canasta or euchre. What is it with these people? One woman I know wants to show everyone she has more than them, so what, I know in my heart that I go to bed at night knowing that I have a life and don't have to sit around a game room lobby or a chat room for 12 hours a day to look for anything I can post to make some one look bad. People you need to grow up and get a life. You are not the only one on the internet and you dang sure don't pay for my internet connection. If you was handling your life like you should you wouldn't have time to be sticking your nose into mine.
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9 responses
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Dec 09
I believe we should offer advice when it is asked for but NEVER try to tell anyone how to run their life. "Live and let live" is a good motto to live by. If the world was populated by people with entirely the same views, personalities, personas, etc. as everyone else, this would be a very boring planet! "Jealous people will try to belittle the skills of others" is another thing I've come across in my life and I've found it to be very true. People who are secure in themselves and their lives do not need to show off what they have or tell others that they are doing something that, in their opinion, is wrong. It's the insecure people who feel a need to butt into the lives of others. Oh, I know that my rating may just go down after posting this because there will probably be a jealous, insecure person or two that read this and get angry because they see themselves in what I just said but that hurts no one but themselves. I will continue to be myself no matter what the insecure, jealous people think of me. It's just like television. If you don't like what you're watching, change the channel, don't sit there and scream at the TV set! It won't do any good to keep watching (reading) something you don't like. It's so easy to just go find something that you enjoy instead. Life is too short to be angry all the time. It's too short to be angry even for a short time! Yeah, we're all human and even I get angry sometimes but it never lasts long. If I feel a need to voice my views when they differ from someone elses, I'll put it in such a way as to make sure that everyone knows that it is just my opinion and that I'm not trying to tell anyone they're wrong, even if I think they are. As long as you are not trying to hurt anyone, you should be able to voice your opinion. Here's another colloquialism (sorry!) that some of these people should really try to remember: "Do undo others as you would have them do unto you." I live by that. Just keep on keeping on and try not to let a few spoil the time of all.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Dec 09
Do unTo others... not undo. Unto, unto!
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Yes I often wonder if these people ever heard that saying, cause if they do to others the things they do I would not want it to come back to me in that manner. I think some have very lonely lives and by sticking there nose into some else's business it gives them a prepose in life. Or something to fill their day with the googling to see what they can find on some one. It is all done to make a person look bad and make them look better I guess in their own eyes.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
15 Dec 09
actually there really is some people who have no life other than the internet, I know one woman who fights with very one, she lost all her friends in real life and she has now been kicked off of several sites on the web because she fights with them too. She will be all friendly in the beginning and then she will find out stuff about you and then post it all over. But she will also fight with you on the net.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
16 Dec 09
I had to laugh last night as one person said that this was like being in high school, this game lobby, that me and my friends who play in the league are the popular girls (dang it took me to get on the internet to be one of them) and the others was the outsiders, like the ones they used to make fun of that they said lived on the wrong side the tracks, or no one wanted to be friends with, and they hated us for being the popular girls. I thought that was so funny, these are grown adults, this is not kindergarden. You are right when you say they have no life and I can bet that in real life they act the same way which is why they are lonely. This is just me, and I can not pretend to be anythig that I am not. You are right they act like your friend, asking questions till they get what they want then posting items on sites for people to see makes them look big in the eyes of the idiots in that lobby. I wish I could leave that lobby, but it is where I play cards in a league and I will not be run off by a few bullies. Thank you for your reply, and I hope you are doing well and Merry Christmas to you all.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
15 Dec 09
I really understand where you are coming from..I haven't had any problem on the internet but in real life i am having a problem right now , with people sticking their noses into my business...I agree that people need to tend to their affairs & leave everyone else's alone...I think that some people just have way to much time on their hands & they go around looking into others lifes..Mainly because they do nOT have a LIFE.....Maybe its just time to call the gossipers what they are....My mother use to call people who always gossip & mind other peoples business, she called them "Long Tongues"...LOL
