i feel confused

@bingchen (1119)
December 21, 2009 2:59am CST
i would not be here for three months in mylots,so i logged in mylot again a few days ago.i would not understand values of posts at all,because i often respond 20 posts everyday,but what i earn was low.so i feel confused that standard of post quality.do you met this problem in mylot?what is right standard of post quality?do you know?
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10 responses
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
Hello bingchen, Actually,i am on my 7th month here in mylot,but until now i don't really know the earnings value or how our earnings is being computed here in mylot. I also wish to know about it...i haven't read also the guidelines (hahaha) Let's see if any mylotters can give us the answer. Good evening dear
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Dec 09
do not even discuss how they compute the earnings if you had ha ha read the guidelines as a newcomer is supposed to you would know mylot does not want us even discussing how the earnings might be arrived at. they said this is top secret and do not make discussions on how they do it even just relax and have fun and earn money. it is not funny to refuse to read the guidelines as every time you break a rule in making a discussion and we respond to your discussion you lose points but we also lose points. so quit laughing and read the darned guidelines.
• Australia
21 Dec 09
jaiho, You will never know how they work the earnings out. As hatley has said, it is the best kept secret. It is to ensure that we all post good quality discussions and responses. If we all knew how they calculate the earnings, there will be alot of post spamming. I too, would suggest that you do get familiar with the guidelines because it will help you to avoid violating the guidelines. If you have noticed that your earnings do go down frequently, it would be a good idea to read them. I will admit that I am guilty that. I didn't read the guidelines in the beginning. I didn't understand why my earnings went down one day. Some one like hatley pointed it out to read the guidelines. I did. Now my earnings rarely go down. I even revise the guidelines at least once every month or 2 as the guidelines can change. If you are aware of the guidelines, you would not have suggested to see if any other mylotter can give you the answer about how the earnings are calculated. We are not allowed to speak about how it is calculated regardless if our calculations are right or wrong. That is part of the don't dos of the guidelines. Hatley and I are only suggesting this because we would like to help you with your earnings. We would like to see you get the most out of mylot. But at the end of the day, it is up to you how you participate here at mylot.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
22 Dec 09
thanks for your frank comment,although you dont know this,but you can talk what you think,i think that was enough.
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
Hello there! Well, the system on participation earnings is still the same, no decrease on its rate which depends on quality. You mentioned that you post an average of 20 posts a day and earned a few. Not all of your participation within a particular day will be updated to earnings on the same day. Just wait then it will be updated again. Earnings fluctuate, it may increase or decrease. As stated on earnings section, amounts are estimated and subject to changes until payments are made. That was applicable on participation earnings. Also, try to post a bit longer and to post comments to other responses, it helps to increase your earnings. If you want other ways to earn here, you can try doing tasks or getting referrals. Have a nice day!
3 people like this
@bingchen (1119)
• China
22 Dec 09
thanks for your comments,your suggustion is good,i would make an attempt to do task or get referral to earn money.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Dec 09
hi bingchen well for starters read the guidelines so you are sure to not break any rules then make your responses at least four or five lines long, also your discussions should be more than one line, and comment on all responses to your discussions as you get paid well for those comments. then if you want to do tasks I guess you would make a little more, adding photo graphs to your discussions earns you more too.
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@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
21 Dec 09
thanks for the advice...sorry for my (hahaha)...i just hope writing hahaha won't less my earnings(ugh!!!)peace man...
@bingchen (1119)
• China
22 Dec 09
thanks for your advice,what your comment is right,i should read the guidelines again.
@rucrazy4 (783)
• India
21 Dec 09
I don't know that what is earning system in mylot... but we advised by many members to post quality content on mylot and readable by the other member... and we do it... but some time we notice... our good content are also resulted low earning.... but think only about your post not for money... if you think about earning then you reduce your strength of good content posting... I also ... feel like it some time.... but don't think about earning... BE --- BE
@bingchen (1119)
• China
22 Dec 09
thanks for your comment,what you said is right,thinking about earning would be reduce quality of content post,i should pay attention to this problem.
@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
21 Dec 09
No one will ever know how mylot pays per post. We can try but the thing is, every one will post responses differently and post discussions differently. So we all will earn differently. On top of all that, every day will be different. Even if you do post exactly 20 posts per day, your earnings will be different each day because some responses will be longer than others. After 2 accounts and 18 months on mylot, I will never know how mylot pays because I have even found out that, I may post just 1 or 2 responses and don't get paid when they do their updates. Mylot keeps this secret well hidden because it ensures that we do make good quality posts. Experiment with your own posts and see what works well for you. Some times what may work for me, may not work for you. That is the reason I say experiment with your posts.
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@bingchen (1119)
• China
22 Dec 09
i agree with your opinions,every quality of post disussion is different,our earnings is different.so how to analyse the post is only secret,there is not necessary to know this.thanks
@nautilus33 (1827)
21 Dec 09
Hi! I don't know it, but I think your posts must be at least two rows long, to earn good from them!
2 people like this
• China
22 Dec 09
i guess if you responded 20posts daily here and then your daily earning may around 15cents also . i also confused by the low earning rate here and not every respond we dropped can be creidted. i have more than 850posts now but my earning is still 650cents. that's not equal dude.
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
22 Dec 09
Your earnings aren't figured on how many posts you do, but the quality of the post that you do. We aren't allowed to speculate on our earnings as it is a violation of the TOS. So, if you wnat to earn, you must pot quality as that is in the guidelines. Your psost need to be more than 4 lines or you won't make much if anything at all. Also, when you start discussions, you need to post comments to the responses you receive, as you are only paid for what you do and not what others do. They need to be quality as well, instead of just thank you for your response, as that won't earn you anything either. Don't try to speeculate what we ern, as it is a secret, as if mylot wants us to know what our earnins ar er post, thy would tell us. They use an algothm, and we don't know what they are, and I really don't care, as long as they pay us, as that is all that matters. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
22 Dec 09
what you said is right,this is rule of mylot,so i could not againt this rule.your suggustion is good,i should imporve the quality of post response to earn money,not care about this matter.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Well, obviously you know that we are not going to get rich by spending our time on mylot. And I, and no one else knows exactly how the earnings are calculated. And of course that is not a subject that is up for discussion. What I have come to know is that as long as you are making posts that actually have to do with the discussion and you make an effort to comment back to the people that respond to the discussions that you've started, then you will do fairly decent during your time here.
• India
22 Dec 09
hi bingchen , you can increase your earnings by finding new referrals... do participate in all the activities like creating discussion , posting responses , posting photos , posting comments etc...