Is Global Warming real?

December 18, 2009 10:34am CST
Was Al Gore right,are we all headed for a big world-wide catastrophe as a result of greenhouse gasses and an excessive carbon footprint or was he just full of'Hot Air'? Will future generations suffer because of our environmental irresponsibility? The world powers are debating it right now in copenhagen,the protestors are sacrificing their bodies to make their point over it. Is Global Warming even real?
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24 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
18 Dec 09
SUre it is, I firmly believe the earth warms. I also firmly believe it cools. I also believe we really don't understand why it warms or cools or does any of the other funky tricks it does. I also believe Co2 is in fact a green house gas. It just isn't a very effective one compaired to many other manufactured and some naturaly occuring gasses. Water vapor is much mre effective in fact, water vapor is what killed venus and turned it in to a run away green house, water vapor is whats going to eventualy turn us in to venus when the sun expands out just enough to start slowly evaporating the oceans in about 700 million years I'm not some land raping, enviro-terrorising ogre, but I'm not exactly a green frek either. I think it is only common sense we should't put crap in the air, in to our water, our soil. I think it is only common sense to be respectfull stweards of the planet. but I think we shoud also be responsable enough to not destroy economies, industry or liberties in doing so.
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• Philippines
19 Dec 09
of course it's real. Global warming is real, and we are experiencing it right now. Global warming is the result of too much CFC's (chloroflourocarbons), now these CFC's are from aerosols like you body sprays, insecticides, pesticides, perfumes and also from smokes from cars and factories. So if i were you, I'm gonna stop using those things, and instead, I'm gonna use some eco-friendly things and 100% non-CFC things...:))
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
24 Dec 09
CFCs are heavier than air. They're only getting into the upper atmosphere at all because volcanoes shoot them high enough. Mankind has nothing to do with this! Oh, & what kind of hair sprays & cars did they use in the Medieval days? They had a global warming period, too. That's one of those many really "inconvenient truths" that the so-called "scientists" hid from the public. There's a host of other fake data & other stunts they've pulled, along with other, more serious crimes they've done to push their agenda. And yes, I said crimes. Their thugs have threatened the lives & careers of scientists who dare to contradict their nonsense with real data. No, it's about money & power--not at all about the weather. And by the way, real climate data show we're actually in a cooling period. The liars have been partly exposed. If you want to know who's really behind this hoax, you need look no further than the rabid pro-Communists marching in the streets of Copenhagen. They hate Capitalism, & this phony "science" is one way to destroy it. Maggiepie "SAY 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!'"
• United States
22 Dec 09
I have no idea whether or not global warming is real, but it's hard for me to believe that it is when so much of the evidence says otherwise. Al Gore has made a pretty good living off his theories, so I'm sure he doesn't want to be proven wrong. The thing that concerns me is our government buying into it and signing treaties that will cost us our freedoms.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Read Pat Buchanan's article, "Shakedown in Copenhagen," that might give you some idea.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
19 Dec 09
Of course global warming is real. There is no question. In fact (obviously) it's been warming since the last ice age. The real question is, is man causing it? That is where people debate, although the leftist idiots among us, try and skew the debate claiming we do not believe in global warming, when really we just question what is causing it. The idea that man is causing it, get's a bit laughable when you look into it. Less than 1% of the total Earths atmosphere is made up of so called, green house gases. Of those CO2 is the largest. However, humans are only contributing 3.4% of CO2 at best. The idea that natures 96.6% of CO2 gas is not going to cause warming, but our 3.4% is, is laughable... but it gets even more funny. CO2 is the largest trace green house gas, but the largest over all contributor is water H2O. Water accounts for 90% to 95% of the total green house effect. So only 10% is due to CO2, of which only 3.4% is due to us. That means we could possibly take responsibility for 0.34% of the green house effect. Here's the kicker. The total world wide green house effect, has only raised Earths temperature by roughly 93ºF. So lets make some assumptions, and see what the conclusion is. If we assume water is only 90% of the green house effect, and CO2 is totally responsible for the remaining 10% (which it is not), and that man is completely responsible for 3.4% of CO2 caused green house effect... That means that we have caused a shift in temperature of roughly 0.3ºF Problem: The Earths temperature has shifted 5 times that. So if we could only be responsible for a tiny 3 tenths of a degree change, how can it be that the temperature has increased far more than that? The answer is simple. CO2 isn't pushing temperature change. The sun is. The suns energy output varies greatly. That's what drives climate change.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
20 Dec 09
Neither "global warming" nor Al Gore is real. Gore is just an oaf, full of hot air and himself, not to mention lies and greed. He net worth as a result of this non-science has gone from $2million to $200million. He, like undeserving pal Obama, should return the politically charged (but worthless in the true sense of its original intent) "Nobel Peace Prize", now intended to force one-world government on unsuspecting fools. The "world powers" are not capable of discerning anything akin to truth as they see evidence to the contrary, clearly debunking the "global warming" myth, right before their very eyes and ignore it, as they frolic and cavort in Copenhagen, promoting massive waste with their private jets, etc. My grandchild and I just finished a third grade science unit on ancient ecosystems which clearly shows that, long, long before "carbon emissions" our planet was considerably warmer, and, in fact, "global cooling" is closer to the truth. Soon these goons will tax us for breathing out carbon dioxide, these disgusting "world powers" who care nothing for truth.
