Do you Re-Gift?

gift - present
United States
December 18, 2009 9:01pm CST
There is a huge debate about this topic [especially during the holidays], whether or not to "re-gift". For those of you who do not know what it is, it is taking a present that someone has bought you, without you using it, and you give it to someone else as a present from you [who may or may not have wanted it more]. Do you think it is wrong or is it common practice for you?
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25 responses
• Malaysia
19 Dec 09
Hi, Chels! I have just posted a similar topic in my blog about recycling gifts. I have not done that, but a few of my friends do. I think there's nothing wrong with it. It does not mean we do not appreciate the giver, but it is much better be given to someone else who you think would make use of it more than we do than to let it kept somewhere at the corner of the house, covered with dust!
• United States
19 Dec 09
I would never ever re-gift and I think that people who do are lazy and inconsiderate. When I buy people gifts, I put a lot of thought and care into it. It is a symbol that I care and love them and want them to be happy. If they give my gift to someone else, then they are spitting on my thought and care. And if I regifted, I would be doing the same thing to them. If you do not have the money to buy someone a gift, you can make a gift, I am making scrapbooks this year because its cheap and very thoughtful, or else you can explain that you are having a rough financial time right now, in these times, people will understand. Re-gifting is for the cheap, selfish, thoughtless people. So don't do it.
• India
19 Dec 09
This is in response to your post to my response. As far as charities are concerned in India, they do not need the gifts, they need the basic necessities of life, like clean drinking water, food, old clothes, and shelter. The gifts like picture frames or clocks are not going to help them. Things might be quite different in California, but India is a third world country. Charities do not need such gifts. This is the problem with you people, your thinking is correct, but unfortunately you do not understand the ground realities. Americans used to send thick blankets to the charities in Chennai, where the weather is always hot.Since I am also a volunteer in some of the charities, I have seen a lot of American help being wasted, because nobody has any use of it.It would be of great help if the people knew about the ground realities, and acted on that. Coming to your point, if you receive about 10 to 20 virgin Mary statues or Jesus on the cross, what will you do with it.Do you give it to Charities ?or what can charities do with picture frames or wall hangers ?
@niara25 (147)
• United States
19 Dec 09
I agree with you. I was the recipient of a re-gift once. The person that had originally given the gift was hurt, as I would be if someone had re-gifted something I had given them. As the recipient I felt bad,too. That person thought so little of a gift given to them, what do they think of me? When someone gives me a gift I cannot use, I return it to the giver with apologies. Re-gifting tells the person who gave you the gift you don't appreciate it or them.
• India
19 Dec 09
i never do that. each gifts holds a special place in my heart as it represent the feelings of someone who felt you worthy of the even if it may not something i need, i cherish it as a reminder of the person
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
19 Dec 09
I don't usually do that. I guess I have at times, but I can't think of an occasion that I have. I don't think it's wrong if that was what you were going to give the person anyway. I wouldn't want anyone to know their gift was recycled though. It would be very embarrasing, especially if that person gave it to you as a gift in a previous year or something. I once received a gift that wasn't "re-gifted" but I knew the person that gave it to me got it from a friend of his and I was a little hurt that he didn't go to the trouble of getting me something.
• United States
19 Dec 09
I have done this, but the person I gave the gift to knew that it was given to me, but loved it because it is something they really wanted. I guess they figured I would have no use for it so why not them take it? I guess you could feel either way about this one :)
• United States
19 Dec 09
I have given something that I got as a gift to someone else and they loved it. I didn't consider it a gift though. I hate green and it doesn't go with the colors in my home. Someone gave me a green throw which I gave to someone who liked and could use green.
@foxyz7 (15)
• Indonesia
19 Dec 09
Well, I have to admit that I do some of re-gift. Like on last Christmas, I have so many duplicate items. Like just the same perfumes, same bags, and so. I chose the perfumes which I am usually wear and keep them as stock. I can have 2-3 bottles at the same occasion. And I mostly re-gift another perfumes to my mom. And she always accept and wear what I have gave. And some other fancy stuff I prefer to keep them in one storage so I can pick them easily when I got a birthday reminder of a friend or family. I think it is not wrong.. It save some money anyway :-)
• United States
19 Dec 09
That seems to be the running theme with re-gifting [bath products] I know that it is the "no-fail" gift for women who are A.) hard to shop for B.) You do not know enough about but are forced to get them something for whatever reason. :D thanks for sharing!
@choorrp (15)
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
i haven't done any re-gifting but i plan to this season. it's not practical anymore to buy new gifts when you have lots of gifts lying around that were gifted to you but you didn't use. one man's junk is another man's treasure. other than letting your gifts lie around, it would be better to re-gift them instead and make someone happy (or not). just be sure not to re-gift it to the same person who gave it to you.
• United States
19 Dec 09
So you think its okay to give away something that someone put thought into about you, just because "Eh I don't use it, so I might as well give it to someone else". DONATE IT TO CHARITY if you cannot come up with an original idea to get a friend or loved one, the holiday season is about showing that you care about others, not dumping the things you don't use to save money and any thinking whatsoever.
• India
19 Dec 09
I regift a lot.What is the fun in keeping so many gifts of the same kind. For example, we usually receive a lot of gods figures as gifts. How many statues of gods can one keep in the house. So we usually regift such kind of gifts. The same goes for frames, pictures as well wall hangers. The other gifts are table lamps, pensets, and clocks and watches.But you have to be really careful, in giving this sort of gifts, so that, the one who has given the gifts, does not know it is being recycled.As far as I am concerned, I do not think it is wrong.
