heartless employers

@winterose (39887)
December 21, 2009 1:31am CST
My grandson's step father just fired from his job, a week before christmas, I find that is absolutely terrible. They have 4 kids and a 5th one on the way. I had a supervisor once who was given a card, it was heard birthday everyone knew it was her birthday. She opened it up to find a letter saying she was fired. Is it my imagination or do companies purposely choose the worst occasion they can to sock it to ya.
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54 responses
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
21 Dec 09
It has to be a combination of both. Some companies cannot support to spend money for workers during an off season so they will let people go. It's unfortunate. Were they given warning about the layoff? Oh, and are we talking about fire-fire or layoff-layoff? Fire is when you are terminated from a job due to doing the job incorrectly or not following the rules. Layoff means they didn't need you anymore so they cut you from the job. There is a difference because firing is worst than layoff, but the effect is the same. As for being laid off during your birthday? That is very rude. They celebrate your birthday and then tell you that you've lost your job? Sounds very crazy to me.
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
i would never forget that boss and probably never wanted to see him/her ever again. how can they be that professional if they would do that to their employees that would certainly be a hard break for every one.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
I know the difference between firing and laying off, laying off means you can be called back again if the work was there for you to do. I do not know if he was laid up, my daugther in law did not say lay off, she would have it he was laid off, so I have to say he was fired for shortage of work and they are not rehiring anytime soon.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Yea, who could forget about that boss! That's not good. It happened to my cousin's boyfriend. He does landscaping and they promised to find other work (such as construction or snow removal), and said he wouldn't be laid off. And what did they do? They laid them off the week before Christmas las year! . I was shocked hearing that. You really got to prepare yourself for anything. I know my job isn't guarantee and I could be let go at any time. I save money from each paycheck.
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• Indonesia
21 Dec 09
My goodness! I am sorry to hear what happenned to your son in law, it really tore my heart! His employer is indeed heartless and I wonder why bitter people like them even populate this world. It seems that the law that the government made cannot do anything to protect the employees. I am sure bitter company where he used to work for doesn't even deserve him. May he find better job with much higher salary.
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@krkavsy (191)
• India
21 Dec 09
I can understand that how painful it is when you lose your job for no reason. But in this corporate world people are heartless. More than the management it is the middle management who plays all the tricks and they get away. God gives but the priest does not give. Top management gives but the middle management does not give
• United States
21 Dec 09
I have run businesses and have worried always about two things, first the money to support the business, for without it you just can not stay in business, and the second, and of equal importance, the employees, because without them my business also suffers. The key to alleviating both worries is honesty. If you are not making the profit needed to continue operations down the line, tell your employees, if you are looking at a labor reduction, in order to keep the company afloat, let the employees know, sometimes they have suggestions that will save their jobs. People are very creative and resourceful, an example would be for them to take a couple days of unpaid days of in the summer to go fishing or some other activity. Now if my company makes a profit that is above a sustainable level for the company to stay in business, I pay profit sharing to those same employees. It is a collaborative effort by all that work in my business, with the ultimate responsibility for company decisions resting on my shoulders. Many companies do not view business this way, many businesses forget that employees are people with lives that depend on their jobs and their job environment. Sometimes unforeseen disasters happen to companies that so upset their finances that they must lay off people with very little notice, again, be honest and let them know why, but if it isn't a disaster that you couldn't foreseen, then you shouldn't let people go because you have a slow down because of the holidays, you, the business, should have planned for that. I am sorry to hear of the lay off to anyone around the holidays and I hope things get better for your son-in-law.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
thanks guys, to be shocked like that before christmas not even knowing it is coming is just not right. amberlusk, please add your comment again but as a response so you can get the credit for it.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Companies do not care any more Everybody is just a Number to them now and nothing else All they care about is money and bonuses not what they are doing to People or their Families It is sad but that is how it has turned now
