Do rude comments ever get you down?

@vivasuzi (4127)
United States
December 20, 2009 4:01pm CST
On another site, I write recaps for reality shows. Today I saw a comment on one of them which I deleted soon as I saw it. It said "I think you should stop pretending to be a journalist" That made me :( I write recaps, no one said I was writing news stories. Anyway, the commenter only put a "c" in the name field - so they couldn't even put their full name. Wimp. People come out of the woodworks to say rude things and even though this person is probably some loser with no life, it still gets to me. Instead of fighting back, I just deleted the comment. It's things like that which make me consider quitting my reality recaps or advice articles on other sites. I can get 10 positive comments a day, but it's the one negative one that bugs me. Luckily most everyone here is friendly :) Do rude comments ever bring you down and make you want to quit things like writing online? How do you manage? Do you fight back or delete (when you can) or ignore (when you can't delete)? How does it make you feel when you get a rude comment, even if you have 10 positive comments? It's funny how the negative one always seems to trumps all the positive ones!
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30 responses
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
20 Dec 09
I know what you mean,I got a negative response on mylot and someone was very rude about my discussion a few years back and I actually stopped coming around for a long while. Then a few months back it happened again on here,where someone was just flat out rude and harsh towards me. I don't know why it gets to me but it does. I mean no matter what you are writing you are putting a piece of you into it and to have someone come along and crap on it so to speak hurts.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Yeah it does get to you! Even if you have 1000 friends on here that are nice to you, it's the one mean person that can drive you to quit. It's true that when someone insults your writing it's pretty much an insult to you to. Funny how people on the internet feel free to be mean or rude when they probably would never say it to us in person.
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• United States
22 Dec 09
that is just it,they feel some sense of power knowing they can do that to people. And they would never have the guts to do that in person because of their own flaws.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Yes people on the internet that go around bashing others are secretly wimps. Maybe they were the school nerd just trying to get back at the world. Who knows!
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• United States
21 Dec 09
Oh of course, I think every body(well anyone with real feelings) has had a time when someone else's remark hurt their feelings and got them down. It sounds to me like this person that made this remark is just jealous that you are able to do this and they are not. And that is how I always look at it because in my opinion is that is the only reason someone feels the needs to put down another...too make themselves feel better and because they are jealous of what you may have or be doing. I would just ignore people like that because you don't need people like that in your life...just keep doing what you are doing because as long as you can live with yourself and be happy that is all that matters...
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I often wonder if the people saying this stuff are people I do know and they don't even realize that it was me they said it to! The internet is a large place, but everyone's on it. I think I get way too curious wondering who is on the other side of that comment.
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• United States
21 Dec 09
I agree that that is no way to respond to anyone but another thing you have to look at is these are people that you will almost 100% never come in physical contact in real life so I would just let them talk because as long as it doesn't affect your real life they are just smudge in the internet world....
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• United States
20 Dec 09
Communication is my major in college and for me I think I've gotten use to all the negative comments that can come around with what you are writing about. The thing is you have to have a strong backbone in that type of line of work and even though you might only call yourself a commenter, you are actually a blogger. And nowadays with the media changing bloggers are considered journalists of some sort. Of course you can call them credible in a lot of sense since most of what they write is opinion based but they are held to certain standards as well. The thing is not to let it bother you but if it does then perhaps you shouldn't be writing. And I only mean this if it causes you to start having negative feelings about yourself which might turn into depression. Now when you talk about deleting comments - you shouldn't. The thing is letting those comments stay will allow other people to know you aren't backing down and that you believe in your work. I know one article I wrote about separation of church and state and the importance of it caused my grandparents to tell me that I was going to hell. And instead of letting that go, I tell people about it and I laugh about it cause I know that I was right about what I was writing and people aren't always going to like it but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I think these things are getting to me more now then they did years ago when I started writing online. Now-a-days I look at the money I make, and think "is this worth it?" I guess in this case it got on my nerves b/c I do recaps - seriously I watch a show and write what happened. Hundreds of people do these in all different styles from professional to blog/fun style. I used to let comments stay and then respond with some nice comment to show that I don't care what that person thinks, but lately it's been easier to just delete them so I don't even have to see them. It's hard on this particular site b/c the people commenting are anonymous and they usually do not come back to see what I responded. Therefore my response would usually just be ignored anyway. So rather than let it get to me, I delete it. Thanks for sharing! I used to have the same attitude as you. It must be that writing just isn't as fun or worth it for me anymore, so when people comment like that I wonder why I even bother. I really think I'll be changing up my hobbies in 2010. I will still play on mylot and write reviews on Associated Content / Viewpoints, but I think I'm officially out of the online "articles" business.
