Why GOD do not meet us,being much powerful than us?Are we not worth meeting?
By Ganesh44
@Ganesh44 (5547)
December 16, 2009 9:52am CST
Something I have heard from my grandparents
GOD is extremely powerful,
GOD is very loving
GOD is very merciful
I have lot of questions in my mind that only GOD can answerI keep wondering although I do wait for the most powerful(GOD)will he ever come to me or these questions will die with me?
Why GOD do not meet us,being much powerful than us?Are we not worth meeting?
I hereby requet GOD to take few moments to solve/answer my questions as no one can beside you can answer them???
Hare Krishna
1 person likes this
21 responses
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
16 Dec 09
Maybe God hasn't been coming to us, because God isn't really there. Have you ever considered the fact that God might not exist? We have no prof of it, we just write books and sing songs about it. Is it the same for Santa Claus? Why not? If we removed the idea that he was the one giving the gifts, why not believe in him? How about a Yeti or Sasquatch? There is a similar amount of proof to them as there is God, but most people don't believe they exist.. and the ones who do believe are often considered crazy.
Someone believing in something that has absolutely no proof of being there seen as crazy? So what would you call people that believe in God?

@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
17 Dec 09
I believe in myself, I have a countless amount of physical proof that I exist, just like we all do. God, on the other hand, there is no proof of. Do you wish to share the proof that you're talking about?
So that it's not confused, proof is something that requires testing, and will continuously come out with the same result. If you take direct belief or faith as proof, then that would mean that all Gods or gods conceived by man must exist, and so must the lack thereof. This, of course, goes against the concept of "One True God" or a God that is everything, and hence, is not proof at all.
If you take spiritual situations as proof, then there is mounds of testing that shows that these situations are just direct interactions in our brains. It really goes along similar lines as dreaming, as our brains can create situations or feelings that aren't really there.
For me to believe in something, I need some sort of proof. I have proof of the sun, because I can see it in the sky, I can tell when my section of the earth is facing it or not, I can feel the heat it generates, and there is loads and loads of scientific proof of it. God, on the other hand, has absolutely no technical or scientific proof. If I'm wrong on any of this, then show me how I'm mistaken. It would be great if we had a God and an afterlife and if it made everything wonderful, but there is simply no proof of it, and therefore, the chances of it existing are very low.

@PastorP (1170)
• United States
16 Dec 09
Greetings Ganesh44. I hear the cry of your heart!
God has met us. He is among us.
The Old Testament of the Holy Bible shows numerous times where God revealed Himself to people. However, the greatest of all was when, as the Son, He was veiled in flesh (Christ-Messiah), not only to meet us, but to live the life we need to live to please God, and later become the sacrifice for all of our sins.
Ganesh44, I, like everyone else, am born a sinner. But one evening, after hearing just some of the Good News of Jesus the Christ, I prayed to God, asking Him to forgive and cleanse me, and asking Him to put Christ within me. He did.
Ever since then I have been talking to God through Christ everyday, worshiping only Him. I have seen Him answer prayers in my life and in the life of others.
He really loves and cares for each one of us, but by faith we have to come to Him through Christ. Christ said that He Himself was the Way, Truth and Life, and that He's the only way to God.
So by faith I believed that, and still do. Rough things still happen in my life and in other Christians' lives, but He guides us through them and helps us grow in Him.

@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
17 Dec 09
I agree GOD is listening to our prayers and do hel us but isnt it unfair that bneing our creator and having huge power he dont allow me ,you and all to meet him ,now I am stuck with lot of unresolved queries that only GOD can resolve and I m very upset seeing that I cant reach this supreme power as I am designed so
GOD created and left me alone on this earth assiting me hiding in heaven why cant he reveal himself to me since I do not have power to reach him and he can meet me anytime
How will GOD feel if GOD wants to meet me and I m not available someway sameway I feel for him it is not fair for GOD to misuse his power and went hiding assisting me from background and request him to time has come when he must come out from his hiding and meet me hence proving that GOD is not misusing his own powers on souls like me who r in need to meet him at all costs ?
Hare Krishna