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
yep people are just commodities if the companies that are doing well don't care, they care about the almighty dollar that is all.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
that happened to my hubby once. he got fired from his job around this time of year. i dont think they think about their employees any more like they used to. its all about the bottom dollar.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
nope they just don't care, a few used to try to hold people over until at least the new year, so people could have a christmas with the kids but now they don't care at all.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
It is sad to hear such thing happening most especially on season like this or during the time where one has to celebrate a birthday. I do think that some people really does not have the heart to feel what others would feel. I know a company who instead of laying of workers, called up a meeting for each employees, ask the employees to decide whether to hold a party or not. If party is held then they have to lay off some employees considering the financial situation of the company, or no party and in return no lay of. The money to spend on the party will spend to continue operations and extend work for those who are supposed to be laid of. The result, no party but no lay off. I consider it a very wise decision.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
yes that was excellent, the party is not important if there is no money for it.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I find that hard to believe but, from what I've been hearing, it sure sounds like that's exactly what some companies do! My husband was fired two weeks before Christmas last year. He was one of the luckier ones, though, and found a new job the following April. We're STILL trying to catch up! I used to work for a large company, Cadmus Communications. I was a proofreader there. I loved my work but despised management. We were not human beings, we were just numbers. I'm not sure, but it looks like Cadmus may be going belly up soon because they have been firing people left and right recently, also right before Christmas. I made some long-time friends with some people there who have been with that company for close to 20 years or over 20 years and they've all been given the pink slip. One is... was... in a higher-end editor position. He has a PhD but that did not matter to these heartless people. He was given the axe on the 19th. One other person, a friend of mine who is also a referral of mine here at myLot, also got fired the exact same day that his wife got fired from this same company. I don't believe that some companies have any heart, except for the lower-echelon people. I think they purposely hire people for upper-management who do not have a heart at all; they have a bank vault where their heart should be. Hearing about your supervisor who opened a birthday card to say she was fired has to be the absolute worst case I've ever heard, though. That takes the cake. I'd love to know what the company's name is so I'll know to always avoid it. I refuse to patron any company whose practices are so inhumane.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
on that company with my supervisor went belly up, I never got my last week pay which was 500. The cheque bounced at the bank and some people were owned two weeks pay and never got a red cent.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
I don't think it's a case of choose the worst occasion, I think your headline says the way it is, "Heartless Employers." I remember when I was working the graveyard shift at the hotel, I worked from 11 PM till 7 AM, front desk. I was getting ready for work when I got the call that my uncle had just passed away (dads brother) and it left me crying and by time I got to work it was obvious there was something wrong. My boss was a slob, may he now rest in peace, came in to ask me a question and I helped him through it. He asked me if I had been crying and I said yes so he asked why and I told him, naturally once again crying and you know what he said, "Well if you think you're going to buggar off to the funneral you're fired, I need you here." I really didn't have the money to go to Vancouver so I didn't go to the funneral but within 24 hours I had turned in my notice of resignation as I already had another job to go to which I kept for many years till I could no longer work. Some people are just heartless. My opinion.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
yep that guy really was a creep that is for sure.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Its not companies its people. Regardless of what someone says about "oh I was just doing my job" they know whats right and wrong. Sorry to hear about this, I know there is no way I would ever do that to someone right before Christmas or on their birthday that's just cruel and totally uncalled for. Most people leave their personal integrity outside of the workplace instead of taking it with them when that's where it needs to be the most right now.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
yep it is people but sometimes the middle man has to follow orders from head office that says get rid of this person now. And they hate doing it but they have no choice if they want to keep their job or they would be fired too.
