Do you have a phobia? Tell me about it...

December 18, 2009 4:56pm CST
PHOBIA - an unrelenting fear of activities (social phobia), situation (agoraphobia) and specific items (arachnophobia). When I was only a little girl, there was a small grocery store at the front of our house (which now closed), across the street, wherein I usually buy different stuffs. So, one day, I went to the refrigerator to get me some drink. When I was finally able to hold the handle, I was shocked because I feel "electricized"(don't know what's it supposed to call..LOL). So, from then on, I developed a fear on touching the handles of refrigerators on supermarkets and grocery stores... And that fear is in me until now!
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21 responses
• United States
18 Dec 09
Oh, I hate that shock feeling too I have quite a few phobias, but the weirdest one is: I can't put my hands somewhere where I can't see them or don't know what's there. So, I can't put my hands behind a couch, under a pillow, in a box, or even to the side of me, unless I've already looked to see what's there. I get really panicky, if I do it without checking first. And if I do it, without noticing, I get all freaked out afterward And I don't even know why I'm scared of it
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• Philippines
14 Jan 10
Yay!!! THat sounds new to me... There must be a reason for that.. But since you don't know, I can't argue.. But I am still curious why you feel that way...
• United States
18 Dec 09
I have ophidiophobia. Otherwise known as a fear of snakes. I am TERRIFIED of them. When I was about 4 or 5, I used to wear these little pink cowboy boots practically all the time. One day, I was playing outside and I walked up on this copperhead, and it bit and latched on to the toe of my boot. It didnt actually pierce my skin because the leather from the boots was thick enough to stop its fangs. But I have been completely petrified of snakes ever since. Including ones on TV. I can't seem to get over it either. *sigh*
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• Philippines
14 Jan 10
Owww!! that's scary! I wouldn't want to be near any snakes either! But having experienced that at an early age..Oww! I would also feel the same way you do!
@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
19 Dec 09
I have a phobia of worms....any type of worms. When i was little, i used to kill flies with my plastic sandals. I didn't like flies in my appartment and mom tried to avoid these things to enter. Anyway, there was this big black dot fly and when I hit it, it fell. It didn't die yet and after a few seconds there was so many maggots getting out of the belly of the fly. Oh my god!! The horror. Even writing it, i have chill down my spine. Mom was really angry at me. She warned me that if i would do something like that again, she would feed me those maggots. It really traumatized me. now it happens that when it rains alot when I come from school, I can't move an inch because of earthworms everywhere. I had to call someone at home to come to me and walk me home. i am 23 and it still hasn't change.
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• Philippines
14 Jan 10
Woohhh... I don't like earthworms too! That sounds scary..
@rainzero (501)
19 Dec 09
claustrophobia, arachnophobia..they really give me the creeps.. most of all fear of being alone or isolated. i dont know how its called, but i really fear that most.
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• Philippines
14 Jan 10
@snafushe (791)
• Canada
19 Dec 09
One of my biggest phobias is the dark. I seriously can't sleep without a night light or some one else there. It sucks big time, I guess I am just a little wimp and scared of things that go bump in the night! Another one of my phobias is claustrophobia, I hate small places so much. This one time I was playing on this play ground with my friends for jokes, and I tried climbing through one of those tube things and I got so scared when I was in the middle of it, I couldn't move! My friend had to literally pull me out of it because I was hyperventilating. Afterwards I called it the tunnel of nightmares, it really was. :| Another phobia I have is of blood, and everything related with it. Ewww. Even when I was doing my biology unit, and I had to learn all about blood and vessels and arteries, I just kept freaking out. It really sucks because I wanted to be a nurse for the longest time, there goes that dream. My last phobia is a weird one I have had since childhood. Which is getting sticky things anywhere my neck or my chin. I just freak out if I have like maple syrup or something dripping down my neck. I can't stand the sight of kids with it all over them either, it just grosses me out.
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
Ohhh... looks like you've got plenty phobias... I hope you can eventually overcome those fears... sounds scary to me - that story about the tunnel. I don't know how it feels but I don't wanna experience it either!
@snafushe (791)
• Canada
20 Dec 09
Did it help it? I though that might make it worse as you grow dependent on some one being there while you sleep. Half the time I keep a boyfriend around for so long is he can keep me company while I am sleeping. I should really just buy a puppy..
• Singapore
19 Dec 09
I am also afraid of sleeping alone in the dark without any people around me. So i had to sleep with my parents to get rid of this terrible feeling just to make me feel better.
@agaur7 (87)
• India
19 Dec 09
hiiiiiiii friends, how are you? I have a driving phobia & i have phobia of cockroch. once a time when i was doing B.Sc, i was going to college in our Activa (Scotter) suddenly a truck come in front of me and he was hit me. i was fall down in ground and scooter is upon me. that time i have a driving phobia. i am afraid also cokroach. so i have another phobia of cokroach. and i dont understand how i end our phobia of driving? please help me. and give me tips end of phobia
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
ohhhh sorry I couldn't help. but maybe you should go and see a doctor..
• India
19 Dec 09
i am scared of dogs. this i have developed when my sister got bitten by a dog while we were playing. since she had a bad reaction to the vaccines and got hospitalised. i was young to assimilate the bad things of theevent which had stuck to me since then. my heartbeats faster even if i spot a dog within a safe distance.however i rationalise, i cannot control getting a panic attack in presence of dogs
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Dec 09
hi invisible lady When I was just a little kid I fell off a high cliff into the water, and it scared me silly. Ever s ince then I have been really afraid of heights . I just do not like to go up in the malls to the second story as it feels so scary to me although theres always a guard railing around the whole place. My hubby used to tease and call me over to the railing wanting me to look way. I could not do it. I still have that fear but I do not let it interfere with where I have to go whether its one story or four, just do not make me stand at the edge of something and look way down. that I cannot handle.