@cobradene (1171)
• India
18 Dec 09
Well, first and foremost who is God? A lot of us get confused to understand God. How can God ever be separate if the Gita says, "When you learn to see Me in all beings, know then, you have attained me". What does this mean? If you can see God in all beings, that's when you have met God.
God is not some separate being sitting and watching us and controlling us with his magical wand. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. He is there in you as much in me, or the trees, mountains, rocks, plants, animals and birds and insects.
God is nothing but pure individual consciousness. He is the sat chit ananda, who has no form, yet lives in every form.
In fact, there is no God. If you think there is a separate entity called God, I am sorry, there is no God. The Pure infinite Consciousness manifests are myriad forms, and expresses it's intelligence in various ways, and finally, dissolves back into the cosmic void.
Everything comes from the void, lives in the void and dissolves into the void. Imagine a blackboard. That blackboard is the void. If I just draw a line with a chalk without touching the board, and ask you, "What can you see?" You will say nothing. That's what God is. God is nothing, yet everything. So, suddenly from that void, one dot appears. That dot is like a dot drawn by the chalk on the blackboard. The slowly if you use your imagination, you will slowly add more to the dot and create more forms on the blackboard where there was nothing.
Similarly, from this void, this one dot of energy which is nothing but pure infinite consciousness, slowly expands into various galaxies, stars and planets within which one life form gives birth to a new life form and that's how evolution begins.
So, from this void where all forms have taken birth is called as the hiranyagarbha, which is nothing but the seat of Lord Vishnu. Vishnu means, that pure consciousness which lives in every atom. So, the Hiranyagarbha holds countless crores of universes with in it, or countless crores of cosmic eggs or brahmanda.
So, don't expect God to come to you, God is right within you, seek him in your heart. Then you will see how beautifully he speaks to your through various forms... His ways are beautiful, because this infinite consciousness speaks everywhere, right within your heart, to the plants you see, even animals and rocks can speak if you have the ability to contact the pure infinite divine consciousness. Know, that you are nothing but the Self, which is the same as pure divine consciousness, the universal consciousness.

@cobradene (1171)
• India
19 Dec 09
Sometimes, you need to get hit by that extra bit of too much knowledge, and it must come as a state of shock or a current that hits you hard and knocks you out of balance for a while and to remain in a state of speechlessness and put you in deep contemplation. If the depth of knowledge and wisdom doesn't hit you, you will continue to make no effort to know the deeper aspects of mysticism. But yea.. that's me... and that's how deep I am, and that's how I speak. Thank you for your comments.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
19 Dec 09
beautifully said,i think that was too much knowledge given there but well said,god is nothing but they want to believe that they want to create a form and say that is god and i know why that is so,many of them are not into the deep mysteries of the universal teachings,all there teachings is about more of the physical than of the infinite consciousness
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
19 Dec 09
beautifully said,i think that was too much knowledge given there but well said,god is nothing but they want to believe that they want to create a form and say that is god and i know why that is so,many of them are not into the deep mysteries of the universal teachings,all there teachings is about more of the physical than of the infinite consciousness,the universal truth,the truth starts within,all answers will come from within to understand whats happening on the outer

@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
17 Dec 09
Take a look at the world. How mankind treats each other. Would you want to be around us?

@PastorP (1170)
• United States
19 Dec 09
Greetings redhotpogo. The fact is, He is around us. He is omnipresent. Not only that, the Word of God indicates He is deeply knowledgeable about us (you know, the hairs of our head are number, etc.). He also deeply loves us. How can He love us? In the Greek it's called "agape." It is generated from the mind and will, and not from mere emotion.

@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
17 Dec 09
u gave u creative powers,whom created the universes,whom created the soul u now posses to even think of saying the creator of souls don't exist,who created your mom and dad,to even come create u,u say u don't understand the business of god then if u don't and u truly want to have the full knowledge of it then,the desire starts from within your soul and heart the truth will come to u just because of your truthfully desire,i am not going to tell u b apart of this religion or that religion or go read this book or that book no it doesn't start there it starts from within,i know this this was how it started for me also.

@mkings (289)
• Germany
16 Dec 09
Hello Ganesh44
I you think we can not ask your question you would have not asked it in the first place.Never forgot that God speaks through people like you and me.Cast you problems to God for He cares for you and He is will to help and assist you in everything you need.He is here and hHe is there when we are on our computers and He is every where.
Merry Christmas in advance Ganesh44
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
17 Dec 09
Dear Friend
I totally agree with you that GOD communicates through us even I m living with GODs grace
Now I have some small problem in life that is trying to grow big and no one has resolution for it and here comes one of big reasons for me to call the supreme power to come and meet me as this time your grace my pryers and not working I m in need for you to come
Hare Krishna ]
@systems (459)
• India
19 Dec 09
May be that we are not worth of meeting.. Or the time has not yet come..
God will himself go and meet whom he loves a lot..
Sends his relatives to whom he loves little less..
Sends only a messenger to whom he loves the LEAST...
Its all GOD's wish..
GOD Almighty is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient..
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
24 Dec 09
wow systems, nice reply from your side yes you are right GOD is like that only....
I think he kept sending his relatives or messenger so far to me but my prayers will definetly will not go in vain and GOD himelf will make me suitable for him to love me also and come to me rather than sending his relatives or messenger ...
Hare Krishna

