Why are people ever so cautious in what they say or do?

December 20, 2009 4:42pm CST
I notice that many, in fact, almost all people, are extremely cautious with what they say or do. Is this because they fear trouble or are they being protective or insecure? I do not take people as trouble or problem makers. Most times I express myself as I would like to because I do not prejudge anyone as trouble or problem makers. I tend to avoid those who prove to me as real problems, otherwise I still keep relationships. I feel for my relations, friends, associates and colleagues. Through their experiences I learn as well. I observe others in situations and analyse myself as well. I feel our lives are too short to experience and learn everything and therefore we have to learn through the eyes and feelings of others. Then only are we sufficiently exposed to learn and mature at a faster rate. Life is all about learning through exposure and experience. What do my blogger friends say?
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7 responses
@fsll518 (304)
• China
21 Dec 09
I think people are cautious because: 1, they want to keep good manner by showing decent words or behavior; 2, they don't want to hurt others with their unintentional words or behavior. It is good you want to know people and learn, but if they teach you something by putting you into an embarrassing situation, then you probably won't feel happy for that. Also maybe some people really don't want to show the inside of their nature, so they try to find some other expressions which are mild and decent. It also depends on characteristic, extrovert people are more likely to directly express what they feel.
• Malaysia
21 Dec 09
Fsll518, I feel that people who think differently inside and express themselves in a polite, decent and cautious manner, can sometimes be deceitful. Not all who appear polite and decent are actually so. I have come across those who use foul words and appear outrageous to be extremely honest and decent.As the saying goes, 'don't judge a book by its cover,' I do not jump into conclusion about a person's character just by what I see superficially. My friends who are close are those who are honest and transparent. Thanks for your comment. Cheers.
• Malaysia
22 Dec 09
Thank you for your response, which shows a lot of thought, fsll518. Your practical approach can save you a lot of trouble. Sometimes it is not worth the trouble, when we stand up for unfairness and injustice. Those who speak up sometimes become martyrs to a worthy cause and unless we are ready to be martyred we have to refrain from speaking up.
@fsll518 (304)
• China
21 Dec 09
Yes, that's true. However, we can't treat everybody like friends, and we can't expect everybody to treat us like friends. Sometimes, it is just true that people are deceitful. The world is not perfect, we can't expect all the people to be honest. It may be pessimistic to say so, but that's a fact.
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
I shall say that the word "mistake" is inexistent because we don't really make mistakes. What we did contributes to our personality. I think people are cautious because they don't want to make "mistakes". They lay down options and choose the best one so that if there is something that is negative, they will try to reduce the impact. People are cautious because they have feelings. Of course, we try to avoid being hurt. They don't want to be rash because, from experience, it yields unfavorable results. Everything is interrelated. Your actions, their actions, your words, their words, your existence, their existence. We need to be careful because our decision does not only affect us. Our decisions will not only hurt us (if it is hurtful) but others as well. We are human beings who try to be human to their fellow humans.
• Malaysia
21 Dec 09
crOss41r13, 'to err is human, to forgive divine.' Everyone makes mistakes, no doubt. But it depends if the mistake is genuine or on purpose. If it is genuine, we can be excused for ignorance. But if it is done on purpose then it has to accorded punishment. So you see, I accept people for being human and when we make mistakes we have to be man enough to face the consequences. No doubt, there are times we have to make sure we do not offend people, but serious matters should be dealt without cover up or favour. I have come across people who have allowed abuse, unfairness and corruption to go unheeded because they fear the negative impact of speaking up.
• Malaysia
21 Dec 09
By the way, crOssf4113, Thank you for your comment.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I think people are cautious abut what they say because they dont want to hurt people and dont want to say something offensive. I mean I don't want to offend anyone when I talk to them.
• Malaysia
21 Dec 09
Rmuxagirl, it is alright to be cautious for fear of hurting people's feelings as well as our own, but it depends on the situation. Thanks for your comments. Cheers
@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
21 Dec 09
Yes, people should be cautious with what they say or do, because all people not the same with their behaviour or understanding. Some people may misunderstand what you say or what you do. As far as we stay in this life and understand others, we have the life experience of how an when you can deal with others.
• Malaysia
22 Dec 09
Thanks for your response. Cheers and have a good day
@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
21 Dec 09
yeah some is worried that people will get upset or take it the wrong way. but im one of those person who call it as i see it, and dont care who gets upset with me. i tell them if you dont want to hear what i got to say dont asked.
• Malaysia
22 Dec 09
Thanks for the comment, syankee525
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
Hi there, well for me I think it is really best that people must be cautious to what they say or do at all times to avoid conflicts and the possibility of hurting someone. I always put in mind something from a poem that says "As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others. Even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story"... In my opinion, being cautious in everything you say or do doesn't mean that you are being protective or fearing any trouble, but rather you are being sensitive to your surroundings. Having this sensitivity, you are giving and sharing peace. A happy day to you always.
• Malaysia
22 Dec 09
Thanks for your comment. Apparently you are peace loving and cautious of what you say. It's good to adopt such an attitude, krystalheart, but sometimes even if we mean well, others are not going to see it that way, when you speak the truth quietly and clearly. Truth sometimes hurts.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
20 Dec 09
you never know if something going to come back and bite u on the butt. other it is case of learn from other people about things.
• Malaysia
21 Dec 09
I see that you fear someone might hurt you or your feelings, Weasel81. Thanks for your honest comment. Cheers.