We talk about fate and destiny often but

December 16, 2009 9:29am CST
to what extent we can believe them in our real life? They say that our life is predetermined/predestined by God. It means that whatever fortunes that are predestined to us will come to us, no body can take them away from us(here we can't try to be idle hoping that we will get our destined fortune) Similarly we face a lot of problems in life(can we simply let them suck us thinking it is all our fate and nothing can be done?)No, definitely we should try our best to solve our problems. Some people believe changing their names(into a positive vibrant name), wearing gem stones, living in a house built as per vaasthu shastra(something like fengsui), a work place built with positive vibrations can minimize the problems. (It is like you can't stop the rain but can use an umbrella) This is a relevant blog on this topic) http://vijayanths.blogspot.com/2007/10/can-we-change-destiny.html Do you believe this? Above all faithful prayers can do wonders. What you have to say on this dear friends?
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17 responses
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
17 Dec 09
Vijayanth!I am a firm believer that what has to happen will happen and God has preordained our path.I will not stop making any efforts[mandhirathil mangai vizhadhu] but I leave the result to God.If I am fated to/if God has willed me to get something I will get it.If not it will not happen.I do not believe in gemstones, name change etc.., but I believe in surrendering to God.
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• India
17 Dec 09
In short you are living like what Geetha says. Do your duty with out bothering about the results.That is a great attitude Kala.
@srganesh (6339)
• India
17 Dec 09
It is true that we have to face our destiny at any cost.We can't avoid the good and bad that has to happen to us.You are right that we can't be idle to let fate rule our life.We have to do something to pass the time and let things happen.But prayers can't evade what you have to suffer.I understand this as when you hope for something bigger,minor loses will not be counted on seriously.That is,if you stick to god,then worldly sufferings will not be seen tougher as you think you are nearer to god.
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• India
17 Dec 09
If you could believe God 100% beyond any doubts nothing could affect you. You will find real happiness and cal lead a life free from worries and stresses.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
16 Dec 09
Our life is destined by us. Only by our own individual consciousness. We are bound by the law of Karma. But God isn't bound by it, He has created it all. Who is that God? God is nothing but one pure consciousness, and from that pure consciousness, which is just nothing but an infinite dot which we can't see, from that infinite dot which is a void, creation has come forth, like that one creation, there are countless crores of creation which come out of it, and finally, energy comes into matter, and matter grows in it's own space. Now, that we are also that pure consciousness in the physical form trapped with the karmendriyas and gnanendriyas, we get confused to the various temptations of the creation which is visible to the naked eye, and lose contact with the pure universal consciousness, and start performing imperfect actions. We create more desires, and attachments, and automatically, with our thought power, we already create future worlds in our minds, as in, expecting what kind of world we want to live in, what kind of life we want to lead. So.... destiny and fate has been created already by us here, and not by God. But, we can say it's created by God, because all of us are God. God is nothing but the pure consciousness living in all of us individual consciousness. So this individual consciousness in us get's trapped, and forgotten, because the ego takes control of us. So, ideally, fate and destiny is created by our own actions. Finally, when we die, we die with various attachments, and desires which are unfulfilled, and we have to again enter this earthly life to fulfill them. But, when we are born again, we don't remember our past actions, and when we suffer, or gain success, all say, it was either your fate, or you were born with a silver spoon. We can change destiny with our will power. It's possible to change it. All we have to do is, think the opposite of the current situation, and have such a powerful thought, that the energy of that thought will automatically start manifesting into action. Vaastu shastra and gem stones all have their own effects, but, nothing is greater than positive thought and faith. Prayer is also nothing but thought energy, and channelising of the positive, and the cosmic force by attuning our individual consciousness with the universal consciousness. :)
• India
17 Dec 09
Wow, that is lots of information from you cobra. I admire your vast knowledge in this subject. I do agree that nothing can replace positive thoughts. Great discussion and thanks for it.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
17 Dec 09
Thanks to both of you!