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• Philippines
21 Dec 09
Sometimes I do feel down when I get rude comments. But most of the time I take it as a challenge. Negativity sometimes gets me hype up to do the best I can to prove these people wrong. Yes, they do get me down but I live with the saying you can't please everybody all the time.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
21 Dec 09
That's a good way to look at it. And on the internet you can't please a lot of people! Especially since people feel more open and free to say mean things online.
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• Philippines
21 Dec 09
Well it happens my friend Its either they are envious of u or they just dont have anthing good to do, or both! But with a little patience, you will soon get the attention of the good guys and in time u will have them constantly in ur page,bonding , interacting with you through your writing. Don't give up,,there are still good guys around.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Yeah I know there are still good guys around :) It's just funny how one negative comment can totally make you not want to write even if everyone else comes along to say only good things!
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@jpertin (60)
• India
20 Dec 09
almost same incident happened with me. i am managing a comunity in one of the social networking site. we were discussing on the language of our community. out of nowhere one member gave such a negative feedback on the forum and everyone pounds him with lots of reply. finally he losses and written an apology letter to everyone.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Yeah that is good when that happens and everyone on the site sees that this person was rude. Good thing he apologized and saw he was wrong. It seems like people forget their manners on the internet sometimes and feel that it's ok to be mean or rude.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Hi Vivasuzi Yes they can bring me down but then I sit think the only reason they are being so rude is because they are Jealous and because they can hide behind a screen so I just ignore them now Because believe me they would not say this to your Face I would just ignore it if I where you as you are obviously very good at writing and this is irking the Person who has left you the rude Comment
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Hi Muscles yes I am feeling much better then what I was Hugs to you and from Gissi to all of you
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Oh yes they certainly can hide behind the screen! People seem to feel free to say whatever they want because I don't really know them and can't hunt them down. I try my best to be friendly (maybe even overly-friendly) on the internet. If someone takes me as mean, usually they just misinterpreted what I said (which sometimes happens to all of us). I think I'm pretty good at writing recaps, I've gotten lots of comments saying so :) So I know I should just ignore the comment but sometimes it's hard to get it out of your head!
@tcup345 (358)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Unfortunately the anonymity of the internet seems to make some people believe they can be rude and unkind, in truth they are cowards and are lessening themselves. In today's "me, me" society rudeness is the norm. Don't stop doing what you love and enjoy because of a couple of idiots. If some one is rude to me, I ignore them. I take what they say with a grain of salt, they are entitled to their opinion and I'm entitled to my peace. I especially don't pay attention to anything said online. You are right to delete unpleasant comments, letting one unpleasant comment get to you is giving in to the sender who is a bully and a coward, he/she feels powerful by putting another person down, don't give them that power over you. Jesus said, that if someone strikes you on the cheek, turn the other cheek. Being the "higher" person gives you your dignity and peace.
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@tcup345 (358)
• United States
23 Dec 09
By not responding to such idiotic comments makes you a far better person. Why get into an online argument? All it would do is upset you and make the other person either angry or jubilent that you took the bait.
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
22 Dec 09
I had some very rude comments when I started a discussion on another site. The discussion was about my friend from India who had sent me a present. I never received it though, because someone had opened the envelope and removed the present. In my discussion I described the situation, and someone told me what a stupid cow I was since I opened the parcel and instead of taking it to the postoffice to complain. I guess I should have done that, but I was too fast, and I just opened it. Some of the other comments were very pretty rude, too, and someone got extremely mad at me, because she felt that I was accusing the postman of stealing, and she found that unfair. When I get rude comments like that I tend to get sarcastic or superfriendly. My reply was something like: "Thank you verĂ½ much for your kind words and your support". Sometimes I regret my sarcasm later on, and I feel that it would have been better to just ignore the comments, but when I get angry I sometimes write things that are stupid or immature. I guess I should learn to control my temper in those situations!
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
22 Dec 09
People out there think they are so smart and they never make mistakes. Name calling and sarcasm isn't the answer to everything! I wish those people would get that. It sounds like a lot of people really read into what you said and decided that you deserved to be yelled at. Perhaps that other site is one you should stay away from :) I feel that people should feel free to tell about any story or experience without being judged. Even if you made a mistake, there's no need to get attacked for it.
