Have You Ever Been Pulled Over For Speeding?

United States
December 18, 2009 8:42pm CST
Yup, it happened to me! Earlier this week, I was pulled over for speeding. It isn't the first time I have been pulled over, but I haven't been pulled over in probably 9 or 10 years. I have never had a ticket and I knew this time, I was going to get one. A State Patrol car whipped right behind me and flipped on his lights, I knew he had me as soon as he turned around. I was having one of those days, nothing had gone right, I was 15 minutes late getting off work, then I went pass my turn to go to my babysitter's house to pick up my son. I knew my babysitter was probably wondering where in the world I was at, so yup, I was speeding to get there as quickly as I could. I know there are times when we have good reasons or what we deem to be good reasons for speeding. I was lucky yet again, I didn't get a ticket, only a warning to "slow it down" as the officer said. I know I can't be the only person out there who's been pulled over for speeding. So tell, me....have you been pulled over for speeding? Did you get a ticket or just a warning?
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22 responses
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
19 Dec 09
Yes about 3 times in my life. The first two when I first got my license, and the last one was about 11 years ago. I was so angy about that one because I didn't even think I was speeding, it was only for 9 miles over the speed limit. It was also the first time I had been pulled over in like 12 years. I really think the police officer could have just given me a warning, considering it was my first offense in many years and I was not even speeding that badly. But no, I got $120 ticket. They almost never give warnings here in Illinois anymore, you can pretty much assume if you are being pulled over you are going to get a ticket. And if you go to court to try and fight it, it will cost you an extra $20.00.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 Dec 09
I have had a few time like this. One warning and the other 3 times were tickets, one even got me for non-inspection at the time too (oops). Once I was on my way north and got distracted by my daughters arguing over a cd player, when I looked back at the speedometer, I was doing 80 on the interstate where it was 65 and at the same time I looked at the speedometer, I saw the statie's blue lights comming on up ahead of me in his pull off, I knew I was done, so I pulled right over. He wasn't in a generous mood so I got the full ticket.
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@derek_a (10873)
19 Dec 09
I have been pulled over twice but it was many years ago. The first time was bad enough because I didn't have much money in those days, but then I slipped up and did it again when I was late for an appointment and it cost me even more money! After that I decided that I would leave in plenty of time for an appointment, and if I was held up, then I would rather be late than get another ticket. I'm just never late now though. - Derek
2 people like this
• United States
19 Dec 09
I am very glad he didn't give u a ticket & i know u are to. That would have been bad to have to cough up that kind of money right here at Christmas especially. The only time i ever got a speeding ticket was back in the 60's. I just haven't got caught again, lol.
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@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
19 Dec 09
lord yes. i got pulled over twice in one week. lol. both time was 10 over the speed limit. but i just pulled over this summer for doing 73 in a 55 lol. i was like oh man crap. but i explain to the cops my daughter was at the beach and her cousin toss her out on the streets at one am, it was 3 am when i got pulled over. but lucky enough he gave me a warning and told me to slow down some. but i have friends who are cops and one gave me this sticker for my car only law enforcement can get. here is ways to help you out when you get pulled over, turn your car off keep your hands where the cop can see them. and if its night time turn on your inside light so he can see in your car. and most of all be polite to them.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
19 Dec 09
I'd like to say I never speed, but it's just that I have never been caught. I have only been pulled over for a light being out and just had to repair that and have it checked out. I have been very lucky when driving and I do try to be careful, one thing that helped was I took a defensive driving course it made me very aware of many things I would not have noticed without that course.
• Canada
19 Dec 09
My husband got pulled over once, and the cop was a really mean little bugger. I FAKED some rather strong emotions, and he got off, haha And when he got off, I showed the cop that I was faking it, but by the time he knew, it was too late, and he'd already let us off. LOL LOL LOL
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@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Dec 09
Oh, ya. I was on my way home from a long day with my kids. I was try to concentrate big time cause I really was tired and just wanted to get home. I passed a cop on a cross street and didn't think much of it. Sure enough he turned around and came after me. I got a good talking to and a ticket.
• United States
23 Dec 09
I have been pulled over before many times and most of the time I was given a ticket for speeding. I was removed from my Mother's insurance for getting 2 speeding tickets and I backed into a car in a parking lot. I have not been able to get back on the insurance yet after 4 years because now I can't afford to pay the extra it would cost to add me back on. You are very lucky. I hope your luck is all good from now on. Merry Christmas
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Dec 09
Do you know, I have been driving for over thirty years and I have never been pulled over for speeding! It’s not that I am a perfect driver because I do drive a tad too fast when I’m in a hurry too; I think I have just been very lucky all this time. Nowadays I don’t drive as much as I used to and so far so good…My husband, on the other hand, is on the road a lot because of his job and he has been pulled over quite a few times which has resulted in hefty fines! You were lucky to receive a warning…In Australia they don’t give warnings as much as they used to, they go straight to issuing a ticket!
