how do you reply to those Christians that do not belive in holy trinity ?

December 16, 2009 9:29am CST
I found out that some Christians do not believe in the Holy Trnity of God.They usually have a very mathematical approach to the matter. how do you reply to them ?
7 responses
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
30 Dec 09
I don't really see how they can believe in one part of the trinity and not believe in the other two. The Bible plainly talks about all three of them. God is the father, Jesus is the son, and Jesus plainly tell his disciples that He will send His spirit (the Holy Ghost) to be a comforter to them while He is away. So, in my opinion, it is not really possible for anyone who reads and believes the Bible to not believe in the trinity...
@Hazelrose (2179)
• Philippines
18 Dec 09
Hi katodos,Sorry to say this,I don't believe in the holy trinity,becase it was not written in the bible.I do belive that there is only one God,our Almighty father in heaven.I dont believe in 3 personage,I'm sorry but better search for this.Thanks,Good Luck!
@peavey (16936)
• United States
16 Dec 09
The concept of the trinity is very hard to explain, much less to fully understand. It isn't explained in the scriptures but only in theology, so to really explain it, you'd have to be a theologian or have help from one. I believe in the trinity as such, but there are many questions about it. If you're honest and go searching the scriptures, you'll find more questions than answers. It's not heresy to question or to not agree with the "mainstream" thought about such issues. I guess I'm saying that you cannot answer someone whose views oppose yours unless/until you know and understand your own views completely.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
17 Dec 09
I am not sure exactly what your beliefs are. There is two mainstream thoughts on this one is that they are all 3 separate beings, commonly known as trinity. The other main stream thought is they are all the same being in different forms like water can be solid liquid or vapor, this is called oneness and mainly took a large hold during the revivalist movements around the late 1800's. Trinity (the doctrine word)is not found anywhere in the bible and mainly places Jesus pointed out he was not the father. So clearly this is what causes a lot of bickering and than people say you aren't a real christian if you don't believe one way or the other. Nice that we have such unity of faith. Isn't a tree known by its fruit?
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
17 Dec 09
Please explain exactly what you mean by "Holy Trinity". Different people view it different. Art
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
17 Dec 09
You tell them they'll burn in hell for eternity. muahahahhahahhahahhaa. (laugh really crazy like that outloud, too) Why respond to them. They believe in God, and his son (the Christ)? Then that's all that matters. The details of their belief mean nothing. Catholic, baptist,pentacostal, whatever. As long as you are following the commandment of the Christ. And there is only one. Love. Love your friends, and family, love your enemies too. If you're trying to convince someone of a trinity you're just wasting your time, cause it doesn't matter.
@mkings (289)
• Germany
16 Dec 09
If a christian do not believe in the Holy trinity then that is not a christin.I know I do not have th right to judge but that is it.I think this is what they say,how can 1+1+1 =1..When every that say it just ask them that did God disproof economic and physic i am sure you know what I mean.If the say yes then its is possible that he can disproof maths too.