Is this a Contradiction in the Koran?
By badfish
@badfish (208)
United States
December 20, 2009 12:26am CST
If this is not a contradiction I would like someone to explain.
The Koran condemns Hypocricy Sura (4:138; 9:64-68)and teaches that hypocrits will occupy the loewest part of Hell fire, )Surah 4:145). Yet Allah commands Muhammad to compel men to Islam at the point of the swoed, i.e.,in a Jihad (see Surah 47:4, 2:191, 4:74-77) While elsewhere stating that there should be no compulsion in religion (Surah 2:256).
The power to create and impart life is the exclusive right of God alone. He cannot permit angels or prophets to create life or they would also be God. Yet the Koran on the one hand teaches that Jesus Fashioned a bird out of clay and imparted life into the Bird (Surah 3:49), while on the other hand, the Koran teaches that Jesus is no more than a prophet.
Yet another.....
God alone can be worshipped, yet the Koran teaches that Satan was cast out of heaven for his refusal to worship Adam (Surah 2:34, 7:11-13, 38:72-77)
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3 responses
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
22 Dec 09
The Quran is not to be read and interpreted like a textbook, and on its own. The first requirement is proficiency in Arabic, preferably in classical Arabic. The second is knowing when and why the verses were sent down. Relying only on the translations, and not knowing the reasons, can easily lead to misinterpretation and/or misunderstanding. As a result we get many wrong ideas on what Islam actually is.
Bowing as a sign of respect is not worshiping, the same way many people bow their heads in front of someone holding a high position in society.
@Zaharul94 (100)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 09
Hi everybody. Salam.
I'm a Muslim guy who love this religion. Before I can explain, I must tell you must read the original Arabic script first because sometimes the translation a little bit different from the original verse.
The first question I will answer it later.
Jesus is only a prophet of God. Jesus fashioned a bird with clay and imparted life into the bird (Surah 3:49). The power of create life is the right of God, but why Jesus also can do it if he only a prophet of God? Is this a contradiction? No its not. The answer is in the Quran right in the surah 3:49
Surah 3:49 "and [will make him] an apostle unto the Children of Israel (with this message): I (Jesus) HAVE COME UNTO YOU, with I Sign from your Lord, and that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird BY ALLAH'S LEAVE (Arabic:bi iznillah)..."
It is by God's will the clay became a real bird.It is not Jesus who give the life into the clay, it is God Himself. In Islam, we call it as "mukjizat" or "prophet's miracle" given by God to show how mighty God is.
About the last one,
God alone can be worshipped and Satan cast out not for refusal to worship Adam but Satan doesn't want to bow down or prostrate (Arabic: sujud) to Adam..not to worship him as God..worship in Arabic is " a'budu "..not sujud (bow down)
Surah 2:34 "Behold, God said to the Angels "Bow down to Adam" and they bowed down except Iblis (Satan).."
Surah 7:11 "We bade the Angels bow down to Adam, and they bowed down but not for Iblis.."
Learn Quran in Arabic and you will understand it.
@Zaharul94 (100)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 09
Correction of verse: Surah 7:11 "We bade the Angels bow down to Adam, and they bowed down, not so Iblis, He refused to be of those who bow down"
@neo_matrix (884)
• India
20 Dec 09
its completely new information for me.i think you have got few points which needs would be good to have a explanation to it from someone knowledgeable in Islam.seeking truth is the motto of every religion and you cannot have two contradictory truths at a time.
@Zaharul94 (100)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 09
You're right. Seeking truth is important. We must learn Quran in Arabic because the original one is in Arabic, clear Arabic and other languages is only translation from original. Peace from Malaysia :)
Happy posting!