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@benny128 (3615)
22 Dec 09
I personally have been pulled over before when I have been speeding (I dont speed in residential area's tho as think thats crazy). I was on a main road with a 60mph speed limit and got pulled over by a police car not a traffic car. He was wanting to give me a ticket, so I said I wasn't speeding he said I was, so unlike most people who would hold their hands up I said lets see the video evidence knowing they didn't have any video recording equipment in the panda car he couldn't prove I was speeding so had to let me go.
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• United States
21 Dec 09
I have never been pulled over for speeding or anything else in my driving years. the only time that I ever had cop interaction is when I was in a car accident and then a few years back on Christmas Eve my husband and I were headed out to visit my sister in law and we were coming down a hill that had a stop light at the bottom and just as we were getting to the light it was turning red but my husband decided to go through the light since there were no cars coming the other way then to try and slam on the brakes and slide through the intersection and ditch well there was a cop right behind us and he pulled us over but we just got a warning because he said he understood why we decided to got through it plus it was Christmas Eve so that was a good thing...
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@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
23 Dec 09
I got 2 speeding tickets after moving to North Carolina. The roads were empty so it was easier to speed. Now I use cruise control all the time. lol.
@Emvy548 (387)
• India
19 Dec 09
Being stopped for speeding indicates a certain behavior. Those who are caught for speeding may be very impatient people. They are always in a hurry. There is an old saying that goes - haste makes waste. So the ticket for speeding is a total waste, which could have been avaided if there was no haste. No, I have never been stopped for speeding.
• Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
20 Dec 09
Your assumption is wrong. People who are caught speeding are not necessarily impatient people, trust me! You don't know the circumstances surrounding why someone is caught for speeding or anything like that. Granted, that is definitely the case with some people, but it's not right to assume that all people who are caught speeding are impatient. Have you ever sped while driving? I'm not asking if you ever got caught, I'm asking if you've ever sped.
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• United States
19 Dec 09
I've never been pulled over for speeding. I tend to do very good with watching my speed limit and being very watchful of where the cops tend to hang around so I don't get busted. Also, I barely go 5MPH over the speed limit so I think I'm in the clear. Now, I have gotten pulled over for having a headlight out before. The whole situation was such a mess and I truly hope that sort of thing does not happen again.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 Dec 09
I have never been pulled over for speeding, although in my younger days I certainly deserved to be! I hope you know that if you do get a ticket, taking a defensive driving course will remove the points and ticket from your record and your insurance won't go up. I found that out when I ran a stop sign on a road I traveled every day and where there had never been a stop sign before!
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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Oh yeah, I've been stopped for speeding a few times, but I've been lucky so far that I've only gotten warnings, because I'd be in trouble by my husband if I was getting tickets. Everytime I'm getting ready to go somewhere he always reminds me don't be speeding, I usually watch my speedometer, but its hard to remember to slow down a little once you start getting into town, and I know that's where they will get you if your not careful. I don't have no excuse for the times I was stopped, I just wasn't paying attention.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
19 Dec 09
You are a very lucky woman that you were able to get off with just a warning. I too have been pulled over for speeding, but every time that I've been pulled over I've walked away with a ticket, there seems to be no such thing as a warning for me. It's been eight years since I've been pulled over for speeding (now knocking on wood). Both times that I was pulled over for speeding I've been doing about 10 miles over the speed limit and both times were on interstate routes (not the interstate). Luckily, the two occasions were far enough apart that I was able to take driver's school to avoid the points on my license.
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• Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
20 Dec 09
I have been pulled over a couple of times, the most recent time because my inspection sticker had expired. I got pulled over almost 5 years ago for speeding. I was on my way to work and was running behind so I was speeding. I was on the road that I lived on and was very familiar with it so I really wasn't thinking. I met a State Trooper in a curve and knew I was in trouble without even looking at my speedometer because I knew I was speeding, I just didn't know how fast I was going. The cop immediately flipped on his lights and turned around in the middle of the road to come after me. He pulled me over, and to my dismay, I knew the man very well, he was one of my neighbors. Turns out, I was going REALLY fast! He clocked me doing 79 MPH in a 55MPH zone, and I was in a big curve when he clocked me. He gave me a speeding ticket, but it was reduced later and would be removed from my record if I didn't get another speeding ticket for 3 years. Fortunately, that was almost 5 years ago and I haven't had a ticket since ("knock on wood") lol
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@hoodwinks (157)
• United States
20 Dec 09
I don't drive anymore lost my license from a couple of dwi's but when I did drive, I had this one car it was a 1990 Nissan 240sx it was late night just got back from a boat cruise in Albany new york, I live forty minutes west of Albany. and that car feels like a racing car went really fast was a standard. I am flying down the main strip doing at least 65 in a 40 zone, notice a cop to my right in a parking lot of gas station. was to late for me to slow down. he came up behind me and tagged me gave me a ticket and sent me on my way, then not like ten minutes later another cop pulled me over don't remember what it was for but he let me go cause I told him another one of his fellow cop buddies gave me a ticket already and he let me go. lol then I made it home safe from there. I did drank that night just not that much.