Definition of Global Warming

December 20, 2009 8:02am CST
Climate change / Global warming is a long term change in weather pattern. The span of this may longer from decades and even millions of years. Recently, climate change has been referred as an increased rate of the temperature of earth surface.It has been caused by the trapping of some inferred radiation that enters in earth from sun by green house gases. this gas prevents some radiation escaping the earth atmosphere and then back on the earth surface causing the average temperature of our earth to rise. That is "Global Warming" The International Panel on Climate Change comprising finds in a report that increased level of greenhouse gas concentrates on carbon DI oxide , Methane Nitrous Oxide and CFC and that results from human activity fossil fuel burning and spoiling the forest are responsible for that rising temperature. This activity has started from 1950. Rise of temperature has resulted in the melting of Ice caps, the rising of sea levels and turbulent weather.
1 response
• Indonesia
21 Dec 09
Global Warming as far I know, are some glass house effect that change the climate of earth, not just a local area, but a whole earth that the climate are different from any other research have done before. And it's true that this activity has started at 1950's, but still need more study since earth is live itself.
• Bangladesh
25 Dec 09
new study is needed for solving the problem....not to define the problem.....2/3 of Bangladesh will go under water. people will be refuse. UK, USA and many industrialized country is liable for this destruction