Pinoy Inventor decided to sell his Water POwered vehicle to Foreigners

December 18, 2009 4:32am CST
Hello Lotters Most specially from the Philippines. I just wanna let you know that i have been searching articles and news about this man for years, even decades after my dads former driver informed about a inventor who created a water powered car that uses hydrogen as a power source. but no one believed him and it was rumored that the Japanese had bought his invention. It was only recently that i found out that the person's name is Daniel Dingel, he was popular back in the 1990's that water can be used then turned to hydrogen. unfortunately It was widely criticized and he was told that they can't experiment and produce such technology due to obligations to World Bank, this is BS It's easy to say that it's fake but i have heard friends using cars with this technology and it was proven that a FIlipino invented it. Of course, the GOVERNMENT is corrupt and doesn't give a damn about their inventors who creates something that can save the countries economy. they feel they will loose business with the oil companies if such technology is used. Just like the Filipino inventor who created special technology for the helicopters, who got killed in the airport. here's the video link. not a referral link. : :
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14 responses
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
18 Dec 09
i disagree with you as such inventions at the time would destabilize the economy not just just hurting big companies but also regular workers and even people not involved with oil. Something like this at that time would cause a domino effect effecting alot more people than many would think at the time. New energy devices such as those run on water or other ways need to be slowly brought into the enconomy in order to avoid destabalizing it. don't get me wrong now as i love that theres new energy technology out there thats better than what were using. i wish such devices could be used immediately on a worldwide scale but the world economy would take a big hit effecting many workers pay around the world.
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• Philippines
19 Dec 09
hey elmiko, i guess you are right, this could be the consequences since this was stated by the government and some critics that didn't want or give a damn about his work. but i agree with you, it should slow be brought to the world and just gave a big show of new tech could give a in-balance to the world market. they were thinking they're might be no other alternate jobs for those involved in the oil industry
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
18 Dec 09
The problem with all these zero point energy gimics is they cannot, by laws of physics, create more energy than they use.the laws of physics are emphirical. The law of conservation of energy states that "the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time". The reason it was critisized is because it can't work. The reason it is easy to say it is fake is not is because it is scietificly impossible. An engine that burns hydrogen is certainly a reality, there are all sorts of cars out there now that use it. But the same car cannot produce enough hydrogen to run itself. It would use all the energy from the hydrogen it burned to produce more hydrogen, leaving none to move the car. It would be like trying to run a generator off it's own power. It simply cannot happen.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
18 Dec 09
sorry, I had a typo in my post...."The reason it is easy to say it is fake is not is because it is scietificly impossible" should have read "The reason it is easy to say it is fake IS is because it is scietificly impossible
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
18 Dec 09
It would be incredible if this could be overcome, unfortunatly, the laws aof physics are pretty pesky like that. So far, the only thing that has come scientificly close to zero point energy is fusion, not exactly practical to put in a car, though, the technology for a car sized fusion engine is probably a few centuries away. right now the test facility created that actualy produces energy is the size of a few city blocks and the energy that fires the lasers to get the fusion reaction going uses an incredible ammount of energy initialy to get it going. It is still unstable and doesn't run very long. I think we are better off right now to make what we have in current engine technology more efficiant. But what ever you do, don't fall for those energy from water schemes, they simply don't work and you'd be wasting your money. Another popluar scheme is a perpetual motion machine made of magnets. Again, sounds good on the surface, but they simply don't work.
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• Philippines
18 Dec 09
hello x-factor, that means more expense. has anything been done in terms of test regarding this manner? if that is the case then how come companies are attempting to buy his product and i believe some had already duplicate it. that would be disappointing if there's no other break-through regarding this technology, it would have save us from hundreds of dollars expense on oil
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
20 Dec 09
Well, that's the Philippine government for you. It's just sad that our government doesnt have the money to fund such experiments or breakthroughs because they're being used up by the people in power. We might think that cars running on water arent efficient at this time. But think of what people thought ages ago.. the world was flat.
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• Philippines
20 Dec 09
hello xtedax, they should have been honest from the very beginning probably the people would have understand to start this kind of production in the first place. probably not at this time, besides it might cause people's jobs if this continues
• Philippines
18 Dec 09
Hi LK. I have heard the same news years ago but not sure that it really had undergone a process like what you have said. I just hope our country would be known for something we do and not for corruption. It's a pity that we have a lot of talented people and yet we're not rising. There really is something wrong....
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• Philippines
18 Dec 09
Hello there koala, First and foremost i just want to congratulate you for turning blue i just hope it continues until it reaches a higher level of star. I am not sure if that invention has gone under process so that they will have evident proof that it's true and real. sadly, i think it's too late now since foreigners had already bought his technology, which sucks by the way
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• Philippines
19 Dec 09
Yeah. It really sucks. We are always the inventors but because of necessity (money) they just sell it and forget about the fame.
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@levite (1062)
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
I have heard that news in the past years. Anyway, the government is afraid of what the "three Big Oil companies" will do to them if this invention by Dingel would be put into commercial use. Even the Department of Energy cannot do anything when prices of oil goes up, they are just futile. All they can do is to monitor the prices of oil, . The oil companies are like their masters. Anyway, there is this small amount of biofuel already mixed with diesel, i think and is being used already today. And I think this must be the only solution to somewhat lower the prices of oil in the market and to lessen the dependence of our nation to foreign oil.