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
Owww! I hope you'll overcome that..
@chulce (1537)
• United States
19 Dec 09
Wow, great discussion. I actually have a fear of snakes. When I was 5, my family lived in North Carolina, we had a shed on our property that I kept my bike in, one day I went to get my bike and a baby copperhead jumped up at my face. I screamed and ran into the house and told my mother. She thought I was crazy. I cried and didn't leave my bedroom all day. The rest of that summer, I stayed in the house only to leave if we had to go to the store. Before the summer was over. I kept telling my dad about the snake in the shed. He finally went to prove me wrong one day. But, when he opened the shed door there was snake skin all over the place. He was shocked. My mother only stared at me in disbelief. After hours of tearing things out of the shed to see if he could find the snake, he finally went to the last place in the shed which happened to be his work shop station. He opened a drawer and there was the snake, it jumped out at him. He grabbed a crowbar from the wall and cut the thing in half. For days he had it laying under a trash can lid near a chair that he sat in. He happily would show the neighbors his kill. I of course would not go near it. It has taken me a long time to get over that fear. It wasn't until recently, that I have been able to get close to a snake in a cage. That is about all the distance I can handle at the moment. I still worry when I go out my door if I am going to see one, especially during the spring and summer months where I live.
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
I am afraid of lightning and the thunder sounds. It makes me feel nervous whenever i see one or heard, I sometimes run to my room for cover up then my sibling always laugh at me. they think of me as abnormal but I really imagine being hit by lightning that I fear it and even the loud sound of thunder does not come nice to my ears it annoy me...
• United States
19 Dec 09
I have a pretty uncommon fear. [phobia meaning "irrational fear"] It is called masklophobia. I have had this my entire life. Masks in general make me feel uneasy even when not on somebody. I tend to keep distance. The worst one I have experienced is the burger kind mascot "the king" I CANNOT watch the commercials or get burger king for fear of seeing that face. I also have bambakphobia [fear of cotton balls] I refuse to touch one or be close to it at all. It is mostly the way it feels on my hand or the "purring" sound it makes when you rub it *gets chills and goosebumps while typing this and there is no cotton around* ((like nails on a chalkboard)) Great question! Have a great day.
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
Owww... That sounds entirely new to me. I never thought someone could not like to be near a cotton ball. But an irritation to masks is somewhat familiar with me because I myself got the feeling sometimes..
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
22 Dec 09
The one phobia that I have that boarders on being unhealthy is arachnophobia. I am scared to almost being paralyzed of spiders. I can't explain exactly where the fear came from, actually even say that there was a time in my life when my fear of spiders had all but faded. However, this past year it has come back with a vengence. I think that the reason that my phobia has returned is because we've seen some large spiders in and around our house since we moved in here in March. It is the big spiders that I was never able to tolerate and seeing more of them has amplified my fear of them.
@l33tgirl (288)
• New Zealand
20 Dec 09
When I was little I used to have a phobia of escaltors. It still takes me a second to remind myself it is silly before I step onto one. Otherwise it's heights that scare me.
@jing1209 (25)
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
Well. i'm afraid of cockroaches and also fear of drowning. I just don't like riding a boat. It scares me sometimes, I don't know why but I'm scared whenever my friends or family try to teach me to swim. I panicked when I don't feel the sand touching my toes anymore. I never learned how to swim.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
19 Dec 09
i am claustrophobic. i cannot be in tight spaces. i cannot have an closed mri because it feels like i am in a coffin. i tried but they had to take me right back out again. it was really frightening for me.
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
I have fear of germs and contamination. I think it is called misophobia. I wash my hands whenever I touch almost anything. I also fear cockroaches and hate them. When I see a cockroach, I scream and run. Then I ask someone to kill it. Afterwards, I disinfect everything that I think the cockroach crawled on. I won't be satisfied till everything is wiped with a rag soaked in lysol. Then I spray the wall or the floor with lysol spray. Hehe... It's being OC.
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
19 Dec 09
Would that make you a germaphobe? I don't really have a fear of that. Because my local grocery store offers hand sanitizer for customers to use and special wipes for cleaning. I do have a fear of Heights. When I am really high up, I don't like to go close to the edge or balcony because I am afraid that someone will push me off.
@allknowing (142866)
• India
19 Dec 09
Phobia - This is a banded krait. Any snake gives me the jitters
I am mortified of snakes. I have seen them crawling here and there and even if I am miles away I get the jitters. Who would not!!!!
@jkcokley (265)
• United States
19 Dec 09
I have a phobia about walking down open stairways. When i was little to walk down into the basement of our house, you had to walk down this set of steps. the steps where not enclosed - you could see right through them. My brothers being the great siblings that they are decided to scare me. When I was walking down the steps they touched my ankles from the back of the steps and scare the living s... out of me. Since then I have a fear of walking down steps that are open like that. Wow, I just got the chills thinking about it.
@choorrp (15)
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
it's "electrified" by the way. you may have developed a phobia from a traumatic event in the past, in that case, when you were little and got shocked by the handle of the refrigerator. but you've grown up now and you may have to face your fear, how are you supposed to purchase items in refrigerators in grocery stores? lol try to open it once again, and when you see that nothing goes wrong, you'll eventually desensitize yourself out of this fear, but it'll take some time. after all, you can't let one bad experience change your outlook on opening refrigerators.