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I think people like that go on commenting web sites just so they can put others down.I belong to youtube,I disabled all commenting on any of the videos I post there,because there are always jerks that put an insulting comment just to hurt my feelings.It's like they have nothing better to do.Here on mylot I won't insult anyone,if I don't agree,I don't say it in an insulting manner.I don't mean to hurt feelings ,I try not to,I like to say what my true opinion is of something.What that person commented to you is very rude.I ignore the rude comments and report it,I don't know if it helps to do that.People need to learn to say there disagreement in a better way.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Exactly :) I didn't know you could disable that stuff or I would have too :) I think the rating system is only good for people who want to try to make it to the top of the you tube world. When I was there, I didn't care if anyone else saw it besides my friends. Thanks for sharing!
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Yeah,I got comments of people saying it was too blury or something,bad quality.I still post sometimes but I disable the comments and the ratings.I post for my friends on there to see too,I don't care what others say.It's for the "rookie" filmer anyways.Inexperienced filmers.
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@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
20 Dec 09
Nope, and expect more of them in my articles. Got over 250 articles posted in other sites and most of them have positive comments. But there are also those who have negative one and the "rude comments". I never deleted them and turn it as a positive one. If the comment is "rude" but still within the topic of the article, then let it be.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I've had comments where people were rude and disagreed with my opinion, and those usually don't bother me. Although it's dumb to be mean just because your opinion is different, that doesn't really bother me. I guess it only really bothers me when they are just being mean towards me directly.
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@sunnycool (12714)
• India
21 Dec 09
hi Viva,When an Elephant walks down the street stray dogs just bark at it ooz they knew that the Elephant doesnt get scared of those when compared to normal human its upto ones nature to take the good and bad comments.That person must have be a $crap in that site who is so jealous of your recaps so he tried to show his hatred through his comment and he couldnt dare to leave his name too.You really shouldnt take those seriosly and go on with your Work Viva.good day.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Thanks! I don't take them too seriously but usually depending on the day it can make me :( for about 10 minutes. I know in the long run I always get over stuff like that and think what you think, that the person couldn't even leave his name so who cares what he thinks. But when you first see stuff like that, it's hard not to have a reaction off the bat.
@pumeza (56)
• South Africa
21 Dec 09
Its ok to hurt a little but it doesnt mesn that i'll be down. Nope....I'm bigger than that. My motto is " care about what people think or say but do not concern yourself with it" what matters is what I think about myself. If I think i'm pretty and you think i'm ugly you have issues with your own self. I'm beautiful and I know that. Let's chat about this comment now, why did that person see the need to even write that comment and not even leave his/her name? My opinion, she/he has issues with his/her writting skills. Its got nothing to do with you. Dont concern yourself with it, this is her way of dealing with her issue. Be happy that she was so impressed with your writting skills that she had to compare herself to you. You are so damn good and you know that!! Whatever you wrote is helping her deal with those feelings of inadequacy.....dont you worry.. In another discussion, i posted a comment and this dude comes back with a sarcastic comment, i didnt bother myself with what he wrote i continued and came to this discussion. I'm glad i'm helping him deal with his issues.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Great points. Usually if something like this bothers me, I'm over it quickly. I think it just depends a lot on when I see it or what I'm thinking at the time. So when I read this particular comment (which led to this mylot), I had a slight head cold, I was tired, and reading the comment had me wondering "why do I even bother". Then within an hour I was thinking "that person was just an idiot" Sometimes people just pick bad days to be rude. I've gotten other rude comments before and I just let them slide. It depends on the day :-D
• United States
21 Dec 09
I've encountered so many people being rude online- for one, I have a blog and in my blog entry I was talking about how I missed my father who was deceased and how I wished he could have seen me in shows and I wondered if he was proud of me (I'm a stage actress.) An anonymous person commented and basically said that he and God would both be disappointed in me for "parading around on stage" and all these incredibly hurtful, mean things. It was unbelievable that somebody could be THAT rude! And of course their name was anonymous...coward. Bottom line is I was pretty upset about it, but in reality I had to realize that it was probably somebody who was jealous or had nothing better to do than to be negative and they were probably unhappy in their own lives. I'm happy with what I do, and that is how I got through it!
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
22 Dec 09
That is rude and mean. I can't believe someone actually thought to even say that! On the one hand, it could be a person that really believed what they said. But most likely it is someone who was just trying to get your goat. This is why I don't blog publicly. I personally don't want to put my personal life out there for judgement. It is funny that they post anonymously because (in truth) even if they put their real first name I wouldn't know who they are. Wimps! Glad you go through it though and as long as you still enjoy blogging then keep it up and hope this person is gone for good.