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
hello levite, they consider it as a threat even if the invention is perfect. it takes years to perfect such technology whereas it takes more time to conquer markets that has scope by the large oil companies. i hope one day we would use coconut oil only to produce fuel and not depend on foreign oil anymore
@levite (1062)
• Philippines
20 Dec 09
I agreee my friend. What happen now to that news about natural gas discovered in Palawan. I have not heard about it since the time of Ramos.
• Philippines
18 Dec 09
Hi. We could not blame this Filipino inventor for doing so. The Philippine government has never shown interest in protecting and improving his invention. Sad truth...
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• Philippines
18 Dec 09
hello soledad, the government is under the mercy of the super-powers and that's why they don't want to take the risk because they want more money and kick-back fees.
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
Yes, I agree with you. The people from the government always prioritize their own vested interested and not really the common good of their constituents.
• India
19 Dec 09
Letran, there was this guy in India, whose name was Ramar Pillay, who told everybody that he has invented a petrol made of plants.He said, he had a secret formula. He was feted everywhere, and state governments fell over themselves, to have a piece of this cake. He grandly started to distribute the petrol, and since this petrols price was just one third of the regular petrol, people queed up to put his petrol. Then the problems started, the so called plant petrol was nothing but some chemicals mixed together, which started corroding the petrol tubes, and within a few days many cars and two wheelers broke down, and during that time, Indian Institute of Science, which was investigating in to this petrol, found it was a big hoax, and so now Ramar Pillay is cooling his heels in the prison. Of course, there might be some people, who have really invented or discovered something, and the government would not have recognized them, but most of them are cheats.
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• Philippines
19 Dec 09
Hello Ramesh, that's awful, it seems this is one of the reasons why the government in my country rejected this sure they have heard of this news as well. probably they accepted the offer with out much consideration in terms of having a series of test. well, now i understand that the critics have a point in this issue
@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
18 Dec 09
poor juan dela cruzour government never really care on the future of our next generations should they have supported our inventors for being noble on their inventions. its not the first time that it happened. for the love of money, our government will always be pessimistic on these subject matter... for the love of money
• Philippines
18 Dec 09
hello drake, I agree, Juan Dela Cruz don't deserve this at all. well, he wasn't the only inventor and some are in the science and technology institute to prevent it from being copied. the government probably and surely didn't have the will to experiment on that kind of fuel source because we are under influence of the west
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
19 Dec 09
Thanks so much for this info. I have been looking for this for so long. I have heard this story a long time ago in high school. After that it had been nothing to me but just a story without realizing that it is as real and ssrious as it is. As of now, I am trying to find logical reasons why the government wont support him on it. You see sometimes it's easy to point fingers at the government and accusing it of many things. But I guess there is also truth and wisdom in what you're saying, oil business and all. No wonder why Philippines is not moving forward. Our crab mentality always gets in our way.
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• Philippines
19 Dec 09
hello theresa, probably you should read other statements of responders here and i did read similar statements in you-tube as well. from my evaluation on these statements i think they are right. and we have no alternate jobs for those who are about to loose jobs those in the oil industry. this is disappointing but true.
@gunjanpri (603)
• India
19 Dec 09
Nice, It will help people in getting energy without polluting the environment, Even if this man sells his invention to foreigners, it will benefit your country too, so why making a fuss about this. This is an age of globalization honey.
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
hello gunja because it threatens the very existance of oil companies and they will do anything to shut it down.and still lack research, many says it doesn't add up to the laws of energy, and there's no proper formula yet to create such unlimited source of hydrogen. globalization infavor of the west and oil lords and not those who are innovative.
@stephon8 (300)
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
Personally, i wouldnt want this invention to succeed cause i would rather die inhaling carbon gases than die because there is no water left to drink. Eventuallly if this invention succceed more and more people will shift from using fuel to water, then it could be another problem. We might get short in supply of water because of that and worst case that might happen is a possible drought all over the world. If that happen, it willl be a crisis waiting to happen and instead of helping the world it can cause the end of it.
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• Philippines
19 Dec 09
hello stephon, that could be another possibility too if they don't know how to produce hydrogen from water with out depleting our resources. well, if the oil pollutes the earth then there's nothing really that matters since water is dirty and air is cloudy with smoke
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
I think the fil inventor has no choice but to sell his invention although it disappointing because the Philippine government doesn't support scientists, they are not making prior of scientists maybe because they're thinking that Filipino scientists and inventors are only waste of money, and time. :))
20 Dec 09
i strongly believe this is nothing more than a hoax? i have friends who are young inventors and had already patent it in Department of science and institute. those companies are stupid to think they can trust his invention even though we all know that it is impossible to have stable hydrogen power
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
hello rebel, well, if that is your opinion. but i guess you too have a point. if his invention is so real how come he hasn't entirely tested this in the dept. of science and institute, probably he caught up with all the criticisms rather than the test itself.
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
Lack of government funding, they prefer wasting hundred thousands on 30-second infomercials than on science and technology project that would benefit many. nuff said!
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
hello louie, that's the sad part and it was only discovered after martial law back then when the US give us almost two hundred thousand dollar assistance, which we have been paying for last two decades. and yeah, we were so under their obligation and that's why it was not entertained in the first place