What's in a name, Telangana would still be Andhra, were it known by another name

@vandana7 (101558)
December 18, 2009 1:50am CST
Well, that is a solution that strikes me as something that Solomon would offer. :) Telangana people want a separate state, fine we give them a seperate state that covers the entire Andhra Pradesh as it stands today. Andhra and Rayalaseema people get their wish of seeing Telugu people remain united without any walls, and Telangana people get the state they want. Ultimately, the state is not broken down. There is only one administrative machinery. All that is needed is changing the name of the state! That is a solution I can think to this impasse out here. Does this sound right to you or have you something better to offer?
7 responses
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
19 Dec 09
Indian states are created on the basis of language. If there are two languages in Andhra Pradesh, then by deviding Andhra another new state should be created.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
20 Dec 09
Then Andhra should not be divided. In Bengal both Bangladesh and West Bengal pepole speak Bangla language in several accent.We all are 'Bangali'.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
19 Dec 09
Dialect is slightly different, but the script and content is the same! It is like the person with Texas accent talking to somebody in Australia. :) English is common but accept is not!
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
20 Dec 09
sorry accent - typo
• India
30 Dec 09
Good! But my dear friend, the problem is not with Andhra people. Our problem is with Andhra politicians. They used to eat all Telangana property like buffallows.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
30 Dec 09
Ah now address the issue as an issue! Highlight that! Indicate that! Let people know specifically that! I agree that government lands were unfairly allocated to Andhra politicians! :) But there is a small hitch there, at that point of time, there was no money in government's coffers to start any industry that could employ so many people. Second the lands were not at that premium as they are today. Many of them have transformed waste lands into employment centers. Immediate problem is employment and hunger, as lack of employment increases resentment and anger towards system, something like naxalitism. Andhra politicians were the only ones who had the monies and were interested in investing here! Were there competitive bids from Telangana folks? Not many. :( That is because they didn't expect such returns. So at that point of time, the move might have been justified, which is backfiring now. And third and last but not the least point, once in power, only a limited few will once again corner properties like buffalows, and that is true of every politician across any region! So as educated folks, we need to start looking at our interests as well. Believe me, the poor in the city are cursing TRS. Ask your vegetable vendor, ask your watchman, ask the auto drivers. It is only the students who are misled by showing the GO. Remember, only the current year GO is shown. We have five year government. We complete one project at a time. I think the past allocations towards should also be asked. And I think students should also ask that when such allocations were being made why KCR and his coterie did not approach the press immediately, why he did not walk out as others have done now! Were there some underhand dealings on way, which did not materialize because of which this process has been started? I dont think the mind of students becomes that versatile at that stage. Such diverse thinking comes only with work experience. Would a firm allocation of monies from center to Telangana region, based on either population or extent of land, be more appropriate? Would there be scope for retaining the jobs which are fast moving out of the state with this turmoil? Those should be the issues I think. Politicians are only looking at what they will receive under the table. Remember it was a rowdy sheeter at the University campus that hit the TDP politician, and not the students. So why was that fellow there in the first place, if it is not the politicians who are instigating such a war! Is it not unsafe to have that guy there? Is that the kind of governance that is in store for our students? If I were Gandhi, I would ask how did the rowdy sheeter land anywhere near university in the first place? Tomorrow he will abduct some girl, or abduct a boy irrespective of region - because for rowdy sheeters such alliances dont mean anything - only money talks! Instead, it was portrayed as student's sentiment! All I know is when Gandhi started his fast, he pleaded with people to keep peace, there were no silent threats. Here the politicians are issuing silent threats saying that they cant be responsible for consequences. That is unlike Gandhi. I would expect KCR to appeal to people and tell them no harsh words. I agree that politicians have cornered properties. I suggest politicians be denied the rights to hold any properties in their names, their family members names, their relatives names. Alternately, let a politician send his sons to the front! As things stand, we are governed by guys whose children are not there in Army, navy, or airforce. LOL. Ask for referendum. As for local region referendum, that is also fine! But ask with rational reasoning whether it is going to do any good to you or others! Doosron ko maarne k liye hum poori tarah se mar jaaye to bhi fikr nahin? Water will be taken away by Rayalaseema, so will electricity. Andhra will source coals from elsewhere for its power plants, and water from orissa. In the meanwhile, we the Telangana people will shell out 80 rupees per kg for rice because Rayalaseema wont sell it cheaper to us, and Andhra wont have it to sell it to us. :) In fact the entire nation will suffer if we stop those waters flowing into the delta region. You do know that crop is always better in delta region because of silt, dont you? I have no great affinity for Andhraites. But I have problems with my budget. I will join BPL once the rice touches 80 per kg. I suggest we require the politicians and industrialists who gained from that move of government to pay more taxes and use those funds for developing Telangana. No fighting. As things stand, I think we will lose on both farming, as well as industrial sectors. :(
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
30 Dec 09
And what makes you think that people from Andhra do not resent a few Andhraite politians cornering the properties?