• China
17 Dec 09
i appreciate your comments.you words are quite useful for me.And they are also very clasical,i think O(n_n)O~
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
What a great topic indeed. My opinion is this, we cannot change what is fated to happen to us. Even if we are not yet born there are roles we have to participate already. We decide for ourselves. I guess our decision is connected to what really fated to happen to us. When we made a decision and that is wrong , it is fated to happen because there is a reason behind it. When we meet and accident there is fated to happen. I also think even if we pray a lot and try to stop something, that something stop because it is fated to happen and not because we pray. When we experience the worst Typhoon Ondoy all of the Filipinos were surely praying for the rain to stop, we all ask for God's mercy to stop the rain, but it didn't happen, because that scene is fated to happen. Some of us lost houses, things and even loved ones, and its really hurt to see them suffering from this, but what we can do , it is fated to happen. What has happen brings a big lesson for all of us and even for different people from different country, we start respecting nature now and we are all prepared for even the worst Typhoon that will come along. Fate bring us all here.
• India
17 Dec 09
It is true that fate is very powerful.Mass prayers will definitely have effects. Concentration and faith are very important. Sorry to note your prayers did not help much on that occasion. Is it our fate to discuss about this fate now grecy?
@krkavsy (191)
• India
17 Dec 09
We can write our own destiny upto an extent. We should do what we are supposed to do and live the result to God. He is the one who takes care of our lives. If God answers your prayers immediately then he wants you to do that. If he answers late then he knows that it was not the right time. God answers your prayers not at your time but at his time. We should accept the things that we cannot change
@shobhan51 (376)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 09
'What goes round comes round.' I believe this proverb. If one is destined to be rich, then it will be so. If one is supposed to plunge into poverty then it will be. All these situations are governed by karmic effects. It is God's will that punishment be meted out accordingly. I feel that when one digs a pit for his brother, he is actually digging his own pit. That is the reason, I always prevent myself from doing anything bad to others even if others do something bad to me. I have personally witnessed punishment borne by those who had done me injustice. From these situations I have concluded that I need not seek 'life for a life and tooth for a tooth.' God is the judge and jury in all situations. However, we can always repent for our little misdeeds and wrong moves. God is ever forgiving if what we do is sincere. Everyone has a chance for redemption and its one's choice to redeem oneself.
• India
17 Dec 09
You are living exactly what Hinduism says. But only problem with this is, we find quite often good people suffering a lot and bad people enjoying great life. Only sometimes we witness people punished for their sins in this birth itself. Regarding vaasthu, nothing wrong in trying it within your capacities. Though you believe your life is destined, you don't simply sit at home. You work hard know, similarly we can try this as well. This Universe has cosmic energies. You know about fire, earth, air, water and space. all these things are considered in vaasthu. Why inside a pyramid there is no bacterial reactions? It is a type of construction where we can get that effect. Similarly we can get good thoughts in a home with positive energy.Thoughts will be followed by actions and success.
• Malaysia
18 Dec 09
Vijayanth, rituals and Vaastu Sashtram combined with self realisation and repentence could be the right ingredients to redeem oneself. I do agree that all the elements mentioned do have an effect on the individual, but don't forget the time when a person is born is predestined according to his/her karma. Well rituals and Vaastu Satram observance alone will not help the person who is carrying sins from a past life. Negative and positive charges surrounding a person is reflective of the person's inner self. So here again we have to go back to our karma.
• Malaysia
17 Dec 09
I do not really understand the role of rituals and Vaastu Sastram on overcoming ill effects. I believe man should live honourable lives and no rituals or superstitions can overcome the ill effects of karma. One should sincerely repent and redeem oneself from one's sins. Bad effects of karma should be overcome by prayer, doing charity, showing compassion and understanding, and other forms of service to God, man and living things. We must understand ourselves and analyse where we have gone wrong before we can redeem ourselves. By doing so, we come to realisation and elevation of the soul.
