To which Religion does a New Born Child belong?
By systems
@systems (459)
December 19, 2009 7:58am CST
A new born child comes to this world with the basic knowledge of feeding which is needed for the survival..
It has no knowledge of Almighty GOD, GOD's Relatives or Messengers and Prophet..
It has no Knowledge of the concepts of pagans, kafirs, blasphemy, apostasy, religious conversion etc etc..
If we consider theses things, I feel the New Born Child is a HINDU (Sanaatana Dharma).. How?
To be a Christian/Christianity:
One must not be an atheist, must believe in Jesus Christ if not believes in trinity or other concepts and Bible.
To be a Muslim/Islam:
One must not be an atheist, must believe in concept of One Almighty (Allah as in Arabic) and must also believe as Mohammed as the Messenger and also the Last messenger. Believe in Quran and follow the main principles of ISLAM..
To be a Jew:
Must follow the principles of 10 commandments and believe in Mosses..
To be a Buddhist/Buddhism:
Must believe in Buddha and follow his teachings..
So if you consider all those things, a New Born Baby does not know or do the most of the things mentioned in the above religions..
So a New Born Baby is a Hindu. Why?
To be a Hindu:
You can be an atheist also. You don't need to pray to GOD or no restriction that you must follow a particular method of worshipping GOD.
There is No concepts of pagans, kafirs, apostasy, blasphemy, religious conversion etc etc..
No need to believe anyone as Relatives/Son/Daughter of GOD or Messenger/Prophet of GOD.. There is no compulsion to read Vedas, Bhagavadgeetha etc etc...
The main things needed to be a Hindu (Sanaatana Dharma) is to live without troubling others and not to do anything in selfishness.
So a New Born Child is a Hindu ! Which later gets converted into different religions after being taught about the religious concepts by other humans.
So Hinduism is Humanity !.
10 responses
@Revan2009 (469)
19 Dec 09
I don't think a new born baby belongs to any religion until they choose to believe in a religion, even Hinduism is a belief, right?
@systems (459)
• India
20 Dec 09
A new born child is born as a Hindu Religion, it later learns about different things from parents and religious teachers and get converted into different religion..
Whether the baby chooses or not, still its Born with the Main Principles of Hinduism and not the Main Principles of Other Religions.
If you need further Explanation, please mention the Main Principles of Different Religions.. I will Co-Relate it...
@systems (459)
• India
21 Dec 09
yes, To follow you must be able to understand/practice the beliefs.. whether the beliefs are true or natural or false or scientific etc etc..
But to be a Hindu, there is no many such beliefs.. The main thing is not to cause harm and to work without selfishness..
But even an adult, if he follows the above principle, He is a Hindu..
In Hinduism, there is no restriction that you must follow a particular way of worshipping GOD..
Hinduism tells GOD can be reached/worshipped in many ways. You can follow which ever path you want and you are free to change to a different path of GOD also. No other religion gives that freedom to take a different path to reach GOD..

@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
20 Dec 09
A child is born with no religion at all - the whole thing is a man made concept best to be avoided until some have the misfortune to be indoctrinated. I disagree with you that any child is born into any religion even Hinduism, what you say are the main things there are just natural good manners and if a child is nurtured well these things will develop.
@systems (459)
• India
20 Dec 09
That's what... Natural Good manners are nothing but the main Principles of Hinduism..
So you think that its Natural Good Manners, But if you understand Hinduism, you will come to know that you can call Natural Good Manners as Hinduism..
The thing you are not willing to use the name Hinduism is because either you don't know about Hinduism or due to religious egoism..
@systems (459)
• India
21 Dec 09
To be a Hindu, you do not need a conversion.. There is no concept of Religious conversion in Hinduism..
Hinduism is not just a religion like others.. Its a way of living..
I'm not linking Hinduism to Good manners, If you understand Hinduism, you will come to know the truth about it..
If you follow the Good manners, you are a Hindu irrespective of you being an atheist or a theist..
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
20 Dec 09
Religious egoism. I follow no religion and amazingly that does not make me a Hindu, which along with the rest of them is a religion. You certainly don't appear to be making any converts along the way and have blown your own theory about Hinduism being linked to good manners.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I did not mean to indicate that if a child is born to Christian parents, that the Christianity is a given for all of their lives. Each person born is an individual, will make their own decisions about God and will be held accountable to God as an individual. Hopefully a child born to Christian parents will truly adopt the faith of their parents. Even amongst Christians, there different versions of knowing when a person is saved (child or adult) and if once saved always saved.
@systems (459)
• India
20 Dec 09
You can take religion as Hereditary..
Consider this:
If a baby born to Christians, Learns Christianity and later does not believe in Jesus and Bible.. Will that person still be a Christian??
And in all the above stages that person will have one thing in common.. Hinduism. That Hinduism, which is having Humanity as Main principle irrespective of you worship or not and you believe in any religious scripture or messenger or relatives of GOD.

@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
20 Dec 09
I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. The baby is brought up in the faith that his or her parents are. When they're born, of course they don't have any knowledge of what faith is--they're BABIES! They have to be TAUGHT a faith as they grow up.
The main things needed to be a Hindu (Sanaatana Dharma) is to live without troubling others and not to do anything in selfishness.
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam teach the same thing. What's your point here? I don't mean to be snide, but I don't see how Hinduism is exceptional in this respect.