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
30 Dec 09
My suspicions have been proved right. :( It is the unsocial elements that are vigorously buying properties. :( Look into the recent registration records, and you would know Hyderabad is becoming a mini Kashmir.
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
19 Dec 09
If I am correct, Telangana areas are not not much developed. I heard there are no good colleges there, water problem etc. are prevailing in Telangana. They want a separate state so that they can have their own administrative machinery and develop their region. If united Andhra is needed, which is good in everybody's interest, let the leaders sit together and arrive at a solution. Let them listen to the grievances of the Telangana people and try to solve them. This crisis is not one day affair. This is an accumulated outburst.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
19 Dec 09
No that is not true! The number of schools and colleges are more here, and so are the number of industries. If the situation was indeed so bad, then people from other parts would not be interested in remaining united at all! But the problem is most of these industries and educational insitutes have come up in and around Hyderabad. There is a logic to that. It is easier to plan one thing at a time. instead of laying ten different pipes supplying water to ten different regions that cater to few people, the administrators chose to develop a central city, and radiate the development from there. Agreed parts of the region are very backward, but so are places in Andhra and Rayalseema region. That is a universal phenomenon. There will always be some laggard. Ratio might be slightly higher. But in all probability it is because of Naxalite problems. Spending public monies where it would be difficult to monitor is hardly the right choice. There have been factors because of which uniform growth has been stunted. Emphasis has been laid on bringing income from foreign lands, which over a period through simpler requirements such as food, vegetables, clothes, transportation etc., would reach the homes of locals. I dont have any political leanings. But I understood the logics behind some of the policies. It is a different issue that there have been somethings that didnt meet my approval. But what is currently in progress is bad for the country from all fronts. Food production down for next 5 to 10 years till the rivers of Orissa are linked to Andhra rivers, and at the other end, software industries and BPO industries fleeing the place almost instantaneously because of impending power cuts! Limitation of resources was the issue, and this limitation could be only tackled this way. Had monies been spent exclusively on rural development, it would have been pocketed by some rich land lords of the region, and there would be hardly anything to show for it. Like Prakasam barrage, and Nagarjuna Sagar, Telangana too received its share of goodies. These are industries, and facilities like international airport. The development of entire Hitech area is worth several times development of either Nagarjunasagar, or the Prakasam barrage! It is just a question of hanging on for a few more years to reap the fruits. It is like building has been built, plastering, painting, and finishing is to be done.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
19 Dec 09
And I just read elsewhere that the center gives funds and the monies are used to develop other parts of the state. That is a most ridiculous suggestion! We had two chief ministers hailing from the so called Telangana region! Why is it that they didnt do anything for the region or even Hyderabad city when they received funds from the Center? And somebody suggested that monies of Telangana region are taken away to develop new projects elsewhere. That is also not true. It is true some amounts were given to coastal regions and rayalaseema after recent floods, but other than humanitarian assistance, the city and the telangana region receives funds from them! Coastal people pay taxes to bring their produce into the region. So that is a neat revenue for the state. And another person accused the Andhra people and seema people of stealing their opportunities. Opportunities are there for people with skills. Once again I reiterate, BPO's and software companies are interested only in their profits, they are not bothered about region and connections. If people have skills, they get employed. Tests are conducted, and in jobs that pay well, selections are done by foreigners. So the accusation of taking away jobs is not correct. Think about it, we send our children abroad to earn. Wouldnt the locals resent our children?