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@sirnose (2436)
• United States
18 Dec 09
Yes and then again no. I think that this Global Warming is a farce a fraud to get rich countries to cough up billion of dollars to poor and developing nations. I also think that the world riches nations are intentionally causing this planet to warm-up slowly in order to get at the last vast of natural resources that are still pristine in the north pole.
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
18 Dec 09
The Earth has gone through climate changes throughout its history. While there are certainly some valid issues to the Global Warming thing, I don't think it is as catastrophic as some of the politicians are making it out to be. I think the whole Copenhagen summit meeting is nothing more than a ploy for other nations to get their hands on some American money...
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• Canada
22 Dec 09
Global warming is defintely real, the world powers arent debating on whetherit is real or not but rather what to do over it.
22 Dec 09
I take issue with that-There is quite a lively debate over the veracity of global warming,climate change,whatever you want to call it...lots of people do not blindly follow what the powers that be say....lots of people know full well that the powers that be are frequently wrong.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
22 Dec 09
My answer is yes and no. Does what man does here on earth contribute to atmospheric changes. DEFINITELY!! Phoenix, AZ, is a prime example. So many people brought in non-native species of plants that the entire weather spectrum of the city changed. The desert is dry, but when you bring in water loving plants and cover the ground with them, it takes the natural resources to maintain them and they expel more water vapor into the atmosphere making it much hotter and more humid than it would be otherwise. However, the earth has also gone through many weather cycles in its long life. Where Arizona is now was one a lush tropical garden with ferns, trees and other assorted vegetation. At one point, the polar ice caps expanded and covered most of the earth. Both of these things took place before man was here. So, that is why I say yes and no - we play a role in keeping this earth alive and well, but we do not control everything nor can we. We just have to learn to live with the natural cycles of the earth, including those we don't yet know.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
19 Dec 09
It is greatly exaggerated and no, man does not cause any measurable amount of global warming. We can't change long term trends.
@eddify (412)
• Pakistan
21 Dec 09
I am not sure about it sometimes its look real sometime a fake. sometimes its afar cry and not sure what to make of it? There are far more important things in life around us and we are only focusing on this .
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
19 Dec 09
I did a research paper on Global Warming and how real it is for one of my college courses. I've found throughout time, there have been periods of both immense cooling and immense warming. This one seems to be a bit worse than others, because of the fact that it's happening in our life time. Is it the big disaster that many including Al Gore thinks it is? Perhaps, perhaps not, but given the fact that it's so talked about, I think there should be some concern and there should be steps taken to reduce the dangerous effects. Unfortunately, saying that something needs to be done and doing something are two different things.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 Dec 09
"This one seems to be a bit worse than others, because of the fact that it's happening in our life time" Exactly, but,, while not great for us, does not make the case that we are to blame for it, nor does it mean we can do anything about it.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Oh, dear...for your sake, I do hope you weren't relying on the phony stats & graphs produced by the "scientists" who are trying to fight off the press who now know they deliberately misled the public, as well as bullied real scientists whose data didn't toe the politically correct line. That would render much of your research invalid... I'm just sayin'... Maggiepie "SAY 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!'"