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Hi vijay I believe to a point. I know within my family my hubby is a hard working man. He tries to provide for us to the best that he can. We havent had alot of luxuries in our marriage and don't see any coming our way. We do however get by. The bills are paid and we have food. I think that we will be okay. I don't want to complain because it could get worse if I do so. Have a good day and keep smiling.
• India
16 Dec 09
Hello, rose I am very happy about how you deal with the life. Your hubby works hard but with less results, fine. We can't blame him at all, on the other hand he needs positive talk from you- you have to build his confidence that he may be losing now.If you complain it will not help you in any way. My best wishes for your hubby's big success.
• United States
16 Dec 09
Thanks vijay I will do just that. I never quite looked at that way. I guess he really does need to know that I do appreciate him for all that he is doing. Once again thanks for reminding me to be a better wife. Keep smiling.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Dec 09
Hi vijayanths, I found what you wrote on your blog interesting and bookmarked it to read again later. I have heard about sounds before and also about gems but certainly hadn't thought about the sound of a persons name or heard about the home idea. As for this discussion I am convinced that our place of birth, our parents, siblings, children, friends etc are decided before we come into the physical realm, as are the things that happen to us. Except for that, we have free will, in other words we are placed in a situation but how we react to it is our decision. As I've said on other occasions, it's not what happens to us but the way we take it that really counts. Blessings.
• India
17 Dec 09
Thanks for visiting my blogs Pose. Yes, I strongly believe sounds can have some impact on our lives. In India Hindus beleieve in the powers of Manthras(special sounds that are supposed have positive vibrations)The sound "ohhhhhmmmm" is said to have very good positive vibration. I will post a video on my blog and let you know so that you can hear that sound experience the positive vibrations.
• India
17 Dec 09
Things are predetermined and inspite of all our efforts we do not get things done our way as per my experience. But i do not believe in gem stones and other things that can alter our destiny. Prayers can only bring peace to an agitated mind. Life is like a cycle that there is a rotation of joys and sorrows some say. I also believe in hard work and also the saying - God helps those who helps themselves and also in - Opportunity never comes twice. Instead of thinking too much about life, fate and destiny it is better to keep going with what comes in our life, accepting them which keeps our mind at peace. We should try our best and then leave it to god.It will also give us a satisfaction that we had not been idle and just believed in fate. Happy mylotting.
• India
14 Jan 10
Hi, bewitched prayers can definitely help us to slow down our negative impacts of destiny.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
18 Dec 09
Hi vijayanths, I am a skeptical person, as you would have realized by now. :) I do believe that if some magnetic or other forces that we know or do not know are placed at certain distances, or moved closer or away, some reactions occur in our chemical compositions, which will then orient our thinking towards some action/inaction. Likewise, this happens with everybody. So in effect, I believe we are all in a mesh interlinked in some way. But is it completely pre-ordained? I cant really say. We've yet to learn these calculations accurately. I dont think it is hundred percent pre-determined. We may be having adequate leeway to move about which changes our fortunes.
• India
14 Jan 10
I can't say you are skeptical, a little different, interesting and straight forward woman I can put it that way Vanadana. We don't know what is destined to us and no Astrologer can tell us with reasonable accuracy. so we have no other option but to to carry on doing our duties with interest leaving our fate to God take care of, so let us pray, He alone can change our lives for good.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
17 Dec 09
Fate and destiny are the same as luck. We make our own fates and destiny. God does have a plan for us. It is up to us to follow it through.
• India
17 Dec 09
I appreciate your opinions senders, thanks for responding.
@MrKennedy (1978)
13 Jan 10
I believe that we all have a fate. I don't believe some "god" or something made it this way, but we all have a fate. Every action you do has already been decided. Also, we can be conscious and thinking and still follow this path, it's just the way our brains work. We make decision based off of what we have seen, heard, and experienced. Our parent's genetics help us in making decisions and in all of our reactions to things. Nothing in the universe is "random". Since nothing is random, and because of the way our brains work we will always respond the same to a situation, it you somehow go back in time and don't keep memory's of the future, you will do all of the same things over again. Now, not everybody will agree with me on this because this is merely my opinion.