@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
18 Dec 09
God has arranged for us to have a book that tells us what he wants from us. That book is the Holy Bible. You see. God made us and wants only the best for us. However, when we disobey his instructions, that is called Sin. in separates us from God. In the bible, we learn how to get back into His good grace. Repent of your sin and obey the instructions in the book.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
23 Dec 09
yes you are right GOD has given us lot of holy books like The Geeta ,The Bible ,The Ramayana and The Shiv Mahapuran The Gurugranth Sahib etc that has got the way to path to GOD I am heartly thankful to you reminding about these holy books again.
Hare Krishna

@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
17 Dec 09
listen u r not different from us all many of us were at the state u were and many still are,think of it like this the leader of your country,does he come to your home to see if your ok,i am sure he don't and he is not god,so why should the creator of all the many universes find the time to please one soul out of the gazillions of souls it has created if the creator should be finding such time then it is an idler,find time to answer our questions,it is a creator it is always busy creating,everthing is in its place it as created a college where soul becomes free of all confusion and soars to the highest to meet it,the starting point to meet the creator is through the way of soul,learn how to connect with soul and u will learn how to connect with god,may the blessings be
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
23 Dec 09
yes I agree with you GOD has billions of tasks and work and I have only few ok but in past GOD came to lot of devotees although I m only a small devotee to GOD but when GOd frees himself from important task only in his leisure time he can come to me even I will help him giving my views on this world yes he will definet
ly he will enjoy listening to me so much that he will forget that he is GOD lol ha ha ha ha yes after all may be small I am his own creation 

@lynkshadow (299)
• Canada
18 Dec 09
We don't even know if god exists so how can we begin to ask questions as why won't he show himself.
@DenverLC (1143)
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
While we are still breathing, remember always that God is there. just like the air we can not see it but we can feel it, That is how God moves in us all. No need for you to require him to meet you because he was there and will always be there but you just dont care and realize it. Close your eyes talk to him through prayers, but do not expect him to talk to you literally.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
22 Dec 09
Dear DenverLC
You are really wonderful and beatiful soul of GOD ,the example of Air you just gave is something I keep giving to all everyday to those who dont belive in GOD to stop them from becoming inhuman and with hope GOD will meet with me some day.
Yes I close my eyes and talk to him and very few times he replies I pray him to come to me but he never turns up end of day even ...
What is wrong in meeting someone who created us and fed us for so long I want to meet and talk to him literally why not I dont have that much mind and muscele power as much GOD has but I have stronger will to meet him how long will he keep avoiding me some day he will regret his decision to avoid me yes 

@attyjdcenteno (68)
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
Well actually, my opinion is, I think God has already answered your question and keeps on doing so. You just don't look closely and seeing that God has spoken to you. I am pretty sure that you don't have an idea how God looks like, so it may be possible that you have met him already or have encountered him by chance, not even wouldnt know that also. So don't even think that God did not meet you.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
22 Dec 09
wow attyjdecenteno you carry precious knowledge about GOD yes I never thought this that since I have not seen GOD before how I am so sure that GOD has not met me before
But even if GOD keep meeting me unconsiously why cant he meet me live I m also his property as he is the real owner of my soul why cant he meet his own creation especially when he is in need
GOD had answered my question no not at all he replied some but not all that to hiding in heavens through one or other of his soul he never feel the need to meet me probably I am of no use to him as he is self driven and self capable but I m not 

@kanna12345 (73)
• India
17 Dec 09
GOD is busy writing our sins,crimes etc that he doesnt even have time to look at his own creations.Besides He wouldnt be GOD if he kept coming down to the earth now would it?

@PastorP (1170)
• United States
17 Dec 09
According to the Word of God, His Son has taken our sins. God, in many respects, is unlike us. He is never never too busy. He loves us deeply, but for us to experience that, we need to really trust Him, not ourselves or what society says.
God, the Supreme Being, is everywhere. The Word of God states there is no place where He is not. Colossians states that Christ (Messiah) is in all things, and by Him, all things consist.
I respectfully invite all of you who have not done so to just trust God through Christ. Just give your life to Him, your plans, dreams, problems--your very self.