@1denny (34)
• United States
18 Dec 09
Make no mistake about it, we need to take better care of this world of ours. But make no mistake about this, if a politician sees a way to stir up the bucks, and the people, he'll take it. There's experts on both sides of this issue saying there is or isn't global warming. Well this old earth has been cycling round and round for who knows how long or if that's even true. How many times have proven method turned out to be inacurate or fallable? How many times does a politician have to lie to me for me to say "enough"? I may be biased since I don't care for the political end of this issue that is going to cost the taxpayers without even giving taxpayers a choice. A Government of the people, by the people and for the people? Politicians by nature are full of "Hot Air" and falsehoods. That's how they get re-elected. Global Warming? We each just need to treat our world the best way we know how.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
I think it is real. I have been in this world for almost 30 years. I could clearly see the difference when I was still young back then. Now I could feel that its really getting hot. It is very hard to tolerate the heat most especially at noon time going up to 2 in the afternoon. Perhaps the world now is really getting warm.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
19 Dec 09
Global Warming is real ok but it isn't doing the damage the experts say it is.One day we will learn that this earth is designed to take about anything man will throw at it. What I would be much more concerned about is the explosive gasses we are releasing into the atmosphere.The gasses in the atmosphere stack ,or float if you will according to their weight. Hydrogen being the lightest will be the top layer. Sooner or later this layer of Hydrogen is going to build up to a point where it will at least burn if not explode. Most things that burn produce a gas that will burn from the unburned energy in what ever burns. Coal, gasoline and even wood fires produce unburned energy in the form of a gas. These different gasses stack up in our atmosphere according to their weight. The lightest on top all the way down to the heaviest. If concentrated enough these gasses will burn. These so called, "Green House Gasses" can also serve as a shield to protect the earth from the sun's rays and actually have a cooling effect. The one things we are doing that is raising the temp on the earth is we are destroying too much vegetation and replacing it with huge buildings and concrete. Thick vegetation keeps the sun's rays from ever reaching the earth. Large buildings and concrete absorb the heat from the sun and carry it right into the earth. That plus the fact there are many more warm blooded animals on the earth, including man is where some of the warming is coming from. Art
@gunjanpri (603)
• India
19 Dec 09
I am sure global warming is a truth, but how much humans and developing nations are contributing to it, is really a fuss. Developed nations have been sough ting about global warming in order to discourage industrial development in developing nations. These developed countries have already done much harm to the global environment and now making a hype when developing poor nations try to compete with them. As a matter of fact global warming is not caused by some localized factor. Even pollution by all means may raise temperature for some extent to a local level, but global warming is a phenomena like Ice Age and position of earth on its axis and its rotation path are responsible for more than 99 percent of changes in global temperature. We can by no means change the rate of global warming through suppressing developing nations. However if you are talking about pollution then definitely all nations should make a collective effort to reduce pollution and keep environment clean and healthy.
@kevinll (967)
• China
19 Dec 09
We should protect enviroment, we all can get benefit from it. I like join the volunteer group to protect the enviroment, and do something what we can do. If everyone can notice their own habit and it is not difficult to keep enviroment balance.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
Yap it is very real because of that many countries over in the world have different calamity happened specially the flood over the city even if the rain fall about 24hours a day and the snow is early happened.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
19 Dec 09
...Hi Barry331, This is one where I try not to argue too stronly over, because I feel that the manifeststions of the changes are going on right before our eyes. There are those who make a valid case on either side, but when the weather patterns are as erratic as they are, storms are coming faster and getting stronger and ice caps are melting away or have melted away, something is going on. Down South states are fighting over water rights because the water is drying up, that is real. We have been told by one side of the issue we have 10 years to do something, that is not long, so we will all be privy to what will or will not happen soon. I think it is better to be safe than sorry. What we can do to forstall it, I really think should have been started 10, 20 years ago. I think we are in a bad place right now and we should research and pay attention. What will be will be, but it could be worse than it has to be. They did come to some agreement in Cophenhagen about monitoring, but I think more than that has to be done. Take it easy.