• United States
21 Dec 09
That's terriable! Even worse since the economy isn't up to par for finding a new job either nor at similar pay either. The one job I lost let me go a week after I had gallbladder surgery moved up. Then again I just wanted to stick it out as much as I could. As when I was expecting the yr before & I got to meet & train my replacement. Sadly I outlasted my "replacement"
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
yep the economy really does suck and that is contributing to all of this
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Dec 09
south of the border for us is the USA
• United States
22 Dec 09
Yeah the stock market has rebounded but not much else has. Everyplace is cutting more than hiring and if they are hiring for something decent paying you have alot of competition for that job. I guess that's some of the joys of sending our jobs overseas or south of the border
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
29 Dec 09
Dont they have to have a good reason to fire someone?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Dec 09
of course, but under three months of service an employer can fire as he wishes, or when there is no work, like in this case.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
30 Dec 09
Ya maybe the company was having finacial problems.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Generally it's your imagination. Actually it isn't your imagination, it's normally how the business cycle works. First, do you mean fired or laid off? If they were fired, most of the time people are fired for a reason, and usually deserve it. So I assume you mean laid off. If they were fired, then it's possible that they ticked off a manager, and they choose the worse possible time to fire them as retaliation. I have seen that happen, but I honestly side with the managers most of the time. Sorry, but if you are a jerk at work, and the manager says "have a nice Christmas vacation. We don't need you to come back", I really have no sympathy. Don't be a jerk at work. However, lay offs are a bit different. There are two things that happen before the beginning of the year, that tend to cause later November and early December lay offs. I don't like this, and I doubt you will either, but I understand that this is simply how business works. But it's not some specific attempt to screw people up. First, is the year review and forecast. This is where the managing people at the top of the company review how they did this year, and how much business they project for the following year. If those numbers do not look good, then they start making plans to reduce labor down to what they expect their needs will be. Since that happens in the last quarter of the year.... lay offs hit in Nov-Dec. Second, and this is more annoying, parent company reviews. This is when your company is owned by another company. That other company is not right there at your company to see what is going on. So instead, they have to rely on budgets and numbers and graphs and so on. As such, your company might need to 'spruce up the numbers" before the meeting with the parent company. (again normally at the end of the year). As such, if they can eliminate any non-absolutely required labor from the books, that makes their numbers look good. Say I am selling $100K in product, and spending $50K in labor. But if I can eliminate a temp employee that makes $25K in labor, but still make our *current* products, it makes it look like I cut labor costs in half, while still selling $100K in product for the year. Generally what happens there is, the guy get's laid off, then about February, they need him back. That's exactly what happened to me. They laid me off mid-December, and the fourth week of February, they called me back. It was just because they were impressing their parent company. So, no it's not them being heartless or cruel. Employers are just employers. They do what is required to keep the company going, and sometimes those decisions show up at bad times simply because of how the company operates. I worked at one place where their fiscal year started in August. So every year that wasn't good, they tended to lay people off just before August. That was simply how their company ran.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Dec 09
laid off here implies a person can be rehired if there is work available, when that does not happen and there is not understanding that more work will be available it is called fired. with reason attached no work. which is what happened to my son in law. Heartless yes, companies government by profit only have no heart heart implies the companies cares and does whatever they can to hold the employees as long as they can. They also sit down with the employees in advance and tell them if they are having problems financially and certain people may have to be let go. That is showing heart. When an employee is warning in advance they have a chance to prepare themselves. For example people hired in July at the height of the season would be told it is possible we will have to let you go before christmas because we don't have much work then. this is how it works here in quebec.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Dec 09
there may be a few hotheads here, but more often then not it is just a fight of words if any fight at all. the escorted me to the door too when I quit, I was a sick middle aged woman, what the heck damage could I do, you know what I mean, but they do escort to the door in Quebec too.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
29 Dec 09
I guess I'm of the opinion that I do not expect, nor should expect that a company would be like a family member or best friend. A company is a company. I don't think companies should be 'compassionate' or something. In fact, when companies do get 'compassionate', they tend to end horribly. You might say GM was compassionate towards it's employees. Great benefits, good pay, job security (or so they thought). You can't claim they were heartless since they gave huge benefits even if the plant closed or other things happened. So instead, GM went bankrupt. Now, instead of laying off a few hundred, they laid off thousands. So I'm ok with companies doing what they have to in order to survive. If my company is having some problems, I'd rather them kick some people out, then close the whole plant. You don't like profit motive, but then, am I not at work to profit? I wouldn't be spending 8 hours a day kicking out product simply for charity. I'm there for a pay check, same as everyone in the entire company. Perhaps they shouldn't kick people out on the street for 'profit'. The problem with that is, the whole reason they hired employees to begin with was for 'profit'. In fact, not one single job on the whole Earth would exist without profit. So I guess it's just a difference in views.
@eddify (412)
• Pakistan
23 Dec 09
First of all I am really sad to hear about him.Secondly companies are going crazy the way they are firing people. I have a friend coming from France she applied for vacations to trvel the world with her boy friend and next thing she received an email stating that there are some 150 people fired including her. It came as a shock and if u want my honest opinion. People from different companies are now being fired if they are not liked by the owners since they dont need an excuse
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Dec 09
a mass email to tell people they are fired is awful, nothing personal anymore.