@sanuanu (11235)
• India
21 Dec 09
One of my friends from myLot said a very good thing to me when I was pissed off from a rude comment on myLot. She said, "You can not make everyone happy." So, even if someone is pointing to our work then I would say that it's there way of thinking and we should not be worrying about them. We should always give attention to the good comments not the bad one. Specially if the person is not mentioning his or her name!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
21 Dec 09
Hi vivasuzi, it's so uncalled for isn't it and it's rather depressing to think of these saddos out there who wouldn't be worth our real life attention at all, but behind their screens they can invade our space. I had two very rude comments on here yesterday which were totally uncalled for as the name calling variety which I just don't engage in. Today it looks as though war has broken out on there as my friends naturally support me. I just hope it doesn't cause the whole discussion to be deleted. I always say I'll just respond with a and really should make myself do it.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
22 Dec 09
That is rude but it is nice that you have friends defending you. Hope they don't cause the whole thing to be deleted though! I am usually trying to just ignore comments. Here on mylot, I give out the Minus sign to anyone who is mean, even if they aren't being mean to me. Disagreeing is one thing, but name calling or being mean JUST to be mean are totally uncalled for.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Well I agree completely with the other guy. You really need to JOKE joke... not funny... (hugs) Here is something I found out just a few years ago, and I find it to be consistently true. Everyone, and I mean everyone... is insecure about themselves. Me, you, that guy, the rude people, the happy people, everyone. This is why people are rude. Makes them feel better about how they can't do what you do. This is why you are so bugged by negative feedback. Makes you think you are not as good as you are. Ever meet that one guy who can't help telling about how great he is? In reality he is the most insecure about himself, and him pretending he's got it all together is his way of fighting that insecurity. So what about you? How do you deal with it? First, is to realize that it's there, but what do you do about it? Notice that you are doing the classic fight or flight response. You either delete it (flight), or respond back (fight). This might help you, it sure helped me. Step one: realize there will always be critics. Always. Micheal Jordan had critics. George Washington had critics. Bill Gates has critics. Albert Einstein had critics. Dave Thomas had critics. Every good or successful person on this planet has had critics. Jesus had critics. So if all these amazing people, current and past, had critics, there is no reason to assume you and I will not. Right? Just letting that sink in, whenever you get negative feed back, will help. Step Two: Determine if the criticism is correct. Whatever it is, determine if it's true. This means, objectively looking at yourself, and making a real effort to determine the validity of the claim. Step Three: If the claim is false, simply ignore it. If the claim is true, learn from it, adopt it, change yourself, and improve what you do. So why ignore it, instead of fight or flight? Well since we already learned in step one, that you'll always have critics, if you fight it, then you'll be fighting your whole life. If you flee it, you'll be running away your whole life. So ignore it. I remember working for a company, and about mid-day I was chatting with a co-worker, when a guy from the other department walked in and told me I talked too much. I stopped, and considered. The entire time I had been chatting, I was still working. My production was comparable to anyone else there. Further, for the entire morning up to that point, I had been listening to head phones and not chatting. So was his claim correct? No. Now I could have a fight with him. It was ironic that this guy told me I talked too much cause he was always talking (insecurity. Made him feel better to accuse me of what he did). But if I had a fight with everyone who criticized me, I would have fought with people every week. If I ran away, I'd have lost nearly every job I've ever had. Instead, his claim wasn't valid and I ignored him. On the other hand if the claim was true, I still had no reason to fight or flight, because I was simply talking too much, and needed to shut up. Similarly, if someone makes a valid criticism, just accept it, and work to improve so that claim is no longer true. But don't give up. If babies never tried to walk again after falling down, there wouldn't be an upright human on the planet. We have to accept constructive criticism and move on. In this case, obviously the person is wrong, and I wouldn't even waste the time to delete his ignorant comment. One final thought. These 'three easy steps' are not easy at all. The first one alone is difficult to master because we really want to believe that we can somehow please everyone, and we can't. Learning how to not come out swinging at everyone, and not running away from everyone, is difficult. Fight or flight is our natural response. But you can do it, and don't give up.
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
Yes, rude comments get me down. Since I am very sensitive person ever. And always had the feeling of quitting again and again. But if somebody write rude comment on my discussion, I would just simply response for their comment and thank them anyway for giving time to stop by on my discussion. They are not worth to fight back and such a waste of time.
@sheetalnr (586)
• India
28 Dec 09
More than the positive comments, the one negative comment does hurt a lot. But, it is always good to take the good comments a little seriously and ignore the bad comment. I like to motivate myself this way.
@garybao (75)
• China
21 Dec 09
Nope, the comments are just other's opinion, especially thr rude comments. I think we just do the things we would like to do, I never affact by other's comments or words, rude comments could make me think more deeply.
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