• Kottayam, India
19 Dec 09
in order to bring development all over Andhra, it is better to divide it in to two, but this should be done in general consensus.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
19 Dec 09
Does general consensus mean consensus of individuals from all regions, or exclusively individuals from specific districts? That is also an issue here. KCR has been demanding a separate state, and he has a list of districts I presume which he classifies as Telangana. Obviously, he fielded candidates during the last elections from these regions. But the point is they didnt gain a majority even there! The present scenario is because students have been misled into believing that this is right for them! And students are not keeping their minds open to other factors that are being discussed! Please read my post under Buchi_bulla's discussions.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
19 Dec 09
I just have one thing to add.... Form a new country or state, the common citizen has no voice over it.... Pakistan was formed with the decision of mere 6 to 12 people who were sitting in closed doors and arguing over a dispute for separate Muslim state, when a population of 100 million were not even aware what a separate state means... and they were just waiting for the end of British rule. We sit here and discuss what should be formed and what shouldn't be... when the common man doesn't even have the right to oppose the election of candidacy for the president of country and we just sit and watch quietly someone who is not really eligible to be a President, elected as President. So? How do you bing about the change you want to see?
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
19 Dec 09
And even during these last elections, the issue as far as KCR was concerned was only gettubg a separate state! And KCR did not joined hands with Congress during these elections to suggest that part of the votes Congress got was because of KCR's manifesto. Effectively, people had voted against it! Now, why should it be raked up again? Why create another whirlwind of emotions the speed of which doesnt give people any time to logically decide whether this is right or that is right? Did people not think about the issue at that point of time? Are Telangana people that fickle minded that they change their opinions in less than an year? TRS insults me, because part of me belongs here - my mother hailed from Khammam. So this is not the right thing as far as I understand because it makes a mockery of the election system. Development in Telangana region is only possible with inflows of funds from foreign countries my dear. And by doing what we are doing we will be hurting ourselves as if water does not reach Andhra, food prices will soar exorbitantly! Inflation at the rate of 100 percent per annum! Can you think of that? Are you earning enough for that? How many will be on streets in less than five years? Please re-examine the statistics.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
20 Dec 09
hi vandana madam, you are right i think this is trik of mr kcr to get the superior post in the state,neither he does have sincerity in Telengana nor interest in people,he is utilizing students for his sake,but the students does not know his real figure,have you understand this?is it correct or not?
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
21 Dec 09
hi vandana madam, it is correct what you have said about the kcr,have a nice day
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
20 Dec 09
This morning I was listening to KCR - he said why are they fasting, if they have any issues let us discuss. When he fasted it was ok, but when others are fasting it is not ok. LOL. They had two chief ministers who did nothing for them when they were in power. That is not the fault of other chief ministers! And except accusing that Telangana has been cheated, and no development has been carried out here, or all monies are taken away, there seems to be no concrete point presented! No statistics, no logics, no rationality, no future plans! I am not backing an uneducated (as long as he continues to let his followers talk irrationally) man. My mother was from Khammam, and my father is from Krishna district. I would have weighed pros and cons more rationally than most. I say this man is not worth backing.
• India
2 Jan 10
Show me one Andhra politician ( At present ) who sacrified central minister position, State minister position and MLA , MP positions several times for a public issue. Dont see him with the eyes of Andhra. He is so better compared to this present ruling politicians
@ruchimom (280)
• Australia
19 Dec 09
hi This is so typical of bureaucracy and votebank In India people need education and awareness inorder to be successful.But the problem is lack of education and politicians playing the game.All this is fo the votebank.My birthplace is Dehradun,first there was a struggle for Uttranchal,but when they got the seperate state.After ten years they want to change the name to Uttrakhand. What the hell?Can you imagine,the amount of money is involved in changing the name. In india we need educated ministers who an develop the state and make it shine.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
19 Dec 09
You can never educate Goondas... :-) Only Goondas become ministers... If you try educating them, they will show you a knife and won't appear for their examinations even at the highest level, and get their certificates in time. Forget the dream of ever having educated ministers... Even if the educated ones come to participate in politics, they will bounce them off...
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
19 Dec 09
Agree with you cobradene! :(
• India
2 Jan 10
I also agree with both of you. One more thing i want to add specially congress party brought this goonda system in to Politics. For coming to power they have given power to the fellows who have very well educated in goonda giri. And simply other parties are following the formula.
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
18 Dec 09
Hi Aunty,how could you think that the Andhra people would simply accept that proposal LOL its the matter of pride and they would never let the entire state to be named after Telangana coz The Andhra region were the ones who sacrificed their capital in the year 1960 and they have accepted hyderabad to be the new capital then. Lets say every one has accepted to your proposal then can you guarantee that the Rayalaseema people wouldnt start another revolt(i dont think so coz the entire state knows how to demand the current CM and they can go fasting too) demanding the name of the state to be changed to Rayalaseema.I think it would be better if we can leave this state without any partition which is better for every one.gud day.