@eddify (412)
• Pakistan
24 Dec 09
Yes but in France you cant do it the way its done everywhere else . she along with her other colleagues are paid a hue amount plus 6 months (coming) salary untill she find herself a job. I believe things will get better by that time.
@Orea15 (281)
• United States
23 Dec 09
My husband received 60 days' notice of termination last year one week before Thanksgiving. That really put a damper on the holiday season.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Dec 09
yep it sure does, did he eventually find more work?
@Orea15 (281)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Thanks for asking. We were lucky to get a two month extension on the 60 days' notice, so he didn't actually become unemployed until last March. He finally started working again in August, after 5 months of the roller coaster of hopes and disappointments, terror of losing our house, etc. His new job is at a significantly smaller salary, and he hates his job situation, so he is looking for another position.
@b4balaji (410)
• India
21 Dec 09
This is the first time, I am hearing such a thing. I dont know whether they wanna hurt him or it was anyway the day they wanted to give that card. It all depends on the management, and what they think. Nowadays people dont live according to policies. They dont even consider human nature, or good or bad. If they wanna make money, they may take any action. No matter, who gets hurt in the process.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
in that case it was just business they wanted to fire her period, but you know they could have done it on a different day as she said fire me if you must but why did you have to choose my birthday did you want to ruin that for me too. They didn't answer her.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Dec 09
I doubt very much that "companies purposely choose the worst occasion they can to sock it to ya". I'm sure it's from necessity and more to do with job performance. There was a woman working for me once whose husband was out of work with 3 teenage kids. She desperately needed her job. I fired her because she was stealing from me. Wages are the biggest overhead a company has so it's a responsible business practice to cut the staff if things go bad...sometimes too, a number of staff may have to go to save the jobs of others or to stop the business from going under. A company will not sack their best workers and keep the worst.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 Dec 09
that case was very different it didn't matter what time of the year if somebody steals they should be fired and prosecuted as well.
@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Dec 09
Companies don't really care. BOttom line and all that rot is about all they see or care anything about. My early retirement was very well planned and couldn't have been better for me but then, afew months later, I hear from my ex co-workers that people are being walked out of the building with no prenotification whatsoever. You can only imagine how I felt.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
yep and even when go to the government bodies they do very little about it as well.
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@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
22 Dec 09
Oh, ya. Government leaves it up to the states and the states leave it up to the individual companies.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
29 Dec 09
they sure do.thats what happened to my daughter in florida thats on the street and my son here in AZ. not the one i live with but my youngest. he got "layed off" 2 weeks before xmas and they have 3 young kids. 6yrs,4yrs, and 1yr old. if not for her dad letting them live in his house, theyed be on the street also or more likely living with us. he said it was because a conveyer belt broke and he cant go back till its fixed.it seems they only took into consideration that he was the most recent employed, so he was the one let go. i think they should have considered who had kids and who could deal with it easier.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Dec 09
what a bad break
@srganesh (6339)
• India
21 Dec 09
It is really sad for us hear the news.He might have felt the real schok.Getting fired when there is a celebration awaiting,really sucks one's mind.i don't think the administration want to hurt people in a cruel way like this.we have to take them as a coincidence.Let him find a good job soon.I pray for that.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
many business fire at christmas because they have no work, I just wish the could hold out until after the new year so people could have one last good christmas
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@srganesh (6339)
• India
21 Dec 09
That is quite reasonable.If he could have been held for another two weeks,he could have celebrated Christmas and new year with full joy and not repent much after that.It would have given him some moral energy to hunt for a new job.Now,he will be mentally worried much and can't participate in the celebration at all.That is really disturbing.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
That's really a terrible thing. Because those employer don't consider what their employee feel about on that situation...This is unfair actions of that employer. They should not do that in this time?
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Dec 09
or at least warn them that this could happen
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
24 Dec 09
Yes, you right. They should give details on why they doing that and give them a notice so that they can look for another jobs and they are not suddenly shock on what really happen next...?
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
I know how it feels...:) I am just having my holidays then my heartless employer terminated my contract thru email not in written notice. How unprofessional he is, right?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Dec 09
it is just wrong as far as I am concerned
@maria1081 (1251)
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
Hi there. You seems familiar, we have the same case ;(
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