the steps of divorce and the emotions of it

United States
December 20, 2009 1:27pm CST
Are you getting a divorce? Are you scared of what is ahead? I am divorced and there are alot that took place in my emotions during the divorce . WE had to take a class for divorcing parents that helped and its all true. there are many differnt emotions that are going to take place. Frist the announcement. have you told or heard the "I want a divorce" or "I think its best if we get a divorce" i been there. My husband at the time came home late from work after being married for a year and said "honey i want a divorce". I was stund and scared and mad and all these emotions ran threw me at one. the person who wants the divorce has an avantage he/she knows its coming. the first emotion is shocked. Even tho the person who wanted it has an avantage by knowing its coming it shocked them when they found out thats truely what they wanted. They just didnt tell you for a while to make sure and let the shock from them goes away. I Know the person who had no idea they are thinking how can this be? or i dont get divorced , not me. Its a scary world during this part. the next step is bartering. I could be a better wife or husband. I will do whatever you want from me as long as we stay together. felt like this. Trust me trying to barter to get them back doesn't work. They already made their mind before they told you. After bartering is anger. Anger is a secondary emotion. Anger is prestent when you are hurt , disapointed, scared. This part of the emotions of divorce you will take out your anger toward them. This is the part you Threaten with lawyers and such. After anger is depression. You are depressed about being diovrce and it most of the time throws you back to one of the other steps or emotions of divorce and this said my a counsler is perfectly normal. IT is normal and to get past the divorce you may bounce to one of the earlier steps inorder to move on. After depression is finialy aceptance of it. At this point it no longer is the main thoughs when you wake up or go to bed. This is usually after a year it takes to go threw all this. for the first year is hard to to with out that other person threw all the holidays. Some it could be more than a year. After you finally quit thinking about the divorce and get yours self together and think about your self and any children you have and is happy then you are ready to find another special someone to remarry in the furter.
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1 response
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
30 Dec 09
Wow what a great discussion you started. I cant believe no one has left you any comments on it. I am currently in this situation except I am the one who told my husband that I want a divorce. He is in the shock, depressed, anger stage. Its sort of all rolled into one and one emotion erupts right after the other. I have been in this marrigage for 6 years and I just cant do it anymore. I've been miserable the entire time. We dont get along. We cant agree on anything and we dont have any common interests so its just so hard to even get along. We went through many different problems that we tried to work out. Even now that we get along better its just to late. Its over for me. I feel nothing. I cant imagine going through the rest of my life with him feeling this way. Neither of us was phsycially abusive towards the other and neither of us cheated so its hard to split up with neither of those things being in the picture to make it clear why its not working. But its just not. He doesnt understand why I dont want to try anymore but its been so long I've tried and I give up. He went to his friends house everynight to hang out while I stayed home bored and alone and he didnt care how I felt. At first I hated that but now I got so used to it that I actually enjoy it. And now I want that freedom all the time. I want to be alone and not have to worry bout him putting me down or bothering me. Its hard to let go. I am afraid at times that I'm doing the wrong thing but I just want us both to be happy. He says he cant imagine life without me and doesnt know if he can deal with it. I know if shoe was on the other foot I might feel the same way but in my shoes I just cant keep this up anymore. I'm to miserable. He might be miserable now but in the long run we will both be better off living seperate lives without hurting each other more.