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• United States
15 Dec 09
Some people don't have a life outside of the internet. There are also people who feel that the way they see things is the only way things should be. I'm not saying that if someone is doing something outlandish on one of the sites, or deliberately breaking the sites rules that they should not be confronted or reported. Yet, I agree some people find fault with everything. They should just look at their own lives and see what faults they have and try to fix them. The Buddha had a great saying in this regard. It goes something like this, before you can change the world, first you must change yourself.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
16 Dec 09
When you see a persons id in a room 24/7 no matter what time you log in kind of tells you that. I was told when I join a site my life becomes theirs to dig or search for anything they can find on me, to post and let the world know. Well you know I don't have one thing in this life to be ashamed of. So dig and search all you want if that is all your life constinst of. This person has broken every rule Yahoo has set up and I can't even say the number of people that have emailed them about her, and they do nothing although their own rules say this will not be tolerated. I hope after last night when I finally spoke up that this will stop but you know pressing charges against this person could be the only way to stop it. But one of the women in there last night called her husband cell, because she posted both of their cell phone numbers in the lobby, and for the sake of me I can not understand why, but like Pam said she has had enough. Does he know what she is doing to me and others on this site, no I do not believe he does, all I can say is she wasnt' there last night and that is unusual for her, her id never leaves the lobby, so hopefully after he talk to pam he went home and done something about it. I believe what you see them type and do in a game room lobby is what they are in real life. And it is really sad to know there are people out there that is so mean and with no other life than this internet. They should look at them selves first, but somewhere they get the idea they are perfect.
@allknowing (132209)
• India
16 Dec 09
In real life we have no choice but to deal with the situation but in a virtual world we can ignore those slights and move on which is what you should do. It is true it is those who have no place in the real world come here and make others feel they are happier but the best way to cut them to size is to ignore them and not interact with them.
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@bhawanee (174)
• India
16 Dec 09
It is very true that we should not discuss about others lives. In fact this is really a good lesson for me as i have discussed about a criminal turning pious man. Thank you once again for bringing realization in me by posting this discussion.
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@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
16 Dec 09
people are inherently nosy, as you can understand that is our human nature. But you keep your own business, and other people keep theirs. There will no clash or conflict to occur. So, I don't understand what is really going on there with you, but you can ignore those peoeple online.
• Spain
16 Dec 09
at least if they can rise above this things why not! as a new comer to this site, i'd also see the engulfing warmth of their tenderness in making their posts as spewed out resplendently and had being answered by the good readers.
• Philippines
16 Dec 09
hey bdugas, i think the simple explanation to that is people who love to stick their noses into your a$$ have nothing to do.. they just do just because.. they dont find a reason to be doing that.. they just do.. i guess its just their way of life.. people can really piss you off when they do so.. its their way of telling you that i wanna control your life and live with it or suffer the consequences.. well i say stand up for yourself.. they dont own you.. they dont even pay you.. so why the heck will you listen to their crap anyway.. if they still continue to make your life a living hell then dont hesitate to speak up man!.. as long as you know that you're doing the right thing then i guess you wont have any regrets with regards to what you will be doing. have a nice day..
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Thank you, all I wanted to do was play a simple game of cards, and have to take this crap. I watched them last night till I couldn't take it any more and then I stated I have something to say, and when I was done, not one soul in that lobby spoke for the next 2 hours. You are rigt too many on this internet are bullied by a few and they make people lives hell. I went to a attorney yesterday with the screen shots and was told I have enough to file stalking charges against these 2 people. Time people started standing up for them selves on here and stop letting a few run your life. When they start paying for this internet and my bills then you tell me what I can do, other wise shut the he*ll up. From what was said in the lobby last night it is no more than jealousy from a few because when I enter everyone speaks to me, and they think posting something from 8 years back when my husband was down and had a broken back from work,was suppose to embrass me so bad I wouldn't come back to lobby, well like I told them last night, sorry but I dont run, maybe this will quiet some and I can play my games in peace.