• United States
19 Dec 09
Give them to charity, when you give your friends and family gifts, it should be from original thought, not a "hey i don't really want this, so I will get rid of it and get a gift out of the way too, so I don't have to put any thought or caring or effort into it" you seriously not get that?
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
20 Dec 09
Yes I have done, and yes I have been told about it! I believe a gift is a gift, and when you gift a person, the gift belongs to the giftee - not the gifter! Some people (gifters) have great difficulty with this concept, as they feel that as the gifter they still have a certain stake in the gift, even after it becomes the sole and rightful property of the giftee.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Dec 09
hi chelsgrrl69 just do not give it back to the person who gave it to you in the first place as thats really embarrassing and you can lose a friend that way. I think sometimes if you are given say a cologne that you hate but know a friend of yours loves, that might make a great gift in fresh wrapping paper and all. But the few times I have re gifted I made sure that the gift I did the re gifting with was nothing any of my coworkers had ever seen. See I made a huge error by regifting some body lotion given to me one Christmas by a coworker at our Christmas party, and knowing another coworker did like this lotion I re gifted it to her the next year at our Christmas party. the original gifter was really upset with me as she had a memory like a hawk. thats the gift I gave you last year she yelled, and the whole roomful of coworkers heard the whole darned thing. I felt about two inches tall and sort of just slunk out of there, and left the party.I felt horrible. wow. never again.
• United States
19 Dec 09
Oh man, that is embarassing, but I think as damage control, I would tell her that I already used all of the one she had given me, this one that I purchased for someone else because they liked it.. I mean, the company makes more than one bottle of lotion :D [[a little fib never hurt anyone]]
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I am guilty of doing this, and I really don't think that there is anything wrong with it. This year I got a bath set from a gift exchange with the Tupperware girls and it has got a strong vanilla scent to it and I can't personally handle the smell of vanilla so I will be giving that to my sister-in-law for Christmas. Of course, the thing that I already had for her I am keeping for myself because it is something that I can and will definitely put to use although my sister-in-law wanted it, she wouldn't be able to use it right now.
@l33tgirl (288)
• New Zealand
19 Dec 09
I don't regift, when I buy a present I like to think about what would make that person happy and start from scratch. I know a lot of people don't do that but it's just my way. It would be so much easier to regift though - I just haven't got it in me to offload an unwanted item to somebody else who most likely wouldn't wnat it.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
20 Dec 09
I think the best way to go about this is not to hide the fact that it is a re-gift. If someone else really wants something you just got. Then, just ask him/her if they want that to be their gift from you. And ask if they don't mind it as a re-gift. Then you don't have to go through the trouble of wrapping it. That above is the ideal case for me. Now having said that, I have been guilty of re-gifting something to someone else without them knowing.
@ruchimom (280)
• Australia
19 Dec 09
Yes I do and I am proud to say so The problem is that when I get bombarded with unwanted gifts I just leave the original packing and just store it. So later during the year when I go to parties etc,I think about the friend who needs what and present it to him/her PS,I do that specially with the kids toys.So many of them are duplicates.
• United States
19 Dec 09
[[guilty:)]] I even keep a whole box of baby stuff so I am prepared for baby showers :P
• South Korea
19 Dec 09
No, I cherished friend's gift.It is a friendship. Unless he is not a very good guy. And i will give the gift to the person who need it.
@mdvarghese (1789)
• Bangalore, India
19 Dec 09
Personally I don't like this practice of re-gifting.I never done this. But some of my friends used to ask me some gifts which are displayed in my show case. then I used to give them happily as a commodity and not as a gift. But I have noticed many people recycling the gifts.I dont say it is wrong and moreover in middle class families it is a common practice as in some months there will be more than four or five functions and there will not be money with them. So they will recycle the gifts
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
19 Dec 09
i do not see anything wrong with it. if i get something as a gift that i cannot use or do not like and it has never been opened or used by me i will re-gift it rather than throw it away or wasted it. i would give it to someone who i thought could use it or would like it though, not just thoughtlessly give it to anyone. waste not want not is my motto.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
19 Dec 09
I do re-gift, why would I not do that with something I would never use. But I will also tell the giver of the gift that I gave it to someone who could use it. I believe that a gift is just that a gift and once given I have no claim over it's future. Everyone knows what I feel about gifts. This all comes from watching my Mom frantically try to find something she hated just because her Mom was coming for a visit. I have always felt that was a very dumb thing to do. When I give a gift I am always happy if I find it was passed on to someone else who could use it.
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
19 Dec 09
Yes I do and i am not ashamed of it. It's most likely when I get multiple gifts of the same kind or receive something I already have and something I wont and can't use. I believe it is better to just give them to someone who needs them more than I do or someone whom I am sure would be happy to receive them and would put them to good use. I think it's bad to just keep gifts and let them rot. I am sure the one who gave me the gift would be happy as well. :D
@Robinino (38)
• United States
19 Dec 09
I do not see anything wrong with re-gifting. For the most part, the thought means well when getting the gift, but if you know for certain that the gift is something that you just will not use, then yes, re-gift to someone that you know will or can use it. I do not see why anyone would keep something just to collect dust. Knowing you will not open it ever. I am sure there are plenty of friends and family out there that could always use something you do not need. So .... my answer is no, I do not think it is wrong to re-gift
@kristie7 (30)
• Malaysia
19 Dec 09
Re-gifting is ok in my opinion provided the item is still new/wrapped in original packaging or at least clean. Just be careful not to give it back to the same person that gave it to you!