• India
14 Jan 10
Mrkennedy I believe in fate. cEratin happenings can't be controlled by us, so we experience fate overpowering us.
• Philippines
16 Dec 09
Hi. I've read your blog on the link you have posted above. Interesting... Personally, I have never tried altering or influencing my fate or destiny by changing my name, re-arranging the house/office, and wearing gem stones. But I have always used your fourth suggestion which is having "faithful prayers." On a personal note, I believe in the following sayings or life ideals: 1. Life is a journey. I believe that God wanted all of us to have a wonderful destiny. But He has also given us free will to make life choices based on personal judgments. This makes our journey more meaningful and interesting. In the process, we sometimes make mistakes or wrong choices which could lead us to the wrong path at times. But with continuing hardwork and trust in God, we could always get back on the right track. 2. Life is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. God helps those who help themselves. Prayers alone could not solve problems or lead you to anywhere you wanted to be. God would help us better if He could see that we have faith and trust in Him and if He have seen our good deeds being responsible citizens of the Earth. Have a blessed day Vijayanths.
• Philippines
16 Dec 09
Thanks for the appreciation to my response. In a way, I also believe in a lot of superstitions and beliefs including what you have mentioned above. It's just that these options are still very expensive here in the Philippines. Most of the time, only the rich could afford the services of legal and feng shui experts here in the country. So far, I have no intention of changing my name. But I'm interested on feng shui and gem stones. I know that I'll be able to afford these in due time.
• Sweden
16 Dec 09
I do believe in destiny. In religious aspect, i learned from my religion that God has already a plan for us before we existed here on earth. True or not... i can consider this as destiny. But can we change our destiny??? Yeah, maybe or maybe not. One thing that is for sure, everyone of us are destined to die!
• United States
16 Dec 09
I think that the places we go in life, the people we meet, the things that we do, are something that we have no control over whether we realize it or not. I think everyone's life plays out a certain way, and thats just the way its always going to be. I have to tell myself that certain things are "fate" or "destiny" just so I dont dive myself crazy. Because if I knew that I could have had control over the things in life I have missed out on, I will slip into a depression...
• India
17 Dec 09
Yes, PSdirectory, many things seem to happen with out our control.
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
16 Dec 09
To some extent fate and destiny are correct. I believe in it. Otherwise, why many problems come to a person, who goes on doing good things in life? But God, while giving problems, will also watch us as to how we are facing it. If we bear it peacefully, if we still keep faith on God and still try to do good to others, then he will be happy and concludes that you have passed the test. As per Hindu theory, we have to bear our bad karma results of the previous births. But God will make it easy for us. How, this way. We have to carry Rs.100/- (example). But, instead of carrying it in coins form, he will make you carry it in a note form, which is of less weight. That means, he will make you face the karma but with less suffering. Then the fate and destiny will be simplified.
• India
16 Dec 09
wow, that is a great discussion there by you Buchi.Yes, Hindusim says one has to experience his karmas of previous births. That is what the explanation they give for goo people suffering and bad people enjoying life. Similarly talented hard working people sometimes not able to succeed in life whereas not so smart not so hard working people sometimes succeed in life.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
16 Dec 09
Not Right! Fate and destiny do not apply. We are not predestined to do anything, there is no such thing a luck, chance, or happenstance. We are chips from God, and even as He is a Creator, so are we. We create out lives second by second as we progress though time. Nothing affects our lives that we did not program. We have ourselves to blame if the course of life does not suit us. No witchcraft such as changing a name, wishing on a star will change your life, even one iota.
• India
17 Dec 09
I appreciate your views barehugs. You believe only on your self and your actions,nice.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
16 Dec 09
hi vijayanths, that is fate,if it is written in fate that will be happen surely, no doubt in it,before taking birth the person will calculate the bad and good,if the residual is good he will lead good life,if the residual is bad you have face all problems in this life itself,no escape,everything will be predetermined,have a nice day
• India
16 Dec 09
Yes that is what people say. But yugasini, we need to face our fate and fortunes as they come.