@ChocoMocha (27)
• India
17 Dec 09
How do you know that God has not met you? We have pre conceived notion about how God is. God need not be human in form. How do you know that God is not around you in all that you see. The hope, the sense of peace and security and faith is all present in us because of a supreme power that is all encompassing.
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
17 Dec 09
I don't wait on God, he waits on me to come to him. Whenever I need to talk with him he listens, when I'm mad at him he listens, when he needs to speak to me I try to listen and when he wants my attention he talks to me through other people or a song or scripture. I have lots of questions I want to ask God, some I don't want the answer to, some I want him to answer in his time.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
21 Dec 09
I must appreciate the way you take GOD in your life I have learnt something from you like you said he talks to you via other people or song or scripture I often think this way but was never sure is it GOD replying via song but reading your respose has helped me yes GOD can respond with a song or scriture thanks a tonne!!!
Hare Krishna !!!

@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
5 Jan 10
Hello my friend Ganesh44 JI,
It is matter of time and belief that you may feel 'GOD' very near to you. Both freequencies should resonate with same tone. I wish to take you to early life of Swami-Vevekananda, who in seach of GOD, knocked the door of his GURU, "SWAMI RAM-KRISHNA PARAMHANS JI'. While Vivekananda was knocking, voice came from inside, 'WHO IS TAHT KNOCKING'?. Upon this SViveka replied, "IF I HAD KNOWN WHO AM I, THEN WHY I SHOULD HAVE KNOCKED YOUR DOOR'?. So Guru opeed andhurridly emraed his disciple, telling, 'WHERE WERE YOU SO FAR, I WAS WAITING FOR YOU ONLY'.
So GOD is omni-present everywhere, only we have to find that ladder to climb. There are many instances, where one gets inspired to find his/her GOD. I wish you reah your goal very soon
Wishing you a very happy New Year-2010.
May God bless You and have a great time.

• India
16 Dec 09
I think you know our history. You might also know when God comes to meet a person.
If you want to meet a friend then you have to go to him/her. Or you have to ask him/her to visit you. In God's case you have to call really hard. Learn how to call God and practice it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Dec 09
It is up to us all to discover all the secrets of the universe. Do you know they stare you in the face? You want God to give you all the answers. Do you know why God doesnot just give the answers away?? Wisdom is learned in the struggle to attain knowledge.Are you not worth meeting??You are a child of God. That makes you priceless. Are you true to yourself?? I find few people really want to meet God. Are you ready to meet God? People are willful and controlling. They are shaping their world to what they want, not always to what is. If you are not open to what is, do you know what happens when you meet God? You just become confused. You forget God is highly intelligent. He is teaching you.He will not feed you what you want but what is.Are you ready for what is??? This might sound a bit confusing but I have seen this.May I suggest you start on your journey to discover God by looking around you. Try to understand what God is doing with this world and His people. If you can understand God's actions, you might understand God and the answers to your questions. God can be found. Do you really search for God????
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
22 Dec 09
Dear Bird123
Yes you are right I must first accept what GOD is giving/doing to me rather than having my own choices but I never asked GOD to give me any materialistic things accept bread and butter and basic amenities in life .....
Yes I do agree the GOD has supreme intelligence but cant he meet me since he is very intelligent after all I m his creation why not I m least powerful as compare to him ,yes I do really search GOD I search GOD in purity ,truth ,love whereever they exsist why cant GOD share his virtues and powers with me
I m always ready to meet GOD why GOD is not giving me way to reach him may be I dont have powers but I have great love and respect for him why dont he value my these wonderful assets why GOD underestimates my small belongings 

@badfish (208)
• United States
17 Dec 09
I think God does meet and answer us In various Forms. Like the Bible, other people insired by him. our conscience at times. there are multitudes of ways I think he does.
Can God Send you answers via People or other forms? would you accept it?
Would you accept it if he did show up at your door? would you believe it was Him?
People didn't believe Jesus and he did Lots of things according to the Bible to prove he was who he was.
Is it God Is it Not God can I prove it?
Well those questions require alot more thought. Like what would be accepted as proof. I know lots of people who wont accept any proof. and that is their Choice. I also think that is the Point of Why he doesn't Just show up in your Room. We can Choose to See or Not.
That is a very deep question with lots of Answers keep on Asking and keep on looking. Its a freedom you and all of us enjoy.
Good luck.....
@blestrella (176)
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
God is with us. In fact He is everywhere. We can meet and communicate to Him through our prayers and He answers us in our minds and hearts, through other people He sends to us and through events in our lives. Try praying as you wake up each morning, thanking God for everything and asking for His help and guidance throughout your day, and before going to bed at night. Try to have some quiet moments where you can listen to God speaking in your heart. You can read the Bible where God reveals Himself. You will get to know Him more and more, and His Words and teachings will answer your many questions. You may also try joining a community of believers who can help you strengthen your relationship with GOD.