Do you think that human life is too short?

@codris (781)
December 17, 2009 2:14am CST
Hi there, i would like to do a lot of things in my life, travel to every part of the world and do everything, but i think that human life is too short, and the time we can use to do every kind ot things is short too. When we are old we can't do everything we want and it's the same thing when we are too young. Maybe human life is too short and our body change too faster. And What about you? Do you think taht human life is too short? How many years do you want to live? Thank you for your responses :)
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26 responses
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
19 Dec 09
I want to live forever, but in good health and sound mind of course. I am sort of a philosopher, so it does not make sense to me to find fault with the length of our lives, but however long I am alive is my forever, you see? It is like the person who said the dashchund's legs were too short and another said, "Why? They reach the ground!"
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Dec 09
I am 55 and I think I'll be happy if I can die around 70 before I get too old and feeble to take care of myself. Hopefully, I'll have some grandchildren before I die but don't have any yet. I don't think life is too short. There are a lot of things I would have liked to do but never will, like travel. That's my own fault, I didn't plan well and married the wrong person. If I save wisely I might be able to travel a little bit. If anything, life is too long.
• United States
18 Dec 09
Yes, our lives are very short, and they can be cut even shorter than what they are. Our lives are like a blip in time because they are that short. Even the person who lives 100 years, still has a short life compared to how vast time is.
• China
18 Dec 09
someone can live more than one hundred years but someone only can live several years. the onlything we can do to live long that's care about our health as soon as possible so we can enjoy the time to travel all over the world and relize all our dreams.for me even i can live as long as 120years i'll still think that's not enough.
• India
18 Dec 09
I think the average human life is around 65 years. By fifty years most people start becoming weak, they get most of the diseases associated with bad lifestyle and need medical assistance. Besides 50 years is a lot of time to do lot of stuff. Its just that we do not do most with the time we have.
@Nameless_ (1180)
• Australia
18 Dec 09
The human life is short only because we waste so much time on the same things over and over again in life when we could have used it for other things. For example, having to go to work every morning, and picking up and throwing out the rubbish, and finding your keys every morning. If we can save time not doing these things, then we could have had a very long life with nothing to do. The human life can be both short or long at the same time. It just depends on your perspective in life. The life of a tortoise may seem short to them if they didn't do anything in life, but the life of a butterfly may seem long if they use it wisely.
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
17 Dec 09
Until there is nothing left to see and learn....
@Allie_xoxo (1063)
• Canada
17 Dec 09
It's just the right amount of time so that we don't dawdle. Everyone in this life knows they won't be in it forever so they better get going while the goings still good.
@edu4625 (188)
• United States
17 Dec 09
Yes I do believe overall that a human beings physicaL Life is too short. I also believe in God and that the spirit lives on. But as far as my physical life I often wish it would be longer. As I've gotten older I've developed more confidence and curiosity in things. I want to do and continue to learn so much. I recently started writing and drawing and found I really enjoyed it. I would love to put more time in where I would be able to do it at a very high level. On the other side of this question I would have to say that it's about quality and not quantity. It's about how you live your life. If you live it without awareness then it doesn't matter how long you have you may not take advantage of the opportunities and chances that come your way.
@qpzmzjx (41)
• China
18 Dec 09
i had to work six days per week, there is little free time for myself. consider to longer the life, i want to change my life style, i want more time. and play with my friends, earn more money because money is the big problem for me at present. when i am in a bad mood , i doubt why we are in this world , it only suffer or enjoy the life...
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
17 Dec 09
I agree one hundred percent that life is too short in the sense that there never seems to be enough time to do anything. And when we do what we want to do, we always feel we can accomplish more. As for how long I want to live, well I really couldn't say. As long as my body can handle it without breaking down completely, because after all what good is life if you cannot do the things you enjoy doing? Still, there never seems to be enough time, which indicates that life is in fact too short. Even if we think we'll get what we want to accomplish done, there's always going to be something else like "man, that would be interesting if I do that."
@anniege (202)
• China
18 Dec 09
I don't think human life is too short. Even human has years of 100,how many people hs spend their time doing mothing. I mean we can't extend the length but we can extend the width. Don't waste time and treasure what we have. I always appriciate what I have given by the life and try to be pisitive in life. Have a nice one!
@ToughTate (143)
• United States
18 Dec 09
I definitely think that human life is not too long, as the one thing everyone wishes that they had more of is time. Human life is precisely where it needs to be, because people need to realize that the cycle of life is in fact a cycle and not about living until all bodily failure.
• Indonesia
18 Dec 09
For me this lifetime is somehow just one of a phase of a "whole life". I believe that there will be another life that I'll go through after this life. So for me this life time isn't short, everything is meant to be but even so we too have to try to value this life since we don't know what kind of life we'll have after this one.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
I do think that life is what we make it. It depends on how we do things in life. If we waste it too much then life becomes short. But if we make the most of it, then life would be great and wonderful.
@nautilus33 (1827)
17 Dec 09
Hi! Yes, I do. Some of us life to 90 years, more less to 100 and the people who life to 110 are few. So don't you also think human's life is too short? I think it is. Some turtles life to 150 years.
@monkey82 (12)
• China
17 Dec 09
I have the same feeling with you,and I don't have enough time to do a lot of things that I would like to do.But I think our life is long enough.If we don't cherish life,it doesn't have meaning even life becomes longer.Cherish own life ,because everyone only has once.Dear friends,please do more things if you can do from now on!
@xJaiiDK (163)
• Philippines
17 Dec 09
Yeah I agree with you. one usually lives for like 80years. the first half of your life is spent on school. the next half is spent working. i think life is really short before you enjoy it, your skin is crumpled and full of wrinkles.
@Turn_on (23)
• Indonesia
17 Dec 09
It's vary to how we maintain our health and our value of life. Some people who do best for their life and helping other, they maybe think life is not too short, it was beautiful. To someone that never do anything meaningful in their life, when they get old, they do think that life is short. Like a child who wanna be adult soon, and then when they are old, they want to repast their old memories and being child again ;)
• Singapore
17 Dec 09
I don't really agree that a human life is too short.I don't want to be like some vampire(Robert Patterson AKA Edward Cullen) who's age is like 109?Ok my point is that a human life is not short.You got a 100 years to live and I bet you can travel around the world even before you reach your 70's or 80's.And yeah I agree on how you spend every single precious minute of your life on what you are doing.If you are just watching time goes by than yeah you are totally wasting your life without any benefits.I'm perfectly fine with my lifespan which is a maximum of 100 years.That's IF i can live till the age of 100.SO DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME MYLOTTING EVERYDAY AND GET YOUR BUTT OF THAT CHAIR AND GO EXPLORE THE WORLD.Nah just kidding about the wasting your time on MyLot BUT STILL DON'T SPEND TOO LONG INFRONT OF YOUR COMPUTER!