@systems (459)
• India
20 Dec 09
All the religions has the same teachings BUT it also includes to that you must believe either in Jesus or Prophet or Holy Scripture.
But in Hinduism there is no need to believe in those things.. Its left to you, whether you believe it or not, if you follow the main principles, you will be a Hindu..
So in Hinduism, GOD, Worshipping etc etc are secondary.. The main principles are the Primary. Hinduism = Non-Violence + Non Selfish
Even if Christianity teach not to harm n others, you are not a christian unless you believe in Christ and Bible. Christinaty = Hinduism(Non-Violence + Non-Selfish) + Jesus + Bible
Even if Islam teach it, you are not a muslim if you dont believe in Mohammed and Quran. Islam = Hindusim(Non-Violence + Non-Selfish) + Prophet Mohammed + Quran
Even if Judaism teach it, you are not a jew unless you believe in 10 Commandments and Mosses and Old Testament.. Judaism = Hindusim(Non+Violence + Non-Selfish) + Mosses + Old Testament
And you must follow a particular type of Worship in all those religion.. But in Hinduism its not Like that. An Atheist is also a Hindu if he follows non-violence and non-selfish principles of Hinduism without praying to GOD and believing in his messenger and religious scriptures.
@systems (459)
• India
21 Dec 09
You tell there is no strict ideology in any religion...
Please ask a Christian whether he can be a Christian without believing in Jesus..
Please ask a Muslim whether he can be a Muslim without believing in Prophet and Quran..
Please ask those and tell me what they tell.
@cannibal (650)
• India
20 Dec 09
You're wrong with regards to Satanism. It is not necessarily a devil-worshiping religion as conceived by many. The main focus is on the self in most denominations.
In any case in none of the three religions mentioned is there a strict rule to follow a particular path or ideology. It's more a pick and choose policy.

@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
20 Dec 09
y r u fitting the newborn into a religion when ever the child grows to a decision making point in his or her life the choice of religion will be theirs' to make not ours' the newborn child belongs to no religion,just the babys' world,thats where it belongs,baby land
@systems (459)
• India
20 Dec 09
I'm not fitting anything... Almighty GOD has already Fitted it..
A new born kid is born with the principles of Hinduism which is Humanity.. Later it learns the principles of Other religions..
But still, Your concept is good.. Baby's land should be as it is.. without any religion other than humanity.. But Still, Hinduism is Humanity.. So you can tell that new born baby is a Hindu..
@Galena (9110)
19 Dec 09
babies don't have a religion.
although I have found that a lot of people do say that as they grew up, they instinctively had Pagan beliefs. it's a very natural belief system, revering the Earth that sustains you. as such you see variations on these same beliefs in every land and culture.
so while I think it's the most natural religion, I still believe that at birth, with no experience of the world, a child has no religion.
perhaps only that their mother is the source of all life and nourishment
@systems (459)
• India
20 Dec 09
Ok.. I will tell it in your Own way..
A New Born Baby Does not Belong to Any Religion.. Its just a Human Being with Humanity.
Hinduism is Not just a Religion like other Religions.. Its a Complex but still simple Concept.. Hinduism is Humanity..
So a New Born Baby is a following Hinduism (Humanity)..
You do not understand this as you have not read the comparison which I have given and you may not know what is Hinduism and Its main principles.
Please read this for simple explanation of Hinduism:
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
20 Dec 09
Even 'hindu' is a label. A new born child cannot have any label. A new born child is purity itself. It does not have any religion until we dump religion on him.
Let us leave the child free from any word.
@systems (459)
• India
20 Dec 09
If you tell "Hindu" is a Label, then its similar to tell that "Human Being" is also a Label. Thats why Hinduism is Humanity.
New born baby by nature gets the Label of Hindu, its not recognized by many religions because of religious egoism.
You need not label a new born as a Hindu, its already labelled by Nature or Almighty GOD..
@systems (459)
• India
20 Dec 09
God Has Already labelled and will label each and every New Born with Hinduism.. Its left to the new born whether it will retain the label or remove it and put on a new label...
Most of the people does not recognize the label of Hinduism which is put by Almighty GOD.. Its either because of Lack of Knowledge or Because of Religious Egoism..
@ellayuri (47)
• Philippines
20 Dec 09
As a mother of my three kids.I let them baptized as a catholic.And to be part of children of God.And nothing wrong for having a different religion of people.It depends on what they believe.Most important is you have your faith in God.Even if we don't see him personally.But it is good if we let God exist in our everyday life.
@systems (459)
• India
20 Dec 09
Whether you Baptise or Not.. The baby remains as a Hindu until it learns other religious concepts and believes other religious concepts..
Almighty GOD (or Nature of atheists)has labelled new born with Hinduism..
Whether you have faith in GOD or not.. If you follow Humanity, its sufficient..
And if you follow the humanity principles, Almighty GOD will help you even if you do not pray or have faith in GOD.. This is the Principle of Humanity (Hinduism)..